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We study the linear m= 1 counter-rotating instability in a two-component, nearly Keplerian disc. Our goal is to understand these slow modes in discs orbiting massive black holes in galactic nuclei. They are of interest not only because they are of large spatial scale and can hence dominate observations but also because they can be growing modes that are readily excited by accretion events. Self-gravity being non-local, the eigenvalue problem results in a pair of coupled integral equations, which we derive for a two-component softened gravity disc. We solve this integral eigenvalue problem numerically for various values of mass fraction in the counter-rotating component. The eigenvalues are in general complex, being real only in the absence of the counter-rotating component, or imaginary when both components have identical surface density profiles. Our main results are as follows: (i) the pattern speed appears to be non-negative, with the growth (or damping) rate being larger for larger values of the pattern speed; (ii) for a given value of the pattern speed, the growth (or damping) rate increases as the mass in the counter-rotating component increases; (iii) the number of nodes of the eigenfunctions decreases with increasing pattern speed and growth rate. Observations of lopsided brightness distributions would then be dominated by modes with the least number of nodes, which also possess the largest pattern speeds and growth rates.


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Plasmonic interactions in a well-defined array of metallic nanoparticles can lead to interesting optical effects, such as local electric field enhancement and shifts in the extinction spectra, which are of interest in diverse technological applications, including those pertaining to biochemical sensing and photonic circuitry. Here, we report on a single-step wafer scale fabrication of a three-dimensional array of metallic nanoparticles whose sizes and separations can be easily controlled to be anywhere between fifty to a few hundred nanometers, allowing the optical response of the system to be tailored with great control in the visible region of the spectrum. The substrates, apart from having a large surface area, are inherently porous and therefore suitable for optical sensing applications, such as surface enhanced Raman scattering, containing a high density of spots with enhanced local electric fields arising from plasmonic couplings.


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Critical applications like cyclone tracking and earthquake modeling require simultaneous high-performance simulations and online visualization for timely analysis. Faster simulations and simultaneous visualization enable scientists provide real-time guidance to decision makers. In this work, we have developed an integrated user-driven and automated steering framework that simultaneously performs numerical simulations and efficient online remote visualization of critical weather applications in resource-constrained environments. It considers application dynamics like the criticality of the application and resource dynamics like the storage space, network bandwidth and available number of processors to adapt various application and resource parameters like simulation resolution, simulation rate and the frequency of visualization. We formulate the problem of finding an optimal set of simulation parameters as a linear programming problem. This leads to 30% higher simulation rate and 25-50% lesser storage consumption than a naive greedy approach. The framework also provides the user control over various application parameters like region of interest and simulation resolution. We have also devised an adaptive algorithm to reduce the lag between the simulation and visualization times. Using experiments with different network bandwidths, we find that our adaptive algorithm is able to reduce lag as well as visualize the most representative frames.


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Levy flights can be described using a Fokker-Planck equation, which involves a fractional derivative operator in the position coordinate. Such an operator has its natural expression in the Fourier domain. Starting with this, we show that the solution of the equation can be written as a Hamiltonian path integral. Though this has been realized in the literature, the method has not found applications as the path integral appears difficult to evaluate. We show that a method in which one integrates over the position coordinates first, after which integration is performed over the momentum coordinates, can be used to evaluate several path integrals that are of interest. Using this, we evaluate the propagators for (a) free particle, (b) particle subjected to a linear potential, and (c) harmonic potential. In all the three cases, we have obtained results for both overdamped and underdamped cases. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.061105


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The solid phase formed by a binary mixture of oppositely charged colloidal particles can be either substitutionally ordered or substitutionally disordered depending on the nature and strength of interactions among the particles. In this work, we use Monte Carlo molecular simulations along with the Gibbs-Duhem integration technique to map out the favorable inter-particle interactions for the formation of substitutionally ordered crystalline phases from a fluid phase. The inter-particle interactions are modeled using the hard core Yukawa potential but the method can be easily extended to other systems of interest. The study obtains a map of interactions depicting regions indicating the type of the crystalline aggregate that forms upon phase transition.


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Many networks such as social networks and organizational networks in global companies consist of self-interested agents. The topology of these networks often plays a crucial role in important tasks such as information diffusion and information extraction. Consequently, growing a stable network having a certain topology is of interest. Motivated by this, we study the following important problem: given a certain desired network topology, under what conditions would best response (link addition/deletion) strategies played by self-interested agents lead to formation of a stable network having that topology. We study this interesting reverse engineering problem by proposing a natural model of recursive network formation and a utility model that captures many key features. Based on this model, we analyze relevant network topologies and derive a set of sufficient conditions under which these topologies emerge as pairwise stable networks, wherein no node wants to delete any of its links and no two nodes would want to create a link between them.


