791 resultados para ENDOTHELIUM


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The endothelium produces and responds to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), providing important redox regulation to the cardiovascular system in physiology and disease. In no other situation are RONS more critical than in the response to tissue ischemia. Here, tissue healing requires growth factor-mediated angiogenesis that is in part dependent on low levels of RONS, which paradoxically must overcome the damaging effects of high levels of RONS generated as a result of ischemia. While generation of endothelial cell RONS in hypoxia/reoxygenation is acknowledged, the mechanism for their role in angiogenesis is still poorly understood. During ischemia, the major low molecular weight thiol glutathione (GSH) reacts with RONS and protein cysteines, producing GSH-protein adducts. Recent data indicate that GSH adducts on certain proteins are essential to growth factor responses in endothelial cells. Genetic deletion of the enzyme glutaredoxin-1, which selectively removes GSH protein adducts, improves, while its overexpression impairs, revascularization of the ischemic hindlimb of mice. Ischemia-induced GSH adducts on specific cysteine residues of several proteins, including p65 NFkB and the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase-2 (SERCA2), appear to promote ischemic angiogenesis. Identifying the specific proteins in the redox response to ischemia has provided therapeutic opportunities to improve clinical outcomes of ischemia.


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Nitric Oxide (NO) is produced in the vascular endothelium where it then diffuses to the adjacent smooth muscle cells (SMC) activating agents known to regulate vascular tone. The close proximity of the site of NO production to the red blood cells (RBC) and its known fast consumption by hemoglobin, suggests that the blood will scavenge most of the NO produced. Therefore, it is unclear how NO is able to play its role in accomplishing vasodilation. Investigation of NO production and consumption rates will allow insight into this paradox. DAF-FM is a sensitive NO fluorescence probe widely used for qualitative assessment of cellular NO production. With the aid of a mathematical model of NO/DAF-FM reaction kinetics, experimental studies were conducted to calibrate the fluorescence signal showing that the slope of fluorescent intensity is proportional to [NO]2 and exhibits a saturation dependence on [DAF-FM]. In addition, experimental data exhibited a Km dependence on [NO]. This finding was incorporated into the model elucidating NO 2 as the possible activating agent of DAF-FM. A calibration procedure was formed and applied to agonist stimulated cells, providing an estimated NO release rate of 0.418 ± 0.18 pmol/cm2s. To assess NO consumption by RBCs, measurements of the rate of NO consumption in a gas stream flowing on top of an RBC solution of specified Hematocrit (Hct) was performed. The consumption rate constant (kbl)in porcine RBCs at 25°C and 45% Hct was estimated to be 3500 + 700 s-1. kbl is highly dependent on Hct and can reach up to 9900 + 4000 s-1 for 60% Hct. The nonlinear dependence of kbl on Hct suggests a predominant role for extracellular diffusion in limiting NO uptake. Further simulations showed a linear relationship between varying NO production rates and NO availability in the SMCs utilizing the estimated NO consumption rate. The corresponding SMC [NO] level for the average NO production rate estimated was approximately 15.1 nM. With the aid of experimental and theoretical methods we were able to examine the NO paradox and exhibit that endothelial derived NO is able to escape scavenging by RBCs to diffuse to the SMCs.


