859 resultados para Delay of Gratification
Technology scaling has caused Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) to emerge as a major circuit reliability concern. Simultaneously leakage power is becoming a greater fraction of the total power dissipated by logic circuits. As both NBTI and leakage power are highly dependent on vectors applied at the circuit’s inputs, they can be minimized by applying carefully chosen input vectors during periods when the circuit is in standby or idle mode. Unfortunately input vectors that minimize leakage power are not the ones that minimize NBTI degradation, so there is a need for a methodology to generate input vectors that minimize both of these variables.This paper proposes such a systematic methodology for the generation of input vectors which minimize leakage power under the constraint that NBTI degradation does not exceed a specified limit. These input vectors can be applied at the primary inputs of a circuit when it is in standby/idle mode and are such that the gates dissipate only a small amount of leakage power and also allow a large majority of the transistors on critical paths to be in the “recovery” phase of NBTI degradation. The advantage of this methodology is that allowing circuit designers to constrain NBTI degradation to below a specified limit enables tighter guardbanding, increasing performance. Our methodology guarantees that the generated input vector dissipates the least leakage power among all the input vectors that satisfy the degradation constraint. We formulate the problem as a zero-one integer linear program and show that this formulation produces input vectors whose leakage power is within 1% of a minimum leakage vector selected by a search algorithm and simultaneously reduces NBTI by about 5.75% of maximum circuit delay as compared to the worst case NBTI degradation. Our paper also proposes two new algorithms for the identification of circuit paths that are affected the most by NBTI degradation. The number of such paths identified by our algorithms are an order of magnitude fewer than previously proposed heuristics.
We consider a fluid queue in discrete time with random service rate. Such a queue has been used in several recent studies on wireless networks where the packets can be arbitrarily fragmented. We provide conditions on finiteness of moments of stationary delay, its Laplace-Stieltjes transform and various approximations under heavy traffic. Results are extended to the case where the wireless link can transmit in only a few slots during a frame.
Cooperative relay communication in a fading channel environment under the orthogonal amplify-and-forward (OAF), non-orthogonal and orthogonal selection decode-and-forward (NSDF and OSDF) protocols is considered here. The diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT) of the three protocols is determined and DMT-optimal distributed space-time code constructions are provided. The codes constructed are sphere decodable and in some instances incur minimum possible delay. Included in our results is the perhaps surprising finding that the OAF and NAF protocols have identical DMT when the time durations of the broadcast and cooperative phases are optimally chosen to suit the respective protocol. Two variants of the NSDF protocol are considered: fixed-NSDF and variable-NSDF protocol. In the variable-NSDF protocol, the fraction of time occupied by the broadcast phase is allowed to vary with multiplexing gain. In the two-relay case, the variable-NSDF protocol is shown to improve on the DMT of the best previously-known static protocol for higher values of multiplexing gain. Our results also establish that the fixed-NSDF protocol has a better DMT than the NAF protocol for any number of relays.
INTACTE: An Interconnect Area, Delay, and Energy Estimation Tool for Microarchitectural Explorations
Prior work on modeling interconnects has focused on optimizing the wire and repeater design for trading off energy and delay, and is largely based on low level circuit parameters. Hence these models are hard to use directly to make high level microarchitectural trade-offs in the initial exploration phase of a design. In this paper, we propose INTACTE, a tool that can be used by architects toget reasonably accurate interconnect area, delay, and power estimates based on a few architecture level parameters for the interconnect such as length, width (in number of bits), frequency, and latency for a specified technology and voltage. The tool uses well known models of interconnect delay and energy taking into account the wire pitch, repeater size, and spacing for a range of voltages and technologies.It then solves an optimization problem of finding the lowest energy interconnect design in terms of the low level circuit parameters, which meets the architectural constraintsgiven as inputs. In addition, the tool also provides the area, energy, and delay for a range of supply voltages and degrees of pipelining, which can be used for micro-architectural exploration of a chip. The delay and energy models used by the tool have been validated against low level circuit simulations. We discuss several potential applications of the tool and present an example of optimizing interconnect design in the context of clustered VLIW architectures. Copyright 2007 ACM.
