976 resultados para Dell Plain, Morse


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This study deals with the protection of social rights in Europe and aims to outline the position currently held by these rights in the EU law. The first two chapters provide an overview of the regulatory framework in which the social rights lie, through the reorganisation of international sources. In particular the international instruments of protection of social rights are taken into account, both at the universal level, due to the activity of the United Nations Organisation and of its specialized agency, the International Labour Organization, and at a regional level, related to the activity of the Council of Europe. Finally an analysis of sources concludes with the reconstruction of the stages of the recognition of social rights in the EU. The second chapter describes the path followed by social rights in the EU: it examines the founding Treaties and subsequent amendments, the Charter of Fundamental Social Rights of Workers of 1989 and, in particularly, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the legal status of which was recently treated as the primary law by the Treaty of Lisbon signed in December 2007. The third chapter is, then, focused on the analysis of the substantive aspects of the recognition of the rights made by the EU: it provides a framework of the content and scope of the rights accepted in the Community law by the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which is an important contribution to the location of the social rights among the fundamental and indivisible rights of the person. In the last section of the work, attention is focused on the two profiles of effectiveness and justiciability of social rights, in order to understand the practical implications of the gradual creation of a system of protection of these rights at Community level. Under the first profile, the discussion is focused on the effectiveness in the general context of the mechanisms of implementation of the “second generation” rights, with particular attention to the new instruments and actors of social Europe and the effect of the procedures of soft law. Second part of chapter four, finally, deals with the judicial protection of rights in question. The limits of the jurisprudence of the European Union Court of Justice are more obvious exactly in the field of social rights, due to the gap between social rights and other fundamental rights. While, in fact, the Community Court ensures the maximum level of protection to human rights and fundamental freedoms, social rights are often degraded into mere aspirations of EU institutions and its Member States. That is, the sources in the social field (European Social Charter and Community Charter) represent only the base for interpretation and application of social provisions of secondary legislation, unlike the ECHR, which is considered by the Court part of Community law. Moreover, the Court of Justice is in the middle of the difficult comparison between social values and market rules, of which it considers the need to make a balance: despite hesitancy to recognise the juridical character of social rights, the need of protection of social interests has justified, indeed, certain restrictions to the free movement of goods, freedom to provide services or to Community competition law. The road towards the recognition and the full protection of social rights in the European Union law appears, however, still long and hard, as shown by the recent judgments Laval and Viking, in which the Community court, while enhancing the Nice Charter, has not given priority to fundamental social rights, giving them the role of limits (proportionate and justified) of economic freedoms.


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La ricerca oggetto della tesi dottorale verte sulla ricostruzione della disciplina della cessazione e delle fasi liquidatore dell’attività nell’ambito dell’imposta sul valore aggiunto, nel tentativo di individuare criteri certi ed omogenei per la sua individuazione, sia in prospettiva comunitaria che in prospettiva nazionale. In primo luogo, l’indagine si concentra sulla ricostruzione della nozione di attività economica e sui profili dinamici dell’attività in ambito comunitario, nell’intento di chiarire, sulla base della giurisprudenza, i criteri utilizzati per individuare la cessazione dell’attività rilevante ai fini dell’imposta, sfruttando in tal senso l’esperienza degli atti preparatori e l’applicabilità dell’ipotesi di applicazione dell’imposta per autoconsumo Vengono così valorizzati, accanto al profilo oggettivo costituito dalla presenza di una legame tra le operazioni della fase liquidatoria, il ruolo del soggetto passivo, quale portatore di una volontà che è in grado di influire sull’esistenza dell’attività stessa, e, conseguentemente, delle dichiarazioni formali imposte dalla Direttiva, quale manifestazione diretta di tale volontà ed elemento in grado di costituire un indice certo di cessazione. In seguito si esamina il regime impositivo nazionale ed in particolare le linee interpretative maggioritarie accolte da dottrina e giurisprudenza. Ricostruiti nozione e ruolo di attività economica, con riferimento all’esercizio d’impresa, vengono analizzati i diversi casi di cessazione contemplati dall’ordinamento –liquidazione volontaria, trasferimento dell’azienda e fallimento- analizzati sia nella prospettiva del diritto tributario che in quella del diritto commerciale. L’esame così sviluppato è volto a contestare l’interpretazione maggioritaria che vede nella sola presenza di beni residui alla liquidazione, o comunque la permanenza di un insieme di beni potenzialmente in grado di far riprendere l’esercizio, elemento sufficiente a mantenere in vita l’impresa e con essa la soggettività passiva all’imposta. Infine, vengono confrontati i risultati raggiunti nell’esame della disciplina comunitaria nazionale, ponendone in evidenza le possibilità incompatibilità ed i punti di contatto, con l’intenzione di dimostrare l’applicabilità anche a livello nazionale dei principi emersi in ambito comunitario.


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The effect of process parameters on the creep-fatigue behavior of a hot-work tool steel for aluminum extrusion die was investigated through a technological test in which the specimen geometry resembled the mandrel of a hollow extrusion die. Tests were performed on a Gleeble thermomechanical simulator by heating the specimen using joule’s effect and by applying cyclic loading up to 6.30 h or till specimen failure. Displacements during the tests at 380, 490, 540 and 580°C and under the average stresses of 400, 600 and 800 MPa were determined. In the first set of test a dwell time of 3 min was introduced during each of the tests to understand the creep behavior. The results showed that the test could indeed physically simulate the cyclic loading on the hollow die during extrusion and reveal all the mechanisms of creep-fatigue interaction. In the second set a pure fatigue laod were induced and in the third set a static creep load were induced in the specimens. Furher type of tests, finite element and microstructural analysis were presented.