933 resultados para Dynamics of a particle
The influence of rice, maize, and sorghum raw material particle size in extruded dry dog food on the digestibility of nutrients and energy and the fecal concentration of fermentation products was investigated. Three diets with similar nutrient compositions were formulated, each with 1 starch source. Before incorporation into diets, the cereals were ground into 3 different particle sizes (approximately 300, 450, and 600 mu m); therefore, a total of 9 diets were in a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement (3 cereals and 3 particle sizes). Fifty-four beagle dogs (12.0 +/- 0.1 kg BW) were randomly assigned to the diets, with 6 dogs per diet. The digestibility was measured with the chromium oxide method. The data were evaluated with ANOVA considering the carbohydrate source, grinding effect, and interactions. The means were compared with the Tukey test and polynomial contrasts (P < 0.05). With the same grinding procedure, rice was reduced to smaller particles than other cereals. The cereal mean geometric diameter (MGD) was directly related to starch gelatini-zation (SG) during extrusion. For rice diets, the MGD and SG did not change nutrient digestibility (P > 0.05); only GE digestibility was reduced at the largest MGD (P < 0.01). For maize and sorghum diets, the total tract apparent nutrient digestibility was reduced for foods with greater MGD and less SG (P < 0.01). A linear reduction in nutrient digestibility according to cereal particle size was observed for sorghum (r(2) < 0.72; P < 0.01). Higher concentrations of fecal total shortchain fatty acids (SCFA) were observed for sorghum diets (P < 0.05) than for other diets. The rice diets led to the production of feces with less lactate (P < 0.05). The increase in raw material MGD did not influence fecal SCFA for rice diets, but for the dogs fed maize and sorghum foods, an increase in propionate and butyrate concentrations were observed as MGD increased (P < 0.05). In conclusion, for dogs fed different particle sizes of the cereal starches in the extruded diets, the digestibility and fecal characteristics were affected, and this effect was ingredient dependent.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Foraging behavior in termites varies with the feeding habits of each species but often occurs through the formation of well-defined trails that connect the nest to food sources in species that build structured nests. We studied the formation of foraging trails and the change in caste ratio during foraging in the termite Velocitermes heteropterus. This species is widespread in Cerrado vegetation where it builds epigeal nests and forages in open-air at night. Our aim was to understand the processes involved in the formation of foraging trails, from the exploration of new unmarked areas to the recruitment of individuals to food and the stabilization of traffic on the trails, as well as the participation of the different castes during these processes. Foraging trails were videotaped in the laboratory and the videos were then analyzed both manually and automatically to assess the flow of individuals and the caste ratio on the trails as well as to examine the spatial organization of traffic over time. Foraging trails were composed of minor workers, major workers, and soldiers. The flow of individuals on the trails gradually increased from the beginning of the exploration of new areas up to the discovery of the food. The caste ratio remained constant throughout the foraging excursion: major workers, minor workers and soldiers forage in a ratio of 8:1:1, respectively. The speed of individuals was significantly different among castes, with major workers and soldiers being significantly faster than minor workers. Overall, our results show that foraging excursions in V. heteropterus may be divided in three different phases, characterized by individual speeds, differential flows and lane segregation.
This study focuses on analysing the effects of nonlinear torsional stiffness on the dynam-ics of a slender elastic beam under torsional oscillations, which can be subject to helical buckling.The helical buckling of an elastic beam confined in a cylinder is relevant to many applications. Someexamples include oil drilling, medical cateters and even the conformation and functioning of DNAmolecules. A recent study showed that the formation of the helical configuration is a result of onlythe torsional load, confirming that there is a different path to helical buckling which is not related tothe sinusoidal buckling, stressing the importance of the geometrical behaviour of the beam. A lowdimensional model of an elastic beam under torsional oscillations is used to analyse its dynamical be-haviour with different stiffness characteristics, which are present before and after the helical buckling.Hardening and softening characteristics are present, as the effects of torsion and bending are coupled.With the use of numerical algorithms applied to nonlinear dynamics, such as bifurcation diagramsand basins of attraction, it is shown that the nonlinear stiffness can shift the bifurcations and inducechanges in the stability of the desirable and undesirable solutions. Therefore, the proper modellingof these stiffness nonlinearities seems to be important for a better understanding of the dynamicalbehaviour of such beams.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The gill monogene communities of Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) in three distinct sites on converging streams were investigated from 2004 to 2006 in three different seasons. Thirty collections of P. promelas were made in southeastern Nebraska along three converging tributaries: Elk Creek (40.88534°N, 96.83366°W), West Oak Creek (40.9082°N, 96.81432°W), and Oak Creek (40.91402°N, 96.770583°W), Lancaster County, Nebraska. In all, 103 P. promelas were collected from Elk Creek, 115 from West Oak Creek, and 78 from Oak Creek and examined for gill monogenes. Among the P. promelas collected, 93.5% were infected with up to three species of Dactylogyrus, including Dactylogyrus simplex Mizelle, 1937, Dactylogyrus bychowskyi Mizelle, 1937, and Dactylogyrus pectenatus Mayes, 1977. Mean intensities at Elk Creek, West Oak Creek, and Oak Creek were 17.6, 22.8, and 25.1, and prevalences 88, 95, and 97%, respectively. At these three sites: (1) P. promelas does not share Dactylogyrus species with Semotilus atromaculatus (creek chub) or Notropis stramineus (sand shiner); (2) fish size and sex are not predictive of Dactylogyrus infection; (3) Dactylogyrus spp. vary (not always predictably) in their seasonal occurrence; (4) populations of Dactylogyrus spp. respond to environmental differences among sites; and (5) the community structure of Dactylogyrus spp. (order of abundance) is independent of environment.
