865 resultados para Elasticità Coordinazione Cloud Respect SYBL


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Los continuos avances tecnológicos están trayendo consigo nuevas formas de almacenar, tratar y comunicar datos personales. Es necesario repensar el derecho fundamental a la protección de datos, y arbitrar mecanismos para adaptarlo a las nuevas formas de tratamiento. a nivel europeo se está trabajando en una nueva propuesta de regulación que consideramos, en general, muy apropiada para afrontar los nuevos retos en esta materia. para ejemplificar todo esto, en el presente estudio se plantea de forma detallada el caso de la computación en nube, sus principales características y algunas preocupaciones acerca de los riesgos potenciales que su utilización trae consigo. Abstract: Rapid technological developments are bringing new ways to store, process and communicate personal data. We need to rethink the fundamental right to data protection and adapt it to new forms of treatment. there is a new «european» proposal for a regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, well suited to meet the new challenges. this study offers one example of this: the cloud computing, its main characteristics and some concerns about the potential risks that its use entails.


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Over the last decade, Grid computing paved the way for a new level of large scale distributed systems. This infrastructure made it possible to securely and reliably take advantage of widely separated computational resources that are part of several different organizations. Resources can be incorporated to the Grid, building a theoretical virtual supercomputer. In time, cloud computing emerged as a new type of large scale distributed system, inheriting and expanding the expertise and knowledge that have been obtained so far. Some of the main characteristics of Grids naturally evolved into clouds, others were modified and adapted and others were simply discarded or postponed. Regardless of these technical specifics, both Grids and clouds together can be considered as one of the most important advances in large scale distributed computing of the past ten years; however, this step in distributed computing has came along with a completely new level of complexity. Grid and cloud management mechanisms play a key role, and correct analysis and understanding of the system behavior are needed. Large scale distributed systems must be able to self-manage, incorporating autonomic features capable of controlling and optimizing all resources and services. Traditional distributed computing management mechanisms analyze each resource separately and adjust specific parameters of each one of them. When trying to adapt the same procedures to Grid and cloud computing, the vast complexity of these systems can make this task extremely complicated. But large scale distributed systems complexity could only be a matter of perspective. It could be possible to understand the Grid or cloud behavior as a single entity, instead of a set of resources. This abstraction could provide a different understanding of the system, describing large scale behavior and global events that probably would not be detected analyzing each resource separately. In this work we define a theoretical framework that combines both ideas, multiple resources and single entity, to develop large scale distributed systems management techniques aimed at system performance optimization, increased dependability and Quality of Service (QoS). The resulting synergy could be the key 350 J. Montes et al. to address the most important difficulties of Grid and cloud management.


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Species?habitat associations may contribute to the maintenance of species richness in tropical forests, but previous research has been conducted almost exclusively in lowland forests and has emphasized the importance of topography and edaphic conditions. Is the distribution of woody plant species in a Peruvian cloud forest determined by microhabitat conditions? What is the role of environmental characteristics and forest structure in habitat partitioning in a tropical cloud forest? We examined species?habitat associations in three 1-ha plots using the torus-translation method. We used three different criteria to define habitats for habitat partitioning analyses, based on microtopography, forest structure and both sets of factors. The number of species associated either positively or negatively with each habitat was assessed. Habitats defined on the basis of environmental conditions and forest structure discriminated a greater number of positive and negative associations at the scale of our analyses in a tropical cloud forest. Both topographic conditions and forest structure contribute to small-scale microhabitat partitioning of woody plant species in a Peruvian tropical cloud forest. Nevertheless, canopy species were most correlated with the distribution of environmental variables, while understorey species displayed associations with forest structure.


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Cloud forests are unusual and fragile habitats, being one of the least studied and least understood ecosystems. The tropical Andean dominion is considered one of the most significant places in the world as rega rds biological diversity, with a very high level of endemism. The biodiversity was analysed in an isolated remnant area of a tropical montane cloud forest known as the ?Bosque de Neblina de Cuyas?, in the North of the Peruvian Andean range. Composition, structure and dead wood were measured or estimated. The values obtained were compared with other cloud forests. The study revealed a high level of forest biodiversity, although the level of biodiversity differs from one area to another: in the inner areas, where human pressure is almost inexistent, the biodiversity values increase. The high species richness and the low dominance among species bear testimony to this montane cloud forest as a real enclave of biodiversity.


