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Symptoms of primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) are nonspecific and guidance on whom to refer for testing is limited. Diagnostic tests for PCD are highly specialised, requiring expensive equipment and experienced PCD scientists. This study aims to develop a practical clinical diagnostic tool to identify patients requiring testing.Patients consecutively referred for testing were studied. Information readily obtained from patient history was correlated with diagnostic outcome. Using logistic regression, the predictive performance of the best model was tested by receiver operating characteristic curve analyses. The model was simplified into a practical tool (PICADAR) and externally validated in a second diagnostic centre.Of 641 referrals with a definitive diagnostic outcome, 75 (12%) were positive. PICADAR applies to patients with persistent wet cough and has seven predictive parameters: full-term gestation, neonatal chest symptoms, neonatal intensive care admittance, chronic rhinitis, ear symptoms, situs inversus and congenital cardiac defect. Sensitivity and specificity of the tool were 0.90 and 0.75 for a cut-off score of 5 points. Area under the curve for the internally and externally validated tool was 0.91 and 0.87, respectively.PICADAR represents a simple diagnostic clinical prediction rule with good accuracy and validity, ready for testing in respiratory centres referring to PCD centres.


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We have developed an empirically based simulation system to create images equivalent in SNR and SPR to those that would be acquired with various possible SEDR configurations. This system uses a collection of spot collimated full-field images (SCFFIs) of an anthropomorphic chest phantom, taken at high exposure levels and rescaled in noise and intensity, then digitally collimated and combined to produce the simulated SEDR images. This system allows for the study of design trade-offs between different equalization feedback schemes and scatter rejection geometries in addition to estimating the clinical benefits of SEDR over traditional imaging techniques. Data from this simulation system has demonstrated that SEDR techniques offer potential significant improvements over currently used digital radiography techniques for chest imaging. ^


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Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is a ubiquitous organism responsible for most pulmonary and disseminated disease caused by non-tuberculosis (NTM) mycobacteria. Though MAC lung disease without predisposing factors is uncommon, in recent years it has been increasingly described in middle-aged and elderly women. Recognition and correct diagnosis, is often delayed due to the indolent nature of the disease. It is unclear if these women have significant clinical disease as or if their airways are simply colonized by the bacterium. This study describes the clinical presentation, identifies risk factors, and describes the clinical significance of MAC lung disease in HIV-negative women aged 50 or greater. ^ A hybrid study design utilizing both cross-sectional and case-control methodologies was used. A comparison population was selected from previously identified tuberculosis suspects found throughout Harris County. The study population had at least one acid fast bacillus pulmonary culture performed between 1/1/1998 and 12/31/2000 from a pulmonary source. Clinical presentation and symptoms were analyzed using a cross-sectional design. Past medical history and other risk factors were evaluated using a traditional case-control study design. Differences in categorical variables were estimated with the Chi Square or Fisher's Exact test as appropriate. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were utilized to evaluate associations. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify predictive factors for MAC. All statistical tests were two-sided and P-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. ^ Culture confirmed MAC pulmonary cases were more likely to be white, have bronchiectasis, scoliosis, evidence of cavitation and pleural changes on chest radiography and granulomas on histopathologic examination than women whose pulmonary cultures were AFB negative. After controlling for selected risk factors, white race continued to be significantly associated with MAC lung disease (OR = 4.6, 95% CI = 2.3, 9.2). In addition, asthma history, smoking history and alcohol use were less likely to be evident among MAC cases in a multivariate analysis. Right upper and right middle lobe disease was further noted among clinically significant cases. Based on population data, MAC lung disease appears to represent a significant clinical syndrome in HIV-negative women thus supporting the theory of the Lady Windermere Syndrome. ^