An investigation was made of the communities of gill monogene genus Dactylogyrus (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea) and the populations of blackspot parasite (Platyhelminthes, Trematoda) of Pimephales promelas, Notropis stramineus, and Semotilus atromaculatus in 3 distinct sites along the 3 converging tributaries in southeastern Nebraska from 2004 to 2006. This work constitutes the first multi-site, multi-year study of a complex community of Dactylogyrus spp. and their reproductive activities on native North American cyprinid species. The biological hypothesis that closely related species with direct lifecycles respond differently to shared environmental conditions was tested. It was revealed that in this system that, Cyprinid species do not share Dactylogyrus species, host size and sex are not predictive of infection, and Dactylogyrus community structure is stable, despite variation in seasonal occurrence and populations among sites. The biological hypothesis that closely related species have innate differences in reproductive activities that provide structure to their populations and influence their roles in the parasite community was tested. It was revealed that in this system, host size, sex, and collection site are not predictive of reproductive activities, that egg production is not always continuous and varies in duration among congeners, and that recruitment of larval Dactylogyrus is not continuous across parasites’ reproductive periods. Hatch timing and host availability, not reproductive timing, are the critical factors determining population dynamics of the gill monogenes in time and space. Lastly, the biological hypothesis that innate blackspot biology is responsible for parasite host-specificity, host recruitment strategies and parasite population structure was tested. Field collections revealed that for blackspot, host size, sex, and collection month and year are not predictive of infection, that parasite cysts survive winter, and that host movement is restricted among the 3 collection sites. Finally, experimental infections of hosts with cercaria isolated from 1st intermediate snail hosts reveal that cercarial biology, not environmental circumstances, are responsible for differences in infection among hosts.
In this study, we review recent advances in PFM studies of micrometer scale ferroelectric capacitors, summarize the experimental PFM-based approach to investigation of fast switching processes, illustrate what information can be obtained from PFM experiments on domains kinetics, and delineate the scaling effect on polarization reversal mechanism. Particular attention is given to PFM studies of mechanical stress effect on polarization stability.
English abstract: We hypothesized that the arctic fox, Alopex lagopus (Linnaeus), population on St. Lawrence Island was cyclic and that its fluctuations in size. structure, and productivity were correlated with the relative size of the population of northern voles, Microtus oeconomus Pallas, the primary prey. Based on a nine-year study, we determined that the variations in size of the fox and vole populations were similar, but they both were of low amplitude and not closely correlated. The high pregnancy rate (mean, 86%/yr) and numbers of young conceived (mean, 11.5/pregnancy) did not vary significantly among years, probably because of the consistently abundant and diverse food supply available to the foxes. The age composition of the trappers' catch of foxes each winter also was comparatively stable, but it was closely correlated with the size of the vole population in the previous summer. The survival of the young foxes during the summer probably was dependent on the availability of the voles, The composition of the catch also appeared to be influenced by immigration of faxes from the adjacent continents via the pack ice. French abstract: Nous avons émis I'hypothèse que la population du renard arctique, Alopex lagopus (Linnaeus), sur I'île Saint Lawrence était cyclique el que les fluctuations concernant sa tailIe, sa structure et sa productivité étaient corrélées à la taille relative de la population du campagnol nordique. Microtus oeconomus Pallas, sa principale proie. En nous appuyant sur une étude menée sur neuf ans, nous avons déterminé que les variations dans la taille des populations du renard et du campagnol étaient semblables. mais que toutes deux avaient une faible amplitude et n'étaient pas corrélées de façon étroite. Le taux de grossesse élevé (moyenne 86 p. cent/an) et Ie nombre dc petits conçus (moyenne 11,5/grossesse) ne variaient pas de façon significative au cours des ans, probablement à cause de I'abondance et de la variété de sources de nourriture pour les renards. La composition d'âge des prises des trappeurs était également stable d'un hiver à I'autre, mais elle était corrélée de façon étroite avec la taille de la population dc campagnols au cours de I'été précédent. La survie des renardeaux au cours de I'été dépendait probablement de la disponibilité des campagnols. La composition des prises semblait aussi être influencée par I'immigration des renards venant des terres continentales adjacentes par la voie de la banquise.