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Hypertension, a major risk factor in the cardiovascular system, is characterized by an increase in the arterial blood pressure. High dietary sodium is linked to multiple cardiovascular disorders including hypertension. Salt sensitivity, a measure of how the blood pressure responds to salt intake is observed in more than 50% of the hypertension cases. Nitric Oxide (NO), as an endogenous vasodilator serves many important biological roles in the cardiovascular physiology including blood pressure regulation. The physiological concentrations for NO bioactivity are reported to be in 0-500 nM range. Notably, the vascular response to NO is highly regulated within a small concentration spectrum. Hence, much uncertainty surrounds how NO modulates diverse signaling mechanisms to initiate vascular relaxation and alleviate hypertension. Regulating the availability of NO in the vasculature has demonstrated vasoprotective effects. In addition, modulating the NO release by different means has proved to restore endothelial function. In this study we addressed parameters that regulated NO release in the vasculature, in physiology and pathophysiology such as salt sensitive hypertension. We showed that, in the rat mesenteric arterioles, Ca2+ induced rapid relaxation (time constants 20.8 ± 2.2 sec) followed with a much slower constriction after subsequent removal of the stimulus (time constants 104.8 ± 10.0 sec). An interesting observation was that a fourfold increase in the Ca 2+ frequency improved the efficacy of arteriolar relaxation by 61.1%. Our results suggested that, Ca2+ frequency-dependent transient release of NO from the endothelium carried encoded information; which could be translated into different steady state vascular tone. Further, Agmatine, a metabolite of L-arginine, as a ligand, was observed to relax the mesenteric arterioles. These relaxations were NO-dependent and occurred via &agr;-2 receptor activity. The observed potency of agmatine (EC50, 138.7 ± 12.1 ± μM; n=22), was 40 fold higher than L-arginine itself (EC50, 18.3 ± 1.3 mM; n = 5). This suggested us to propose alternative parallel mechanism for L-arginine mediated vascular relaxation via arginine decarboxylase activity. In addition, the biomechanics of rat mesentery is important in regulation of vascular tone. We developed 2D finite element models that described the vascular mechanics of rat mesentery. With an inverse estimation approach, we identified the elasticity parameters characterizing alterations in normotensive and hypertensive Dahl rats. Our efforts were towards guiding current studies that optimized cardiovascular intervention and assisted in the development of new therapeutic strategies. These observations may have significant implications towards alternatives to present methods for NO delivery as a therapeutic target. Our work shall prove to be beneficial in assisting the delivery of NO in the vasculature thus minimizing the cardiovascular risk in handling abnormalities, such as hypertension.


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Microcirculatory vessels are lined by endothelial cells (ECs) which are surrounded by a single or multiple layer of smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Spontaneous and agonist induced spatiotemporal calcium (Ca2+) events are generated in ECs and SMCs, and regulated by complex bi-directional signaling between the two layers which ultimately determines the vessel tone. The contractile state of microcirculatory vessels is an important factor in the determination of vascular resistance, blood flow and blood pressure. This dissertation presents theoretical insights into some of the important and currently unresolved phenomena in microvascular tone regulation. Compartmental and continuum models of isolated EC and SMC, coupled EC-SMC and a multi-cellular vessel segment with deterministic and stochastic descriptions of the cellular components were developed, and the intra- and inter-cellular spatiotemporal Ca2+ mobilization was examined. Coupled EC-SMC model simulations captured the experimentally observed localized subcellular EC Ca2+ events arising from the opening of EC transient receptor vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channels and inositol triphosphate receptors (IP3Rs). These localized EC Ca2+ events result in endothelium-derived hyperpolarization (EDH) and Nitric Oxide (NO) production which transmit to the adjacent SMCs to ultimately result in vasodilation. The model examined the effect of heterogeneous distribution of cellular components and channel gating kinetics in determination of the amplitude and spread of the Ca2+ events. The simulations suggested the necessity of co-localization of certain cellular components for modulation of EDH and NO responses. Isolated EC and SMC models captured intracellular Ca2+ wave like activity and predicted the necessity of non-uniform distribution of cellular components for the generation of Ca2+ waves. The simulations also suggested the role of membrane potential dynamics in regulating Ca2+ wave velocity. The multi-cellular vessel segment model examined the underlying mechanisms for the intercellular synchronization of spontaneous oscillatory Ca2+ waves in individual SMC. From local subcellular events to integrated macro-scale behavior at the vessel level, the developed multi-scale models captured basic features of vascular Ca2+ signaling and provide insights for their physiological relevance. The models provide a theoretical framework for assisting investigations on the regulation of vascular tone in health and disease.


