1000 resultados para Cardiologia intervencionista


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OBJETIVE: With the increased use of intracoronary stents, in-stent restenosis has become a clinically significant drawback in invasive cardiology. We retrospectively assessed the short- and long-term outcomes after excimer laser coronary angioplasty of in-stent restenosis. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with 33 incidents of in-stent restenosis treated with excimer laser coronary angioplasty (ELCA) were analyzed. Sixty-six percent were males, mean age of 73±11 years, and 83% were functional class III-IV (NYHA). ELCA was performed using 23 concentric and 10 eccentric catheters with a diameter of 1.6-2.2 mm, followed by balloon angioplasty (PTCA) and ultrasound monitoring. The procedure was performed in the following vessels: left anterior descending artery, 10; left circumflex artery, 8; right coronary artery, 6; left main coronary artery, 2; and venous bypass graft, 7. RESULTS: The ELCA was successful in 71% of the cases, and PTCA was 100% successful. The diameter of the treated vessels was 3.44±0.5mm; the minimal luminal diameter (MLD) increased from 0.30mm pre-ECLA to 1.97mm post-ELCA, and to 2.94mm post-PTCA (p<0.001). The percent stenosis was reduced from 91.4±9.5% before ECLA to 42.3±14.9% after ELCA and to 14.6 ± 9.3% after PTCA (p<0.001). Seventeen (68%) patients were asymptomatic at 6 months and 15 (60%) at 1 year. New restenosis rates were 8/33 (24.2%) at 6 months and 9 /33 (27.3%) at 12 months. CONCLUSION: ELCA is safe and effective for the treatment of in-stent restenosis. In the present sample, a slight increase in new restenotic lesions between 6 and 12 months was found.


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OBJETIVE: To evaluate by Doppler echocardiography (DE) early abnormalities of ventricular function in HIV-positive patients, as well as other cardiac abnormalities that can be detected by this method, with special emphasis on mitral valve flow. METHODS: 84 HIV- positive patients, 59 with CD4 cell count >500/mm³ (Group A) and 25 with CD4 cell count <500/mm³ (Group B), were analyzed. CD4 cells were counted and matched with structural data and systolic and diastolic function of the left ventricle (LV), as analyzed by DE. The results were compared with those obtained in 47 healthy individuals (Group C). RESULTS: 8% of patients in Group B had mild pericardial effusion; 31.5% showed decreased systolic function of the LV, and 12% had moderate mitral regurgitation. A wave velocity from the mitral inflow was different among the 3 groups, being higher in Group B, where the deceleration time of the E wave of the mitral inflow and the E/A ratio were significantly lower with a normal value of the isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT). CONCLUSION: HIV-positive patients with a CD4 cell count >500/mm³ had no abnormalities by DE. Patients with a more advanced infection (those with a CD4 cell count <500/mm³), had a significantly abnormal LV systolic function and a higher incidence of pericardial effusion and mitral regurgitation. Mitral valve inflow by Doppler did not indicate diastolic dysfunction.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the changes in ventricular evoked responses (VER) produced by the decrease in left ventricular outflow tract gradient (LVOTG) in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) treated with dual-chamber (DDD) pacing. METHODS: A pulse generator Physios CTM (Biotronik, Germany) was implanted in 9 patients with severe drug-refractory HOCM. After implantation, the following conditions were assessed: 1) Baseline evaluation: different AV delay (ranging from 150ms to 50 ms) were sequentially programmed during 5 to 10 minutes, and the LVOTG (as determined by Doppler echocardiography) and VER recorded; 2) standard evaluation, when the best AV delay (resulting in the lowest LVOTG) programmed at the initial evaluation was maintained so that its effect on VER and LVOTG could be assessed during each chronic pacing evaluation. RESULTS: LVOTG decreased after DDD pacing, with a mean value of 59 ± 24 mmHg after dual chamber pacemaker, which was significantly less than the gradient before pacing (98 + 22mmHg). An AV delay >100ms produced a significantly lower decrease in VER depolarization duration (VER DD) when compared to an AV delay <=100ms. Linear regression analyses showed a significant correlation between the LVOTG values and the magnitude of VER (r=0.69; p<0.05) in the 9 studied patients. CONCLUSION: The telemetry obtained intramyocardial electrogram is a sensitive means to assess left ventricular dynamics in patients with HOCM treated with DDD pacing.