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In the present competitive environment, companies are wondering how to reduce their IT costs while increasing their efficiency and agility to react when changes in the business processes are required. Cloud Computing is the latest paradigm to optimize the use of IT resources considering ?everything as a service? and receiving these services from the Cloud (Internet) instead of owning and managing hardware and software assets. The benefits from the model are clear. However, there are also concerns and issues to be solved before Cloud Computing spreads across the different industries. This model will allow a pay-per-use model for the IT services and many benefits like cost savings, agility to react when business demands changes and simplicity because there will not be any infrastructure to operate and administrate. It will be comparable to the well known utilities like electricity, water or gas companies. However, this paper underlines several risk factors of the model. Leading technology companies should research on solutions to minimize the risks described in this article. Keywords - Cloud Computing, Utility Computing, Elastic Computing, Enterprise Agility


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Low resources in many African locations do not allow many African scientists and physicians to access the latest advances in technology. This deficiency hinders the daily life of African professionals that often cannot afford, for instance, the cost of internet fees or software licenses. The AFRICA BUILD project, funded by the European Commission and formed by four European and four African institutions, intends to provide advanced computational tools to African institutions in order to solve current technological limitations. In the context of AFRICA BUILD we have carried out, a series of experiments to test the feasibility of using Cloud Computing technologies in two different locations in Africa: Egypt and Burundi. The project aims to create a virtual platform to provide access to a wide range of biomedical informatics and learning resources to professionals and researchers in Africa.


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Access to information and continuous education represent critical factors for physicians and researchers over the world. For African professionals, this situation is even more problematic due to the frequently difficult access to technological infrastructures and basic information. Both education and information technologies (e.g., including hardware, software or networking) are expensive and unaffordable for many African professionals. Thus, the use of e-learning and an open approach to information exchange and software use have been already proposed to improve medical informatics issues in Africa. In this context, the AFRICA BUILD project, supported by the European Commission, aims to develop a virtual platform to provide access to a wide range of biomedical informatics and learning resources to professionals and researchers in Africa. A consortium of four African and four European partners work together in this initiative. In this framework, we have developed a prototype of a cloud-computing infrastructure to demonstrate, as a proof of concept, the feasibility of this approach. We have conducted the experiment in two different locations in Africa: Burundi and Egypt. As shown in this paper, technologies such as cloud computing and the use of open source medical software for a large range of case present significant challenges and opportunities for developing countries, such as many in Africa.


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In just a few years cloud computing has become a very popular paradigm and a business success story, with storage being one of the key features. To achieve high data availability, cloud storage services rely on replication. In this context, one major challenge is data consistency. In contrast to traditional approaches that are mostly based on strong consistency, many cloud storage services opt for weaker consistency models in order to achieve better availability and performance. This comes at the cost of a high probability of stale data being read, as the replicas involved in the reads may not always have the most recent write. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, named Harmony, which adaptively tunes the consistency level at run-time according to the application requirements. The key idea behind Harmony is an intelligent estimation model of stale reads, allowing to elastically scale up or down the number of replicas involved in read operations to maintain a low (possibly zero) tolerable fraction of stale reads. As a result, Harmony can meet the desired consistency of the applications while achieving good performance. We have implemented Harmony and performed extensive evaluations with the Cassandra cloud storage on Grid?5000 testbed and on Amazon EC2. The results show that Harmony can achieve good performance without exceeding the tolerated number of stale reads. For instance, in contrast to the static eventual consistency used in Cassandra, Harmony reduces the stale data being read by almost 80% while adding only minimal latency. Meanwhile, it improves the throughput of the system by 45% while maintaining the desired consistency requirements of the applications when compared to the strong consistency model in Cassandra.


