947 resultados para Diabetes Melitos


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INTRODUÇÃO: A causa mais frequente de insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) nos pacientes iniciando tratamento dialítico nos países desenvolvidos é o diabetes mellitus (DM), com índices crescentes e que hoje se aproximam de 50%. No Brasil, os dados disponíveis indicam que essa prevalência é inferior, em torno de 27%, embora venha aumentando. OBJETIVOS: Estimar a prevalência de DM na população adulta de pacientes em tratamento hemodialítico por IRC em Porto Alegre, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal descritivo, quantitativo e analítico, com inquérito sobre a prevalência de DM entre os 1.288 pacientes em tratamento por hemodiálise (HD) crônica nas 15 clínicas do município nos meses de junho e julho de 2009. Resultados: 488 pacientes diabéticos foram identificados, uma prevalência de 37,9%, variando de 21 - 75% nas diferentes clínicas da cidade. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de DM entre pacientes em HD crônica em Porto Alegre é muito superior ao que tem sido atribuído como causa de IRC no país, o que indica a possibilidade de que essa etiologia de IRC possa estar sendo subestimada.


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The importance of the kidney in glucose homeostasis has been recognized for many years. Recent observations indicating a greater role of renal glucose metabolism in various physiologic and pathologic conditions have rekindled the interest in renal glucose handling as a potential target for the treatment of diabetes. The enormous capacity of the proximal tubular cells to reabsorb the filtered glucose load entirely, utilizing the sodium-glucose co-transporter system (primarily SGLT-2), became the focus of attention. Original studies conducted in experimental animals with the nonspecific SGLT inhibitor phlorizin showed that hyperglycemia after pancreatectomy decreased as a result of forced glycosuria. Subsequently, several compounds with more selective SGLT-2 inhibition properties (“second-generation”) were developed. Some agents made it into pre-clinical and clinical trials and a few have already been approved for commercial use in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. In general, a 6-month period of therapy with SGLT-2 inhibitors is followed by a mean urinary glucose excretion rate of ~80 g/day accompanied by a decline in fasting and postprandial glucose with average decreases in HgA1C ~1.0%. Concomitant body weight loss and a mild but consistent drop in blood pressure also have been reported. In contrast, transient polyuria, thirst with dehydration and occasional hypotension have been described early in the treatment. In addition, a significant increase in the occurrence of uro-genital infections, particularly in women has been documented with the use of SGLT-2 inhibitors. Conclusion: Although long-term cardiovascular, renal and bone/mineral effects are unknown SGLT-2 inhibitors, if used with caution and in the proper patient provide a unique insulin-independent therapeutic option in the management of obese type 2 diabetes patients.


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ResumoIntrodução:O diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) é caracterizado por uma desregulação metabólica, originando complicações microvasculares, mais especificamente a retinopatia, nefropatia e a neuropatia. A prevenção e tratamento das complicações são alvo da farmacoterapia, porém, evidências demonstram que a cirurgia bariátrica/metabólica é superior ao melhor tratamento farmacológico, pois apresenta melhor controle da glicemia, hipertensão e dislipidemias.Métodos:Por meio de pesquisa no PubMed, são discutidas as recentes publicações que evidenciam o efeito positivo das intervenções cirúrgicas sobre as complicações microvasculares, como melhora da microalbuminúria e mesmo preservação de função renal.Discussão:Existem evidências de benefício das operações bariátricas/metabólicas sobre a nefropatia diabética. Os dados sobre retinopatia são ainda ambivalentes. Na literatura, há uma diferença significativa no benefício da cirurgia em neuropatia.Conclusão:Apesar de resultados surpreendentes e positivos, para que se estabeleça definitivamente o papel da cirurgia bariátrica/metabólica nas complicações micovasculares do DM2, há a necessidade de novos estudos randomizados controlados e prospectivos.


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Diabetes mellitus is a common chronic metabolic disease worldwide whose prevalence has increased during the last decades. Besides its more commonly recognized complications, such as macrovascular disease, retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy, diabetes related bone disease has gained growing attention. Diabetic patients are more prone to fracture than the general population as well as to low turnover bone disease in the chronic kidney disease setting. In this review, we discuss the relationship between diabetes and bone as well as the pathogenesis of bone fragility in T2D.


