947 resultados para Crisis social
Aim: To analyze changes in access to health care and its determinants in the immigrant and native-born populations in Spain, before and during the economic crisis. Methods: Comparative analysis of two iterations of the Spanish National Health Survey (2006 and 2012). Outcome variables were: unmet need and use of different healthcare levels; explanatory variables: need, predisposing and enabling factors. Multivariate models were performed (1) to compare outcome variables in each group between years, (2) to compare outcome variables between both groups within each year, and (3) to determine the factors associated with health service use for each group and year. Results: unmet healthcare needs decreased in 2012 compared to 2006; the use of health services remained constant, with some changes worth highlighting, such as the decline in general practitioner visits among autochthons and a narrowed gap in specialist visits between the two populations. The factors associated with health service use in 2006 remained constant in 2012. Conclusion: Access to healthcare did not worsen, possibly due to the fact that, until 2012, the national health system may have cushioned the deterioration of social determinants as a consequence of the financial crisis. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the effects of health policy responses to the crisis after 2012.
Antecedentes/Objetivos: La distancia de la equidad de género entre los países mejor y peor posicionados ha crecido. España ha empeorado relativamente. La evidencia sugiere que la situación social de las mujeres influye en la salud de ambos sexos y varía al interior de los países. Objetivo: determinar la evolución de la equidad de género en España entre 2006 y 2011. Métodos: Estudio ecológico sobre la equidad de género en España y CC.AA, mediante el cálculo del Índice de Equidad de Género modificado (IEGm) en 2006 y 2011: Diferencias entre las proporciones en hombres (H) y mujeres (M) en educación, economía y empoderamiento (–1: inequidad para las M, 0: equidad y 1: inequidad para los H). Cálculo convergencia beta (): –1: convergencia, 1: no convergencia, mediante correlación de Spearman () entre el valor del IEGm de las CC.AA para 2006 y sus Tasas de crecimiento (TC). Convergencia cuando las CCAA con menor IEGm mejoran más rápido que las más equitativas, en 2011 respecto a 2006. Cálculo convergencia sigma (): 0: convergencia, 1: no convergencia, mediante resta de las desviaciones medianas de las CC.AA en 2006 y 2011. Indica la dispersión de los valores de equidad de género de las CC.AA en 2011 respecto a 2006. Convergencia: valor de 2011 < que en 2006. Resultados: Todas las CC.AA han mejorado su IEGm en 2011 excepto País Vasco (TC = –0,007 × año), Extremadura y Murcia: –0,003 y Canarias: –0,001. No se detecta que las CC.AA. de menor IEGm tengan mayor crecimiento o viceversa (= –0,345, p = 0,2). Pero País Vasco pasa de ocupar la 1ª posición en 2006 a la 11ª, y Navarra que era quien menor IEGm tenía en 2006 (–0,184), en 2011 es la que más mejora (0,018): de 17ª a 5ª posición. En 2011, Galicia, que estaba en la 5ª posición (–0,120), es la CC.AA más paritaria (–0,049), y Murcia la menos (–0,184). En todo caso, la dispersión de los valores del IEGm de las CC.AA no ha variado en 2011 respecto a 2006 (= 2,6 en ambos años). La brecha de género de empoderamiento marca el patrón del IEGm de España en ambos años, en 2011 desfavorable a las M en todas las CC.AA. Aquellas con mejor brecha de género en empoderamiento en 2006 han empeorado en 2011, y las de mayor la han reducido (: –0,574 p = 0,02), implicando reducción en la dispersión entre CC.AA. (= 0,2). Conclusiones: Pese a que la equidad de género no ha crecido en España como en otros países en 2011 respecto a antes de la crisis económica, ésta es alta, al ser sus valores próximos a 0. Tiene un patrón coincidente con el del empoderamiento político, lo que explica el descenso del País Vasco, modelo de desarrollo de género en España, y lo que es importante: la inequidad sigue desfavorable a las mujeres.