The opening sonnets of Jean de La Ceppède’s Théorèmes (1613, 1622) present an urban vs. rural conflict that mirrors the dialectic between sin and salvation running throughout the work. La Ceppède’s focus for this struggle becomes the stark contrast between Jerusalem and the garden at the Mount of Olives. Jerusalem, as the place where Christ is persecuted and eventually tried, represents a Babylon-like enclave of transgression, while the garden is portrayed as a site of purity and tranquil reflection. From a literary standpoint, La Ceppède’s emphasis on the clash between dystopian and utopian settings comprises part of his adaptation of the pastoral, where this particular struggle becomes one of the genre’s principal motifs. In general, the contrast between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives emerges as the point of departure for the poet’s figuration of nature, both human and physical. A human construct, the city of Jerusalem becomes a metaphor for human corruption. In view of humanity’s fall in paradise and the denaturation it symbolizes, the poet’s goal, on both intellectual and affective levels, is to place the reader/dévot in a position to lift her/himself from the depravity of human nature to the grace of divine nature.
Portunid crabs are an important resource in estuaries, and require appropriate management to guarantee their long-term availability. We investigated the population dynamics and reproduction of Callinectes danae in the Estuarine-Bay Complex of Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo, Brazil, to provide basic biological information for public policies for the management of this fishery. Monthly samples were obtained from March 2007 to February 2008 on eight transects, four in the estuary and four in the bay. A total of 2261 specimens (403 males, 1288 females, of which 570 were ovigerous) were collected. Males were significantly larger than females, and the size-frequency distribution was unimodal for males, females and ovigerous females. The sex ratio was nearly always skewed toward females (M:F - 1:4.6). C. danae showed seasonal-continuous reproduction, with high reproductive activity in the warmer season. C. danae breeds in the estuarine-bay complex, with males and juvenile females concentrated in the estuary. After copulation, fertilized females migrate to the estuary entrance and the bay, where ovigerous females are commonly found spawning in high-salinity areas. Therefore, to manage this important economic resource, both the estuary and the bay should be considered for protection, but special attention should be given to the estuary entrance during the summer months, when ovigerous females concentrate.
The dynamics of holon-doublon pairs is studied in Hubbard two-leg ladders using the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group method. We find that the geometry of the two-leg ladder, which is qualitatively different from a one-dimensional chain due to the presence of a spin gap, strongly affects the propagation of a doublon-holon pair. Two distinct regimes are identified. For weak interleg coupling, the results are qualitatively similar to the case of the propagation previously reported in Hubbard chains, with only a renormalization of parameters. More interesting is the case of strong interleg coupling where substantial differences arise, particularly regarding the double occupancy and properties of the excitations such as the doublon speed. Our results suggest a connection between the presence of a spin gap and qualitative changes in the doublon speed, indicating a weak coupling between the doublon and the magnetic excitations.
The present paper aims at contributing to a discussion, opened by several authors, on the proper equation of motion that governs the vertical collapse of buildings. The most striking and tragic example is that of the World Trade Center Twin Towers, in New York City, about 10 years ago. This is a very complex problem and, besides dynamics, the analysis involves several areas of knowledge in mechanics, such as structural engineering, materials sciences, and thermodynamics, among others. Therefore, the goal of this work is far from claiming to deal with the problem in its completeness, leaving aside discussions about the modeling of the resistive load to collapse, for example. However, the following analysis, restricted to the study of motion, shows that the problem in question holds great similarity to the classic falling-chain problem, very much addressed in a number of different versions as the pioneering one, by von Buquoy or the one by Cayley. Following previous works, a simple single-degree-of-freedom model was readdressed and conceptually discussed. The form of Lagrange's equation, which leads to a proper equation of motion for the collapsing building, is a general and extended dissipative form, which is proper for systems with mass varying explicitly with position. The additional dissipative generalized force term, which was present in the extended form of the Lagrange equation, was shown to be derivable from a Rayleigh-like energy function. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000453. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.