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Tissue-engineered blood vessels (TEBV) can serve as vascular grafts and may also play an important role in the development of organs-on-a-chip. Most TEBV construction involves scaffolding with biomaterials such as collagen gel or electrospun fibrous mesh. Hypothesizing that a scaffold-free TEBV may be advantageous, we constructed a tubular structure (1 mm i.d.) from aligned human mesenchymal cell sheets (hMSC) as the wall and human endothelial progenitor cell (hEPC) coating as the lumen. The burst pressure of the scaffold-free TEBV was above 200 mmHg after three weeks of sequential culture in a rotating wall bioreactor and perfusion at 6.8 dynes/cm(2). The interwoven organization of the cell layers and extensive extracellular matrix (ECM) formation of the hMSC-based TEBV resembled that of native blood vessels. The TEBV exhibited flow-mediated vasodilation, vasoconstriction after exposure to 1 μM phenylephrine and released nitric oxide in a manner similar to that of porcine femoral vein. HL-60 cells attached to the TEBV lumen after TNF-α activation to suggest a functional endothelium. This study demonstrates the potential of a hEPC endothelialized hMSC-based TEBV for drug screening.


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The walls of blood vessels are lined with a single-cell layer of endothelial cells. As blood flows through the arteries, a frictional force known as shear stress is sensed by mechanosensitive structures on the endothelium. Short and long term changes in shear stress can have a significant influence on the regulation of endothelial function. Acutely, shear stress triggers a pathway that culminates in the release of vasodilatory molecules from the endothelium and subsequent vasodilation of the artery. This endothelial response is known as flow mediated dilation (FMD). FMD is used as an index of endothelial function and is commonly assessed using reactive hyperemia (RH)-FMD, a method which elicits a large, short lived increase in shear stress following the release of a brief (5 min) forearm occlusion. A recent study found that a short term exposure (30 min) to a sustained elevation in shear stress potentiates subsequent RH-FMD. FMD can also result from a more prolonged, sustained increase in shear stress elicited by handgrip exercise (HGEX-FMD). There is evidence to suggest that interventions and conditions impact FMD resulting from sustained and transient shear stress stimuli differently, indicating that HGEX-FMD and RH-FMD provide different information about endothelial function. It is unknown whether HGEX-FMD is improved by short term exposure to shear stress. Understanding how exercise induced FMD is regulated is important because it contributes to blood flow responses during exercise. The study purpose was therefore to assess the impact of a handgrip exercise (intervention) induced sustained elevation in shear stress on subsequent brachial artery (BA) HGEX-FMD. Twenty healthy male participants (22±3yrs) preformed a 30-minute HGEX intervention on two experimental days. BA-FMD was assessed using either an RH or HGEX shear stress stimulus at 3 time points: pre-intervention, 10 min post and 60 min post. FMD and shear stress magnitude were determined via ultrasound. Both HGEX and RH-FMD increased significantly from pre-intervention to 10 min-post (p<0.01). These findings indicate that FMD stimulated by exercise induced increases in shear stress is potentiated by short term shear stress exposure. These findings advance our understanding regarding the regulation of endothelial function by shear stress.


