890 resultados para Craft specialization


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P>1. Much of the current understanding of ecological systems is based on theory that does not explicitly take into account individual variation within natural populations. However, individuals may show substantial variation in resource use. This variation in turn may be translated into topological properties of networks that depict interactions among individuals and the food resources they consume (individual-resource networks). 2. Different models derived from optimal diet theory (ODT) predict highly distinct patterns of trophic interactions at the individual level that should translate into distinct network topologies. As a consequence, individual-resource networks can be useful tools in revealing the incidence of different patterns of resource use by individuals and suggesting their mechanistic basis. 3. In the present study, using data from several dietary studies, we assembled individual-resource networks of 10 vertebrate species, previously reported to show interindividual diet variation, and used a network-based approach to investigate their structure. 4. We found significant nestedness, but no modularity, in all empirical networks, indicating that (i) these populations are composed of both opportunistic and selective individuals and (ii) the diets of the latter are ordered as predictable subsets of the diets of the more opportunistic individuals. 5. Nested patterns are a common feature of species networks, and our results extend its generality to trophic interactions at the individual level. This pattern is consistent with a recently proposed ODT model, in which individuals show similar rank preferences but differ in their acceptance rate for alternative resources. Our findings therefore suggest a common mechanism underlying interindividual variation in resource use in disparate taxa.


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Peponapis bees are considered specialized pollinators of Cucurbita flowers, a genus that presents several species of economic value (squashes and pumpkins). Both genera originated in the Americas, and their diversity dispersion center is in Mexico. Ten species of Peponapis and ten species of Cucurbita (only non-domesticated species) were analyzed considering the similarity of their ecological niche characteristics with respect to climatic conditions of their occurrence areas (abiotic variables) and interactions between species (biotic variables). The similarity of climatic conditions (temperature and precipitation) was estimated through cluster analyses. The areas of potential occurrence of the most similar species were obtained through ecological niche modeling and summed with geographic information system tools. Three main clusters were obtained: one with species that shared potential occurrence areas mainly in deserts (P. pruinosa, P. timberlakei, C. digitata, C. palmata, C. foetidissima), another in moist forests (P. limitaris, P. atrata, C. lundelliana, C. o. martinezii) and a third mainly in dry forests (C. a. sororia, C. radicans, C. pedatifolia, P. azteca, P. smithi, P. crassidentata, P. utahensis). Some species with similar ecological niche presented potential shared areas that are also similar to their geographical distribution, like those occurring predominantly on deserts. However, some clustered species presented larger geographical areas, such as P. pruinosa and C. foetidissima suggesting other drivers than climatic conditions to shape their distributions. The domestication of Cucurbita and also the natural history of both genera were considered also as important factors. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the evolution of anuran locomotor performance and its morphological correlates as a function of habitat use and lifestyles. We reanalysed a subset of the data reported by Zug (Smithson. Contrib. Zool. 1978; 276: 1-31) employing phylogenetically explicit statistical methods (n = 56 species), and assembled morphological data on the ratio between hind-limb length and snout-vent length (SVL) from the literature and museum specimens for a large subgroup of the species from the original paper (n = 43 species). Analyses using independent contrasts revealed that classifying anurans into terrestrial, semi-aquatic, and arboreal categories cannot distinguish between the effects of phylogeny and ecological diversification in anuran locomotor performance. However, a more refined classification subdividing terrestrial species into `fossorials` and `non-fossorials`, and arboreal species into `open canopy`, `low canopy` and `high canopy`, suggests that part of the variation in locomotor performance and in hind-limb morphology can be attributed to ecological diversification. In particular, fossorial species had significantly lower jumping performances and shorter hind limbs than other species after controlling for SVL, illustrating how the trade-off between burrowing efficiency and jumping performance has resulted in morphological specialization in this group.


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Social organization enables leaf-cutting ants to keep appropriate micro-ecological nest conditions for the fungus garden (their main food), eggs, larvae and adults. To maintain stability while facing changing conditions, individual ants must perceive destabilising factors and produce a proper behavioral response. We investigated behavioral responses to experimental dehydration in leaf-cutting ants to verify if task specialization exists, and to quantify the ability of ant sub-colonies for water management. Our setup consisted of fourteen sub-colonies, ten of which were randomly assigned to different levels of experimental dehydration with silica gel, whereas the remaining four were controls. The ten experimental sub-colonies were split into two groups, so that five of them had access to water. Diverse ant morphs searched for water in dehydrated colonies, but mainly a caste of small ants collected water after sources had been discovered. Size specialization for water collection was replicable in shorter experiments with three additional colonies. Ants of dehydrated colonies accumulated leaf-fragments on the nest entrance, and covering the fungus garden. Behaviors that may enhance humidity within the nests were common to all dehydration treatments. Water availability increased the life span of dehydrated colonies.