Antecedentes/Objetivos: La Ley 1/2004 de atención a la integral a la violencia de género institucionaliza la respuesta sanitaria a este problema. En la actualidad, los servicios sanitarios se están viendo afectados por las políticas de austeridad del gobierno como respuesta a la crisis financiera, lo que puede afectar negativamente a la atención de la violencia de género. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar las percepciones de profesionales sanitarios del nivel gerencial sobre el impacto de la crisis económica en la respuesta sanitaria a la violencia de género en España. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo con 26 entrevistas individuales a informantes clave del nivel gerencial, 23 de las 17 Comunidades Autónomas y 3 del nivel nacional, entre julio de 2012 a marzo de 2013. Las transcripciones se importaron al software informático Atlas.ti-5 y se realizó un análisis de contenido cualitativo. Resultados: Se identificaron 4 categorías que explican las consecuencias de las políticas de austeridad en la atención sanitaria de la violencia de género. Tres de ellas hacen referencia a los efectos negativos: Desmotivación y pesimismo para avanzar en la integración de la respuesta a la violencia; Un sistema desbordado por los recortes y presión asistencial; y Necesidad de una mayor implicación por parte del personal sanitario para suplir las carencias del sistema. Una cuarta categoría concibe la crisis como oportunidad: El desafío es mantener y no desmantelar, una visión optimista de la crisis como un reto para afianzar lo que hay. Las personas implicadas luchan para mantener el abordaje de la violencia en las agendas, movidas por su motivación personal, pero sienten que es luchar contra un muro o ir contracorriente porque no se ha producido una integración oficial en la práctica sino sólo en la teoría, a raíz de la ley 1/2004 y las políticas de igualdad impulsadas por el anterior gobierno. Todo ello se ve dificultado por la desaparición de las subvenciones estatales para la formación y sensibilización, implantación de protocolos o creación de sistemas de información, junto a que no está en la cartera de servicios de las comunidades. Conclusiones: Continuar con la integración del abordaje de la violencia de género en el sistema de salud en época de crisis no es una prioridad. Los hallazgos sugieren que la motivación individual trata de compensar las deficiencias en el sistema existente, pero que el voluntarismo de las personas individuales no es suficiente sin estructuras organizativas que les respalden, lo que se ve especialmente dificultado en tiempos de crisis.
Antecedentes/Objetivos: El consumo de alimentos es un indicador que mide calidad de la dieta y estado nutricional. El consumo está influido directamente por la estructura de precios relativos a los alimentos. El objetivo es determinar y comparar la calidad de la dieta de la población española entre los años 2006 y 2011, y su relación con las variables socioeconómicas. Métodos: Estudio trasversal utilizando los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (ENS) 2006 y 2011. La muestra de la ENS-06 está compuesta por 29.478 personas, mujeres 15.019; hombres 14.459, y la del 2011 por 20.884 personas, mujeres 10.696; hombres 10.188. Variables: sexo, edad, grupos de alimentos, frecuencia de consumo, clase social (clase I, II y III hacen referencia a trabajos no manuales, clase IV y V trabajos manuales) y nivel de estudios. Se calculó el Índice de Alimentación Saludable (IASE) a partir de los grupos de alimentos, frecuencia de consumo y recomendaciones dietéticas (SENC, 2004). El IASE clasifica la alimentación en: saludable, necesita cambios y poco saludable. Se calculó la tasa de variación entre los dos años y se realizó un contraste de proporciones. Se utilizó el programa Excel y el paquete estadístico SPSS 20.0. Resultados: La prevalencia de hombres con alimentación saludable ha aumentado 7,6% respecto al 2006 (p-valor = 0,001), mientras que las mujeres con alimentación poco saludable ha aumentado 3,7%. Las personas de 45-64 años con una alimentación poco saludable han aumentado un 42,9% respecto al 2006 (p-valor = 0,001). Sin embargo los jóvenes de 16-24 años con alimentación poco saludable han disminuido un 29,5% (p-valor < 0,001). La población sin estudios con una alimentación poco saludable ha aumentado un 76,5% (p-valor < 0,001). La población con trabajos no manuales (clase I), como directivos de empresas que se alimentan saludablemente ha aumentado 14,3% respecto al 2006 (p-valor = 0,001), y la población con trabajos manuales (clase IV) que se alimenta saludablemente ha disminuido un 9,9%. Conclusiones: Las personas con mejores trabajos no-manuales han mejorado su alimentación, mientras que la población con trabajos manuales con alimentación poco saludable también han aumentado. La crisis económica actual puede estar influyendo en los cambios observados en la calidad de la dieta de la población española.
Introduction: Since 2008, Spain has been in the throes of an economic crisis. This recession particularly affects the living conditions of vulnerable populations, and has also led to a reversal in social policies and a reduction in resources. In this context, the aim of this study was to explore intimate partner violence (IPV) service providers’ perceptions of the impact of the current economic crisis on these resources in Spain and on their capacity to respond to immigrant women’s needs experiencing IPV. Methods: A qualitative study was performed based on 43 semi-structured in-depth interviews to social workers, psychologists, intercultural mediators, judges, lawyers, police officers and health professionals from different services dealing with IPV (both, public and NGO’s) and cities in Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Alicante) in 2011. Transcripts were imported into qualitative analysis software (Atlas.ti), and analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results: We identified four categories related to the perceived impact of the current economic crisis: a) “Immigrant women have it harder now”, b) “IPV and immigration resources are the first in line for cuts”, c) “ Fewer staff means a less effective service” and d) “Equality and IPV policies are no longer a government priority”. A cross-cutting theme emerged from these categories: immigrant women are triply affected; by IPV, by the crisis, and by structural violence. Conclusion: The professionals interviewed felt that present resources in Spain are insufficient to meet the needs of immigrant women, and that the situation might worsen in the future.
