955 resultados para Dry-wood-termite
Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville (barbatimão), belonging to Mimosaceae family; it is used as ornamental and the wood is used in civil buildings, edification in wet places, lathe and joinery jobs, being very used also in home-made medicine against hemorrhage, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, injury cleaning, uterus hemorrhage, ulcerous hurt and excessive oily skin. The objective of this research was to determine the allelopathic potential of an aqueous extract, boiled or not of S. adstringens (Mart.) Coville, in the Cucumis sativus germination and initial development. Thus, the aqueous vegetable extract was extracted from the shoot, which was triturated in 1L of distilled water to 100g of leaf, being the extract filtrated and separated in boiled and not boiled. The treatments used were distilled water (0%) and boiled and not boiled extracts, in the concentrations of 50 and 100%. The cucumber seeds were put to germinate in Gerbox, having filter paper as substrate, which was wet with 25mL from different treatments, in constant temperature of 25°C. The reading germination was accomplished in breaks of 24 hours, for a period of five consequently days after the beginning of the experiment, considering germinated the seeds that showed 2mm of root, approximately. To dry matter determination, the seedlings with five days after the germination were separated in shoot and root, dried during three days to a constant weight in a 60°C forced draft oven. Through results, it can be concluded that the extract of S. adstringens affected more the Cucumis sativus seedling development than the germination, and it didn't show difference if boiled or not.
Wood is generally considered an anisotropic material. In terms of engineering elastic models, wood is usually treated as an orthotropic material. This paper presents an analysis of two principal anisotropic elastic models that are usually applied to wood. The first one, the linear orthotropic model, where the material axes L (Longitudinal), R(radial) and T(tangential) are coincident with the Cartesian axes (x, y, z), is more accepted as wood elastic model. The other one, the cylindrical orthotropic model is more adequate of the growth caracteristics of wood but more mathematically complex to be adopted in practical terms. Specifically due to its importance in wood elastic parameters, this paper deals with the fiber orientation influence in these models through adequate transformation of coordinates. As a final result, some examples of the linear model, which show the variation of elastic moduli, i.e., Young's modulus and shear modulus, with fiber orientation are presented.
Over the past few years there have significantly been increased the articles that approach the constructions in wood or with structure in wood in the specialized Brazilian magazines. This increase brings up indications that the incorporated values to these habitations are modifying, however it is not so simple to conclude that these issues can be associated to the development of incorporated technologies to the constructive system. The work presents, firstly, a survey performed in these publications that had the objective to verify which the constructive systems in wood is being more executed, under which cultural and technician standards. From that survey it was performed a study of the habitations constructed in mixing system whose structures are timbers and walls in masonry. The aesthetic and cultural questions involved are argued considering mainly that these habitations belong to a social class whose purchasing power increased.
The majority of the Brazilian schools of Civil Engineering have taught the subject works with wood in the traditional only by disciplines of Metallic Structures and Wood at a topic in the content of the program on disciplines at the Materials of Civil Construction. To extend of the wood studies is being made possible that all the pupils have a wider understanding of this material and its adapted use is the goal of the proposal, that by the means of the education modality e-learning, disclosing the first one: Module I - Introduction to the Study of the Wood. This methodology tries to use the theoretical beddings in projects that are related to the pupil daily tasks and its practical professional. The article presents the theoretical bases of the conception proposal and its structure, and at the conclusions, the problems found during its application are displayed. Basically, the methodology considers that the professor and the pupil must share the learning, and adopt it as main in the interdisciplinary.
A few traditional methods for determining water content in the field are either inaccurate or time consuming. As an alternative, the time domain reflectometry (TDR) technology has been used in the determination of the soil water content for geotechnical applications. This paper presents the preliminary results on the development of a new TDR probe for determining soil water content and dry density at different depths. This new probe is intended to be pushed into the ground using piezocone equipment. Different from the standard TDR probes with straight rods, the new probe consists of two parallel copper stripes coiled around a PVC-steel core. The probe diameter is the same as the standard 10 cm2 piezocone diameter. Through laboratory calibrations, it is possible to establish expressions relating the soil apparent dielectric constant and the bulk electrical conductivity with the gravimetric water content and the dry density. Copyright ASCE 2007.