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Introduction. Injury mortality was classically described with a tri-modal distribution, with immediate deaths at the scene, early deaths due to hemorrhage, and late deaths from organ failure. We hypothesized that trauma systems development have improved pre-hospital care, early resuscitation, and critical care, and altered this pattern. ^ Methods. This is a population-based study of all trauma deaths in an urban county with a mature trauma system (n=678, median age 33 years, 81% male, 43% gunshot, 20% motor vehicle crashes). Deaths were classified as immediate (scene), early (in hospital, ≤ 4 hours from injury), or late (>4 hours post injury). Multinomial regression was used to identify independent predictors of immediate and early vs. late deaths, adjusted for age, gender, race, intention, mechanism, toxicology and cause of death. ^ Results. There were 416 (61%) immediate, 199 (29%) early, and 63 (10%) late deaths. Immediate deaths remained unchanged and early deaths occurred much earlier (median 52 minutes vs. 120). However, unlike the classic trimodal distribution, there was no late peak. Intentional injuries, alcohol intoxication, asphyxia, and injuries to the head and chest were independent predictors of immediate deaths. Alcohol intoxication and injuries to the chest were predictors of early deaths, while pelvic fractures and blunt assaults were associated with late deaths. ^ Conclusion. Trauma deaths now have a bimodal distribution. Elimination of the late peak likely represents advancements in resuscitation and critical care that have reduced organ failure. Further reductions in mortality will likely come from prevention of intentional injuries, and injuries associated with alcohol intoxication. ^


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Background. About a third of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis (TB) with sub-Saharan Africa being the worst hit. Uganda is ranked 16th among the countries with the biggest TB burden. The burden in children however has not been determined. The burden of TB has been worsened by the advent of HIV and TB is the leading cause of mortality in HIV infected individuals. Development of TB disease can be prevented if TB is diagnosed during its latent stage and treated with isoniazid. For over a century, latent TB infection (LTBI) was diagnosed using the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST). New interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) have been approved by FDA for the diagnosis of LTBI and adult studies have shown that IGRAs are superior to the TST but there have been few studies in children especially in areas of high TB and HIV endemicity. ^ Objective. The objective of this study was to examine whether the IGRAs had a role in LTBI diagnosis in HIV infected children in Uganda. ^ Methods. Three hundred and eighty one (381) children were recruited at the Baylor College of Medicine-Bristol Meyers Squibb Children’s Clinical Center of Excellence at Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda between March and August 2010. All the children were subjected to a TST and T-SPOT ®.TB test which was the IGRA chosen for this study. Sputum examination and chest x-rays were also done to rule out active TB. ^ Results. There was no statistically significant difference between the tests. The agreement between the two assays was 95.9% and the kappa statistic was 0.7 (95% CI: 0.55–0.85, p-value<0.05) indicating a substantial or good agreement. The TST was associated with older age and higher weight for age z-scores but the T-SPOT®. TB was not. Both tests were associated with history of taking anti-retroviral therapy (ART). ^ Conclusion. Before promoting use of IGRAs in children living in HIV/TB endemic countries, more research needs to be done. ^


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A cohort study was conducted in Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast area on individual workers who have been exposed to asbestos for 15 years or more. Most of these workers were employed in petrochemical industries. Of the 15,742 subjects initially selected for the cohort study, 3,258 had positive chest X-ray findings believed to be related to prolonged asbestos exposure. These subjects were further investigated. Their work out included detailed medical and occupational history, laboratory tests and spirometry. One thousand eight-hundred and three cases with positive chest X-ray findings whose data files were considered complete at the end of May 1986 were analyzed and their findings included in this report.^ The prevalence of lung cancer and cancer of the following sights: skin, stomach, oropharyngeal, pancreas and kidneys were significantly increased when compared to data from Connecticut Tumor Registry. The prevalence of other chronic conditions such as hypertension, emphysema, heart disease and peptic ulcer was also significantly high when compared to data for the U.S. and general population furnished by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). In most instances the occurrence of cancer and the chronic ailment previously mentioned appeared to follow 15-25 years of exposure to asbestos. ^