Background: Migrant workers have been one of the groups most affected by the economic crisis. This study evaluates the influence of changes in employment conditions on the incidence of poor mental health of immigrant workers in Spain, after a period of 3 years, in context of economic crisis. Methods: Follow-up survey was conducted at two time points, 2008 and 2011, with a reference population of 318 workers from Colombia, Ecuador, Morocco and Romania residing in Spain. Individuals from this population who reported good mental health in the 2008 survey (n = 214) were interviewed again in 2011 to evaluate their mental health status and the effects of their different employment situations since 2008 by calculating crude and adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for sociodemographic and employment characteristics. Findings: There was an increased risk of poor mental health in workers who lost their jobs (aOR = 3.62, 95%CI: 1.64–7.96), whose number of working hours increased (aOR = 2.35, 95%CI: 1.02–5.44), whose monthly income decreased (aOR = 2.75, 95%CI: 1.08–7.00) or who remained within the low-income bracket. This was also the case for people whose legal status (permission for working and residing in Spain) was temporary or permanent compared with those with Spanish nationality (aOR = 3.32, 95%CI: 1.15–9.58) or illegal (aOR = 17.34, 95%CI: 1.96–153.23). In contrast, a decreased risk was observed among those who attained their registration under Spanish Social Security system (aOR = 0.10, 95%CI: 0.02–0.48). Conclusion: There was an increase in poor mental health among immigrant workers who experienced deterioration in their employment conditions, probably influenced by the economic crisis.
Current economic crisis together with the Internet revolution has had direct impacts on the franchise sector of Spain: in particular on its unique communication network. The aim of this research is to analyse how Spanish franchise companies have adapted to these changes through its corporate communications management. We want to determine whether the management of communications is ideal to the growth and consolidation of companies in the market. Corporate communications plans and organizational structures were analyzed to verify whether or not information technology (i.e. the use of the Internet) is maximized: the communications aspect being a critical area of company growth. We found that most franchise companies surveyed had adapted well to the changes in information technology, despite economic challenges. The Internet as a communications tool has been limited to its utility as a “bulletin board” for information. The marketing advantage of Internet communication, or its use as an avenue for customer exchange and exchange of goods and services has yet to be maximized. Future research may look into the details of how companies are able to maximize the communications-marketing advantage that Online/Internet can contribute to the franchise sector.
Background: The immigrant population living in Spain grew exponentially in the early 2000s but has been particularly affected by the economic crisis. This study aims to analyse health inequalities between immigrants born in middle- or low-income countries and natives in Spain, in 2006 and 2012, taking into account gender, year of arrival and socioeconomic exposures. Methods: Study of trends using two cross-sections, the 2006 and 2012 editions of the Spanish National Health Survey, including residents in Spain aged 15–64 years (20 810 natives and 2950 immigrants in 2006, 14 291 natives and 2448 immigrants in 2012). Fair/poor self-rated health, poor mental health (GHQ-12 > 2), chronic activity limitation and use of psychotropic drugs were compared between natives and immigrants who arrived in Spain before 2006, adjusting robust Poisson regression models for age and socioeconomic variables to obtain prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: Inequalities in poor self-rated health between immigrants and natives tend to increase among women (age-adjusted PR2006 = 1.39; 95% CI: 1.24–1.56, PR2012 = 1.56; 95% CI: 1.33–1.82). Among men, there is a new onset of inequalities in poor mental health (PR2006 = 1.10; 95% CI: 0.86–1.40, PR2012 = 1.34; 95% CI: 1.06–1.69) and an equalization of the previously lower use of psychotropic drugs (PR2006 = 0.22; 95% CI: 0.11–0.43, PR2012 = 1.20; 95% CI: 0.73–2.01). Conclusions: Between 2006 and 2012, immigrants who arrived in Spain before 2006 appeared to worsen their health status when compared with natives. The loss of the healthy immigrant effect in the context of a worse impact of the economic crisis on immigrants appears as potential explanation. Employment, social protection and re-universalization of healthcare would prevent further deterioration of immigrants’ health status.
The crisis affecting European Union, and especially Mediterranean countries, is both an economic and a political crisis. In a broad sense, we can look at the crisis as the result of an internal crisis of the neoliberal model, exacerbating the perceived subordination of politics to the economy, and therefore the deficit of legitimacy and involvement that characterizes both European and national institutions. The decline in support for traditional political organizations and reduction of conventional political participation is accompanied by a process of reinvention of politics, which takes form in grass-root, non conventional participation. New political actors challenge economic and political institution and claim for a renewal of democracy and for a new relation between economy and politics. The article, after comparing steps and dimension of crisis, explores the characteristics of anti- austerity movements in Spain and in Italy, analyzing differences and similarities. Finally, we locate the movilization occurred in these two countries within the context of the global cycles of protest.