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OBJECTIVE: Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the right pulmonary artery (AOLCARPA), is a rare entity that is usually associated with other defects. Of the 20 cases of AOLCARPA reported in the literature, 14 (70%) had associations. We describe four patients with AOLCARPA without associated defects, but with a peculiar intramural aortic trajectory. METHODS: Fifty-five patients with anomalous origin of the left coronary artery were operated upon at INCOR-FMUSP. Four of the patients had the anomalous origin from the right pulmonary artery (RPA) without associated defects but with intramural aortic trajectory. Clinical and laboratory examinations were analyzed, as well as surgical findings. RESULTS: All patients had congestive heart failure (CHF) and 3 also had angina pectoris. Two patients had a murmur of mitral regurgitation, signs of myocardial infarction on the ECG and cardiomegaly. The shortening fraction varied from 9% to 23%. The hemodynamic study confirmed the diagnosis of anomalous origin of the coronary artery, but the intramural trajectory and the origin from the RPA were established only at surgery. In 3 patients, the technique of side-to-side anastomosis was performed with a good outcome. One patient, who underwent end-to-side anastomosis, died 6 months after the surgery. CONCLUSION: Association with other defects usually occurs in the AOLCARPA, and the intramural aortic trajectory is difficult to clinically diagnose but easy to surgically correct.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of the intraaortic balloon (IAoB) in association with coronary angioplasty in high-risk patients. METHODS: Fourteen high-risk patients unresponsive to clinical therapy and with formal contraindication to surgical revascularization were treated by coronary angioplasty, most of which was followed by stenting. All procedures were performed with circulatory support with the IAoB. This study reports the early results and the late findings after 12 months of follow-up. Six patients had multivessel coronary disease; of these, four had left main equivalent lesions and two had unprotected left main coronary artery disease, one of whom had severe "end-vessel" stenosis and the other was a patient with Chagas' disease with single-vessel lesion. Eleven patients had a left ventricular ejection fraction <30%. RESULTS: In 100% of the patients, the procedures were initially successful. Two patients had severe bleeding during the withdrawal of the left femoral sheath. At the end of twelve months, 4 patients were asymptomatic and the others were clinically controlled. There were two late deaths in the 7th and 11th months. CONCLUSION: The combined use of the intraaortic balloon pump and percutaneous coronary angioplasty in high-risk patients with acute ischemic syndromes provides the necessary hemodynamic stability to successfully perform the procedures.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine if abnormal laboratory findings are more common in individuals with hypertension and in those with other risk factors, such as obesity, smoking and alcohol ingestion. METHODS: A study was carried out in the general outpatient clinics of a university hospital (145 individuals without previous diagnosis of hypertension) and the following variables were assessed: high blood pressure (as defined by the VI Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection and Treatment of High Blood Pressure - VI JNC), obesity [calculated using body mass index (BMI)], tobacco use, and alcoholic ingestion. The laboratory examinations consisted of the following tests: hemogram, glycemia, uric acid, potassium, total/HDL-fraction cholesterol, triglycerides, calcium and creatinine. RESULTS: High blood pressure was not associated with a higher number of abnormal laboratory tests. Hypertensive individuals with a BMI > or = 25kg/m² or normotensive obese individuals, however, had a higher frequency of diabetes (12X), hypertriglyceridemia (3X), and hypercholesterolemia (2X), as compared with hypertensive individuals with BMI <25kg/m² and preobese/normal weight normotensive individuals. CONCLUSION: High blood pressure is not associated with a higher frequency of abnormal laboratory tests. The association of high blood pressure and obesity, however, increases the detection of diabetes and dyslipidemias.


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Beginning with a patient presenting with an atrial septal defect (ASD) of the secundum type, the genealogy was identified in four affected individuals who belonged to three successive generations of the same family. The defects were visually confirmed in all individuals and were found to be anatomically similar. No other congenital malformations were present in these individuals. The genealogy was identified in 1972, when ASD recurred in two generations, and it was concluded that the mechanism of transmission was autosomal recessive. The fifth individual, identified 21 years later, and having an anomaly identical to that of the others, was the child of a couple who had no consaguinity and whose mother was a member of the previously studied genealogy. Considering the absence of phenotype in the parents and the rarity of the ASD gene in the general population, the occurrence of the uniparental disomy for this family nucleus, and the same autosomal recessive mechanism of transmission by this affected individual is possible. This study reports the familial occurrence of ASD by genetic mechanisms of transmission, emphasizing the necessity for genetic-clinical studies in members of the familial nucleus in order to detect new carriers, who usually are asymptomatic, thereby allowing for early and adequate treatment of individuals who may be affected.


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Ebstein's anomaly with coarctation of the aorta is an extremely unusual condition. In this report, the clinical and surgical features of 3 male patients, aged 7 months, 4 years and 14 years, are discussed. All patients were in situs solitus. The first 2 patients had atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial discordance and progressed to heart failure in the neonatal period. The third had atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial concordance, as well as Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome, with frequent episodes of paroxysmal tachycardia. The 3 patients underwent surgery for correction of the coarctation of the aorta. The patient with atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial concordance underwent tricuspid valvuloplasty using a DeVega-like technique. In addition, ablation of 2 anomalous pathways (Kent bundle), which were detected by the electrophysiologic study, was also subsequently performed. The 3 patients showed a good postoperative outcome for 2 years, although, in those with discordance, the surgical procedure did not influence the dysplasia of the tricuspid valve, because this valve showed light to moderate dysfunction.