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The Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 required that periodic chest radiographs be offered to underground coal miners to protect the miners from the development of Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis (CWP) and progression of the disease to progressive massive fibrosis (PMF). These examinations are administered by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) through the Coal Workers' Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP). The mine operator is required to provide each miner with the opportunity to have the chest radiograph at no cost to the miner.^ Three rounds of examinations have been conducted since 1969 and the fourth is underway. The decrease in participation over rounds is of great concern if the incidence and progression of CWP are to be understood and controlled.^ This study developed rates of participation for each of 558 West Virginia underground coal mines who submitted or had NIOSH assigned plans for making chest radiographs available during the third round, July 1978 through December 1980. These rates were analyzed in relation to desired levels of participation and to reinforcing, predisposing and enabling factors presumed to affect rates of participation in disease prevention and surveillance programs.^ Two reinforcing factors, size of mine and inclusion of the mine in the National Coal Study (NCS) epidemiology research program, and the enabling factor, use of an on-site radiograph facility, demonstrated highly significant relationships to participation rates.^ The major findings of the study were: (1) Participation in the CWHSP is even lower than previously estimated; (2) CWHSP program evaluation is not systematic and program data base is not complete and comprehensive; and (3) NIOSH program policy is not clear and administration of the CWHSP is fragmented and lacks adequate fiscal and personnel resources. ^


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The cross-sectional study was performed to quantify the prevalence of symtomatology in residents of mobile homes as a function of indoor formaldehyde concentration. Formaldehyde concentrations were monitored for a seven hour period with an automated wet-chemical colorimetric analyzer. The health status of family members was ascertained by administration of questionnaires and physical exams. This is the first investigation to perform clinical assessments on residents undergoing concurrent exposure assessment in the home.^ Only 22.8% of households eligible for participation chose to cooperate. Monitoring data and health evaluations were obtained from 155 households in four Texas counties. A total of 428 residents (86.1%) were available for examination during the sampling hours. The study population included 45 infants, 126 children, and 257 adults.^ Formaldehyde concentration was not found to be significantly associated with increased risks for symptoms and signs of ocular irritation, dermal anomalies, or malaise. Three associations were identified that warrant further investigation. The relative odds associated with a doubling of formaldehyde concentration was significantly associated with parenchymal rales in adults and children. However, risk was modified by log respirable suspended particulate concentrations. Due to the presence of modification by a continuous variable, prevalence odds ratios (POR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for these associations are presented in tables. A doubling of formaldehyde concentration was also associated with an increased risk of perceived tightness in the chest in adults. Prevalence odds ratios are presented in a table due to effect modification by the average number of hours spent indoors on weekdays. Furthermore, a doubling of formaldehyde concentration was associated with an increased risk of drowsiness in children (POR = 2.60; 95% CI 1.04-6.51) and adults (POR = 1.94; 95% CI 1.20-3.14). ^


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The purpose of this study was to determine, for penetrating injuries (gunshot, stab) of the chest/abdomen, the impact on fatality of treatment in trauma centers and shock trauma units compared with general hospitals. Medical records of all cases of penetrating injury limited to chest/abdomen and admitted to and discharged from 7 study facilities in Baltimore city 1979-1980 (n = 581) were studied: 4 general hospitals (n = 241), 2 area-wide trauma centers (n = 298), and a shock trauma unit (n = 42). Emergency center and transferred cases were not studied. Anatomical injury severity, measured by modified Injury Severity Score (mISS), was a significant prognostic factor for death, as were cardiovascular shock (SBP $\le$ 70), injury type (gunshot vs stab), and ambulance/helicopter (vs other) transport. All deaths occurred in cases with two or more prognostic factors. Unadjusted relative risks of death compared with general hospitals were 4.3 (95% confidence interval = 2.2, 8.4) for shock trauma and 0.8 (0.4, 1.7) for trauma centers. Controlling for prognostic factors by logistic regression resulted in these relative risks: shock trauma 4.0 (0.7, 22.2), and trauma centers 0.8 (0.2, 3.2). Factors significantly associated with increased risk had the following relative risks by multiple logistic regression: SBP $\le$ 70 (RR = 40.7 (11.0, 148.7)), highest mISS (42 (7.7, 227)), gunshot (8.4 (2.1, 32.6)), and ambulance/helicopter transport (17.2 (1.3, 228.1)). Controlling for age, race, and gender did not alter results significantly. Actual deaths compared with deaths predicted from a multivariable model of general-hospital cases showed 3.7 more than predicted deaths in shock trauma (SMR = 1.6 (0.8, 2.9)) and 0.7 more than predicted deaths in area-wide trauma centers (SMR = 1.05 (0.6, 1.7)). Selection bias due to exclusion of transfers and emergency center cases, and residual confounding due to insufficient injury information, may account for persistence of adjusted high case fatality in shock trauma. Studying all cases prospectively, including emergency center and transferred cases, is needed. ^


