803 resultados para Editorial da RCHFF


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Tis the season of the National Basketball Association finals and the beginning of the Professional Women's Basketball Association. The skills of collaboration and teamwork required to achieve the ballet of basketball is learned by players over a number of years. On school grounds everywhere, children are learning the techniques and skills necessary to play the game of basketball. Recently, I saw a coach on the sidelines screaming at a young player to make her free-throws, and if she missed, she would have to run laps. This reminded me of traditional services to families which threaten, or at best demand a certain level of performance of parents without providing any true "coaching". I often watch our college coach work from a strengths perspective with the team on minute techniques such as the match-up defense and in-bounds plays. This is the approach that family preservation must employ with families, programs, and their communities.


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Family Preservation is an approach based upon a set of principles and values that are integrated throughout all human systems and services. One of the key principles of Family Preservation is the family as an expert.


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On the horizon a huge wave is building, about to crash down on the poorest most hard pressed families in our country. The impact of welfare reform on families and on those who serve them will be profound The degree to which families and workers will be adversely affected is to date not fully understood. Yet as my son concluded, "...basically, if you are on welfare you had better win the lottery or learn to swim in the treacherous waters of poverty!" (C. Sallee, personal communication, November, 1996). We are also informed by looking back at the Elizabethan Poor Laws of 1601 where we find the origin of welfare reform. Orphanages, the responsibility of relatives, poorhouses and awarding relief work to the lowest private sector bidder, all introduced in the beginning of the welfare state, are key components of the current reform. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 washes away the entitlements and rights created during this country's greatest depression, leaving exposed the stark selfishness of the junk bond 1980's.


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We all take on roles, probably several each day. Parent, worker, consumer, spouse, or shortstop, the roles we play are varied and complex. After one's own family, perhaps the roles of consumer and worker are most important to Family Preservation. How do we come to play these roles, and in what ways are they changing, or should they change? Often, neither the worker or family set out to play their roles, but through the twist and turns of life, the opportunity to serve and preserve a family presents itself. At a recent conference, a group of workers spoke of how, rather than having a career goal to do Family Preservation, Family Preservation found them. Many of the families probably say the same thing! In the fields of mental health, developmental disabilities, and adoption, families may seek Family Preservation services; rarely do families involved in juvenile justice, corrections, or child welfare systems look for Family Preservation. Family Preservation finds them. And thus the roles begin.


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Answers from the editorial


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Actividades realizadas durante el período 2011: a. Reuniones semanales de estudio y discusión grupal sobre algunos postulados generales y compartidos entre las líneas de trabajo del Proyecto y de aspectos metodológicos y procedimentales. b. Desarrollo de líneas investigativas en distintas dimensiones y con referencia a puntos compartidos, en construcción de una trama que articule análisis e interpretaciones. c. Reelaboración de las tramas analíticas en forma de Matrices Discursivas, que sintetizan los aspectos interpretativos relevantes de cada línea del proyecto. d. Balance bibliográfico final del proyecto: distinciones del conjunto consultado y de referencia. e. Indagaciones en cada una de las líneas de trabajo, actualización de reseñas críticas de la serie textual escogida, y exploraciones del corpus. (Informes de cada grupo de trabajo. (ANEXO I) f. Presentaciones de avances en reuniones y congresos. Trabajos en Maestrías. Relatorías académicas de los integrantes. (ANEXO II)


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Actividades desarrolladas durante el período: Discusiones grupales de algunos postulados generales y compartidos entre las líneas de trabajo del Proyecto; indagaciones en cada una de las líneas de trabajo explorando el corpus.(Relatorías y Notas de reflexiones de los integrantes); reseñas críticas de los materiales del corpus en proceso de análisis; mapeo inicial de los géneros discursivos implicados en los LDs. analizados, de los que provienen los sub-córpora; presentaciones de avances en reuniones y congresos; incorporación de nuevos materiales bibliográficos.


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El artículo reseña una edición crítica, bilingüe y anotada de Nubes, en español, publicada por la editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en 2008. Estas características le dan al trabajo reseñado un valor incalculable para los estudiosos de la cultura clásica del mundo hispano.


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El autor presenta esquemáticamente y con justa profundidad para el lector no especializado, un completo panorama de todo lo referente a la práctica del arte adivinatorio y oracular. El lector emprenderá un agradable viaje a través de los paisajes religiosos, literarios, filosóficos y culturales de la Grecia arcaica y clásica.


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La Revista Proyección dedica este número a presentar estudios realizados en distintas provincias argentinas luego de la crisis económica del año 2001. Muestran el estado de situación actual y plantean la necesidad del Ordenamiento Territorial para poder superar algunos de los efectos que provoca el modelo neoliberal instaurado a principios de los ’90: desequilibrios territoriales, crecimiento urbano sin control, pérdida permanente y progresiva de capital natural, cultural y social, conflictos sociales.


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Fil: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Educación Elemental y Especial. Comité Editorial RUEDES.