871 resultados para Early years


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, 2015.


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Inserido no programa curricular do III Mestrado em Enfermagem com a área de especialização em Enfermagem Comunitária, o presente relatório tem o objectivo de descrever e avaliar as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio na comunidade, e que permitiu aplicar na prática os conhecimentos adquiridos. A população-alvo de estudo e de intervenção foram os alunos dos oitavos e décimos-primeiros anos da Escol Secundária de São Lourenço – Portalegre, relativamente às suas atitudes e comportamentos perante a sexualidade. A sexualidade na adolescência tem sido objecto de estudo e de intervenção dadas as complicações evitáveis resultantes do desconhecimento ou falsos conhecimentos dos adolescentes sobre esta temática. O período de estágio decorreu entre junho de 2013 e janeiro de 2014, seguindo-se a metodologia do Planeamento em saúde. Numa fase diagnóstica, foi realizado um estudo que envolveu 214 alunos da escola, que após identificação de necessidades, permitiu delinear estratégias de intervenção. Foram realizadas nove sessões de educação para a saúde sobre educação sexual, tendo envolvido 205 adolescentes. Após avaliação com um questionário de satisfação, salienta-se que 60,5% sentiram-se muito satisfeitos em relação às temáticas abordadas, 59,5% sentiram-se muitos satisfeitos sobre a utilidade dos temas e 52,7% consideraram-se muito satisfeitos em relação à utilidade das sessões. Este estágio permitiu de forma significativa, adquirir competências com Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem Comunitária


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El propósito de este artículo fue el de revisar los patrones de movimiento de los niños y las niñas y como estos pueden impactar la evaluación de la actividad física. Para el logro de la evaluación de esta se requiere de instrumentos que sean sensibles para que se detecte, codifique o registre la actividad física esporádica e intermitente de los niños y las niñas, sin olvidar las regulaciones que existen en el nivel científico. Varios de los instrumentos de más uso son: el autorreporte, la observación directa y el monitoreo de la frecuencia cardiaca. Los autorreportes requieren de habilidades de pensamiento abstracto y de buena memoria, lo que en edades tempranas no se ha desarrollado, por otro lado, la observación directa y el monitorio cardiaco, requieren de gran cantidad de tiempo y de alta tecnología para su aplicación, respectivamente. La recomendación más ampliamente extendida, es que se recurra a una combinación instrumentos, para garantizar la mayor cantidad de información y de validez de la investigación.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.


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Traditionally algebra has been regarded as the domain of the secondary school years in Australia and many other countries. Non-mathematics teachers, parents and students often narrowly regard algebra as the manipulation of symbols adhering to tightly prescribed rules (Serow, Callingham & Muir, 2013). It is now recognised, however, that foundational ideas associated with algebraic thinking can, and should be, included in mathematics curricula in the pre-school and primary years (Bobis, Mulligan & Lowrie, 2009). This stance is reflected in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (Australian Curriculum Assessment & Reporting Authority, 2012) which extends key algebraic ideas to patterns and generalisations, and acknowledges that number and algebra are developed together as each enriches the study of the other. This article explores the concept of functional thinking and demonstrates how the story, ‘Two of Everything’ (Hong, 1993) is employed as a springboard for developing functional thinking with students from the early years through to upper primary schooling.


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From far-flung sites in Australia and the Pacific Islands, Lorimer Fison and A. W. Howitt produced the landmark study Kamilaroi and Kurnai (1880). Their book revealed the complexity of Aboriginal and Pacific Island societies and changed the course of anthropology in the early years of the discipline. Using archival sources and an innovative approach, Southern Anthropology explores the research, writing and reception of Kamilaroi and Kurnai. Historical chapters track Fison and Howitt's collection and analysis of anthropological material in the context of raging debates about the evolution of humans. This narrative is interspersed with an introduction to the kinship and social organisation of Aboriginal and Pacific Island people that highlight the enduring value of Fison and Howitt's methods and the resurgence of their questions in contemporary anthropology. Southern Anthropology is designed to be read across disciplinary boundaries.


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Speech and language disorders impede young children’s abilities to communicate and are often associated with a number of behavioural problems arising in the preschool classroom. This paper reports a small-scale study that investigated 23 Australian educators’ and 7 Speech Pathologists’ experiences in working with three to five year old children with speech and language disorders. The participants responded to a questionnaire relating to the types of SaLD; social and emotional challenges experienced by children; their role in providing support and issues confronting both professions. The findings highlighted that educators play a valuable role in supporting children’s speech and language disorders through the social context of the preschool classroom. Furthermore inter-professional practice between Speech Pathologists and educators was viewed as highly valuable. Drawing upon these findings, a model of support is presented to improve interventions for holistic development.