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Leaves comprise most of the vegetative body of tank bromeliads and are usually subjected to strong longitudinal gradients. For instance, while the leaf base is in contact with the water accumulated in the tank, the more light-exposed middle and upper leaf sections have no direct access to this water reservoir. Therefore, the present study attempted to investigate whether different leaf portions of Guzmania monostachia, a tank-forming C(3)-CAM bromeliad, play distinct physiological roles in response to water shortage, which is a major abiotic constraint in the epiphytic habitat. Internal and external morphological features, relative water content, pigment composition and the degree of CAM expression were evaluated in basal, middle and apical leaf portions in order to allow the establishment of correlations between the structure and the functional importance of each leaf region. Results indicated that besides marked structural differences, a high level of functional specialization is also present along the leaves of this bromeliad. When the tank water was depleted, the abundant hydrenchyma of basal leaf portions was the main reservoir for maintaining a stable water status in the photosynthetic tissues of the apical region. In contrast, the CAM pathway was intensified specifically in the upper leaf section, which is in agreement with the presence of features more suitable for the occurrence of photosynthesis at this portion. Gas exchange data indicated that internal recycling of respiratory CO(2) accounted for virtually all nighttime acid accumulation, characterizing a typical CAM-idling pathway in the drought-exposed plants. Altogether, these data reveal a remarkable physiological complexity along the leaves of G. monostachia, which might be a key adaptation to the intermittent water supply of the epiphytic niche. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Divorces and separations: the impact of role specialisation and equality At the same time as women made their large scale entrance on the labour market divorce rates increased in most western societies. This combination of societal trends was widely understood from the perspective of the specialization and trading model, which implies undermined marital stability through decreasing interdependency between husband and wife. We argue the need to acknowledge the new roles, and perceptions of these roles, men and women have in order to explain differences in separation and stability among couples. When both partners are expecting to be in paid labour and share housework responsibilities, specialisation could actually be a risk factor for cohabitational dissolution. This article uses a ten year longitudinal database of all Swedish cohabiting first time parents in 1993. The analyses generally support what could be labelled a role balance model on separation rather than the specialization model. Looking at the father’s participation in childcare this was quite clear, where the man’s outtake of parental leave for the first child was shown to be related to reduced hazards of separation. In the same way equal distribution of the household labour market incomes between the partners was related to lower hazards of separation.


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In 1982, Greek shipping plunged into a severe crisis: the size of the fleet declined dramatically and over 30% of the fleet was laid-up. catapulting many shipping companies into bankruptcy. The causes of the crisis were: The world recession, leading to regulation, protectionism, subsidization. and the growth of new competition in the tramp shipping market. The erosion of the cost differential between Greek shipping and other maritime nations of the world. The specialization and containerization of the world fleet. The old age and other characteristics of the Greek fleet, which exacerbated the crisis. Greek shipping, with its long history and the expertise, diligence, and supreme opportunism of its dynamic shipowners, will survive the crisis.


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This photo of the Lithographic Technical Forum shows the booth of the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. The foundation was founded in 1924 to foster research and education in the lithography industry. The slogan "Research to improve lithography . . . Education to improve craft skill" can be seen at the very top of the booth. A group of people are depicted looking at the range of educational material about lithography on display. Black and white photograph.


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After receiving tenure, faculty acquire new responsibilities, experience less pressure to produce research, and receive significantly less guidance than during the probationary period. Despite these changes, few institutions provide intensive support to newly-tenured faculty. This report highlights institutional efforts to support this faculty cohort and to encourage newly-tenured faculty to craft professional goals that will lead to outstanding research and promotion to full professor. Differences between pre-tenure and tenured faculty responsibilities and professional challenges are also explored.