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The endothelium is the inner most layer of cells that lines all arteries. A primary function of endothelial cells is to regulate responses to increased blood flow and the resulting frictional forces or shear stress by producing factors such as nitric oxide that mediate arterial dilation (flow mediated dilation (FMD)). Menstrual cycle variations in estrogen (E2) have been shown to influence brachial artery (BA) FMD in response to transient increases in shear stress brought about by the release of a brief forearm occlusion (reactive hyperemia (RH)). FMD can also be assessed in response to a sustained shear stress stimulus such as that created with handgrip exercise (HGEX), and studies have shown that RH- and HGEX stimulated FMD provide unique information regarding endothelial function. However, the impact of menstrual phase on HGEX-FMD is unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the impact of cyclical changes in E2 levels on HGEX-FMD over two discrete phases of the menstrual cycle. FMD was assessed via ultrasound. 12 subjects (21 ± 2yrs) completed two experimental visits: (1) low estrogen phase (early follicular) and (2) High estrogen phase (late follicular). In each visit both RH- and HGEX-FMD (6 min handgrip exercise) were assessed. Results are mean ± SD. E2 increased from the low to the high estrogen phase of the menstrual cycle (low: 34 ± 8, high: 161 ± 113pg/mL, p = 0.004). There was no change in mean FMD between phases (RH-FMD: 7.7 ± 4.3% vs. 6.4 ± 3.1%, p = 0.139; HGEX-FMD: 4.8 ± 2.8% vs. 4.8 ± 2.3%, p = 0.979). The observation that both RH- and HGEX-FMD did not differ between phases indicates that menstrual cycle fluctuations in estrogen may not universally impact endothelial function in young, healthy premenopausal women. Further research is needed to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie variability in the impact of menstrual phase on both transient and sustained FMD responses.


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Annexin A1 is a potent anti-inflammatory molecule that has been extensively studied in the peripheral immune system, but has not as yet been exploited as a therapeutic target/agent. In the last decade, we have undertaken the study of this molecule in the central nervous system (CNS), focusing particularly on the primary interface between the peripheral body and CNS: the blood–brain barrier. In this review, we provide an overview of the role of this molecule in the brain, with a particular emphasis on its functions in the endothelium of the blood–brain barrier, and the protective actions the molecule may exert in neuroinflammatory, neurovascular and metabolic disease. We focus on the possible new therapeutic avenues opened up by an increased understanding of the role of annexin A1 in the CNS vasculature, and its potential for repairing blood–brain barrier damage in disease and aging.


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Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) hydrolyses oxidized low-density lipoproteins into proinflammatory products, which can have detrimental effects on vascular function. As a specific inhibitor of Lp-PLA2, darapladib has been shown to be protective against atherogenesis and vascular leakage in diabetic and hypercholesterolemic animal models. This study has investigated whether Lp-PLA2 and its major enzymatic product, lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), are involved in blood-retinal barrier (BRB) damage during diabetic retinopathy. We assessed BRB protection in diabetic rats through use of species-specific analogs of darapladib. Systemic Lp-PLA2 inhibition using SB-435495 at 10 mg/kg (i.p.) effectively suppressed BRB breakdown in streptozotocin-diabetic Brown Norway rats. This inhibitory effect was comparable to intravitreal VEGF neutralization, and the protection against BRB dysfunction was additive when both targets were inhibited simultaneously. Mechanistic studies in primary brain and retinal microvascular endothelial cells, as well as occluded rat pial microvessels, showed that luminal but not abluminal LPC potently induced permeability, and that this required signaling by the VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2). Taken together, this study demonstrates that Lp-PLA2 inhibition can effectively prevent diabetes-mediated BRB dysfunction and that LPC impacts on the retinal vascular endothelium to induce vasopermeability via VEGFR2. Thus, Lp-PLA2 may be a useful therapeutic target for patients with diabetic macular edema (DME), perhaps in combination with currently administered anti-VEGF agents.


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AIMS: Circulating Angiogenic Cells (CACs) promote revascularization of ischemic tissues although their underlying mechanism of action and the consequences of delivering varying numbers of these cells for therapy remain unknown. This study investigates molecular mechanisms underpinning CAC modulation of blood vessel formation.

