998 resultados para Cicle de fred
Este trabajo analiza si las series de Contabilidad Nacional Trimestral de España son excesivamente suaves y, por lo tanto, si son realmente informativas de la evolución de la economía española a corto plazo. Mediante la utilización de las técnicas de análisis espectral se observa que las series trimestrales españolas presentan una variabilidad mayor que las de otros países de la OCDE en el intervalo de frecuencias más bajas (asociadas al comportamiento de la serie a largo plazo ) y una variabilidad menor en el intervalo de frecuencias más altas (asociadas al ruido que contiene la serie). El motivo de este comportamiento diferencial de las series trimestrales españolas se encuentra en el método utilizado por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística por estimar la señal ciclo-tendencia de los indicadores utilizados como referencia, concretamente, el conocido como filtro de líneas aéreas modificado (LAM)
BACKGROUND: In low-mortality countries, life expectancy is increasing steadily. This increase can be disentangled into two separate components: the delayed incidence of death (i.e. the rectangularization of the survival curve) and the shift of maximal age at death to the right (i.e. the extension of longevity). METHODS: We studied the secular increase of life expectancy at age 50 in nine European countries between 1922 and 2006. The respective contributions of rectangularization and longevity to increasing life expectancy are quantified with a specific tool. RESULTS: For men, an acceleration of rectangularization was observed in the 1980s in all nine countries, whereas a deceleration occurred among women in six countries in the 1960s. These diverging trends are likely to reflect the gender-specific trends in smoking. As for longevity, the extension was steady from 1922 in both genders in almost all countries. The gain of years due to longevity extension exceeded the gain due to rectangularization. This predominance over rectangularization was still observed during the most recent decades. CONCLUSIONS: Disentangling life expectancy into components offers new insights into the underlying mechanisms and possible determinants. Rectangularization mainly reflects the secular changes of the known determinants of early mortality, including smoking. Explaining the increase of maximal age at death is a more complex challenge. It might be related to slow and lifelong changes in the socio-economic environment and lifestyles as well as population composition. The still increasing longevity does not suggest that we are approaching any upper limit of human longevity.
L'objet de cette étude est d'estimer la prévalence des douleurs du racis chez les jeunes hommes convoqués pour la première fois à leur recrutement en Suisse romande en 1985. On s'intéresse donc aux douleurs présentes au moment du recrutement, mais également aux douleurs déjà révolues, puisqu'on sait qu'il s'agit d'une affection qui récidive facilement. Ceci est donc considéré comme un facteur de risque. D'autres facteurs de risque tels que le sport et la profession exercée seront analysés afin d'estimer leur influence sur la prévalence des cervico-dorso-lombalgies. [Auteur, p. 7]
[Table des matières] Caractéristiques des naissances, 1979-1985. Evolution séculaire des mortalités néonatale, post-néonatale et infantile par sexe, 1901-1987 (données quinquennales). Evolution de la mortinatalité par sexe, 1969-1987. Taux de mortalité, canton de Valais, 1979-1985(87).
The concept of early detection to then intervene and improve the prognostic seems straightforward. Applied to asymptomatic subjects, this concept--screening--is rather complex. This review presents the rational and fundamental principles of screening. It underscores the fundamental principles related to the disease and to the screening test considered, the importance of considering screening as a program rather than a test only, and the validity of measures used to evaluate the efficacy of screening. Lastly, it reviews the most frequently bias encountered in screening studies and interpretations.
Comment on: Blouin C, Chopra M, van der Hoeven R.Trade and social determinants of health. Lancet. 2009;373(9662):502-7. PMID: 19167058.
Sur mandat du Service de la santé publique, l'Observatoire valaisan de la santé (OVS) publie le 4e Rapport sur l'état de santé de la population valaisanne. Selon ce rapport, la population du canton bénéficie d'un très bon état de santé général. L'espérance de vie y est une des meilleures au monde. Les maladies cardiovasculaires et les cancers continuent d'être responsables de près de 2/3 des décès. Pour diminuer l'impact de ces maladies, il est nécessaire de poursuivre sur la voie d'une politique de promotion de la santé et de prévention active et ciblée. Le Conseil d'Etat a adopté un programme-cadre allant dans ce sens. Réalisé par l'OVS en collaboration avec l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive de Lausanne (IUMSP), le rapport sur l'état de santé livre une photographie sanitaire de la population valaisanne. Il sert de document de référence au gouvernement pour définir les axes de la politique de promotion de la santé et de prévention pour les années 2011-2014.
AIMS: We examined, in a country of the African region, i) the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) according to three definitions (ATP, WHO and IDF); ii) the distribution of the MetS criteria; iii) the level of agreement between these three definitions and iv) we also examined these issues upon exclusion of people with diabetes. METHODS: We conducted an examination survey on a sample representative of the general population aged 25-64 years in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean, African region), attended by 1255 participants (participation rate of 80.3%). RESULTS: The prevalence of MetS increased markedly with age. According to the ATP, WHO and IDF definitions, the prevalence of MetS was, respectively, 24.0%, 25.0%, 25.1% in men and 32.2%, 24.6%, 35.4% in women. Approximately 80% of participants with diabetes also had MetS and the prevalence of MetS was approximately 7% lower upon exclusion of diabetic individuals. High blood pressure and adiposity were the criteria found most frequently among MetS holders irrespective of the MetS definitions. Among people with MetS based on any of the three definitions, 78% met both ATP and IDF criteria, 67% both WHO and IDF criteria, 54% both WHO and ATP criteria and only 37% met all three definitions. CONCLUSION: We identified a high prevalence of MetS in this population in epidemiological transition. The prevalence of MetS decreased by approximately 32% upon exclusion of persons with diabetes. Because of limited agreement between the MetS definitions, the fairly similar proportions of MetS based on any of the three MetS definitions classified, to a substantial extent, different subjects as having MetS.