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As frondes de Rumohra adiantiformis (G.Forest.) Ching, conhecida como “leatherleaf”, “seven-weeks-fern” ou samambaia-preta, são usadas mundialmente em arranjos florais. Na África do Sul e Brasil o comércio da espécie é baseado no extrativismo. No Brasil a coleta é realizada em áreas de Mata Atlântica, sendo que 50% da produção provém das áreas de capoeira das encostas da Serra Geral no Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Atualmente, cerca de 2.000 famílias de agricultores familiares vivem nestas áreas, tendo no extrativismo sua principal fonte de renda. No entanto no RS a coleta, o comércio e o transporte de plantas ornamentais nativas são proibidos, já que nesta zona de transição da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica (Maquiné, RS) há grandes restrições quanto à exploração dos recursos naturais. O êxodo rural e o próprio extrativismo estabelecido a partir da década de 70, permitiram a regeneração da Floresta Ombrófila Densa. Como a espécie é característica de estágios sucessionais iniciais, a regeneração florestal está levando à diminuição dos estoques naturais. Este trabalho se propôs a identificar alternativas econômicas para diversificação da economia de famílias de extrativistas, no intuito de minimizar a tensão associada à diminuição dos estoques naturais de samambaia-preta, às dificuldades no manejo da terra e à legislação ambiental. Junto à comunidade extrativista do distrito de Solidão (Maquiné) foram coletados dados etnobiológicos sobre plantas medicinais e plantas relacionadas ao artesanato. As principais espécies identificadas foram: Bambusa tuldoides (taquareira, colmo), Clytostoma sciuripabulum (cipó-branco, caule), Cyperus prolixus (tiririca, partes aéreas), Musa acuminata (bananeira, palha), Scirpus californicus (junco, partes aéreas), Typha dominguensis (taboa, partes aéreas), sendo que Macfadyena dentata (cipó-unha-de-gato, caule), Roupala brasiliensis (carvalho-brasileiro, folhas) e Tillandsia usneoides (barbade- pau, planta inteira) são as espécies prioritárias para a avaliação da sustentabilidade do extrativismo. Os dados etnobiológicos e ecológicos mostram que é possível estabelecer o manejo sustentável da R. adiantiformis. Os maiores entraves para o estabelecimento do manejo sustentado para as espécies identificadas incluem: a) estabelecer as bases de manejo sustentável destas espécies; b) compatibilizar esta atividade extrativista com o atual Código Florestal Estadual. Plantas medicinais não parecem ser uma alternativa viável a curto prazo, enquanto o artesanato requer a adequação da atividade artesanal no meio rural com os direitos à aposentadoria rural.


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In this paper we analyze the optimality of allowing firms to observe signals of workers’ characteristics in an optimal taxation framework. We show that it is always optimal to prohibit signals that disclose information about differences in the intrinsic productivities of workers like mandatory health exams and IQ tests, for example. On the other hand, it is never optimal to forbid signals that reveal information about the comparative advantages of workers like their specialization and profession. When signals are mixed (they disclose both types of information), there is a trade-off between efficiency and equity. It is optimal to prohibit signals with sufficiently low comparative advantage content.


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Este relatório intitulado “Pesquisa sobre o ECR na Relação Fornecedor X Atacadista no Brasil”, foi desenvolvido pelo Professor Manoel de Andrade e Silva Reis, para o Núcleo de Pesquisas e Projetos (NPP) da Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo. Inicialmente apresenta alguns conceitos importantes para o entendimento do texto e faz considerações gerais sobre o ECR no Brasil e seu histórico. A principal parte do trabalho é a pesquisa realizada com 10 FORNECEDORES e 20 ATACADISTAS, sendo que 60% dos FORNECEDORES e 40% dos ATACADISTAS responderam aos questionários. As principais conclusões da pesquisa são: 1) Existem sérios obstáculos a transpor para a implantação abrangente do ECR na relação FORNECEDOR X ATACADISTA no Brasil, como: a) O setor ATACADISTA tem um forte preconceito com relação ao ECR, pelo receio de perda de mercado com a implantação de uma nova forma de fazer negócio. Isso evita que seus membros aprofundem o conhecimento das suas estratégias e ferramentas; b) Empresas ATACADISTAS tendem a ser muito fechadas, dificilmente abrindo suas informações para fornecedores, um dos requisitos básicos para a implantação bem sucedida do ECR. Têm também grande rivalidade com seus pares ATACADISTAS. c) O setor ATACADISTA desconfia das verdadeiras intenções dos FORNECEDORES. Há ATACADISTAS que chegaram a implantar uma ferramenta do ECR para teste e desistiram, por sentirem que os FORNECEDORES fogem aos acordos estabelecidos, visando, em especial, preencher as cotas de venda. 2) Na opinião das empresas ATACADISTAS, a sobrevivência setor depende de fatores como: a) Necessidade de uma radical mudança cultural das empresas, de forma a adotar os conceitos de compra e venda necessários no ECR; b) Necessidade de especialização em canais escolhidos e nos produtos característicos dos mesmos, visando tornar-se especialista na sua comercialização; c) Gestão mais adequada dos níveis de estoque; d) Maior agilidade no acesso ao pequeno varejo. 3) Fatores que podem aumentar a atratividade do setor ATACADISTA para os FORNECEDORES: a) Redução do número de transações; b) Redução dos custos pelos elevados volumes; c) Prestação de serviços ao pequeno varejo (devoluções, trocas, promoções, treinamento e incentivos); d) Pulverização das vendas.