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The moments of the hadronic spectral functions are of interest for the extraction of the strong coupling alpha(s) and other QCD parameters from the hadronic decays of the tau lepton. Motivated by the recent analyses of a large class of moments in the standard fixed-order and contour-improved perturbation theories, we consider the perturbative behavior of these moments in the framework of a QCD nonpower perturbation theory, defined by the technique of series acceleration by conformal mappings, which simultaneously implements renormalization-group summation and has a tame large-order behavior. Two recently proposed models of the Adler function are employed to generate the higher-order coefficients of the perturbation series and to predict the exact values of the moments, required for testing the properties of the perturbative expansions. We show that the contour-improved nonpower perturbation theories and the renormalization-group-summed nonpower perturbation theories have very good convergence properties for a large class of moments of the so-called ``reference model,'' including moments that are poorly described by the standard expansions. The results provide additional support for the plausibility of the description of the Adler function in terms of a small number of dominant renormalons.


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Networks such as organizational network of a global company play an important role in a variety of knowledge management and information diffusion tasks. The nodes in these networks correspond to individuals who are self-interested. The topology of these networks often plays a crucial role in deciding the ease and speed with which certain tasks can be accomplished using these networks. Consequently, growing a stable network having a certain topology is of interest. Motivated by this, we study the following important problem: given a certain desired network topology, under what conditions would best response (link addition/deletion) strategies played by self-interested agents lead to formation of a pairwise stable network with only that topology. We study this interesting reverse engineering problem by proposing a natural model of recursive network formation. In this model, nodes enter the network sequentially and the utility of a node captures principal determinants of network formation, namely (1) benefits from immediate neighbors, (2) costs of maintaining links with immediate neighbors, (3) benefits from indirect neighbors, (4) bridging benefits, and (5) network entry fee. Based on this model, we analyze relevant network topologies such as star graph, complete graph, bipartite Turan graph, and multiple stars with interconnected centers, and derive a set of sufficient conditions under which these topologies emerge as pairwise stable networks. We also study the social welfare properties of the above topologies.


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Sacred groves are patches of forests preserved for their spiritual and religious significance. The practice gained relevance with the spread of agriculture that caused large-scale deforestation affecting biodiversity and watersheds. Sacred groves may lose their prominence nowadays, but are still relevant in Indian rural landscapes inhabited by traditional communities. The recent rise of interest in this tradition encouraged scientific study that despite its pan-Indian distribution, focused on India's northeast, Western Ghats and east coast either for their global/regional importance or unique ecosystems. Most studies focused on flora, mainly angiosperms, and the faunal studies concentrated on vertebrates while lower life forms were grossly neglected. Studies on ecosystem functioning are few although observations are available. Most studies attributed watershed protection values to sacred groves but hardly highlighted hydrological process or water yield in comparison with other land use types. The grove studies require diversification from a stereotyped path and must move towards creating credible scientific foundations for conservation. Documentation should continue in unexplored areas but more work is needed on basic ecological functions and ecosystem dynamics to strengthen planning for scientifically sound sacred grove management.


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Diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) containing copolymers have gained a lot of interest in organic optoelectronics with great potential in organic photovoltaics. In this work, DPP based statistical copolymers, with slightly different bandgap energies and a varying fraction of donor-acceptor ratio are investigated using monochromatic photocurrent spectroscopy and Fourier-transform photocurrent spectroscopy (FTPS). The statistical copolymer with a lower DPP fraction, when blended with a fullerene derivative, shows the signature of an inter charge transfer complex state in photocurrent spectroscopy. Furthermore, the absorption spectrum of the blended sample with a lower DPP fraction is seen to change as a function of an external bias, qualitatively similar to the quantum confined Stark effect, from where we estimate the exciton binding energy. The statistical copolymer with a higher DPP fraction shows no signal of the inter charge transfer states and yields a higher external quantum efficiency in a photovoltaic structure. In order to gain insight into the origin of the observed charge transfer transitions, we present theoretical studies using density-functional theory and time-dependent density-functional theory for the two pristine DPP based statistical monomers.