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The 4CaaSt project aims at developing a PaaS framework that enables flexible definition, marketing, deployment and management of Cloud-based services and applications. The major innovations proposed by 4CaaSt are the blueprint and its management and lifecycle, a one stop shop for Cloud services and the management of resources in the PaaS level (including elasticity). 4CaaSt also provides a portfolio of ready to use Cloud native services and Cloud- aware immigrant technologies.


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Cloud computing has seen an impressive growth in recent years, with virtualization technologies being massively adopted to create IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) public and private solutions. Today, the interest is shifting towards the PaaS (Platform as a Service) model, which allows developers to abstract from the execution platform and focus only on the functionality. There are several public PaaS offerings available, but currently no private PaaS solution is ready for production environments. To fill this gap a new solution must be developed. In this paper we present a key element for enabling this model: a cloud repository based on the OSGi component model. The repository stores, manages, provisions and resolves the dependencies of PaaS software components and services. This repository can federate with other repositories located in the same or different clouds, both private and public. This way, dependencies can be fulfilled collaboratively, and new business models can be implemented.


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Las últimas previsiones de mercado el cloud computing pronostican un crecimiento anual del 30%, ya que cada vez más personas adoptan la tecnología más avanzada para almacenar información en un espacio virtual. Sin embargo, el cloud computing no es sólo un sistema de almacenamiento de datos, sino que también se puede utilizar para ejecutar software y aplicaciones de forma remota, sin estar atado a un único ordenador. Para una pequeña empresa, la externalización de TI a la nube reduce la necesidad de contratar personas con habilidades especializadas y libera a los directores para que puedan concentrarse en el negocio. En el segundo capítulo analizamos el estado del arte del cloud computing, para lo cual en primer lugar definimos qué es cloud, así como cuáles son sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Presentamos los diferentes modelos de cloud computing, y cuáles son sus principales proveedores actualmente. Para finalizar esbozamos unas pinceladas del siempre complejo marco regulatorio del cloud computing en España. En el Capítulo 3 presentamos la situación de las pequeñas y medianas empresas dentro del ecosistema empresarial español, basándonos en los datos proporcionados por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística del año 2013. A continuación, en el Capítulo 4, analizamos la penetración del Cloud Computing en España, desde el punto de vista que tienen las pequeñas empresas de las tecnologías cloud, así como del uso que estas hacen del mismo. Para este capítulo hemos utilizado el informe realizado por Deloitte para el Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo. En el capítulo 5 veremos un caso real de solución software as a service, desarrollado por mi empresa. Se trata de una aplicación de gestión de activos inmobiliarios, que enfocaremos hacia las pequeñas inmobiliarias. Para ello analizaremos la tipología de Pyme hacia la que queremos dirigir el producto viendo en detalle el sector de las actividades inmobiliarias, así como describiremos qué tipo de aplicación es y su funcionalidad (de modo muy resumido consiste en la gestión del ciclo de venta de todos los inmuebles de una agencia inmobiliaria, desde que el cliente solicita una visita, hasta que se lleva a cabo la firma de las escrituras). Posicionaremos el producto en precio y haremos una comparativa entre otras soluciones tanto cloud como on-premise para comparar su ventaja competitiva en precio. A continuación describiremos cómo pensamos hacer la comunicación del producto, mediante la publicación de la aplicación en el App Exchange de Salesforce, ferias inmobiliarias, etc y describiremos los servicios de valor añadido que ofrecemos. Por último estableceremos las previsiones económicas a tres años de las ventas del producto. Por último en el Capítulo 6 concluiremos el proyecto con una serie de reflexiones sobre los retos y las oportunidades a las que se enfrentan las Pymes actualmente, en lo que se refiere a la implantación de sistemas en la nube, y más concretamente los retos y oportunidades que pueden tener las Pymes el sector inmobiliario con las soluciones cloud.