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This research was as principal interest to verify the motives the prominence of crescent outstanding of distance education in brazilian higher education. To make real the study were used the bibliographical and field researches. The bibliographical informations permitted to conclude that the total success of distance education in Brazil strikes against two obstacles: the digital exclusion and illiteracy. These, in turn, have created another problem called today digital illiteracy. Although there are those limitations, by the data about distance education in the country, it is patent that this modality of education is gaining more and more space in brazilian educational process. It has to detach that the greatest concentration of distance courses accredited in Brazil occurs in higher education. Today, distance courses at this level in the country are authorized in sequential, graduation, specialization, master and doctorate areas. The field research led to confirm practically all suppositions about the increase of distance education in higher education, proposed in anticipation. The flexibility that makes possible the transmission of knowledge at any place and time and the new technologies, chiefly the Internet, were the factors that more impelled the increase of distance education in brazilian higher teaching. Meanwhile, the quality improving of the courses was the less significative in respect to the growth of distance education it the higher level in Brazil. But, this fact does not signify that the distance higher courses have not quality. On the contrary, the courses are ministered by professionals of confirmed competence. What can still legitimize the presence of quality in distance higher teaching is its exponential growth in the country. Moreover, the importance attributed to the pedagogical project well planned in distance higher courses demonstrates the interest by excellence in the distance learning. Certainly, when a pedagogical project is well delineated, at any level of distance teaching, the trend of quality is perfect itself.


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O mercado exige cada vez mais o aperfeiçoamento das organizações, inclusive às de pequeno porte, haja visto que as empresas de pequeno porte estão aumentando sua área de atingimento e consequêntemente necessitam de maiores controles gerenciais. No que tange ao controle econômico-financeiro, não basta o administrador apenas prestar atenção nos valores movimentados, mas sim ter cuidado especial em sua base de dados que gera as informações para as decisões, isso recai sobre o sistema de custos na empresa. O sistema de custos é formado pelos princípios e métodos que auxiliarão na formação de preços, que também além do mercado, sofre influência do fluxo de caixa que por sua vez decorre em função do ciclo operacional realizado. Por isso da necessidade do aperfeiçoamento do administrado da empresa de pequeno porte, para poder implementar uma Gestão Financeira eficaz que possua controle sobre todas essas nunces citadas. O presente trablho buscou discernir de forma objetiva a parte teórica e tembém através de um modelo a parte prática dessa integração de informações criando um modelo de Gestão Financeira.


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Este trabalho procura analisar o papel da Comissão Nacional de Residência Médica (CNRM) como órgão responsável pela principal modalidade de especialização médica no Brasil. Para tanto faz-se uma revisão analítica da Residência Médica (RM) como política pública, seu traçado histórico e evolutivo, bem como da própria CNRM, desde a sua criação em 1977 até o ano de 1995, levando em consideração, tanto aspectos político-administrativos, quanto técnico-educacionais, considerados de importância relativos ao tema. Quanto à utilização de material adequado para a realização desta pesquisa buscou-se aproveitar dados de natureza bibliográfica e documental como base para uma abordagem mais ampla da questão, sendo, entretanto, dado ênfase à análise dos dados através do método de pesquisa qualitativa, pôr intermédio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas pessoais. Ao final promove-se algumas considerações, procurando vislumbrar alguns pontos que possam servir de consideração para uma melhor reflexão sobre a gestão da RM no Brasil.