987 resultados para Cone Beam CT


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A influência humana sobre as unidades de conservação (UCs) deve ser considerada a partir de modelos mais amplos, entendendo que há influência dos processos sociais nas mesmas e que essa é uma dimensão a ser discutida no âmbito das práticas de proteção da natureza. É importante que seja levado em consideração na criação, na ampliação e na gestão de uma UC a participação dos atores envolvidos direta e indiretamente, já que o quadro mundial indica ser uma tendência a criação de novas áreas e o envolvimento da sociedade neste processo. Ante esta realidade objetivou-se, nesta tese, contribuir para o fortalecimento da gestão participativa em UCs no Cone Sul, aqui definido como o conjunto de quatro países: Brasil, Argentina, Uruguai e Chile e tendo como estudo de caso quatro áreas protegidas: Parque Nacional do Itatiaia - Brasil, Parque Nacional Lago Puelo - Argentina, Santuário da Natureza Parque Pumalín - Chile e Paisagem Protegida Lagoa de Rocha Uruguai. Tendo por base os instrumentos de gestão em unidades de conservação no Brasil: plano de manejo, zona de amortecimento, educação ambiental e conselho gestor e sendo os mesmos determinados por normas legais (Leis, Decretos, Resoluções, Instruções Normativas) tais normas foram analisadas e comparadas com a finalidade de averiguar se nos países estudados estes instrumentos eram determinados legalmente, da mesma forma como são no Brasil, bem como se a vertente participativa estava presente nesta determinação. Após verificou-se se na Argentina, no Uruguai e no Chile havia a aplicação dos mesmos instrumentos de gestão em áreas protegidas que no Brasil; bem como foi averiguada a situação dos mesmos nos estudos de caso tendo por base a vertente participativa. Depois houve a contextualização e apresentação das dificuldades na gestão e das pressões sofridas pelas áreas protegidas buscando trazer à tona a realidade em que estão inseridas e das quais compartilham. Para tanto se utilizou de levantamentos bibliográficos, documentais, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com pessoas que tiveram experiências práticas com o problema pesquisado e os estudos de caso. Constatou-se que a determinação legal de instrumentos que propiciem a participação não é, via de regra, essencial para efetivar a gestão participativa da UC, mas a existência dos mesmos sim. Verificou-se que um bom resultado está atrelado às qualidades técnicas e subjetivas da gestão e também dos gestores, que podem ajudar e muito na gestão participativa, juntamente com uma parceria bem fortalecida.


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This paper reports on the fabrication and characterization of a ridge optical waveguide in an Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass. The He+ ion implantation (at energy of 2.8 MeV) is first applied onto the sample to produce a planar waveguide substrate, and then Ar+ ion beam etching (at energy of 500 eV) is carried out to construct rib stripes on the sample surface that has been deposited by a specially designed photoresist mask. According to a reconstructed refractive index profile of the waveguide cross section, the modal distribution of the waveguide is simulated by applying a computer code based on the beam propagation method, which shows reasonable agreement with the experimentally observed waveguide mode by using the end-face coupling method. Simulation of the incident He ions at 2.8 MeV penetrating into the Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass substrate is also performed to provide helpful information on waveguide formation.


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Microvoid arrays were self-organized when femtosecond laser beam was tightly focused at a fixed point inside CaF2 crystal sample. Except void array grown below the focal point which had been reported before, we found another void array grown vertical to the laser propagation direction. This result has potential application in the fabrication of integrated micro-optic elements and photonic crystals. The possible mechanism of the phenomenon was proposed and verified experimentally.


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Microstructure optical fiber with uniform intensity distribution of the fundamental mode is proposed. The design guide line and characteristics of this kind fiber are demonstrated. The relationship between refractive index profile and structure parameters is investigated. The mechanism of forming uniform fundamental mode in these fibers is analyzed.


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Periodic nanostructures along the polarization direction of light are observed inside silica glasses and tellurium dioxide single crystal after irradiation by a focused single femtosecond laser beam. Backscattering electron images of the irradiated spot inside silica glass reveal a periodic structure of stripe-like regions of similar to 20 nm width with a low oxygen concentration. In the case of the tellurium dioxide single crystal, secondary electron images within the focal spot show the formation of a periodic structure of voids with 30 nm width. Oxygen defects in a silica glass and voids in a tellurium dioxide single crystal are aligned perpendicular to the laser polarization direction. These are the smallest nanostructures below the diffraction limit of light, which are formed inside transparent materials. The phenomenon is interpreted in terms of interference between the incident light field and the electric field of electron plasma wave generated in the bulk of material.