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OBJECTIVE - To assess the incidence of fatal pulmonary embolism (FPE), the accuracy of clinical diagnosis, and the profile of patients who suffered an FPE in a tertiary University Hospital. METHODS - Analysis of the records of 3,890 autopsies performed at the Department of General Pathology from January 1980 to December 1990. RESULTS - Among the 3,980 autopsies, 109 were cases of clinically suspected FPE; of these, 28 cases of FPE were confirmed. FPE accounted for 114 deaths, with clinical suspicion in 28 cases. The incidence of FPE was 2.86%. No difference in sex distribution was noted. Patients in the 6th decade of life were most affected. The following conditions were more commonly related to FPE: neoplasias (20%) and heart failure (18.5%). The conditions most commonly misdiagnosed as FPE were pulmonary edema (16%), pneumonia (15%) and myocardial infarction (10%). The clinical diagnosis of FPE showed a sensitivity of 25.6%, a specificity of 97.9%, and an accuracy of 95.6%. CONCLUSION - The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism made on clinical grounds still has considerable limitations.


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OBJECTIVE - To determine if the application of a continuous electrode paste band on precordial leads results in alteration of the electrocardiographic tracing as compared with an adequate amount of electrode paste, and if the former condition does not cause uniform morphologies from V1 to V6. METHODS - The amplitude and morphology of the electrocardiographic waves on the precordial leads in electrocardiographic tracings, which were performed with standard (control group) or excessive (continuous band) application of the electrode paste, were compared. RESULTS - None of the 106 patients studied showed uniformity of the QRS morphology from V1 to V6. The eletrocardiographic alterations identified in the tracings performed with a continuous electrode paste band that showed statistical significance in relation to the control group were the following: inversion of the P wave in V1; inversion of the T wave in V1, V2, and V3; appearance of R' waves in V1 and V2; disappearance of S waves in V1; appearance of S waves in V5 and V6; alterations in the amplitude of almost all waves, in all leads. CONCLUSION - Application of a continuous electrode paste band in the precordial leads may cause significant alterations in the electrocardiographic tracing obtained.


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OBJECTIVE - To analyze the immediate and late results of mitral valve repair with quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet without the use of a prosthetic ring annuloplasty. METHODS - Using this technique, 118 patients with mitral valve prolapse who underwent mitral repair from January '84 through December '96 were studied. Age ranged from 30 to 86 (mean = 59.1±11.8) years and 62.7% were males. An associated surgery was performed in 22% of the patients, and coronary artery bypass graft was the most frequently performed surgery (15 patients - 12.7%). In 20 (16.9%) patients other associated techniques of mitral valve repair were used and shortening of elongated chordae tendineae was the most frequent one (6 patients). RESULTS - Immediate mortality was 0.9% (one patient). Long-term rates for thromboembolism, endocarditis, re-operation and death in the late postoperative period were 0.4%, 0.4%, 1.7% and 2.2% patients/year, respectively. The actuarial curve of survival was 83.8±8.6% over 12 years; survival free from re-operation was 91.8±4.3%, free from endocarditis was 99.2±0.8% and free from thromboembolism was 99.2±0.8%. In the late postoperative period, 93.8% of the patients were in functional class 1 (NYHA), with a complete follow-up in 89.7% of the patients. CONCLUSION - Patients with mitral valve prolapse who undergo mitral valve repair using this technique have a satisfactory prognosis over 12 years.


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OBJECTIVE - To evaluate the cardiac abnormalities and their evolution during the course of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, as well as to correlate clinical and pathological data. METHODS - Twenty-one patients, admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, were prospectively studied and followed until their death. Age ranged from 19 to 42 years (17 males). ECG and echocardiogram were also obtained every six months. After death, macro- and microscopic examinations were also performed. RESULTS - The most frequent causes of referral to the hospital were: diarrhea or repeated pneumonias, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis or Kaposi sarcoma. The most frequent findings were acute or chronic pericarditis (42%) and dilated cardiomyopathy (19%). Four patients died of cardiac problems: infective endocarditis, pericarditis with pericardial effusion, bacterial myocarditis and infection by Toxoplasma gondii. CONCLUSION - Severe cardiac abnormalities were the cause of death in some patients. In the majority of the patients, a good correlation existed between clinical and anatomical-pathological data. Cardiac evaluation was important to detect early manifestations and treat them accordingly, even in asymptomatic patients.


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OBJECTIVE - Studies have shown that therapy with beta-blockers reduces mortality in patients with heart failure. However, there are no studies describing the effects of propranolol on the QT dispersion in this population. The objective of this study was to assess the electrophysiological profile, mainly QT dispersion, of patients with heart failure regularly using propranolol. METHODS - Fifteen patients with heart failure and using propranolol were assessed over a period of 12 months. Twelve-lead electrocardiograms (ECG) were recorded prior to the onset of beta-blocker therapy and after 3 months of drug use. RESULTS - A significant reduction in heart rate, in QT dispersion and in QTc dispersion was observed, as was also an increase in the PR interval and in the QT interval, after the use of propranolol in an average dosage of 100 mg/day. CONCLUSION - Reduction in QT dispersion in patients with heart failure using propranolol may explain the reduction in the risk of sudden cardiac death with beta-blocker therapy, in this specific group of patients.