930 resultados para Concepts théologiques


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Using a cognitive framework, this paper examined self-perceptions as a vulnerability to phenomena in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Specifically, Guidano and Liotti's model of self-ambivalence (from 1983) and the notion of self-worth contingent upon moral standards were investigated as possible mechanisms to explain how individuals come to notice their unwanted intrusions. METHOD: Using an analogue framework, participants were first-year undergraduate psychology students (95 females, mean age = 22.49 years, SD = 7.96, and 25 males, mean age = 21.64 years, SD = 7.26) who were administered a battery of self-report questionnaires. RESULTS: Results indicated that self-ambivalence moderated the relationship between high moral standards and obsessive-compulsive (OC) phenomena; individuals who had high moral standards and high self-ambivalence showed increased OC vulnerability. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that ambivalence about moral self-worth may constitute a particular vulnerability to OC symptoms. Directions for future research are discussed and implications of the findings explored.


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The concept of 'health literacy' refers to the personal and relational factors that affect a person's ability to acquire, understand and use information about health and health services. For many years, efforts in the development of the concept of health literacy exceeded the development of measurement tools and interventions. Furthermore, the discourse about and development of health literacy in public health and in clinical settings were often substantially different. This paper provides an update about recently developed approaches to measurement that assess health literacy strengths and limitations of individuals and of groups across multiple aspects of health literacy. This advancement in measurement now allows diagnostic and problem-solving approaches to developing responses to identified strengths and limitations. In this paper, we consider how such an approach can be applied across the diverse range of settings in which health literacy has been applied. In particular, we consider some approaches to applying health literacy in the daily practice of health-service providers in many settings, and how new insights and tools--including approaches based on an understanding of diversity of health literacy needs in a target community--can contribute to improvements in practice. Finally, we present a model that attempts to integrate the concept of health literacy with concepts that are often considered to overlap with it. With careful consideration of the distinctions between prevailing concepts, health literacy can be used to complement many fields from individual patient care to community-level development, and from improving compliance to empowering individuals and communities.


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This paper discusses current joint work by IUCN and ICOMOS to address issues that can arise when natural and cultural values and issues are considered separately within World Heritage processes. The Connecting Practice programme has conceptual and practical dimensions, and intersects with related work on rights-based approaches. Focusing on the importance of improving conservation outcomes, we propose a way forward situated in a 'middle ground' that links both theory and practice, and emphasises the critical importance of a joint approach - 'connecting' natural and cultural heritage practice. Some early findings of project field visits will be shared with the Scientific Symposium as a means of furthering the dialogue between practitioners.


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El presente trabajo revisa la bibliografía sobre gestión del riesgo (GRi) que ha aparecido en los últimos tiempos, intentando anclar sus nociones, recomendaciones, pautas y estándares al ámbito de las bibliotecas y centros de documentación e información. Se analiza su utilidad, realizando un balance sobre la bibliografía consultada, proveniente tanto de Argentina como de distintos países. Se concluye sobre la necesidad de aplicar los procesos y los estándares inherentes a la GRi a los de las unidades de información para evitar los peligros o las amenazas en distintos ámbitos tales como el financiero, comunicacional, tecnológico, humano, ambiental, entre otros


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The ontology engineering research community has focused for many years on supporting the creation, development and evolution of ontologies. Ontology forecasting, which aims at predicting semantic changes in an ontology, represents instead a new challenge. In this paper, we want to give a contribution to this novel endeavour by focusing on the task of forecasting semantic concepts in the research domain. Indeed, ontologies representing scientific disciplines contain only research topics that are already popular enough to be selected by human experts or automatic algorithms. They are thus unfit to support tasks which require the ability of describing and exploring the forefront of research, such as trend detection and horizon scanning. We address this issue by introducing the Semantic Innovation Forecast (SIF) model, which predicts new concepts of an ontology at time t + 1, using only data available at time t. Our approach relies on lexical innovation and adoption information extracted from historical data. We evaluated the SIF model on a very large dataset consisting of over one million scientific papers belonging to the Computer Science domain: the outcomes show that the proposed approach offers a competitive boost in mean average precision-at-ten compared to the baselines when forecasting over 5 years.


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Students may need explicit training in informal statistical reasoning in order to design experiments or use formal statistical tests effectively. By using scientific scandals and media misinterpretation, we can explore the need for good experimental design in an informal way. This article describes the use of a paper that reviews the measles mumps rubella vaccine and autism controversy in the UK to illustrate a number of threshold concepts underlying good study design and interpretation of scientific evidence. These include the necessity of sufficient sample size, representative and random sampling, appropriate controls and inferring causation.


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Big data is one of the hottest research topics in science and technology communities, and it possesses a great potential in every sector for our society, such as climate, economy, health, social science, and so on. Big data is currently treated as data sets with sizes beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, curate, and manage. We have tasted the power of big data in various applications, such as finance, business, health, and so on. However, big data is still in her infancy stage, which is evidenced by its vague definition, limited application, unsolved security and privacy barriers for pervasive implementation, and so forth. It is certain that we will face many unprecedented problems and challenges along the way of this unfolding revolutionary chapter of human history.


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This chapter describes two cases, one from Germany and the other from Australia in which science journals were used in classrooms that adopted an inquiry-based approach to teaching science. We are interested in the following research questions:1. In what ways do teachers use journals to promote student learning of science?2. What evidence of reasoning is present in the cases in respect of the use of learning journals?3. When and in which form is feedback given in journals?