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ZrO2, films were deposited by electron-beam evaporation with the oxygen partial pressure varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to I I X 10(-3) Pa. The phase structure of the samples was characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The thermal absorption of the films was measured by the surface thermal lensing technique. A spectrophotometer was employed to measure the refractive indices of the samples. The laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was assessed using a 1064, nm Nd: yttritium-aluminium-garnet pulsed laser at pulse width of 12 ns. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the microstructure and LIDT of ZrO2 films was investigated. XRD data revealed that the films changed from polycrystalline to amorphous as the oxygen partial pressure increased. The variation of refractive index at 550 nm wavelength indicated that the packing density of the films decreased gradually with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The absorptance of the samples decreased monotonically from 125.2 to 84.5 ppm with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The damage threshold, values increased from 18.5 to 26.7 J/cm(2) for oxygen partial pressures varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to 9 X 10(-3) Pa, but decreased to 17.3 J/cm(2) in the case of I I X 10(-3) Pa. (C) 2005 American Vacuum Society.


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The measurement of high speed laser beam parameters during processing is a topic that has seen growing attention over the last few years as quality assurance places greater demand on the monitoring of the manufacturing process. The targets for any monitoring system is to be non-intrusive, low cost, simple to operate, high speed and capable of operation in process. A new ISO compliant system is presented based on the integration of an imaging plate and camera located behind a proprietary mirror sampling device. The general layout of the device is presented along with the thermal and optical performance of the sampling optic. Diagnostic performance of the system is compared with industry standard devices, demonstrating the high quality high speed data which has been generated using this system.


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ZrO2, films were deposited by electron-beam evaporation with the oxygen partial pressure varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to I I X 10(-3) Pa. The phase structure of the samples was characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The thermal absorption of the films was measured by the surface thermal lensing technique. A spectrophotometer was employed to measure the refractive indices of the samples. The laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was assessed using a 1064, nm Nd: yttritium-aluminium-garnet pulsed laser at pulse width of 12 ns. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the microstructure and LIDT of ZrO2 films was investigated. XRD data revealed that the films changed from polycrystalline to amorphous as the oxygen partial pressure increased. The variation of refractive index at 550 nm wavelength indicated that the packing density of the films decreased gradually with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The absorptance of the samples decreased monotonically from 125.2 to 84.5 ppm with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The damage threshold, values increased from 18.5 to 26.7 J/cm(2) for oxygen partial pressures varying from 3 X 10(-3) Pa to 9 X 10(-3) Pa, but decreased to 17.3 J/cm(2) in the case of I I X 10(-3) Pa. (C) 2005 American Vacuum Society.


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ZrO2 thin films were deposited bill using an electron beam evaporation technique on three kinds of lithium triborate (LiB3O5 or LBO) substrates with the surfaces at specified crystalline orientations. The influences of the LBO structure on the structural and optical properties of ZrO2 thin films are studied by spectrophotometer and x-ray diffraction. The results indicate that the substrate structure has obvious effects on the structural end optical properties of the film: namely. the ZrO2 thin film deposited on the X-LBO, Y-LBO and Z-LBO orients to m(-212), m(021) and o(130) directions. It is also found that the ZrO2 thin film with m(021) has the highest refractive index and the least lattice misfit.


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Laser conditioning effects of the dielectric mirror coatings with different designs were investigated. Simple quarter-wave ZrO2:Y2O3/SiO2 mirrors and half-wave SiO2 over-coated ZrO2:Y2O3/SiO2 mirror coatings were fabricated by E-beam evaporation (EBE). The absorbance of the samples before and after laser conditioning was measured by surface thermal lensing (STL) technology and the defects density was detected under Nomarski microscope. The enhancement of the laser damage resistance was found after laser conditioning. The dependence of the laser conditioning on the coating design was also observed and the over-coated sample obtained greatest enhancement, whereas the absorbance of the samples did not change obviously. During the sub-threshold fluence raster scanning, the minor damage about defects size was found and the assumption of pre-damage mechanism, based on the functional damage concept, was put forward. The improvement of the laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) was attributed to the benign damage of the defects and the dependence on the coating design owed to the damage growth behavior of different coating designs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The far-field intensity distribution (FFID) of a beam generated by a phase-unifying mirror resonator was investigated based on scalar diffraction theory. Attention was paid to the parameters, such as obscuration ratio and reflectivity of the phase-unifying mirror, that determine the FFID. All analyses were limited to the TEM00 fundamental mode. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Based on scalar diffraction theory, we investigated far-field intensity distribution (FFID) of beam generated by Gaussian mirror resonator. We found usable analytical expressions of diffracted field with respect to variation of diffraction parameters. Particular attention was paid to the parameters such as mirror spot size and radius of the Gaussian mirror, which determine the FFID. All analyses were limited to TEM00 fundamental mode. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.