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Apoptotic beta cell death is an underlying cause majorly for type I and to a lesser extent for type II diabetes. Recently, MST1 kinase was identified as a key apoptotic agent in diabetic condition. In this study, I have examined MST1 and closely related kinases namely, MST2, MST3 and MST4, aiming to tackle diabetes by exploring ways to selectively block MST1 kinase activity. The first investigation was directed towards evaluating possibilities of selectively blocking the ATP binding site of MST1 kinase that is essential for the activity of the enzymes. Structure and sequence analyses of this site however revealed a near absolute conservation between the MSTs and very few changes with other kinases. The observed residue variations also displayed similar physicochemical properties making it hard for selective inhibition of the enzyme. Second, possibilities for allosteric inhibition of the enzyme were evaluated. Analysis of the recognized allosteric site also posed the same problem as the MSTs shared almost all of the same residues. The third analysis was made on the SARAH domain, which is required for the dimerization and activation of MST1 and MST2 kinases. MST3 and MST4 lack this domain, hence selectivity against these two kinases can be achieved. Other proteins with SARAH domains such as the RASSF proteins were also examined. Their interaction with the MST1 SARAH domain were evaluated to mimic their binding pattern and design a peptide inhibitor that interferes with MST1 SARAH dimerization. In molecular simulations the RASSF5 SARAH domain was shown to strongly interact with the MST1 SARAH domain and possibly preventing MST1 SARAH dimerization. Based on this, the peptidic inhibitor was suggested to be based on the sequence of RASSF5 SARAH domain. Since the MST2 kinase also interacts with RASSF5 SARAH domain, absolute selectivity might not be achieved.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of family support on diabetes education behavioural outcomes, specifically in relation to diet, exercise, and blood glucose monitoring in adult individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Fifty-three individuals attending diabetes education for the first time were followed approximately 1 month. The findings for the influence of family support were mixed. Family attending diabetes class with participants had a positive influence with respect to diet. This is consistent with Carl Rogers (1969) who espouses setting a positive climate for learning and that learning new attitudes or information comes when external barriers are at a minimum. However family attending class with participants had no influence with respect to exercise or blood glucose monitoring. The family support action of encouraging with respect to diet overall did not influence healthy eating behaviours except for decreased skipped meals and scheduled snacks. In fact, in the areas of family willing to make healthy choices along with participant, the less the family was involved in encouraging, the better the participant did. Exercise on the other hand was influenced positively by family encouragement. This is consistent with Bandura's theory that enhancement of self-confidence and self-efficacy can lead to desired behaviour changes. Family encouragement however did not appear to influence blood glucose monitoring behaviours. This study has implications for practice in that diabetes education programs can encourage family to attend classes or get involved in encouraging the person with diabetes, so that it may help to increase healthy eating behaviours and exercise. As time is necessary to implement changes in behaviour, future research can look at the influence of family support over a 6-month, I-year, or greater period.


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Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease that destroys pancreatic beta cells, affecting glucose homeostasis. In T1DM, glucoregulation and carbohydrate oxidation may be altered in different ambient temperatures; however, current literature has yet to explore these mechanisms. This study examines the effects of 30 minutes of exercise at 65% VO2max in 5ºC, 20ºC and 35ºC in individuals with T1DM. No significant differences were observed for blood glucose across the 3 conditions (p = 0.442), but significance was found for core temperature, heat storage, and sweat rate (p < 0.01). Blood glucose was also shown to vary greatly between individuals among conditions. The mechanisms behind the differences in blood glucose may be due to the lack of significant glucagon production among conditions. These findings suggest that T1DM individuals may exercise submaximally for 30 minutes in different ambient temperatures without significant differences in glucoregulation.


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Connected in Motion is a not for profit organization serving young adults with Type 1 diabetes. The organization hosted outdoor and experiential Type 1 diabetes education programs in January of2009 and 2010. The weekends provided non-clinical alternative Type 1 diabetes education to the underserved population of young adults within Canada. Six women living with Type I diabetes and between the ages of 22 and 30 participated in the Winter Slipstream weekends participated in this phenomenological research study. Through semi-structured interviews and artifact-elicitation interviews, ,{ the lived experiences of the participants were examined. Data analysis indicated that the sense of community created through outdoor programming and experiential education for young adults with Type I diabetes stimulated the development of self-efficacy and participant-perceived improvement in Type 1 diabetes self-management. There was no indication that outdoor and experiential Type I diabetes education had any impact on the development of autonomy among participants. Recommendations are made to encourage the successful implementation of further alternative (non-clinical) Type 1 diabetes education programs for young adults living with Type 1 diabetes.


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This study examined the cultural health beliefs in diabetes education amongst the Aboriginal population within a city in Southern Ontario. The purpose was to contribute to the development of a culturally relevant diabetes handbook as well as to delivery styles within current diabetes education programs. To this end, a focus group was conducted with Aboriginal men and women between the ages of 18-70 years with type 2 diabetes. Participants were recruited from 2 Aboriginal community centres and an Aboriginal health centre in a city in Southern Ontario. Themes were drawn from the analysis of the focus group transcripts and combined with the findings from the research literature. The major themes that merged were drawn from Eurocentric and Aboriginal theories. The results were a set of recommendations on the type of format for diabetes educational programs such as traditional group activities, variety of electronic format, and culture specific educational resources. The emergent results appear to provide some important insights into program planning for diabetes education centres within Aboriginal communities.


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To examine the association between sleep disorders, obesity status, and the risk of diabetes in adults, a total of 3668 individuals aged 40+ years fromtheNHANES 2009-2010 withoutmissing information on sleep-related questions,measurements related to diabetes, and BMI were included in this analysis. Subjects were categorized into three sleep groups based on two sleep questions: (a) no sleep problems; (b) sleep disturbance; and (c) sleep disorder. Diabetes was defined as having one of a diagnosis from a physician; an overnight fasting glucose > 125 mg/dL; Glycohemoglobin > 6.4%; or an oral glucose tolerance test > 199mg/dL. Overall, 19% of subjects were diabetics, 37% were obese, and 32% had either sleep disturbance or sleep disorder. Using multiple logistic regression models adjusting for covariates without including BMI, the odds ratios (OR, (95% CI)) of diabetes were 1.40 (1.06, 1.84) and 2.04 (1.40, 2.95) for those with sleep disturbance and with sleep disorder, respectively. When further adjusting for BMI, the ORs were similar for those with sleep disturbance 1.36 (1.06, 1.73) but greatly attenuated for those with sleep disorders (1.38 [0.95, 2.00]). In conclusion, the impact of sleep disorders on diabetes may be explained through the individuals’ obesity status.


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Tesis (Maestria en Trabajo Social) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencia de Enfermería con Especialidad en salud Comunitaria) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública con Especialidad en Medicina del Trabajo) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería con Énfasis en Salud Comunitaria) UANL