Soil seed banks are considered an important mechanism for natural regeneration in tropical forest ecosystems. This paper investigated the soil seed bank in two semideciduous seasonal tropical forest fragments with different disturbance histories in Botucatu, southeastern Brazil. In each study site, 40 superficial soil samples (30 cm × 30 cm × 5 cm) were taken at the end of both the dry and rainy seasons. The seeds were estimated by the germination method. Average soil seed density was 588.6 and 800.3 seeds m-2, respectively, for site 1 (less disturbed) and site 2 (more disturbed). Seed density and diversity (H′) were significantly higher in site 2 in both seasons. Non-woody taxa predominated in both fragments, but pioneer tree species were better represented in the less disturbed forest. Both ecosystems have a potential for regeneration from soil seed banks, but this potential is higher in the less disturbed site. Low richness and density of pioneer tree species in the seed bank indicate that the ecosystem has lost its resilience. The seed bank is not as important in these ecosystems as in other forests. Results indicate that management strategies to restore these forests should take into account the possibility of recovering soil seed bank processes and dynamics. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recent studies, proposed to obtain active compounds against termites (Heterotermes tenuis Hagen, as a model) have showed that attention could be driven to the limonoids, because they present high insecticidal activity against several insects. In this work, the limonoids nimbolin-A, 1,2- hydroxyamoorastatone, mexicanolide, cedrelone and 1,2-dihydrocedrelone were tested in order to verify their potential for the control of H. tenuis workers. The results indicated that cedrelone and 1,2-dihydrocedrelone are the limonoids with higher antifeeding activity, followed by 12-hydroxyamoorastatone, mexicanolide and nimbolin-A.
Root volume and dry matter of peanut plants as a function of soil bulk density and soil water stress
Soil compaction may be defined as the pressing of soil to make it denser. Soil compaction makes the soil denser, decreases permeability of gas and water exchange as well as alterations in thermal relations, and increases mechanical strength of the soil. Compacted soil can restrict normal root development. Simulations of the root restricting layers in a greenhouse are necessary to develop a mechanism to alleviate soil compaction problems in these soils. The selection of three distinct bulk densities based on the standard proctor test is also an important factor to determine which bulk density restricts the root layer. This experiment aimed to assess peanut (Arachis hypogea) root volume and root dry matter as a function of bulk density and water stress. Three levels of soil density (1.2, 1.4, and 1.6g cm-3), and two levels of the soil water content (70 and 90% of field capacity) were used. Treatments were arranged as completely randomized design, with four replications in a 3×2 factorial scheme. The result showed that peanut yield generally responded favorably to subsurface compaction in the presence of high mechanical impedance. This clearly indicates the ability of this root to penetrate the hardpan with less stress. Root volume was not affected by increase in soil bulk density and this mechanical impedance increased root volume when roots penetrated the barrier with less energy. Root growth below the compacted layer (hardpan), was impaired by the imposed barrier. This stress made it impossible for roots to grow well even in the presence of optimum soil water content. Generally soil water content of 70% field capacity (P<0.0001) enhanced greater root proliferation. Nonetheless, soil water content of 90% field capacity in some occasions proved better for root growth. Some of the discrepancies observed were that mechanical impedance is not a good indicator for measuring root growth restriction in greenhouse. Future research can be done using more levels of water to determine the lowest soil water level, which can inhibit plant growth.
Soil compaction reduces root growth, affecting the yield, especially in the Southern Coastal Plain of the USA. Simulations of the root restricting layers in greenhouses are necessary to develop mechanisms which alleviate soil compaction problems. The selection of three distinct bulk densities based on the Standard Proctor Test is also an important factor to determine which bulk density restricts root penetration. This experiment was conducted to evaluate cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) root volume and root dry matter as a function of soil bulk density and water stress. Three levels of soil density (1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 g cm-3), and two levels of water content (70 and 90% of field capacity) were used. A completely randomized design with four replicates in a 3×2 factorial pattern was used. The results showed that mechanical impedance affected root volume positively with soil bulk density of 1.2 and 1.6 g cm-3, enhancing root growth (P>0.0064). Soil water content reduced root growth as root and shoot growth was higher at 70% field capacity than that at 90% field capacity. Shoot growth was not affected by the increase in soil bulk density and this result suggests that soil bulk density is not a good indicator for measuring mechanical impedance in some soils.