We consider the classical problem of sequential detection of change in a distribution (from hypothesis 0 to hypothesis 1), where the fusion centre receives vectors of periodic measurements, with the measurements being i.i.d. over time and across the vector components, under each of the two hypotheses. In our problem, the sensor devices ("motes") that generate the measurements constitute an ad hoc wireless network. The motes contend using a random access protocol (such as CSMA/CA) to transmit their measurement packets to the fusion centre. The fusion centre waits for vectors of measurements to accumulate before taking decisions. We formulate the optimal detection problem, taking into account the network delay experienced by the vectors of measurements, and find that, under periodic sampling, the detection delay decouples into network delay and decision delay. We obtain a lower bound on the network delay, and propose a censoring scheme, where lagging sensors drop their delayed observations in order to mitigate network delay. We show that this scheme can achieve the lower bound. This approach is explored via simulation. We also use numerical evaluation and simulation to study issues such as: the optimal sampling rate for a given number of sensors, and the optimal number of sensors for a given measurement rate
An overview of our recent results relating to the explicit construction of space-time block codes achieving the DMG tradeoff of the quasi-static fading channel is presented. The results include the explicit construction of D-MG optimal codes,generalization of perfect codes to any number of transmit antennas as well as optimal diversity-multiplexing-delay constructions for the MIMO ARQ Channel.
We consider a problem of providing mean delay and average throughput guarantees in random access fading wireless channels using CSMA/CA algorithm. This problem becomes much more challenging when the scheduling is distributed as is the case in a typical local area wireless network. We model the CSMA network using a novel queueing network based approach. The optimal throughput per device and throughput optimal policy in an M device network is obtained. We provide a simple contention control algorithm that adapts the attempt probability based on the network load and obtain bounds for the packet transmission delay. The information we make use of is the number of devices in the network and the queue length (delayed) at each device. The proposed algorithms stay within the requirements of the IEEE 802.11 standard.
With the emergence of voltage scaling as one of the most powerful power reduction techniques, it has been important to support voltage scalable statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) in deep submicrometer process nodes. In this paper, we propose a single delay model of logic gate using neural network which comprehensively captures process, voltage, and temperature variation along with input slew and output load. The number of simulation programs with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE) required to create this model over a large voltage and temperature range is found to be modest and 4x less than that required for a conventional table-based approach with comparable accuracy. We show how the model can be used to derive sensitivities required for linear SSTA for an arbitrary voltage and temperature. Our experimentation on ISCAS 85 benchmarks across a voltage range of 0.9-1.1V shows that the average error in mean delay is less than 1.08% and average error in standard deviation is less than 2.85%. The errors in predicting the 99% and 1% probability point are 1.31% and 1%, respectively, with respect to SPICE. The two potential applications of voltage-aware SSTA have been presented, i.e., one for improving the accuracy of timing analysis by considering instance-specific voltage drops in power grids and the other for determining optimum supply voltage for target yield for dynamic voltage scaling applications.
The diversity order and coding gain are crucial for the performance of a multiple antenna communication system. It is known that space-time trellis codes (STTC) can be used to achieve these objectives. In particular, we can use STTCs to obtain large coding gains. Many attempts have been made to construct STTCs which achieve full-diversity and good coding gains, though a general method of construction does not exist. Delay diversity code (rate-1) is known to achieve full-diversity, for any number of transmit antennas and any signal set, but does not give a good coding gain. A product distance code based delay diversity scheme (Tarokh, V. et al., IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol.44, p.744-65, 1998) enables one to improve the coding gain and construct STTCs for any given number of states using coding in conjunction with delay diversity; it was stated as an open problem. We achieve such a construction. We assume a shift register based model to construct an STTC for any state complexity. We derive a sufficient condition for this STTC to achieve full-diversity, based on the delay diversity scheme. This condition provides a framework to do coding in conjunction with delay diversity for any signal constellation. Using this condition, we provide a formal rate-1 STTC construction scheme for PSK signal sets, for any number of transmit antennas and any given number of states, which achieves full-diversity and gives a good coding gain.