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El mundo tecnológico está cambiando hacia la optimización en la gestión de recursos gracias a la poderosa influencia de tecnologías como la virtualización y la computación en la nube (Cloud Computing). En esta memoria se realiza un acercamiento a las mismas, desde las causas que las motivaron hasta sus últimas tendencias, pasando por la identificación de sus principales características, ventajas e inconvenientes. Por otro lado, el Hogar Digital es ya una realidad para la mayoría de los seres humanos. En él se dispone de acceso a múltiples tipos de redes de telecomunicaciones (3G, 4G, WI-FI, ADSL…) con más o menos capacidad pero que permiten conexiones a internet desde cualquier parte, en todo momento, y con prácticamente cualquier dispositivo (ordenadores personales, smartphones, tabletas, televisores…). Esto es aprovechado por las empresas para ofrecer todo tipo de servicios. Algunos de estos servicios están basados en el cloud computing sobre todo ofreciendo almacenamiento en la nube a aquellos dispositivos con capacidad reducida, como son los smarthphones y las tabletas. Ese espacio de almacenamiento normalmente está en los servidores bajo el control de grandes compañías. Guardar documentos, videos, fotos privadas sin tener la certeza de que estos no son consultados por alguien sin consentimiento, puede despertar en el usuario cierto recelo. Para estos usuarios que desean control sobre su intimidad, se ofrece la posibilidad de que sea el propio usuario el que monte sus propios servidores y su propio servicio cloud para compartir su información privada sólo con sus familiares y amigos o con cualquiera al que le dé permiso. Durante el proyecto se han comparado diversas soluciones, la mayoría de código abierto y de libre distribución, que permiten desplegar como mínimo un servicio de almacenamiento accesible a través de Internet. Algunas de ellas lo complementan con servicios de streaming tanto de música como de videos, compartición y sincronización de documentos entre múltiples dispositivos, calendarios, copias de respaldo (backups), virtualización de escritorios, versionado de ficheros, chats, etc. El proyecto finaliza con una demostración de cómo utilizar dispositivos de un hogar digital interactuando con un servidor Cloud, en el que previamente se ha instalado y configurado una de las soluciones comparadas. Este servidor quedará empaquetado en una máquina virtual para que sea fácilmente transportable e utilizable. ABSTRACT. The technological world is changing towards optimizing resource management thanks to the powerful influence of technologies such as Virtualization and Cloud Computing. This document presents a closer approach to them, from the causes that have motivated to their last trends, as well as showing their main features, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the Digital Home is a reality for most humans. It provides access to multiple types of telecommunication networks (3G, 4G, WI-FI, ADSL...) with more or less capacity, allowing Internet connections from anywhere, at any time, and with virtually any device (computer personal smartphones, tablets, televisions...).This is used by companies to provide all kinds of services. Some of these services offer storage on the cloud to devices with limited capacity, such as smartphones and tablets. That is normally storage space on servers under the control of important companies. Saving private documents, videos, photos, without being sure that they are not viewed by anyone without consent, can wake up suspicions in some users. For those users who want control over their privacy, it offers the possibility that it is the user himself to mount his own server and its own cloud service to share private information only with family and friends or with anyone with consent. During the project I have compared different solutions, most open source and with GNU licenses, for deploying one storage facility accessible via the Internet. Some supplement include streaming services of music , videos or photos, sharing and syncing documents across multiple devices, calendars, backups, desktop virtualization, file versioning, chats... The project ends with a demonstration of how to use our digital home devices interacting with a cloud server where one of the solutions compared is installed and configured. This server will be packaged in a virtual machine to be easily transportable and usable.