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Intensive mode teaching and learning refers to educational activities that occur on fewer days, and longer each day, than a “traditional” unit or module in the discipline. In traditional education, a full-time student would study between four and eight subjects or units per term or per semester at school, TAFE or university. Hence each subject or unit is effectively part-time study, taking up between 10% and 25% of the study hours available in each week. By way of contrast, an intensive mode subject might take between 30% and 100% of the available study hours. Examples include field trips and study tours, during which students devote 100% of the available hours to a single subject. In chemistry, the University of New England and Central Queensland University offer course by distance education, but students are expected to attend compulsory residential schools. During these residential schools, the students participate in chemistry laboratories and tutorials, all day, every day for up to one week.


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Young children from around the world are accessing the internet in ever increasing numbers. The rapid increase in internet activity by children aged 4–5 years in particular is due to the ease access enabled them by touchscreen internet-enabled tablet technologies. With young children now online, often independently of adult supervision, the need for early childhood cyber-safety education is becoming urgent. In this paper, we report the early findings from a project aimed at examining the development of cybersafety education for young children. We argue that cyber-safety education for young children cannot be effectively developed without first considering young children’s thinking about the internet. In this paper, we use Vygotsky’s ideas about the development of mature concepts from the merging of everyday and scientific concepts. We identify the potential range of everyday concepts likely to form the basis of young children’s thinking about the internet as a platform for cyber-safety education in the early years.


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Subject ontogeny is the life of the subject in an indexing language (e.g., classification scheme like the DDC). Examining how a subject is treated over time tells us about the anatomy of an indexing language. For example, gypsies as a subject has been handled differently in different editions of the DDC.


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L’insertion dans un programme collégial, particulièrement celui des soins infirmiers, nécessite à l’individu d’utiliser efficacement, minimalement une stratégie d’apprentissage. Une proportion importante de la population étudiante présente des difficultés à trouver et à utiliser une telle stratégie favorisant cet apprentissage particulier. Pour résoudre ce défi, il est propice d’en expérimenter une et de questionner sa pertinence : L’utilisation du réseau de concepts comme stratégie semble-t-elle favoriser l’apprentissage, selon la perception des étudiantes et étudiants participants en soins infirmiers première session du Cégep Beauce-Appalaches? Le cadre de référence définit deux concepts importants de l’essai : « stratégie d’apprentissage » et « réseau de concepts. » Ce dernier est approfondi par rapport a) aux différentes appellations utilisées; b) aux utilités de celui-ci dans l’apprentissage et; c) au processus menant à la schématisation du réseau de concepts. Cela conduit aux objectifs spécifiques qui sont l’expérimentation, en milieu scolaire, du réseau de concepts comme stratégie d’apprentissage auprès d'étudiantes et étudiants inscrits au programme d’études soins infirmiers en première session du Cégep Beauce-Appalaches et la prise de connaissance de leurs perceptions par rapport à cette utilisation. Cette recherche-expérimentation appartient au pôle recherche. La méthodologie retenue est qualitative-interprétative et se réalise à l’aide d’un groupe-classe de 25 individus participants, d’une enseignante volontaire et du chercheur dans son rôle d’enseignant. L’expérimentation, en tenant compte de considérations éthiques et du processus menant à la schématisation du réseau de concepts, ainsi que l’utilisation d’outils de collecte des données élaborés et prétestés répondent aux objectifs spécifiques. Ces instruments de collectes des données sont des fiches évaluatives, un groupe de discussion et un journal de bord. Ils permettent l’identification des effets perçus de cette stratégie d’apprentissage, par les personnes participantes, lors de l’expérimentation. L’analyse des résultats s’effectue à partir de la codification des commentaires reçus dans les fiches évaluatives et à partir de rapports synthèses pour la section des énoncés utilisant l’échelle de Likert, ainsi que pour le journal de bord et pour le groupe de discussion. La présentation et l’interprétation des résultats obtenus permettent de dire qu’à de nombreuses reprises, les perceptions des participantes et participants, par rapport à l’utilisation du réseau de concepts, semblent favoriser l’apprentissage particulier requis dans le programme d’études soins infirmiers. La triangulation des résultats confirme que cette stratégie d’apprentissage semble favoriser a) la compréhension des relations entre les concepts principaux; b) la structuration des contenus pédagogiques pour l’étude; c) l’identification des concepts principaux; d) la compréhension de l’ensemble du contenu pédagogique concerné et; e) l’élaboration d’un résumé pédagogique. D’autre part, il est pertinent de mentionner que ces résultats correspondent aux écrits scientifiques constituant le cadre de référence de cet essai.


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La construction des chemins de fer portugais a eu, jusqu’en 1891, pour l’objectif principal de combler le retard économique du pays. Par suite de l’échec des entrepreneurs anglais, notamment Morton Petto, ce furent les hommes d’affaires et les capitaux qui jouèrent le rôle majeur, grâce notamment l’intervention des Pereire, puis celle de CIC, principal soutien des initiatives de l’entrepreneur espagnol D. José de Salamanca, enfin la Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas et la Banque Ottomane. L’influence Saint-simonienne s’exerçait sur les ingénieurs formés à l’École Polytechnique de Lisbonne et bénéficiait la généralisation du modèle français de la concession. À partir des années 1890, ce système entra en crise, favorisant une influence allemand grandissante, tant en terme d’investissement qu’à travers la formation des ingénieurs, notamment ceux de l’Institut Supérieur Technique de Lisbonne, Le reflux des investissements étrangères, à partir de la crise de 1892, poussa l’État dans la voie de la nationalisation en 1899, dans qu’ensuite ne suisse survenir une relance de la construction ferroviaires. Après la Seconde Guerre mondial, les chemins de fer furent confiés à un unique exploitant national, la Compagnie des chemins de fer Portugais.