In a cooperative relay-assisted communication system that uses rateless codes, packets get transmitted from a source to a destination at a rate that depends on instantaneous channel states of the wireless links between nodes. When multiple relays are present, the relay with the highest channel gain to the source is the first to successfully decode a packet from the source and forward it to the destination. Thus, the unique properties of rateless codes ensure that both rate adaptation and relay selection occur without the transmitting source or relays acquiring instantaneous channel knowledge. In this paper, we show that in such cooperative systems, buffering packets at relays significantly increases throughput. We develop a novel analysis of these systems that combines the communication-theoretic aspects of cooperation over fading channels with the queuing-theoretic aspects associated with buffering. Closed-form expressions are derived for the throughput and end-to-end delay for the general case in which the channels between various nodes are not statistically identical. Corresponding results are also derived for benchmark systems that either do not exploit spatial diversity or do not buffer packets. Altogether, our results show that buffering - a capability that will be commonly available in practical deployments of relays - amplifies the benefits of cooperation.
Several surfactant molecules self-assemble in solution to form long, flexible wormlike micelles which get entangled with each other, leading to viscoelastic gel phases. We discuss our recent work on the rheology of such a gel formed in the dilute aqueous solutions of a surfactant CTAT. In the linear rheology regime, the storage modulus G′(ω) and loss modulus G″(ω) have been measured over a wide frequency range. In the nonlinear regime, the shear stress σ shows a plateau as a function of the shear rate math above a certain cutoff shear rate mathc. Under controlled shear rate conditions in the plateau regime, the shear stress and the first normal stress difference show oscillatory time-dependence. The analysis of the measured time series of shear stress and normal stress has been done using several methods incorporating state space reconstruction by embedding of time delay vectors. The analysis shows the existence of a finite correlation dimension and a positive Lyapunov exponent, unambiguously implying that the dynamics of the observed mechanical instability can be described by that of a dynamical system with a strange attractor of dimension varying from 2.4 to 2.9.
In this paper, we analyze the throughput and energy efficiency performance of user datagram protocol (UDP) using linear, binary exponential, and geometric backoff algorithms at the link layer (LL) on point-to-point wireless fading links. Using a first-order Markov chain representation of the packet success/failure process on fading channels, we derive analytical expressions for throughput and energy efficiency of UDP/LL with and without LL backoff. The analytical results are verified through simulations. We also evaluate the mean delay and delay variation of voice packets and energy efficiency performance over a wireless link that uses UDP for transport of voice packets and the proposed backoff algorithms at the LL. We show that the proposed LL backoff algorithms achieve energy efficiency improvement of the order of 2-3 dB compared to LL with no backoff, without compromising much on the throughput and delay performance at the UDP layer. Such energy savings through protocol means will improve the battery life in wireless mobile terminals.
Ultrasonic C-Scan is used very often to detect flaws and defects in the composite components resulted during fabrication and damages resulting from service conditions. Evaluation and characterization of defects and damages of composites require experience and good understanding of the material as they are distinctly different in composition and behavior as compared to conventional metallic materials. The failure mechanisms in composite materials are quite complex. They involve the interaction of matrix cracking, fiber matrix interface debonding, fiber pullout, fiber fracture and delamination. Generally all of them occur making the stress and failure analysis very complex. Under low-velocity impact loading delamination is observed to be a major failure mode. In composite materials the ultrasonic waves suffer high acoustic attenuation and scattering effect, thus making data interpretation difficult. However these difficulties can be overcome to a greater extent by proper selection of probe, probe parameter settings like pulse width, pulse amplitude, pulse repetition rate, delay, blanking, gain etc., and data processing which includes image processing done on the image obtained by the C-Scan.