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Diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) containing copolymers have gained a lot of interest in organic optoelectronics with great potential in organic photovoltaics. In this work, DPP based statistical copolymers, with slightly different bandgap energies and a varying fraction of donor-acceptor ratio are investigated using monochromatic photocurrent spectroscopy and Fourier-transform photocurrent spectroscopy (FTPS). The statistical copolymer with a lower DPP fraction, when blended with a fullerene derivative, shows the signature of an inter charge transfer complex state in photocurrent spectroscopy. Furthermore, the absorption spectrum of the blended sample with a lower DPP fraction is seen to change as a function of an external bias, qualitatively similar to the quantum confined Stark effect, from where we estimate the exciton binding energy. The statistical copolymer with a higher DPP fraction shows no signal of the inter charge transfer states and yields a higher external quantum efficiency in a photovoltaic structure. In order to gain insight into the origin of the observed charge transfer transitions, we present theoretical studies using density-functional theory and time-dependent density-functional theory for the two pristine DPP based statistical monomers.


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The present article describes a working or combined calibration curve in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopic analysis, which is the cumulative result of the calibration curves obtained from neutral and singly ionized atomic emission spectral lines. This working calibration curve reduces the effect of change in matrix between different zone soils and certified soil samples because it includes both the species' (neutral and singly ionized) concentration of the element of interest. The limit of detection using a working calibration curve is found better as compared to its constituent calibration curves (i.e., individual calibration curves). The quantitative results obtained using the working calibration curve is in better agreement with the result of inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy as compared to the result obtained using its constituent calibration curves.


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Phonon interaction with electrons or phonons or with structural defects result in a phonon mode conversion. The mode conversion is governed by the frequency wave-vector dispersion relation. The control over phonon mode or the screening of phonon in graphene is studied using the propagation of amplitude modulated phonon wave-packet. Control over phonon properties like frequency and velocity opens up several wave guiding, energy transport and thermo-electric applications of graphene. One way to achieve this control is with the introduction of nano-structured scattering in the phonon path. Atomistic model of thermal energy transport is developed which is applicable to devices consisting of source, channel and drain parts. Longitudinal acoustic phonon mode is excited from one end of the device. Molecular dynamics based time integration is adopted for the propagation of excited phonon to the other end of the device. The amount of energy transfer is estimated from the relative change of kinetic energy. Increase in the phonon frequency decreases the kinetic energy transmission linearly in the frequency band of interest. Further reduction in transmission is observed with the tuning of channel height of the device by increasing the boundary scattering. Phonon mode selective transmission control have potential application in thermal insulation or thermo-electric application or photo-thermal amplification.


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This report addresses the assessment of variation in elastic property of soft biological tissues non-invasively using laser speckle contrast measurement. The experimental as well as the numerical (Monte-Carlo simulation) studies are carried out. In this an intense acoustic burst of ultrasound (an acoustic pulse with high power within standard safety limits), instead of continuous wave, is employed to induce large modulation of the tissue materials in the ultrasound insonified region of interest (ROI) and it results to enhance the strength of the ultrasound modulated optical signal in ultrasound modulated optical tomography (UMOT) system. The intensity fluctuation of speckle patterns formed by interference of light scattered (while traversing through tissue medium) is characterized by the motion of scattering sites. The displacement of scattering particles is inversely related to the elastic property of the tissue. We study the feasibility of laser speckle contrast analysis (LSCA) technique to reconstruct a map of the elastic property of a soft tissue-mimicking phantom. We employ source synchronized parallel speckle detection scheme to (experimentally) measure the speckle contrast from the light traversing through ultrasound (US) insonified tissue-mimicking phantom. The measured relative image contrast (the ratio of the difference of the maximum and the minimum values to the maximum value) for intense acoustic burst is 86.44 % in comparison to 67.28 % for continuous wave excitation of ultrasound. We also present 1-D and 2-D image of speckle contrast which is the representative of elastic property distribution.


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Temperature sensitive (Ts) mutants of proteins provide experimentalists with a powerful and reversible way of conditionally expressing genes. The technique has been widely used in determining the role of gene and gene products in several cellular processes. Traditionally, Ts mutants are generated by random mutagenesis and then selected though laborious large-scale screening. Our web server, TSpred (http://mspc.bii.a-star.edu.sg/TSpred/), now enables users to rationally design Ts mutants for their proteins of interest. TSpred uses hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment, deduced from primary sequence and residue depth, inferred from 3D structures to predict/identify buried hydrophobic residues. Mutating these residues leads to the creation of Ts mutants. Our method has been experimentally validated in 36 positions in six different proteins. It is an attractive proposition for Ts mutant engineering as it proposes a small number of mutations and with high precision. The accompanying web server is simple and intuitive to use and can handle proteins and protein complexes of different sizes.