903 resultados para Digestione anaerobica, VFA, P y-AD, PHA
Los mastocitos son células del tejido conectivo que participan en la génesis y modulación de las respuestas inflamatorias celulares. En trabajos previos hemos demostrado que xanthatina (xanthanólido sesquiterpeno aislado de Xanthium cavanillesii Schouw) inhibe la activación de mastocitos inducida por secretagogos experimentales. Sin embargo, se desconoce su efecto sobre la activación de mastocitos inducida por estímulos fisiopatológicos. Estos estímulos incluyen, entre otros, los neuropéptidos pro-inflamatorios sustancia P y neurotensina, responsables de una de las principales vías de inflamación neurogénica. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de xanthatina sobre la activación de mastocitos inducida por sustancia P y neurotensina. Mastocitos peritoneales de rata se incubaron con: 1) PBS (basal); 2) sustancia P (100 Fm); 3) neurotensina (50 Fm); 4) xanthatina (8-320 Fm)+sustancia P; 5) xanthatina (8-320 Fm)+neurotensina. La viabilidad de los mastocitos se evaluó con azul tripán. En las soluciones de incubación se cuantificó serotonina liberada (marcador de activación). En las células se cuantificó serotonina remanente (no liberada) y se analizó la morfología celular por microscopía óptica y electrónica de transmisión. Tratamiento estadístico: ANOVA-1 y Tukey-Kramer. La incubación de mastocitos con xanthatina inhibió (P<0,01), en forma dosisdependiente, la liberación de serotonina inducida por sustancia P y neurotensina, sin modificar la viabilidad celular. Los mastocitos tratados con neuropéptidos mostraron características morfológicas de degranulación, mientras que la morfología de los mastocitos tratados con xanthatina+neuropéptido fue semejante a los basales. En conclusión, xanthatina inhibe la activación de mastocitos inducida por sustancia P y por neurotensina. Este sesquiterpeno podría representar una nueva alternativa en el tratamiento de las inflamaciones neurogénicas.
During the last glacial period, the North Atlantic region experienced pronounced, millennial-scale alternations between cold, stadial conditions and milder interstadial conditions-commonly referred to as Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations-as well as periods of massive iceberg discharge known as Heinrich events. Changes in Northern Hemisphere temperature, as recorded in Greenland, are thought to have affected the location of the Atlantic intertropical convergence zone and the strength of the Indian summer monsoon. Here we use high-resolution records of sediment colour-a measure of terrigenous versus biogenic content-from the Cariaco Basin off the coast of Venezuela and the Arabian Sea to assess teleconnections with the North Atlantic climate system during the last glacial period. The Cariaco record indicates that the intertropical convergence zone migrated seasonally over the site during mild stadial conditions, but was permanently displaced south of the basin during peak stadials and Heinrich events. In the Arabian Sea, we find evidence of a weak Indian summer monsoon during the stadial events. The tropical records show a more variable response to North Atlantic cooling than the Greenland temperature records. We therefore suggest that Greenland climate is especially sensitive to variations in the North Atlantic system-in particular sea-ice extent-whereas the intertropical convergence zone and Indian monsoon system respond primarily to variations in mean Northern Hemisphere temperature.
Major element, trace element, and radiogenic isotope compositions of samples collected from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126 in the Izu-Bonin forearc basin are presented. Lavas from the center of the basin (Site 793) are high-MgO, low-Ti, two-pyroxene basaltic andesites, and represent the products of synrift volcanism in the forearc region. These synrift lavas share many of the geochemical and petrographic characteristics of boninites. In terms of their element abundances, ratios, and isotope systematics they are intermediate between low-Ti arc tholeiites from the active arc and boninites of the outer-arc high. These features suggest a systematic geochemical gradation between volcanics related to trench distance and a variably depleted source. A basement high drilled on the western flank of the basin (Site 792) comprises a series of plagioclase-rich two-pyroxene andesites with calc-alkaline affinities. These lavas are similar to calc-alkaline volcanics from Japan, but have lower contents of Ti, Zr, and low-field-strength elements (LFSE). Lavas from Site 793 show inter-element variations between Zr, Ti, Sr, Ni, and Cr that are consistent with those predicted during crystallization and melting processes. In comparison, concentrations of P, Y, LFSE, and the rare-earth elements (REE) are anomalous. These elements have been redistributed within the lava pile, concentrating particularly in sections of massive and pillowed flows. Relative movement of these two-element groupings can be related to the alteration of interstitial basaltic andesite glass to a clay mineral assemblage by a post-eruptive process. Fluid-rock interaction has produced similar effects in the basement lavas of Site 792. In this sequence, andesites and dacites have undergone a volume change related to silica mobility. As a result of this process, some lithologies have the major element characteristics of basaltic andesite and rhyolite, but can be related to andesitic or dacitic precursors by silica removal or addition.
Ongoing zooplankton research at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory has established a time series of zooplankton species since 1988 at L4, a coastal station off Plymouth. Samples were collected by vertical net hauls (WP2 net, mesh 200 µm; UNESCO 1968) from the sea floor (approximately 50 m) to the surface and stored in 4% formalin. Much of the zooplankton analysis has been to the level of "major taxonomic groups" only, and a number of different analysts have participated over the years. The level of expertise has generally been consistent, but the user should be aware that levels of taxonomic discrimination may vary during the course of the dataset. The dominant calanoid copepods are generally well discriminated to species throughout. Calanus has not been routinely examined for species determination, the assumption being that the local population is entirely composed of Calanus helgolandicus. In certain years there has been a particular interest in Temora stylifera, Centropages cherchiae and other species reflected in the dataset. The lack of records in other previous years does not necessarily reflect species absence. We view it as essential for all users of L4 plankton data to establish and maintain contact with the nominated current data originators as well as fully consulting the metadata. While not impinging on free data access, this ensures that this large, species-rich but slightly complex species database is being used in the correct way, and any potential issues with the data are clarified. Furthermore, a proper dialogue with these local experts on the time series will enable where appropriate the most recent sampling timepoints to be used. The data can be downloaded from BODC or from doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.778092 as files for each year by searching for "L4 zooplankton". The most comprehensive dataset is the version downloadable directly from this page. The entire set of zooplankton samples is stored at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory in buffered formalin, and may be available for further taxonomic analysis on request.
Vertical distribution patterns of four mass species of pelagic polychaetes (with separate consideration of the adult, juvenile and larval stages) in plankton of the Kuril-Kamchatka region from the surface to depth of 7000 m are analyzed. This material, the author's personal data on the Norwegian and Barents Seas, and literature data on other seas are used to distinguish some general patterns in vertical distribution and reproductive ecology of pelagic polychaetes in the World Ocean as a whole. Mass pelagic polychaetes are also compared to other bathypelagic animals with respect to these ecological features and an estimate is given of their abundance in ocean plankton.
Sign.: []2, A-2G4, 2H3
Contiene: Indice a dos col., p. Y-Z4, 2A2
Sign. : A-H4, I1
Sign.: a-c8, d2, A-Z8, Aa-Bb8
Sign. : a-f4
Las zeolitas comprenden un grupo de aluminosilicatos cristalinos e hidratados de aluminio, con cationes alcalinos y alcalino-térreos, y con una ordenación tridimensional (tectosilicatos) donde predomina una estructura abierta que les aporta gran capacidad para incorporar y ceder agua y cationes, sin cambios importantes en el edificio cristalino. Constituyen el grupo mineral más variado y extenso de los que forman la corteza terrestre (Bosch, P. y Schifter, I. 1997)