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In this study, an attempt is made to evaluate certain parameters that might indicate the beginning of a certain fibrogenic activity in the lung parenchyma, even before such changes become visible on the chest x-ray. The hypothesis is that studies such as certain bronchoalveolar immunological characteristics and Gallium-67 lung scans may be more sensitive indicators of parenchymal lung damage in response to asbestos inhalation than conventional radiographic criteria. If so, then in those cases where the criteria for the diagnosis of asbestosis lack the presence of parenchymal changes, it would be unwise to deny the diagnosis unless further investigations, such as the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis and the Gallium-67 lung scan techniques, are made available.^ Four groups of individuals have been included in this study. The volunteer group showing no history of asbestos exposure with normal chest x-rays has been used as a normal healthy comparison group. The other three groups are all asbestos-exposed but differ as to their findings in the chest radiographs. One has parenchymal changes (0/1 or more, ILO Classification), the second has no parenchymal but pleural changes, and the third has neither.^ The most significant laboratory parameter for bronchoalveolar lavage, in this study, is that of Neutrophils (PMNs). All three asbestos-exposed groups showed no differences when compared with each other, while such differences were statistically significant when such groups were separately compared with the normal comparison group. A similar finding existed also when the Helper: Suppressor T-Cell ratios were compared, and found to be higher in all the asbestos-exposed groups.^ Another sensitive test is that of Gallium-67 lung scan. This was found to be positive in some patients where parenchymal changes were absent. Even in some of those who showed neither parenchymal nor pleural changes in their chest x-ray showed positive test results. Such changes indicate a state of an underlying pathogenic process that is still undetectable by conventional radiography. This highly recommends the future application of such tests for the early detection of active pulmonary disease, especially in those who show no parenchymal changes in their chest x-rays. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Background. Necrotizing pneumonia is generally considered a rare complication of pneumococcal pneumonia in adults. We systematically studied the incidence of necrotizing changes in adult patients with pneumococcal pneumonia, and examined the severity of infection, the role of causative serotype and the association with bacteremia. ^ Methods. We used a data base of all pneumococcal infections identified at our medical center between 2000 and 2010. Original readings of chest X-rays (CXR) and computerized tomography (CT) were noted. All images were then reread independently by 2 radiologists. The severity of disease was assessed using the SMART-COP scoring system. ^ Results. There were 351 cases of pneumococcal pneumonia. Necrosis was reported in no original CXR readings and 6 of 136 (4.4%) CTs. With re-reading, 8 of 351 (2.3%) CXR and 15 of 136 (11.0%) CT had necrotizing changes. Overall, these changes were found in 23 of 351 (6.6%, 95% CI 4.0 - 9.1) patients. The incidence of bacteremia and the admitting SMART-COP scores were similar in patients with and without necrosis (P=1.00 and P=0.32, respectively). Type 3 pneumococcus was more commonly isolated from patients with than from patients without necrotizing pneumonia (P=0.05), but a total of 10 serotypes were identified among 16 cases in which the organism was available for typing. ^ Conclusions. Necrotizing changes in the lungs were seen in 6.6% (95% CI 4.0 - 9.1) of a large series of adults with pneumococcal pneumonia. Patients with necrosis were not more likely to have bacteremia or more severe disease. Type 3 pneumococcus was commonly implicated, but 9 other serotypes were also identified.^