METHODS & RESULTS: CACs at low (2x10(5)cells/ml) and mid (2x10(6)cells/ml) cellular densities significantly enhanced endothelial cell (EC) tube formation in vitro, while high density CACs (2x10(7)cells/ml) significantly inhibited this angiogenic process. In vivo, Matrigel-based angiogenesis assays confirmed mid-density CACs as pro-angiogenic and high density CACs as anti-angiogenic. Secretome characterization of CAC-EC conditioned media identified pentraxin 3 (PTX3) as only present in the high density CAC-EC co-culture. Recombinant PTX3 inhibited endothelial tube formation in vitro and in vivo Importantly, our data revealed that the anti-angiogenic effect observed in high density CAC-EC co-cultures was significantly abrogated when PTX3 bioactivity was blocked using neutralizing antibodies or PTX3 siRNA in endothelial cells. We show evidence for an endothelial source of PTX3, triggered by exposure to high density CACs. In addition, we confirmed that PTX3 inhibits FGF2-mediated angiogenesis, and that the PTX3 N-terminus, containing the FGF-binding site, is responsible for such anti-angiogenic effects.

CONCLUSIONS: Endothelium, when exposed to high density CACs, releases PTX3 which markedly impairs the vascular regenerative response in an autocrine manner. Therefore, CAC density and accompanying release of angiocrine PTX3 are critical considerations when using these cells as a cell therapy for ischemic disease.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Suite à l’exposition à des facteurs de risque incluant la malnutrition, la dyslipidémie, la sédentarité et les désordres métaboliques, les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) sont caractérisées par un état pro-oxydant et pro-inflammatoire, et une dérégulation de l’expression de divers facteurs responsables de l’homéostasie de l’environnement rédox et inflammatoire. L’implication d’enzymes antioxydantes telles que les superoxyde dismutases (SOD) et les glutathion peroxydases (Gpx), ainsi que la contribution de médiateurs pro-inflammatoires tels que l’angiopoietin-like 2 (Angptl2) ont été rapportées dans le cadre des MCV. Toutefois, les mécanismes moléculaires sensibles aux facteurs de risque et menant au développement des MCV sont peu connus. L’épigénétique est un mécanisme de régulation de l’expression génique sensible aux stimuli extracellulaires et pourrait donc contribuer au développement des MCV. La méthylation de l’ADN est un des mécanismes épigénétiques pouvant varier tant de manière gène-spécifique qu’à l’échelle génomique, et la conséquence de tels changements sur l’expression des gènes ciblés dépend du site de méthylation. Puisqu’il a été démontré que des variations au niveau de la méthylation de l’ADN peuvent être associées à divers contextes pathologiques incluant les MCV, le but de nos travaux était d’étudier le lien entre la méthylation de gènes antioxydants et pro-inflammatoires avec leurs répercussions fonctionnelles biologiques en présence de facteurs de risques associés aux MCV, tels que le vieillissement, la dyslipidémie et la sédentarité. Dans la première étude, nous avons observé que dans l’artère fémorale de souris vieillissantes, la méthylation au niveau du promoteur du gène Sod2, codant pour l’enzyme antioxydante superoxyde dismutase de type 2 (SOD2 ou MnSOD), diminue avec l’âge. Ceci serait associé à l’induction de l’expression de MnSOD, renforçant ainsi la défense antioxydante endogène. Le vieillissement étant associé à une accumulation de la production de radicaux libres, nous avons étudié la vasodilatation dépendante de l’endothélium qui est sensible au stress oxydant. Nous avons observé que la capacité vasodilatatrice globale a été maintenue chez les souris âgées, aux dépens d’une diminution des facteurs hyperpolarisants dérivés de l’endothélium (EDHF) et d’une contribution accentuée de la voie du monoxyde d’azote (NO). Nous avons ensuite utilisé deux approches visant à réduire les niveaux de stress oxydant in vivo, soit la supplémentation avec un antioxydant, la catéchine, et l’exposition chronique à de l’exercice physique volontaire. Ces interventions ont permis de prévenir à la fois les changements au niveau de la fonction endothéliale et de l’hypométhylation de Sod2. Cette première étude démontre donc la sensibilité de la méthylation de l’ADN à l’environnement rédox. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons démontré une régulation de l’expression de l’enzyme antioxydante glutathion peroxydase 1 (Gpx1) en lien avec la méthylation de son gène codant, Gpx1, dans un contexte de dyslipidémie sévère. Nos résultats démontrent que dans le muscle squelettique de souris transgéniques sévèrement dyslipidémiques (LDLr-/-; hApoB+/+), Gpx1 est hyperméthylé, ce qui diminue l’expression de Gpx1 et affaiblit la défense antioxydante endogène. Chez ces souris, l’exercice physique chronique a permis d’augmenter l’expression de Gpx1 en lien avec une hypométhylation transitoire de son gène. Cette étude démontre que le stress oxydant associé à la dyslipidémie sévère altère les mécanismes de défense antioxydante, en partie via un mécanisme épigénétique. De plus, on observe également que l’exercice physique permet de renverser ces effets et peut induire des changements épigénétiques, mais de manière transitoire. La troisième étude avait pour but d’étudier la régulation de l’Angptl2, une protéine circulante pro-inflammatoire, dans le contexte des MCV. Nous avons observé que chez des patients coronariens, la concentration circulante d’Angptl2 est significativement plus élevée que chez des sujets sains et ce, en lien avec une hypométhylation de son gène, ANGPTL2, mesurée dans les leucocytes circulants. Nous sommes les premiers à démontrer qu’en réponse à l’environnement pro-inflammatoire associé à une MCV, l’expression de l’Angptl2 est stimulée par un mécanisme épigénétique. Nos études ont permis d’identifier des nouvelles régions régulatrices différentiellement méthylées situées dans les gènes impliqués dans la défense antioxydante, soit Sod2 en lien avec le vieillissement et Gpx1 en lien avec la dyslipidémie et l’exercice. Nous avons également démontré un mécanisme de régulation de l’Angptl2 dépendant de la méthylation d’ANGPTL2 et ce, pour la première fois dans un contexte de MCV. Ces observations illustrent la nature dynamique de la régulation épigénétique par la méthylation de l’ADN en réponse aux stimuli environnementaux. Nos études contribuent ainsi à la compréhension et l’identification de mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le développement du phénotype pathologique suite à l’exposition aux facteurs de risque, ce qui ouvre la voie à de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques.