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La informática se está convirtiendo en la quinta utilidad (gas, agua, luz, teléfono) en parte debido al impacto de Cloud Computing en las mayorías de las organizaciones. Este uso de informática es usada por cada vez más tipos de sistemas, incluidos Sistemas Críticos. Esto tiene un impacto en la complejidad internad y la fiabilidad de los sistemas de la organización y los que se ofrecen a los clientes. Este trabajo investiga el uso de Cloud Computing por sistemas críticos, centrándose en las dependencias y especialmente en la fiabilidad de estos sistemas. Se han presentado algunos ejemplos de su uso, y aunque su utilización en sistemas críticos no está extendido, se presenta cual puede llegar a ser su impacto. El objetivo de este trabajo es primero definir un modelo que pueda representar de una forma cuantitativa las interdependencias en fiabilidad y interdependencia para las organizaciones que utilicen estos sistemas, y aplicar este modelo en un sistema crítico del campo de sanidad y mostrar sus resultados. Los conceptos de “macro-dependability” y “micro-dependability” son introducidos en el modelo para la definición de interdependencia y para analizar la fiabilidad de sistemas que dependen de otros sistemas. ABSTRACT With the increasing utilization of Internet services and cloud computing by most organizations (both private and public), it is clear that computing is becoming the 5th utility (along with water, electricity, telephony and gas). These technologies are used for almost all types of systems, and the number is increasing, including Critical Infrastructure systems. Even if Critical Infrastructure systems appear not to rely directly on cloud services, there may be hidden inter-dependencies. This is true even for private cloud computing, which seems more secure and reliable. The critical systems can began in some cases with a clear and simple design, but evolved as described by Egan to "rafted" networks. Because they are usually controlled by one or few organizations, even when they are complex systems, their dependencies can be understood. The organization oversees and manages changes. These CI systems have been affected by the introduction of new ICT models like global communications, PCs and the Internet. Even virtualization took more time to be adopted by Critical systems, due to their strategic nature, but once that these technologies have been proven in other areas, at the end they are adopted as well, for different reasons such as costs. A new technology model is happening now based on some previous technologies (virtualization, distributing and utility computing, web and software services) that are offered in new ways and is called cloud computing. The organizations are migrating more services to the cloud; this will have impact in their internal complexity and in the reliability of the systems they are offering to the organization itself and their clients. Not always this added complexity and associated risks to their reliability are seen. As well, when two or more CI systems are interacting, the risks of one can affect the rest, sharing the risks. This work investigates the use of cloud computing by critical systems, and is focused in the dependencies and reliability of these systems. Some examples are presented together with the associated risks. A framework is introduced for analysing the dependability and resilience of a system that relies on cloud services and how to improve them. As part of the framework, the concepts of micro and macro dependability are introduced to explain the internal and external dependability on services supplied by an external cloud. A pharmacovigilance model system has been used for framework validation.


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Today P2P faces two important challenges: design of mechanisms to encourage users’ collaboration in multimedia live streaming services; design of reliable algorithms with QoS provision, to encourage multimedia providers employ the P2P topology in commercial streaming services. We believe that these two challenges are tightly-related and there is much to be done with respect. This paper proposes a novel monetary incentive for P2P multimedia streaming. The incentive model classifies the users in groups according to the perceived video quality. We apply the model to a streaming system’s billing model in order to evaluate its feasibility and visualize its quantitative effect on the users’ motivation and the provider’s profit. We conclude that monetary incentive can boost up users’ cooperation, loyalty and enhance the overall system integrity and performance. Moreover the model defines the constraints for the provider’s cost and profit when the system is leveraged on the cloud. Considering those constraints, a multimedia content provider can adapt the billing model of his streaming service and achieve desirable discount-profit trade-off. This will moreover contribute to better promotion of the service, across the users on the Internet.


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With the advent of cloud computing model, distributed caches have become the cornerstone for building scalable applications. Popular systems like Facebook [1] or Twitter use Memcached [5], a highly scalable distributed object cache, to speed up applications by avoiding database accesses. Distributed object caches assign objects to cache instances based on a hashing function, and objects are not moved from a cache instance to another unless more instances are added to the cache and objects are redistributed. This may lead to situations where some cache instances are overloaded when some of the objects they store are frequently accessed, while other cache instances are less frequently used. In this paper we propose a multi-resource load balancing algorithm for distributed cache systems. The algorithm aims at balancing both CPU and Memory resources among cache instances by redistributing stored data. Considering the possible conflict of balancing multiple resources at the same time, we give CPU and Memory resources weighted priorities based on the runtime load distributions. A scarcer resource is given a higher weight than a less scarce resource when load balancing. The system imbalance degree is evaluated based on monitoring information, and the utility load of a node, a unit for resource consumption. Besides, since continuous rebalance of the system may affect the QoS of applications utilizing the cache system, our data selection policy ensures that each data migration minimizes the system imbalance degree and hence, the total reconfiguration cost can be minimized. An extensive simulation is conducted to compare our policy with other policies. Our policy shows a significant improvement in time efficiency and decrease in reconfiguration cost.