Nowadays, online media represent a great choice for advertising. From de advertising media planning, new media give new ways to reach the consumers, but they also add more complexity. The communication capacity of online media and the greater use of that media by part of the users open up the debate about the necessity of rethinking the approach of the ‘traditional’ advertising media planning, which structure and work processes were developed when media were offline. So, this article gives a panoramic view about the influence of new media in advertising media planning. To do this, in first place, describes the current scenario, analyzing the penetration and advertising expenditure in Internet. Also, it shows the main online media according to their proximity to the offline advertising media planning conception. In second place, this article addresses the current challenges at measuring new media as a symptom of the impulse at the change of model. Finally, the article ends up showing some trends that are presented as drivers of change. However, after this analysis, comes up the point that those aspects would not change the essence of advertising media planning, so it is questionable if we can speak of a crisis or, instead, if new media are showing the necessity that media planning have to be involved with this new scenario.
Durante los últimos meses, las noticias sobre vacunas en los medios de comunicación han tenido una significativa visibilidad en España. Distintas vacunas han acaparado titulares con trasfondo polémico. Se ha debatido sobre la baja adherencia a la vacuna antigripal o sobre la conveniencia de incluir las vacunas contra el neumococo y la varicela en el calendario infantil. Asimismo, el caso de difteria en Olot ha señalado a las minorías que rechazan la vacunación y reabierto la discusión sobre la obligatoriedad frente a la recomendación. Este controvertido panorama ha desbordado el espacio de los/las expertos/as y se ha trasladado al espacio público, amplificado por el activismo de las redes sociales. El resultado de esta difusión ha mostrado contradicciones entre expertos/as, desconcierto en la población y una aparente merma de crédito de las vacunas, que parecen afectadas por una crisis de confianza. El debate puede analizarse considerando la percepción general sobre las ventajas y la efectividad de las vacunas, las preocupaciones sobre su seguridad y, finalmente, los enfoques emitidos por sus diferentes actores.
Aunque el elevado número de migrantes y refugiados que llegaron a Europa en 2015 ha hecho que la tensión y las presiones se incrementen, esta crisis no supera la capacidad de Europa de gestionarla de forma conjunta como Unión. Necesitamos un pensamiento y una acción que sean osados y colectivos para desarrollar un enfoque verdaderamente global.
La comunidad internacional ha estado probando una respuesta humanitaria, de desarrollo y de gobierno integral en la crisis en la región de Siria.
Com advento da crise ecológica lançada na atualidade, a sociedade se deparou com o maior desafio no que tange mudar as suas ações frente a esta questão. Diante de tal crise a qual consideramos socioambiental, o Serviço Social que como profissão se inscreve no tecido das relações sociais, não deve ficar alheio a essa questão. A finalidade desse estudo baseia-se na analise da questão ambiental nos tempos atuais numa contextualização sócio-histórica, bem como sobre a possibilidade da profissão contribuir a partir da atuação como educadores e sensibilizadores da questão socioambiental.
The thousands of books and articles on Charles de Gaulle's policy toward European integration, whether written by historians, social scientists, or commentators, universally accord primary explanatory importance to the General's distinctive geopolitical ideology. In explaining his motivations, only secondary significance, if any at all, is attached to commercial considerations. This paper seeks to reverse this historiographical consensus by examining the four major decisions toward European integration during de Gaulle's presidency: the decisions to remain in the Common Market in 1958, to propose the Foucher Plan in the early 1960s, to veto British accession to the EC, and to provoke the "empty chair" crisis in 1965-1966, resulting in the "Luxembourg Compromise." In each case, the overwhelming bulk of the primary evidence-speeches, memoirs, or government documents-suggests that de Gaulle's primary motivation was economic, not geopolitical or ideological. Like his predecessors and successors, de Gaulle sought to promote French industry and agriculture by establishing protected markets for their export products. This empirical finding has three broader implications: (1) For those interesred in the European Union, it suggests that regional integration has been driven primarily by economic, not geopolitical considerations--even in the "least likely" case. (2) For those interested in the role of ideas in foreign policy, it suggests that strong interest groups in a democracy limit the impact of a leader's geopolitical ideology--even where the executive has very broad institutional autonomy. De Gaulle was a democratic statesman first and an ideological visionary second. (3) For those who employ qualitative case-study methods, it suggests that even a broad, representative sample of secondary sources does not create a firm basis for causal inference. For political scientists, as for historians, there is in many cases no reliable alternative to primary-source research.