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Narrative inquiry was used to explore the ways in which play therapy practitioners understand and uphold the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in their practice. Seven play therapy practitioners responded to questions about their experiences of working within a rights-based framework. Analysis of their responses revealed 5 themes: Child play therapy upholds Article 39; respondents demonstrated an implicit rather than explicit understanding of children’s rights; children are sometimes perceived only in terms of their behaviors; there can be a tension between the rights of the child and adults’ rights; and therapists aim to support children’s right to choice, privacy, and confidentiality, but this is not always easy. These findings are intended to support further development of curriculum and course content for trainee therapists and professional development for practitioners. The results add further evidence regarding the need to engage a rights framework when developing policy for early years therapeutic support services.


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Pour chacun des cinq cancers, nous avons fait un rappel de l’épidémiologie en Amérique du Nord, des classifications et des facteurs pronostics, la description des études, l’étude commentée de la mortalité, et enfin la conclusion. L’étude du mélanome cutané a montré que les mélanomes sont assurables dès les premières années aux stades IA, IB, IIA et IIIA, aux stades IIB, IIC et IIIB après cinq ans et au stade IIIC après 15ans. L’étude du cancer broncho-pulmonaire a montré que le cancer à petites cellules n’est pas assurable et que les cancers broncho-pulmonaires non à petites cellules pourraient être assurables chez les moins de 65 ans aux stades IA à IIIA après dix ans, et chez les 65 ans et plus au stade IA dès les premières années, aux stades IB et IIA après cinq ans et aux stades IIB et IIIA après dix ans L’étude de la leucémie myéloïde chronique a montré l’assurabilité seulement des sujets de plus de 65 ans dès les premières années et des sujets de 60 à 65 ans après 5 ans. L’étude du lymphome de Hodgkin a montré que chez les sujets de moins de 45 ans le stade IA est assurable dès les premières années, les stades IB et IIA le sont après 5 ans et les stades IIB à IVA le sont après 10 ans. Les sujets de 45 à 64 ans aux stades IA et IIA sont assurables dès les premières années et autres stades après 5 ans. Les sujets de 65 ans et plus sont assurables dès les premières années aux stades IA à IIIA et après 5 ans aux autres stades. L’étude du cancer de l’endomètre montre qu’il n’est assurable les cinq premières années que pour le type I au stade I chez les femmes âgées de 45 ans et plus, au stade II chez les femmes de 55 ans et plus et au stade III chez les femmes de 65 ans et plus ; pour le type II au stade I chez les 65 ans et plus, et au stade II chez les 75 ans et plus ; et pour les tumeurs mullériennes malignes mixtes au stade I chez les 65 ans et plus.


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Ideas of childhood and citizenship stood at the center of the Soviet Union’s empire-building project during the 1920s and 1930s. After the 1917 Revolution the Bolsheviks were faced with the challenge of establishing a new state structure and governing a vast territory inherited from its tsarist predecessor. In the early years of the Soviet project, new leaders enlisted a cadre of professionals tasked with not only creating the norms of childhood and the everyday, but also implementing policies to modernize habits and values of the empire’s younger citizens. To understand how children became a prime focus of Soviet imperial and ethno-cultural politics, my dissertation employs discourse analysis and compares the ways in which Soviet imperial policies were implemented in two ethnically different regions: the Buddhist Republic of Kalmykia as the colonial case study and Moscow as the Metropole. The current project examines newspapers, treatises, and inspectors’ reports over the span of twenty years. It finds that the Bolsheviks’ initial values and discourses in the realm of children’s education, health, leisure and nutrition, all which were scientifically designed to transform children into ideal Soviet and modern citizens, changed over time as a result of the competing ideologies among local elites and the challenges they faced while intervening in children’s everyday lives. The most significant conclusion in this dissertation reveals that, contrary to previous scholarly arguments, the modernization projects that took place in Moscow and Kalmykia were more similar in the challenges and outcomes that local officials faced when implementing state policies.


