843 resultados para Eastern Christianity
Varved lake sediments are excellent natural archives providing quantitative insights into climatic and environmental changes at very high resolution and chronological accuracy. However, due to the multitude of responses within lake ecosystems it is often difficult to understand how climate variability interacts with other environmental pressures such as eutrophication, and to attribute observed changes to specific causes. This is particularly challenging during the past 100 years when multiple strong trends are superposed. Here we present a high-resolution multi-proxy record of sedimentary pigments and other biogeochemical data from the varved sediments of Lake Żabińskie (Masurian Lake District, north-eastern Poland, 54°N–22°E, 120 m a.s.l.) spanning AD 1907 to 2008. Lake Żabińskie exhibits biogeochemical varves with highly organic late summer and winter layers separated by white layers of endogenous calcite precipitated in early summer. The aim of our study is to investigate whether climate-driven changes and anthropogenic changes can be separated in a multi-proxy sediment data set, and to explore which sediment proxies are potentially suitable for long quantitative climate reconstructions. We also test if convoluted analytical techniques (e.g. HPLC) can be substituted by rapid scanning techniques (visible reflectance spectroscopy VIS-RS; 380–730 nm). We used principal component analysis and cluster analysis to show that the recent eutrophication of Lake Żabińskie can be discriminated from climate-driven changes for the period AD 1907–2008. The eutrophication signal (PC1 = 46.4%; TOC, TN, TS, Phe-b, high TC/CD ratios total carotenoids/chlorophyll-a derivatives) is mainly expressed as increasing aquatic primary production, increasing hypolimnetic anoxia and a change in the algal community from green algae to blue-green algae. The proxies diagnostic for eutrophication show a smooth positive trend between 1907 and ca 1980 followed by a very rapid increase from ca. 1980 ± 2 onwards. We demonstrate that PC2 (24.4%, Chl-a-related pigments) is not affected by the eutrophication signal, but instead is sensitive to spring (MAM) temperature (r = 0.63, pcorr < 0.05, RMSEP = 0.56 °C; 5-yr filtered). Limnological monitoring data (2011–2013) support this finding. We also demonstrate that scanning visible reflectance spectroscopy (VIS-RS) data can be calibrated to HPLC-measured chloropigment data and be used to infer concentrations of sedimentary Chl-a derivatives {pheophytin a + pyropheophytin a}. This offers the possibility for very high-resolution (multi)millennial-long paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
Dieser Text ist gewissermaßen die »Mutter« aller Reiseführer über die ewige Stadt. Er liegt zahlreichen lateinischen und muttersprachlichen Varianten und Redaktionen zugrunde. Zugleich ist er ein wichtiges Zeugnis für die Wiedergeburt der Stadt und ihres Selbstbewusstseins im 12. Jahrhundert. Von diesem Text, der in lateinischer Sprache schwer zugänglich ist, gibt es bislang keine deutsche Übersetzung. In dieser hier erstmals vorgelegten lateinisch-deutschen Ausgabe sind zahlreiche Anmerkungen enthalten. Karten und Bilder der beschriebenen »Wunderwerke« sowie eine bibliophile Ausstattung machen den Band zum Pflichttitel für jeden Romkenner und Romliebhaber. Eine knappe Einleitung zur Stadtgeschichte, zum Pilgerwesen sowie zur Geschichte dieses Führers komplettiert diese Ausgabe.
In the Bolivian Amazon several paleochannel generations are preserved. Their wide spectrum of morphologies clearly provides crucial information on the type and magnitude of geomorphic and hydrological changes within the drainage network of the Andean foreland. Therefore, in this study we mapped geomorphological characteristics of paleochannels, and applied radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating. Seven paleochannel generations are identified. Significant changes in sinuosity, channel widths and river pattern are observed for the successive paleochannel generations. Our results clearly reflect at least three different geomorphic and hydrological periods in the evolution of the fluvial system since the late Pleistocene. Changes in discharge and sediment load may be controlled by combinations of two interrelated mechanisms: (i) spatial changes and re-organizations of the drainage network in the upper catchment, and/or (ii) climate changes with their associated local to catchment-scale modifications in vegetation cover, and changes in discharge, inundation frequencies and magnitudes, which have likely affected the evolution of the fluvial system in the Llanos de Moxos. In summary, our study has revealed the enormous potential which geomorphic mapping and analysis combined with luminescence based chronologies hold for the reconstruction of the late Pleistocene to recent fluvial system in a large portion of Amazonia.
