990 resultados para Cardiovascular services
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Click here to download PDF Â This is a publication of The Women’s Health Council
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The National Council for the Elderly was established in 1981 as the National Council for the Aged. The terms of reference of the Council are: To advise the Minister for Health on all aspects of ageing and the welfare of the elderly either on its own initiative or at the request of the Minister It is long established national policy to maintain the elderly in their own homes for as long as possible. The Years Ahead report of 1988 made specific recommendations as to how care in the community for the frail elderly could be organised. The recent strategy document from the Department of Health, Shaping a Healthier Future, has presented a target, that not less than 90 per cent of those over 75 years of age should live at home Download the Report here
Introducció: Els factors de risc cardiovascular originen un problema de salut pública important. El transplant hepàtic pot ocasionar una modificació del seu desenvolupament degut a la immunosupressió, però hi ha pocs estudis que evaluen estos aspectes en pacients amb una supervivència llarga. El nostre objectiu es analitzar l'efecte de la hipertensió arterial (HTA) posttrasplantament sobre la supervivència a llarg termini d'una cohort de pacients trasplantats amb més de deu anys de seguiment. Metodologia: S'estudiaren restrospectivament els pacients trasplantats al nostre centre per totes les causes, des de 2001 fins 2007, amb una supervivència mínima de deu anys. S'analitzaren dades demogràfiques, clíniques, analítiques e histològiques del pre i/o postrasplant. Resultats: La prevalència dels factors de risc cardiovascular va ser molt freqüent durant el primer any: obesitat 24.5%, HTA 67%, diabetes 22.5%, dislipèmia46.5% i insuficiència renal crónica 28%. La HTA es el factor de risc més prevalent i la seua incidència augmenta amb el temps de 67% al 72,5% entre el primer i desè any. La HTA pareix asociar-se a una major mortalitat posttrasplantament i a una major incidència d'enfermetat cardiovascular (p&0.005). Els factors de risc asociats amb el desenvolupament de HTA en la nostra població son l'edat, l'obesitat i la dislipèmia. Conclusió: Es important disenyar estratègies per al millor control de la HTA des del posttrasplantament inicial, degut a la seua repercusió negativa sobre les enfermetats cardiovasculars i la supervivència, així com per a l'obesitat i la dislipèmia, ja que son co-factors de desenvolupament de l'HTA.
The aim of this Cancer Strategy has been to review the existing range of preventive, treatment and palliative services relating to cancer in Ireland, and to set out the Ministerâ?Ts plans for their further development and improvement. This has been done in the context of the Health Strategy Shaping a Healthier Future and in particular the targets established for cancer in that document Download the Report here
The Department of Health’s strategy, Shaping a Healthier Future – A Strategy for Effective Healthcare in the 1990s stated that “to provide the firmest possible basis for the planning of services in the longer-term, the Department of Health will commission a study on the implications for the health services of the projected increase in the elderly population over the next ten years Download the Report here
The purpose of this Guide is to offer guidance on the Child Care (Pre- School Services) Regulations, 1996. It is written for persons charged with responsibility for implementing the legislation and for anyone affected by its provisions, in particular persons who are carrying on or proposing to carry on a pre-school service. The Regulations and the Explanatory Guide expand on the provisions of Part VII of the Child Care Act, 1991 Download the Report here
This introduction to "Building Healthier Hearts" will give readers an overview of the report of the Cardiovascular Health Strategy Group. Firstly, it sets out the background to the strategy and its policy context. A brief description of mortality and morbidity trends from cardiovascular disease in Ireland follows. Next an overview is given of current health service provision and of the changes considered necessary by the Group Download the Report here
This report is the final evaluation of the three year pilot phase of the Springboard initiative and sets out to answer the question: has Springboard improved the well-being of children and parents and how have its services been received Download the Report here
The Healthcare Materials Management Board (HMMB) was established following the report to the Materials Management Advisory Group on procurement and materials management in the health sector Download the Report here