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Le compartiment microvasculaire est une cible importante du stress oxydant qui est un facteur majeur de la dysfonction endothéliale, notamment au cours d’exposition aux rayonnements ionisants. L’altération de l’endothélium induite par le stress oxydant est impliquée dans la toxicité radio-induite des tissus sains. Limiter les dysfonctions endothéliales est donc un enjeu important des traitements radiothérapeutiques actuels. Cet objectif nécessite une meilleure caractérisation de la signalisation du stress oxydant dans les cellules endothéliales. La voie p38 MAPK est incontournable dans la réponse au stress oxydant mais reste encore insuffisamment caractérisée. Par une approche protéomique, nous avons identifié la nucléophosmine (NPM) comme nouveau partenaire de p38 dans le cytoplasme des cellules endothéliales. La phosphatase PP2a est aussi associée à ce complexe NPM/p38. Nos travaux montrent que le stress oxydant (H2O2, 500μM) régule la déphosphorylation de NPM via PP2a, entraine sa dissociation rapide du complexe et favorise sa translocation vers le noyau. De plus, nous montrons que la présence de NPM déphosphorylée au noyau altère la réponse des cellules aux dommages à l’ADN induits par le stress oxydant. Le céramide sphingolipide membranaire est également un facteur important des voies de stress, particulièrement dans les cellules endothéliales. Notre étude aborde donc l’implication de ce sphingolipide dans la régulation de la voie NPM/p38. Une meilleure caractérisation de la voie p38 et de ses acteurs permettra d’identifier de potentielles cibles afin de limiter les dysfonctions endothéliales et leurs conséquences délétères sur les tissus environnants.