953 resultados para Chydenius, Anders


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INTRODUCTION Known genetic variants with reference to preeclampsia only explain a proportion of the heritable contribution to the development of this condition. The association between preeclampsia and the risk of cardiovascular disease later in life has encouraged the study of genetic variants important in thrombosis and vascular inflammation also in relation to preeclampsia. The von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease, ADAMTS13, plays an important role in micro vascular thrombosis, and partial deficiencies of this enzyme have been observed in association with cardiovascular disease and preeclampsia. However, it remains unknown whether decreased ADAMTS13 levels represent a cause or an effect of the event in placental and cardiovascular disease. METHODS We studied the distribution of three functional genetic variants of ADAMTS13, c.1852C>G (rs28647808), c.4143_4144dupA (rs387906343), and c.3178C>T (rs142572218) in women with preeclampsia and their controls in a nested case-control study from the second Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT2). We also studied the association between ADAMTS13 activity and preeclampsia, in serum samples procured unrelated in time of the preeclamptic pregnancy. RESULTS No differences were observed in genotype, allele or haplotype frequencies of the different ADAMTS13 variants when comparing cases and controls, and no association to preeclampsia was found with lower levels of ADAMTS13 activity. CONCLUSION Our findings indicate that ADAMTS13 variants and ADAMTS13 activity do not contribute to an increased risk of preeclampsia in the general population.


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Anders als bei Urnenabstimmungen beteiligen sich unterschiedliche soziale Schichten gleichermassen an Gemeindeversammlungen. Dafür offenbaren sich bei der Versammlungsdemokratie ausgeprägte Geschlechterunterschiede. Dies ergab ein Vergleich der individuellen Beteiligung an Urnen- und Gemeindeversammlungsentscheiden in der Berner Gemeinde Bolligen.


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Since 9/11, 2001, a new form of religious extremism has arguably emerged, one which paradoxically portrays itself as a counter to another perceived extremism regarded as a real and imminent threat. Within North America and Western Europe, as elsewhere, there is an upsurge of various forms of reactionary rhetoric and opposition expressed towards Islam and Muslims. An increase in extremist behaviour, even violence, is appearing from quarters opposed to, or varyingly fearful of, Islamic extremism if not Islam or Muslims. Islamophobia, as a manifestation of fear of an exclusionary Islam, manifests as exclusionary or negatively reactive behaviours with Muslims and Islam as the target. This article explores the idea that Islamophobia can be regarded as a manifestation of religious extremism and, further, that such extremism is construable as “reactive co-radicalization.” It focuses on two European cases – the 2009 Swiss ban on the building of minarets and the 2011 Norwegian massacre carried out by Anders Breivik – as examples of this “reactive co-radicalization.” This term, I suggest, is an apt denominator for the exclusionary reaction to the rising presence of Islam within otherwise secular, albeit nominally Christian, Western European and North American societies, among others.


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Am Ende des Hitzesommers 2003 entdeckten Wanderer am Rande eines kleinen Eisfeldes erstmals prähistorische Objekte. Die Fundstelle liegt am Schnidejoch, einem alpinen Übergang, der das Simmental mit dem Rhônetal verbindet. Bis heute liegen von dieser außergewöhnlichen Fundstelle rund 900 Funde vom Neolithikum bis zum Mittelalter vor. Die Forschungen am Schnidejoch können auch als „Archäologie zwischen Gletschern und Gipfeln“ bezeichnet werden. Die Fundstelle befindet sich auf 2750 m Höhe und wird von der höchsten Erhebung der westlichen Berner Alpen, dem 3248 m hohen Wildhorn, überragt. Die ältesten Objekte werden in die Zeitspanne von 4800 bis 4300 v. Chr. datiert. Es handelt sich um Fragmente von Pfeilen und um eine Schale aus Ulmenholz. Weitere Leder- und Pfeilfragmente zeigen, dass der Pass auch in der zweiten Hälfte des 4. Jahrtausends v. Chr. benutzt wurde. Eine ganze Serie von Objekten stammt aus dem Zeitraum um 2800 v. Chr.: eine komplette Bogenausrüstung, bestehend aus Pfeilbogen, Bogensehne, Bogenfutteral, Pfeilschäften und Pfeilspitzen. Ebenfalls zu diesem Ensemble gehören Bekleidungsreste: Teile eines Grasumhangs, Schuhfragmente und ein Hosenbein aus Leder. Es ist wenig wahrscheinlich, dass die in den Bergen lebensnotwendige Bekleidung und die Bewaffnung einfach verloren wurden. Es ist deshalb zu vermuten, dass am Schnidejoch vor fast 5000 Jahren jemand zu Tode kam; eine Leiche wurde aber – anders als beim „Ötzi“ – nicht gefunden. Möglicherweise wurde die am Schnidejoch umgekommene Person geborgen und in einem zeitgleich errichteten Kollektivgrab im Tal bestattet.


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A. I. Retzii


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von G. A. Lindberg


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G. A. Lindberg


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Von Dr. Grevillius


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Fragebögen zur Studie, als Typoskript vervielfältigt, mit handschriftlichen Eintragungen, 1 Ordern; Dankesbrief an das Institut für Sozialforschung auf Grund der Zusendung des Forschungsberichts, von : Anders, Marga; Außenhandelnsjahrbuch; Bäuerle, Theodor; Belgien, Botschafter in Rom; Berlin, Bezirksamt Reinikenhof; Bernhard, Henry; Bernhard, Siegfried; Borsing A.G.; Heckel, Theodor; Hochschule für Politische Wissenschaft, München; Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunkt, Hamburg; Universität Hamburg, Philosophisches Seminar; Westfälische Rundschau; Stuttgart, Oberbürgermeister; Hessischer Rundfunk; Brief mit Unterschrift, 16 Blatt;


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Targeted sampling on the Dolgovskoy Mound (northern Shatsky Ridge) revealed the presence of spectacular laterally extensive and differently shaped authigenic carbonates. The sampling stations were selected based on sidescan sonar and profiler images that show patchy backscatter and irregular and discontinuous reflections in the near subsurface. The interpretation of acoustic data from the top part of the mound supports the seafloor observations and the sampling that revealed the presence of a complex subsurface plumbing system characterized by carbonates and gas. The crusts sampled consist of carbonate cemented layered hemipelagic sedimentary Unit 1 associated with several centimetres thick microbial mats. Three different carbonate morphologies were observed: (a) tabular slabs, (b) subsurface cavernous carbonates consisting of void chambers up to 20 cm**3 in size and (c) chimney and tubular conduits vertically oriented or forming a subhorizontal network in the subsurface. The methanogenic origin of the carbonates is established based on visual observations of fluids seepage structures, 13C depletion of the carbonates (d13C varying between -36.7 per mil and -27.4 per mil), and by thin carbonate layers present within the thick microbial mats. Laboratory experiments with a Hele-Shaw cell were conducted in order to simulate the gas seepage through contrasting grain size media present on the seafloor. Combined petrography, visual observations and sandbox simulations allowed a characterization of the dynamics and the structures of the plumbing system in the near subsurface. Based on sample observations and the experiments, three observed morphologies of authigenic carbonates are interpreted, respectively, as (a) Darcian porous flow through the finely laminated clayey/coccolith-rich layers, (b) gas accumulation chambers at sites where significant fluid escape was impeded by thicker clayey layers forming the laminated Unit1 and (c) focussed vertical fluid venting and subhorizontal migration of overpressured fluids released from (b). The Hele-Shaw cell experiments represent a promising tool for investigating shallow fluid flow pathways in marine systems.