Based on fieldwork conducted between 2008 and 2011, this article explores the role of roads in enabling and limiting the movement of people and goods in Tajikistan’s Eastern Pamirs. The article focuses on the Pamir Highway and a newly established trade route linking Tajikistan with China. Besides materially facilitating mobility, both roads serve as trajectories for opportunities, but often also signify the lack of such to those who live along them. This article thus seeks to analyse the shifting roles of roads against the backdrop of past and present state dispensations, shifting ideologies and newly emerging economic practices. By emphasising roads as both enabling and limiting spatial entities shaped by materiality, politics and economics, this article argues, on the one hand, that roads are important factors in directing and accelerating the mobility of people and goods and, on the other, that roads are also symbols of immobility inasmuch as they set limitations on the movement of people.
R. H. Charles
by Arnold D. Margolin. Foreword by James W. Gerard
with an introd. by George Smith
Aim. This study was focused on (i) detection of specific BVDV-antibodies within selected cattle farms, (ii) identification of persistently infected (PI) animals and (iii) genetic typing of selected BVDV isolates. Methods. RNA extraction, real-time polymerase chain reaction, ELISA technique, sequencing. Results. Specific BVDV-antibodies were detected in 713 of 1,059 analyzed samples (67.3 per cent). This number is in agreement with findings in many cattle herds around the world. However, the number of positive samples differed in the herds. While 57 samples out of 283 (20.1 per cent) were identified in the first herd, 400 out of 475 (84.2 per cent) and 256 out of 301 (85 per cent) animals were positive in the second and third herd. High number of animals with BVDV RNA was detected in all herds. The real-time PCR assay detected BVDV RNA in 5 of 1068 samples analyzed (0.5 per cent). 4 positive samples out of 490 (0.8 per cent) and 1 out of 301 (0.33 per cent) were found in the second and third herd. The genetic materials of BVDV were not found in the first herd. Data on the number of PI animals were in accord with serological findings in the cattle herds involved in our study. The genetic typing of viral isolates revealed that only BVDV, Type 1 viruses were present. The hylogenetic analysis confirmed two BVDV-1 subtypes, namely b and f and revealed that all 4 viruses from the second farm were typed as BVDV-1b and all of them were absolutely identical in 5’-UTR, but virus from the third farm was typed as BVDV-1f. Conclusion. Our results indicated that the BVDV infection is widespread in cattle herds in the eastern Ukraine, that requires further research and development of new approaches to improve the current situation.
Monazite-bearing Alpine clefts located in the Sonnblick region of the eastern Tauern Window, Austria, are oriented perpendicular to the foliation and lineation. Ion probe (SIMS) Th–Pb and U–Pb dating of four cleft monazites yields crystallization ages of different growth domains and aggregate regions ranging from 18.99 ± 0.51 to 15.00 ± 0.51 Ma. The crystallization ages obtained are overlapping or slightly younger than zircon fission track ages but older than zircon (U–Th)/He cooling ages from the same area. This constrains cleft monazite crystallization in this area to *300–200 �C. LA-ICP-MS data of dated hydrothermal monazites indicate that in graphite-bearing, reduced host lithologies, cleft monazite is poor in As and has higher La/Yb values and U concentrations, whereas in oxidised host rocks opposite trends are observed. Monazites show negative Eu anomalies and variable La/Yb values ranging from 520 to 6050. The positive correlation between Ca and Sr concentration indicates dissolution of plagioclase or carbonates as the source of these elements. The data show that early exhumation and cleft formation in the Tauern is related to metamorphic dome formation caused by the collision of the Adriatic with the European plate and that monazite crystallization in the clefts occurred later. Our data also demonstrate that hydrothermal monazite ages offer great potential in helping to constrain the chronology of exhumation in collisional orogens.