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Early and accurate detection of TB disease in HIV-infected individuals is a critical step for a successful TB program. In Vietnam, the diagnosis of TB disease, which is based predominantly on the clinical examination, chest radiography (CXR) and acid fast bacilli (AFB) sputum smear, has shown to be of low sensitivity in immunocompromised patients. The sputum culture is not routinely performed for patients with AFB negative smears, even in HIV-infected individuals.^ In that background, we conducted this cross-sectional study to estimate the prevalence of sputum culture-confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), smear-negative PTB, and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) in the HIV-infected population in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), the largest city in Vietnam where both TB and HIV are highly prevalent. We also evaluated the diagnostic performance of various algorithms based on routine available tools in Vietnam such as symptoms screening, CXR, and AFB smear. Nearly 400 subjects were consecutively recruited from HIV-infected patients seeking care at the An Hoa Clinic in District 6 of Ho Chi Minh City from August 2009 through June 2010. Participants’ demographic data, clinical status, CXR, and laboratory results were collected. A multiple logistic regression model was developed to assess the association of covariates and PTB. ^ The prevalence of smear-positive TB, smear-negative TB, resistant TB, and MDR-TB were 7%, 2%, 5%, 2.5%, and 0.3%, respectively. Adjusted odds ratios for low CD4+ cell count, positive sputum smear, and CXR to positive sputum culture were 3.17, 32.04, and 4.28, respectively. Clinical findings alone had poor sensitivity, but the combination of CD4+ cell count, sputum smear, and CXR proved to perform a more accurate diagnosis.^ This study results support the routine use of sputum culture to improve the detection of TB disease in HIV-infected individuals in Vietnam. When routine sputum culture is not available, an algorithm combining CD4+ cell count, sputum smear, and CXR is recommended for diagnosing PTB. Future studies on more affordable, rapid, and accurate tests for TB infection would also be necessary to timely provide specific treatments for patients in need, reduce mortality, and minimize TB transmission to the general population.^


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La provincia de Mendoza, que se ubica en el Centro-Oeste de la República Argentina, posee una extensión de 150.830 km2. Prácticamente todas las actividades agropecuarias y forestales están concentradas en el 3% de su territorio que es posible irrigar. Al oeste, en el límite con la República de Chile, está la cadena montañosa que forma parte de la región fitogeográfica del Desierto Andino que se extiende por más de 500 km, con un ancho promedio de 100 km. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la supervivencia y el comportamiento de distintas especies de coníferas en zonas del piedemonte mendocino. Para ello se instaló una parcela experimental en el Dique Yaucha, ubicado en el Departamento de San Carlos a 34°00' S y 69°07' O, a una altura de 1213 msnm. Las especies del ensayo fueron: Pinus pinea L., Pinus halepensis Mill. y Cupressus arizonica Greene. Se llevaron plantas de aproximadamente 0,70 m de altura, que se instalaron a una distancia de plantación definitiva de 3 x 3 m y se regaron superficialmente por surcos. Se tomaron periódicamente datos dasométricos de diámetro altura de pecho (DAP) de todas las plantas, altura total de los árboles promedio de cada especie, registrándose además las fallas producidas y el estado sanitario. Los resultados obtenidos a la edad de 17 años son: Pinus pinea: diámetro promedio 17 cm, altura 6,60 m y 22,5% de fallas; Pinus halepensis: diámetro promedio 16 cm, altura 8,60 m y 12,2% de fallas; Cupressus arizonica: diámetro promedio 20 cm, altura 7,75 m y 18,1% de fallas. Es de destacar que P. pinea presenta el 6% de fustes bifurcados a baja altura. Todas las especies tienen un buen estado sanitario, no registrándose hasta la fecha plagas o enfermedades que hayan afectado el desarrollo del ensayo.