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Pour chacun des cinq cancers, nous avons fait un rappel de l’épidémiologie en Amérique du Nord, des classifications et des facteurs pronostics, la description des études, l’étude commentée de la mortalité, et enfin la conclusion. L’étude du mélanome cutané a montré que les mélanomes sont assurables dès les premières années aux stades IA, IB, IIA et IIIA, aux stades IIB, IIC et IIIB après cinq ans et au stade IIIC après 15ans. L’étude du cancer broncho-pulmonaire a montré que le cancer à petites cellules n’est pas assurable et que les cancers broncho-pulmonaires non à petites cellules pourraient être assurables chez les moins de 65 ans aux stades IA à IIIA après dix ans, et chez les 65 ans et plus au stade IA dès les premières années, aux stades IB et IIA après cinq ans et aux stades IIB et IIIA après dix ans L’étude de la leucémie myéloïde chronique a montré l’assurabilité seulement des sujets de plus de 65 ans dès les premières années et des sujets de 60 à 65 ans après 5 ans. L’étude du lymphome de Hodgkin a montré que chez les sujets de moins de 45 ans le stade IA est assurable dès les premières années, les stades IB et IIA le sont après 5 ans et les stades IIB à IVA le sont après 10 ans. Les sujets de 45 à 64 ans aux stades IA et IIA sont assurables dès les premières années et autres stades après 5 ans. Les sujets de 65 ans et plus sont assurables dès les premières années aux stades IA à IIIA et après 5 ans aux autres stades. L’étude du cancer de l’endomètre montre qu’il n’est assurable les cinq premières années que pour le type I au stade I chez les femmes âgées de 45 ans et plus, au stade II chez les femmes de 55 ans et plus et au stade III chez les femmes de 65 ans et plus ; pour le type II au stade I chez les 65 ans et plus, et au stade II chez les 75 ans et plus ; et pour les tumeurs mullériennes malignes mixtes au stade I chez les 65 ans et plus.


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This report presents the evaluation of the Baby Makes 3 Plus project in the Great South Coast region of Victoria. Baby Makes 3 Plus was one of 12 projects funded by the Department of Justice and Regulation in Victoria under initiative to support primary prevention and early intervention-focused partnership projects to address violence against women and children. The project provided the Baby Makes 3 relationship education program to new parents across the region, and conducted a variety of training to increase the skills of Great South Coast early years practitioners (the Plus component of the project). The three key objectives of the project were:• To increase the capacity of first time parents to build equal and respectful relationships in response to the lifestyle and relationship changes that follow the birth of a child.• To increase the capacity of health professionals and organisations to promote equal and respectful relationships during the transition to parenthood.• To building capacity to identify women at risk of experiencing family violence through a gender equity component of in-service training.


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An alphabet app designed by Deakin University researchers specialising in literacy education, IT and graphic design to support children beginning to learn letter-sound relationships using research into memory retention. Tested with Australian primary school students, the ‘form-taking’ images used in this app have been found to be more effective at assisting children to learn common letter-sound relationships than images that are not form-taking (e.g. integrated images). A to Z Safari offers engaging mini-games to explore and reinforce letter-sound relationships, along with a password-protected admin/data area where students’ progress and gameplay statistics are recorded – data which can be emailed directly to the teacher. A to Z Safari has not been designed to replace classroom activities, but was designed as an electronic application to complement them. An A3-sized alphabet chart accompanies the app in the teacher area so that teachers can print the charts out to place on their students’ tables for their reference outside of game play.


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BACKGROUND: Participation in regular physical activity (PA) during the early years helps children achieve healthy body weight and can substantially improve motor development, bone health, psychosocial health and cognitive development. Despite common assumptions that young children are naturally active, evidence shows that they are insufficiently active for health and developmental benefits. Exploring strategies to increase physical activity in young children is a public health and research priority. METHODS: Jump Start is a multi-component, multi-setting PA and gross motor skill intervention for young children aged 3-5 years in disadvantaged areas of New South Wales, Australia. The intervention will be evaluated using a two-arm, parallel group, randomised cluster trial. The Jump Start protocol was based on Social Cognitive Theory and includes five components: a structured gross motor skill lesson (Jump In); unstructured outdoor PA and gross motor skill time (Jump Out); energy breaks (Jump Up); activities connecting movement to learning experiences (Jump Through); and a home-based family component to promote PA and gross motor skill (Jump Home). Early childhood education and care centres will be demographically matched and randomised to Jump Start (intervention) or usual practice (comparison) group. The intervention group receive Jump Start professional development, program resources, monthly newsletters and ongoing intervention support. Outcomes include change in total PA (accelerometers) within centre hours, gross motor skill development (Test of Gross Motor Development-2), weight status (body mass index), bone strength (Sunlight MiniOmni Ultrasound Bone Sonometer), self-regulation (Heads-Toes-Knees-Shoulders, executive function tasks, and proxy-report Temperament and Approaches to learning scales), and educator and parent self-efficacy. Extensive quantitative and qualitative process evaluation and a cost-effectiveness evaluation will be conducted. DISCUSSION: The Jump Start intervention is a unique program to address low levels of PA and gross motor skill proficiency, and support healthy lifestyle behaviours among young children in disadvantaged communities. If shown to be efficacious, the Jump Start approach can be expected to have implications for early childhood education and care policies and practices, and ultimately a positive effect on the health and development across the life course. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry No: ACTRN12614000597695 , first received: June 5, 2014.