Turning of compacted graphite iron using commercial tiN coated Si 3N4 under dry machining conditions
Due to their high hardness and wear resistance Si3N4 based ceramics are one of the most suitable cutting tool materials for machining hardened materials. Therefore, their high degree of brittleness usually leads to inconsistent results and sudden catastrophic failures. Improvement of the functional properties these tools and reduction of the ecological threats may be accomplished by employing the technology of putting down hard coatings on tools in the state-of-the-art PVD processes, mostly by improvement of the tribological contact conditions in the cutting zone and by eliminating the cutting fluids. However in this paper was used a Si3N4 based cutting tool commercial with a layer TiN coating. In this investigation, the performance of TiN coating was assessed on turning used to machine an automotive grade compacted graphite iron. As part of the study were used to characterise the performance of cutting tool, flank wear, temperature and roughness. The results showed that the layer TiN coating failed to dry compacted graphite iron under aggressive machining conditions. However, using the measurement of flank wear technique, the average tool life of was increased by VC=160 m/min.The latter was also observed using a toolmakers microscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
We analyze here the spin and pseudospin symmetry for the antinucleon spectra solving the Dirac equation with scalar and vector Wood-Saxon potentials. In relativistic nuclear mean field theories where these potentials have large magnitudes and opposite signs we show that contrary to the nucleon case where pseudospin interaction is never very small and cannot be treated perturbatively, for antinucleon systems this interaction is perturbative and an exact pseudospin symmetry is possible. This result manifests the relativistic nature of the nuclear pseudospin symmetry. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
The objective of this study was to determine the mean distance between the infraorbital foramen and the infraorbital margin, as well as the mean distance between the infraorbital foramen and the piriform aperture on both sides of dry human skulls, with the aim of improving the efficiency in clinical situations, such as surgery and anesthetic procedures. Two hundred ninety-five skulls were used (590 sides), located in the Frankfurt Plane through a craniostat. The measurements were collected by two distinct operators, with a dry tip compass and carried to a caliper. The general mean obtained between the infraorbital foramen and the infraorbital margin was 6.37 mm (±1.69 mm), with a mean of 6,28 mm (±1.79 mm) on the right side and 6.45 mm (±1.76 mm) on the left side. The general mean obtained between the infraorbital foramen and the piriform aperture was 17.67 mm (±1.95 mm), being 17.75 mm (±2.10 mm) on the right side and 17.60 mm (±2.04 mm) on the left side. There were statistically significant differences between the right and left distances of the infraorbital foramen and the infraorbital margin, verified by the Student's-t test. The results of this study allow a more precise location of the infraorbital foramen, particularly as regards the infraorbital margin, since this distance is of relevant importance as a repair point during surgical procedures involving this anatomical structure.
The aim of this study was to evaluate dry matter yield and nutritional value of palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) using nitrogen doses and sprinkler irrigation in two periods of the year, aiming at reducing seasonality of forage production. It was used a randomized block design in a split-plot scheme, with five doses of nitrogen (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg/ha/cut), and the sub-plots were defined by the seasons of the year (wet and dry season), with and without irrigation. During the wet season, in the plots with and without irrigation, doses of 175 and 161 kg/ha/cut promoted the highest dry matter yields. During the dry season, 171 kg ha -1N with irrigation resulted in the highest dry matter yield. During the same season, there was no response to N fertilization in the lack of irrigation. Average contents of CP were 10% with and without irrigation. Contents of neutral detergent fiber decreased with nitrogen doses, while acid detergent fiber was not affected by fertilization. Plots under irrigation reached the maximal acid detergent fiber content at N dose of 60 kg ha -1. Irrigation promotes increase of 15% increase in dry matter yield and it increases contents of neutral detergent fiber. © 2010 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
Two discussions are imposed to the designers of wood constructions. The first one deals with the technical knowledge to project and execute buildings; the second one is concerned with the preservation of the environment, use of the wood in a sustainable way. The work presents the tendencies of the wood used in the Brazilian habitation architecture characterizing the used woods; how the construction technical solutions have developed and discusses about the necessity of using the wood in a conscious way, knowing its origin and control, sustainable use of the forests resources. It focalizes, mainly, the search of the designers to harmonize the use of the wood and the preservation of the forest biodiversity, when it deals with the native forest.
Advanced ceramic materials constitute a mature technology with a very broad base of current and potential applications and a growing list of material compositions. Within the advanced ceramics category, silicon nitride based ceramics are wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant and lightweight materials, and are superior to many materials with regard to stability in high-temperature environments. Because of this combination the silicon nitride ceramics have an especially high potential to resolve a wide number of machining problems in the industries. Presently the Si3N4 ceramic cutting tool inserts are developed using additives powders that are pressed and sintered in the form of a cutting tool insert at a temperature of 1850 °C using pressureless sintering. The microstructure of the material was observed and analyzed using XRD, SEM, and the mechanical response of this array microstructure was characterized for hardness Vickers and fracture toughness. The results show that Si3N4/20 wt.% (AlN and Y 2O3) gives the best balance between hardness Vickers and fracture toughness. The Si3N4/15 wt.% (AlN and Y 2O3) composition allows the production of a very fine-grained microstructure with low decreasing of the fracture toughness and increased hardness Vickers. These ceramic cutting tools present adequate characteristics for future application on dry machining. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.