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La provincia de Mendoza, que se ubica en el Centro-Oeste de la República Argentina, posee una extensión de 150.830 km2. Prácticamente todas las actividades agropecuarias y forestales están concentradas en el 3% de su territorio que es posible irrigar. Al Oeste, en el límite con la República de Chile, está la cadena montañosa que forma parte de la región fitogeográfica del Desierto Andino que se extiende por más de 500 km, con un ancho promedio de 100 km. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la supervivencia y el comportamiento de distintas procedencias de Pinus nigra en zonas del piedemonte mendocino. Para ello se instaló una parcela experimental en el Dique Yaucha, ubicado en el Departamento de San Carlos a 34°00’ S y 69°07’ O, a una altura de 1.213 msnm. Las procedencias del ensayo fueron: Pinus nigra var. clusiana (Francia), Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Livo - Italia), Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Lasa - Italia), Pinus nigra var. knin (ex Yugoslavia) y Pinus nigra var. pyramidalis (Turquía). Se llevaron plantas de aproximadamente 0,30 m de altura que se instalaron a una distancia de plantación definitiva de 3 x 3 m y se regaron superficialmente por surcos. Se tomaron periódicamente datos dasométricos de diámetro altura de pecho (DAP) de todas las plantas, altura total de los árboles promedio de cada procedencia, registrándose además las fallas producidas y el estado sanitario. Los resultados obtenidos a la edad de 17 años son: Pinus nigra var. clusiana (Francia): diámetro promedio 12,1 cm, altura 5,2 m y 10% de fallas; Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Livo -Italia): diámetro promedio 13 cm, altura 4,6 m y 25% de fallas; Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Lasa - Italia): diámetro promedio 13,9 cm, altura 5,60 m y 0% de fallas; Pinus nigra var. knin (ex Yugoslavia): diámetro promedio 14,1cm, altura 6,2 m y 15% de fallas y Pinus nigra var. pyramidalis (Turquía): diámetro promedio 11,6 cm, altura 5,8 m y 40% de fallas. Las plantas presentan una gran variabilidad de formas desde porte abierto a muy fastigiado. Todas las procedencias presentan un buen estado sanitario, no registrándose hasta la fecha plagas o enfermedades que hayan afectado el desarrollo del ensayo.


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La fibrilación auricular es la taquiarritmia más frecuente en la población general. La frecuencia de dicha arritmia aumenta con la edad, presentándose en un 1.5% de los 50 a 59 años a 8-10% de los 80 a 89 años. La fibrilación auricular incrementa el riesgo de sufrir un evento cerebrovascular isquémico cardioembólico en 5 veces y causa el 15% de todos los accidentes cerebrovasculares isquémicos. El manejo de la fibrilación auricular se enfoca, principalmente, en la prevención de los fenómenos tromboembólicos y en el control de la frecuencia y ritmo cardiaco. La anticoagulación, ha demostrado ser la principal herramienta en la prevención de eventos cardioembólicos. Aunque las complicaciones hemorrágicas por el tratamiento son esperables, y aumentan con la edad, sobrepasa por mucho, el beneficio de usar anticoagulación, al riesgo de sangrados. Precisamente debido a la heterogeneidad clínica de esta arritmia y a la dificultad de establecer un tratamiento adecuado para cada caso en particular, el American College of Cardiology, la American Heart Association, la European Society of Cardiology y el American College of Chest Physicians han establecido unas guías para mejorar el manejo de los pacientes. La revisión de esta patología y de estas directrices propuestas pueden facilitar y mejorar notablemente el tratamiento de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular.