957 resultados para Clinical Data Warehouse


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OBIETTIVO: Le fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate hanno un impatto significativo sulla qualità della vita. Quando il canale anale è alterato da ulcerazioni e stenosi o in pazienti con difetti estesi del perineo, la chirurgia locale produce risultati insoddisfacenti. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare l'efficacia della trasposizione del muscolo gracile nelle fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate e determinare i suoi effetti sulla qualità della vita. MATERIALI E METODI: Da gennaio 2012 a ottobre 2014 sono state trattate 10 pazienti; sono state raccolte alcune variabili (età, BMI, il fumo, CDAI, setone perioperatorio, precedenti procedure, uso di immunomodulatori e steroidi). Tutte le pazienti sono state sottoposte ad ileostomia temporanea prima della graciloplastica. La percentuale di successo è stata misurata come numero di pazienti con fistola guarita dopo la chiusura della stomia. Sono stati utilizzati tre questionari prima della graciloplastica e 3 mesi dopo la chiusura della stomia al fine di valutare la qualità della vita (SF-36), l’ incontinenza fecale e la funzione sessuale. RISULTATI: La fistola retto-vaginale è stata chiusa in 9 pazienti su 10 dopo graciloplastica, con un follow-up medio di chiusura della stomia di 19 mesi (range 4 -34). È stata documentata una recidiva di RVF. Il tempo operatorio era 90-150 minuti (media, 120). La degenza postoperatoria era 7-16 giorni (media 10). Complicanze postoperatorie precoci includevano deiscenza delle suture perineali in 2 casi. Le complicanze a lungo termine includevano disestesia della cicatrice perineale. Nei dati post-operatori abbiamo riportato un miglioramento della qualità di vita, della funzione sessuale e della continenza fecale. CONCLUSIONI: La chiusura della fistola retto-vaginale utilizzando la trasposizione del muscolo gracile è associata a morbidità minima e un alto tasso di successo.


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L’obiettivo di questa tesi è approfondire le competenze sulle funzionalità sviluppate nei sistemi SCADA/EMS presenti sul mercato, così da conoscerne le potenzialità offerte: tutte le conoscenze acquisite servono a progettare uno strumento di analisi dati flessibile e interattivo, con il quale è possibile svolgere analisi non proponibili con le altre soluzioni analizzate. La progettazione dello strumento di analisi dei dati è orientata a definire un modello multidimensionale per la rappresentazione delle informazioni: il percorso di progettazione richiede di individuare le informazioni d’interesse per l’utente, così da poterle reintrodurre in fase di progettazione della nuova base dati. L’infrastruttura finale di questa nuova funzionalità si concretizza in un data warehouse: tutte le informazioni di analisi sono memorizzare su una base dati diversa da quella di On.Energy, evitando di correlare le prestazione dei due diversi sottosistemi. L’utilizzo di un data warehouse pone le basi per realizzare analisi su lunghi periodi temporali: tutte le tipologie di interrogazione dati comprendono un enorme quantità d’informazioni, esattamente in linea con le caratteristiche delle interrogazioni OLAP


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L’obiettivo della tesi, sviluppata presso l’azienda Onit Group s.r.l., è stato quello di realizzare un sistema d’analisi what-if che consenta di effettuare valutazioni economiche in maniera rapida, precisa, ed in totale autonomia. L’applicativo sviluppato, richiesto dalla direzione commerciale dall’azienda Orogel, ha il compito di assegnare percentuali di premio agli acquisti effettuati dai clienti su determinate famiglie di vendita. Il programma è il primo progetto di tipo data entry sviluppato nel reparto di Business Unit Data Warehouse e Business Intelligence di Onit e offre una duplice utilità. Da un lato semplifica la gestione dell’assegnamento dei premi annuali che ogni anno sono rinegoziati, su cui l’utente della direzione commerciale può fare delle stime sulla base dei premi definiti l’anno precedente. D’altra parte rendere la direzione commerciale di Orogel più autonoma offrendo all’utenza un unico ambiente su cui muoversi.


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Nel lavoro di tesi è stato studiato il problema del tuning di un data warehouse, in particolare la tecnica maggiormente utilizzata in ambito aziendale, ovvero la creazione degli aggregati. Inoltre, è stato progettato e implementato uno strumento che generi automaticamente l'insieme di viste che meglio risolve il carico di lavoro basato sulle analisi di business più frequenti su quella specifica base di dati.


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Purpose: To report an angiographic investigation of midterm atherosclerotic disease progression in below-the-knee (BTK) arteries of claudicants. Methods: Angiograms were performed in 58 consecutive claudicants (35 men; mean age 68.3±8.7 years) with endovascular treatment of femoropopliteal arteries in 58 limbs after a mean follow-up of 3.6±1.2 years. Angiograms were reviewed in consensus by 2 experienced readers blinded to clinical data. Progression of atherosclerosis in 4 BTK arterial segments (tibioperoneal trunk, anterior and posterior tibial arteries, and peroneal artery) was assessed according to the Bollinger score. The composite per calf Bollinger score represented the average of the 4 BTK arterial segment scores. The association of the Bollinger score with cardiovascular risk factors and gender was scrutinized. Results: A statistically significant increase in atherosclerotic burden was observed for the mean composite per calf Bollinger score (5.7±8.3 increase, 95% CI 3.5 to 7.9, p<0.0001), as well as for each single arterial segment analyzed. In multivariate linear regression analysis, diabetes mellitus was associated with a more pronounced progression of atherosclerotic burden in crural arteries (β: 5.6, p=0.035, 95% CI 0.398 to 10.806). Conclusion: Progression of infrapopliteal atherosclerotic lesions is common in claudicants during midterm follow-up. Presence of diabetes mellitus was confirmed as a major risk factor for more pronounced atherosclerotic BTK disease progression.


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Encephalitis is caused by a variety of conditions, including infections of the brain by a wide range of pathogens. A substantial number of cases of encephalitis defy all attempts at identifying a specific cause. Little is known about the long-term prognosis in patients with encephalitis of unknown aetiology, which complicates their management during the acute illness. To learn more about the prognosis of patients with encephalitis of unknown aetiology, patients in whom no aetiology could be identified were examined in a large, single-centre encephalitis cohort. In addition to analysing the clinical data of the acute illness, surviving patients were assessed by telephone interview a minimum of 2 years after the acute illness by applying a standardized test battery. Of the patients with encephalitis who qualified for inclusion (n = 203), 39 patients (19.2%) had encephalitis of unknown aetiology. The case fatality in these patients was 12.8%. Among the survivors, 53% suffered from various neurological sequelae, most often attention and sensory deficits. Among the features at presentation that were associated with adverse outcome were older age, increased C-reactive protein, coma and a high percentage of polymorphonuclear cells in the cerebrospinal fluid. In conclusion, the outcome in an unselected cohort of patients with encephalitis of unknown aetiology was marked by substantial case fatality and by long-term neurological deficits in approximately one-half of the surviving patients. Certain features on admission predicted an unfavourable outcome.


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Telomeres and telomerase play essential roles in the regulation of the lifespan of human cells. While normal human somatic cells do not or only transiently express telomerase and therefore shorten their telomeres with each cell division, most human cancer cells typically express high levels of telomerase and show unlimited cell proliferation. High telomerase expression allows cells to proliferate and expand long-term and therefore supports tumor growth. Owing to the high expression and its role, telomerase has become an attractive diagnostic and therapeutic cancer target. Imetelstat (GRN163L) is a potent and specific telomerase inhibitor and so far the only drug of its class in clinical trials. Here, we report on the structure and the mechanism of action of imetelstat as well as about the preclinical and clinical data and future prospects using imetelstat in cancer therapy.


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The treatment of multiple myeloma has undergone significant changes in the recent past. The arrival of novel agents, especially thalidomide, bortezomib and lenalidomide, has expanded treatment options and patient outcomes are improving significantly. This article summarises the discussions of an expert meeting which was held to debate current treatment practices for multiple myeloma in Switzerland concerning the role of the novel agents and to provide recommendations for their use in different treatment stages based on currently available clinical data. Novel agent combinations for the treatment of newly diagnosed, as well as relapsed multiple myeloma are examined. In addition, the role of novel agents in patients with cytogenetic abnormalities and renal impairment, as well as the management of the most frequent side effects of the novel agents are discussed. The aim of this article is to assist in treatment decisions in daily clinical practice to achieve the best possible outcome for patients with multiple myeloma.


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Individuals with first episode psychosis (FEP) experience high rates of premature mortality, in particular due to suicide. The study aims were to: a) Estimate the rate of sudden death among young people with FEP during an 8-10 year period following commencement of treatment; b) Examine and describe the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics associated with sudden death; and c) Examine the timing of death in relation to psychiatric treatment.This was a cohort study. The sample comprised 661 patients accepted into treatment at the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre between 1/1/1998 and 31/12/2000. Demographic and clinical data were collected by examination of the medical files. Mortality data were collected via a search of the National Coroners Information System; the Victorian State Coroner's office and clinical files. Nineteen patients died and just over two thirds of deaths were classified as intentional self-harm or suicide. Death was associated with male gender, previous suicide attempt and greater symptom severity at last contact. People with FEP are at increased risk of premature death, in particular suicide. A previous suicide attempt was very common amongst those who died, suggesting that future research could focus upon the development of interventions for young people with FEP who engage in suicidal behaviour.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the human placenta in fetuses with and fetuses without intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) who were suspected of having placental insufficiency. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was approved by the local ethics committee, and written informed consent was obtained. The authors retrospectively evaluated 1.5-T fetal MR images from 102 singleton pregnancies (mean gestation ± standard deviation, 29 weeks ± 5; range, 21-41 weeks). Morphologic and diffusion-weighted MR imaging were performed. A region of interest analysis of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of the placenta was independently performed by two observers who were blinded to clinical data and outcome. Placental insufficiency was diagnosed if flattening of the growth curve was detected at obstetric ultrasonography (US), if the birth weight was in the 10th percentile or less, or if fetal weight estimated with US was below the 10th percentile. Abnormal findings at Doppler US of the umbilical artery and histopathologic examination of specimens from the placenta were recorded. The ADCs in fetuses with placental insufficiency were compared with those in fetuses of the same gestational age without placental insufficiency and tested for normal distribution. The t tests and Pearson correlation coefficients were used to compare these results at 5% levels of significance. RESULTS: Thirty-three of the 102 pregnancies were ultimately categorized as having an insufficient placenta. MR imaging depicted morphologic changes (eg, infarction or bleeding) in 27 fetuses. Placental dysfunction was suspected in 33 fetuses at diffusion-weighted imaging (mean ADC, 146.4 sec/mm(2) ± 10.63 for fetuses with placental insufficiency vs 177.1 sec/mm(2) ± 18.90 for fetuses without placental insufficiency; P < .01, with one false-positive case). The use of diffusion-weighted imaging in addition to US increased sensitivity for the detection of placental insufficiency from 73% to 100%, increased accuracy from 91% to 99%, and preserved specificity at 99%. CONCLUSION: Placental dysfunction associated with growth restriction is associated with restricted diffusion and reduced ADC. A decreased ADC used as an early marker of placental damage might be indicative of pregnancy complications such as IUGR.


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Many media reports suggest an increase in alcohol intoxication, particularly among young people. Indeed, several surveys on young people have confirmed this fact. These were based on self-declaration of alcohol consumption. However, there are few clinical data that show an increase in alcohol intoxication in hospitals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the number of alcohol intoxications in relation to the total number of patients and to look for a statistical trend.


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HIV virulence, i.e. the time of progression to AIDS, varies greatly among patients. As for other rapidly evolving pathogens of humans, it is difficult to know if this variance is controlled by the genotype of the host or that of the virus because the transmission chain is usually unknown. We apply the phylogenetic comparative approach (PCA) to estimate the heritability of a trait from one infection to the next, which indicates the control of the virus genotype over this trait. The idea is to use viral RNA sequences obtained from patients infected by HIV-1 subtype B to build a phylogeny, which approximately reflects the transmission chain. Heritability is measured statistically as the propensity for patients close in the phylogeny to exhibit similar infection trait values. The approach reveals that up to half of the variance in set-point viral load, a trait associated with virulence, can be heritable. Our estimate is significant and robust to noise in the phylogeny. We also check for the consistency of our approach by showing that a trait related to drug resistance is almost entirely heritable. Finally, we show the importance of taking into account the transmission chain when estimating correlations between infection traits. The fact that HIV virulence is, at least partially, heritable from one infection to the next has clinical and epidemiological implications. The difference between earlier studies and ours comes from the quality of our dataset and from the power of the PCA, which can be applied to large datasets and accounts for within-host evolution. The PCA opens new perspectives for approaches linking clinical data and evolutionary biology because it can be extended to study other traits or other infectious diseases.


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The aim of the study was to assess the influence of white matter lesions in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with intra-arterial thrombolysis (IAT). From September 2003 to January 2010, we treated 400 patients with IAT at our institution. Of these patients, 292 were evaluated with MRI scans and included in this observational study. Clinical data were collected prospectively. Outcome after 3 months was measured with the modified Rankin Scale (mRS); mRS 0-1 was considered as favorable outcome. White matter lesions were scored visually by two observers using the semiquantitative Scheltens and Fazekas scores. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify the association of white matter lesions and clinical outcome, recanalization, and cerebral hemorrhage. The severity of white matter lesions was inversely correlated with favorable outcome, survival and successful recanalization. White matter lesions were an independent predictor of outcome (OR 0.569, p = 0.007) and survival (OR 0.550, p = 0.018) and a weak but independent predictor for recanalization (OR 0.949, p = 0.038). Asymptomatic intracerebral bleeding after IAT was associated with white matter lesions in the basal ganglia in the univariate analysis (p = 0.036), but not after multivariable analysis. The severity of white matter lesions independently predicts clinical outcome and survival in patients treated with IAT. White matter lesions are also a weak but independent predictor for recanalization. Symptomatic intracranial bleeding after IAT are not associated with white matter lesions. Therefore, white matter lesions should not be considered as a contraindication against IAT.


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Bacterial factors may contribute to the global emergence and spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB). Only a few studies have reported on the interactions between different bacterial factors. We studied drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from a nationwide study conducted from 2000 to 2008 in Switzerland. We determined quantitative drug resistance levels of first-line drugs by using Bactec MGIT-960 and drug resistance genotypes by sequencing the hot-spot regions of the relevant genes. We determined recent transmission by molecular methods and collected clinical data. Overall, we analyzed 158 isolates that were resistant to isoniazid, rifampin, or ethambutol, 48 (30.4%) of which were multidrug resistant. Among 154 isoniazid-resistant strains, katG mutations were associated with high-level and inhA promoter mutations with low-level drug resistance. Only katG(S315T) (65.6% of all isoniazid-resistant strains) and inhA promoter -15C/T (22.7%) were found in molecular clusters. M. tuberculosis lineage 2 (includes Beijing genotype) was associated with any drug resistance (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 3.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7 to 5.6; P < 0.0001). Lineage 1 was associated with inhA promoter -15C/T mutations (OR, 6.4; 95% CI, 2.0 to 20.7; P = 0.002). We found that the genetic strain background influences the level of isoniazid resistance conveyed by particular mutations (interaction tests of drug resistance mutations across all lineages; P < 0.0001). In conclusion, M. tuberculosis drug resistance mutations were associated with various levels of drug resistance and transmission, and M. tuberculosis lineages were associated with particular drug resistance-conferring mutations and phenotypic drug resistance. Our study also supports a role for epistatic interactions between different drug resistance mutations and strain genetic backgrounds in M. tuberculosis drug resistance.


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A retrospective, cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the leptospiral seroprevalence in clinically healthy horses in Switzerland. A representative sample of 615 horse sera was examined by microscopic agglutination test for the presence of antibodies against 15 Leptospira spp. serovars. In total, 58.5 % (n = 360) of the horses were positive for one or more of the antigens analysed, with 20.3 % of them showing titres >= 400. The most prevalent serovar was Pyrogenes (22.6 %), followed by serovars Canicola (22.1 %) and Australis (19.2 %). Older horses, mares, ponies and animals spending increased time on pasture exhibited significantly higher prevalence rates (p < 0.05). Moreover, the prevalence was higher in summer and autumn (p = 0.003). The high seroprevalence in healthy horses indicates that they are often exposed to or infected with Leptospira spp. without developing signs of disease. Therefore, other laboratory and clinical data should always be taken into consideration when interpreting serological test results for Leptospira spp.