994 resultados para Dissolved black carbon


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Ocean acidification has a wide-ranging potential for impacting the physiology and metabolism of zooplankton. Sufficiently elevated CO2 concentrations can alter internal acid-base balance, compromising homeostatic regulation and disrupting internal systems ranging from oxygen transport to ion balance. We assessed feeding and nutrient excretion rates in natural populations of the keystone species Euphausia superba (Antarctic krill) by conducting a CO2 perturbation experiment at ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 levels in January 2011 along the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). Under elevated CO2 conditions (~672 ppm), ingestion rates of krill averaged 78 µg C/individual/d and were 3.5 times higher than krill ingestion rates at ambient, present day CO2 concentrations. Additionally, rates of ammonium, phosphate, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) excretion by krill were 1.5, 1.5, and 3.0 times higher, respectively, in the high CO2 treatment than at ambient CO2 concentrations. Excretion of urea, however, was ~17% lower in the high CO2 treatment, suggesting differences in catabolic processes of krill between treatments. Activities of key metabolic enzymes, malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), were consistently higher in the high CO2 treatment. The observed shifts in metabolism are consistent with increased physiological costs associated with regulating internal acid-base equilibria. This represents an additional stress that may hamper growth and reproduction, which would negatively impact an already declining krill population along the WAP.


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Total organic carbon to total nitrogen ratio (C/N) and their isotopic composition (d13CTOC vs. d15NTN) are oft-applied proxies to discern terrigenous from marine sourced organics and to unravel the ancient environmental information. In high depositional Asian marginal seas, matrixes, including N-bearing minerals, dilution leads to illusive and even contradictive interpretations. We use KOH-KOBr to separate operationally defined total organic matter into oxidizable (labile) and residual fractions for content and isotope measurements. In a sediment core in the Okinawa Trough, significant amounts of carbon and nitrogen existed in the residual phase, in which the C/N ratio was ~9 resembling most documented sedimentary bulk C/N ratios in the China marginal seas. Such similarity creates a pseudo-C/N interrupting the application of bulk C/N. The residual carbon, though composition unknown, it displayed a d13C range (-22.7 to -18.9 per mil, mean -20.7 per mil) similar to black carbon (-24.0 to -22.8 per mil) in East China Sea surface sediments. After removing residual fraction, we found the temporal pattern of d13CLOC in labile fraction (LOC) was more variable but broadly agreed with the atmospheric pCO2-induced changes in marine endmember d13C. Thus, we suggested adding pCO2-induced endmember modulation into two-endmember mixing model for paleo-environment reconstruction. Meanwhile, the residual nitrogen revealed an intimate association with illite content suggesting its terrestrial origin. Additionally, d15N in residual fraction likely carried the climate imprint from land. Further studies are required to explore the controlling factors for carbon and nitrogen isotopic speciation and to retrieve the information locked in the residual fraction.


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Stable oxygen and carbon isotope measurements on biogenic calcite and aragonite have become standard tools for reconstructing past oceanographic and climatic change. In aquatic organisms, 18O/16O ratios in the shell carbonate are a function of the ratio in the sea water and the calcification temperature (Epstein et al., 1953). In contrast, 13C/12C ratios are controlled by the ratio of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water and physiological processes such as respiration and symbiont photosynthesis (Spero et al., 1991, doi:10.1029/91PA02022). These geochemical proxies have been used with analyses of foraminifera shells to reconstruct global ice volumes (Shackleton and Opdyke, 1973, doi:10.1016/0033-5894(73)90052-5), surface and deep ocean temperatures (Broecker, 1986, doi:10.1016/0033-5894(86)90087-6; Labeyrie et al., 1987, doi:10.1038/327477a0), ocean circulation changes (Duplessy et al., 1988, doi:10.1029/PA003i003p00343) and glacial-interglacial exchange between the terrestrial and oceanic carbon pools (Sackleton, 1977). Here, we report experimental measurements on living symbiotic and non-symbiotic plankton foraminifera (Orbulina universa and Globigerina bulloides respectively) showing that the 13C/12C and 18O/16O ratios of the calcite shells decrease with increasing seawater [CO3 2-]. Because glacial-period oceans had higher pH and [CO3 2-] than today (Sanyal et al., 1995, doi:10.1038/373234a0), these new relationships confound the standard interpretation of glacial foraminiferal stable-isotope data. In particular, the hypothesis that the glacial-interglacial shift in the 13C/12C ratio was due to a transfer of terrestrial carbon into the ocean(Shackleton ,1977) can be explained alternatively by an increase in ocean alkalinity (Lea et al., 1996). A carbonate-concentration effect could also help explain some of the extreme stable-isotope variations during the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic aeons (Kaufman et al., 1993, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(93)90254-7).