990 resultados para Communication médiatisée par ordinateur
[ES]En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se expone el análisis de prestaciones de variador de frecuencia SINAMICS G120. El variador ha sido controlado mediante el software de control TIA Portal, con el que se han realizado ensayos en el control vectorial de velocidad y de par.
On their way to a better economical situation, developing countries are now starting taking advantage of the technologies, which made developed countries successful. In doing so, they are starting being confronted to the same ecological problems. Such is the case in Côte d'Ivoire of the Ebrié lagoon in the Abidjan region, the delicate ecosystem of which is now in danger.
The artificial reopening of the lagoon inlet, made in Grand-Bantam in September 1987 in order to reduce the aquatic weeds proliferation, induced some environmental and fish communities alterations in the eastern part of the Ebrié lagoon (Côte d'Ivoire). A preliminary field survey made in May 1988 shows an increase in the salinity rate and an increase of the marine component among fish communities, when compared to the former ecological state of this lagoon area (reference data of 1980 and 1981).
Esta tese busca explorar as possibilidades contidas do corpo na gestão da atividade de trabalho de motoristas de ambulâncias. Trata-se de uma concepção de corpo, não oponente a alma, que se notabiliza pelo pensamento, pela inteligência, pelo sistema nervoso, pela história: um corpo-si. O diálogo mantido com a perspectiva ergológica, aqui convocada, opera-se a partir da concepção de vida, saúde-doença em George Canguilhem, da contribuição ergonômica, dos referenciais da linguagem e trabalho e da etnografia. Para configuração do campo empírico, adotaram-se métodos e técnicas apropriados de pesquisa em situação concreta de trabalho, denominadas visitas, instrumentalizadas com técnicas de entrevistas dialógicas e observações da atividade, além de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e análise global do trabalho. A pesquisa contou com a participação de motoristas de UTI móvel de uma empresa de transportes de ambulâncias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A análise das situações de trabalho foi inspirada na ergonomia da atividade e nas contribuições da perspectiva dialógica. Dentre os resultados obtidos destacamos: problemas de comunicação na relação de trabalho entre motoristas e a Central de Atendimento (Call Center), estado de má conservação e de desconforto das ambulâncias, riscos de doenças no contato com o usuário, insuficiência salarial e atraso no pagamento, indeterminação de pausas durante a jornada, contraintes temporais decorrentes da pilotagem em casos de urgência e emergência, ameaças de multas por excesso de velocidade, além de obstáculos emanados do trânsito: engarrafamentos, barulhos, semáforos, etc. Enfim, um conjunto de variabilidades e infidelidades do meio de trabalho, que permite aos motoristas produzirem novos usos de si, porque mobilizam a integralidade do corpo para chegar a modos operatórios que deem conta dessas situações de trabalho, considerando, sobretudo, a gestão da dinâmica entre as exigências de produtividade e qualidade com saúde, segurança e fiabilidade.
An Echo-Integration survey on the equator made during he GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment indicated an important biomass in the layer 0/100m. The changes of that biomass have been connected to hydrological conditions. Measurements of target strength have been made, and the biggest schools have been measured.
Statistical data (1959-1977) of the trawling fishery off the continental shelf of Côte d'Ivoire has been fitted to the Fox (PRODFIT) global model. Owing to the proliferation of baliste (B. capriscus) since the years 1971-1972, data were divided into two groups. Maximum Sustainable Yield MSY: PMMC in the text), for the whole of commercial species in the continental shelf, decreased from 8800t to 5900t between the two periods; the difference represents balistes potentialities at bottom level. The model has also been fitted to data which concern Sciaenidae coastal community and Sparidae community which are parts by the 50 m isobathe. Deep layer (50-120m) MSY is at 2350t during the whole period of study. Until 1977, this potentiality was never reached, because of the low productivity of the Sparidae community.
Design as communication: exploring the validity and utility of relating intention to interpretation.
[EUS] Laurogeita hamarreko hamarkadan, Eusko Jaurlaritzako Berriztapen Pedagogikoaren Zuzendaritzak eta Bartzelonako Unibertsitateko CREA (Gizarte eta Heziketarako Ikerkuntza Zentroa) ikerkuntza-taldeak Ikas Komunitateen proiektua jarri zuten martxan, elkarlanean, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko lau zentrotan. Zentro horiek hezkuntza-proiektu berri bat abiatzeko bidea ematen dute; izan ere, porrot akademiko handia izatearren hautatu dira, ikasle-taldeen aniztasunaren egoerari heltzeko arazo ugari dituztelako edota dauden lekuetan gizarte-bazterkeriarekin loturiko arazo anitz daudelako. Aldi berean, proiektuak eraldaketa proposatzen du, bai eskolarena, baita inguruarena ere, eta, horretarako, eskolako partaide guztiak hartzen ditu kontuan. Emaitza onak ikusi ostean, eta, hezkuntza-berriztapenaren alorrean lehentasuna izanik, ekimena zabaltzen hasi zen hastapeneko zentroez bestelako ezaugarri sozioedukatiboak dituzten eskoletara ere. Esperientzia berritzaile horiek aurrera eramateko gogo handiz agertu ziren, baita ere, «praktika on»en paradigma ez zirenak, eta, emaitzei begiratzen badiegu, dirudienez, etekin onak lortzen ari dira zentroetan. Ikas Komunitateen proiektuak berekin daraman gaitasun eraldatzaileak egokitzeko berezko ahala erakusten du. Egokitzapen horretan, eskolaren —inguruarekin batera— eta proiektuaren arteko sinbiosia lortzen da, hezkuntzako arrakasta- ekintzak sustatuz.
The authors have developed the method used by Pianet and Le Hir (Doc.Sci.Cent. ORSTOM Pointe-Noire, 17, 1971) for the study of albacore (Thunnus albacares) in the Pointe-Noire region. The method is based on the fact that the ratio between unit of effort and number of fish for two fishing gears is equal to the ratio of their catchability coefficients.
This study gives the results of oblique plankton hauls (from the sea-surface to the top of the thermocline), made during the dry season (January to March) by oceanographic vessel R.V. Capricorne during three cruises, of tuna larvae research in 1976 and 1977, between the African Coast and the Equator, from 17 degrees W to 9 degrees E.
Cynoglossus canariensis has a very rapid growth. The rate of the males is 0,36 and the female one is 0,32. The asymptotic size is 55,0cm for the females and 50,5cm for the males. Females and males younger than three years (40cm), which represent 90 per cent of the Côte d'Ivoire stock have a similar growth, so the average equation: Lt=53,5 (1-e -0,34(t+1)) will be used.
Ethmalosa growth curves (calculated by the least squares method) were determined from weekly samplings in Ebrié Lagoon. In order to obtain more accurate results than with a modal decomposition, the author used directly the modal values of the samples. One-year-old ethmalosa is about 15 cm long (fork length). For older fish, growth data seem to be disturbed by migrations: fish measuring >25 cm do not appear in the lagoon. Ethmalosa would spend the first year of its life in the lagoon, where it hatches and reproduces, and would migrate to the sea during its second year.
Exploration of correlations between factors influencing communication in complex product development