975 resultados para Caqui Rama Forte


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The two-step particle synthesis mechanism, also known as the Finke-Watzky (1997) mechanism, has emerged as a significant development in the field of nanoparticle synthesis. It explains a characteristic feature of the synthesis of transition metal nanoparticles, an induction period in precursor concentration followed by its rapid sigmoidal decrease. The classical LaMer theory (1950) of particle formation fails to capture this behavior. The two-step mechanism considers slow continuous nucleation and autocatalytic growth of particles directly from precursor as its two kinetic steps. In the present work, we test the two-step mechanism rigorously using population balance models. We find that it explains precursor consumption very well, but fails to explain particle synthesis. The effect of continued nucleation on particle synthesis is not suppressed sufficiently by the rapid autocatalytic growth of particles. The nucleation continues to increase breadth of size distributions to unexpectedly large values as compared to those observed experimentally. A number of variations of the original mechanism with additional reaction steps are investigated next. The simulations show that continued nucleation from the beginning of the synthesis leads to formation of highly polydisperse particles in all of the tested cases. A short nucleation window, realized with delayed onset of nucleation and its suppression soon after in one of the variations, appears as one way to explain all of the known experimental observations. The present investigations clearly establish the need to revisit the two-step particle synthesis mechanism.


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We present here observations on diurnal and seasonal variation of mixing ratio and delta C-13 of air CO2, from an urban station-Bangalore (BLR), India, monitored between October 2008 and December 2011. On a diurnal scale, higher mixing ratio with depleted delta C-13 of air CO2 was found for the samples collected during early morning compared to the samples collected during late afternoon. On a seasonal scale, mixing ratio was found to be higher for dry summer months (April-May) and lower for southwest monsoon months (June-July). The maximum enrichment in delta C-13 of air CO2 (-8.04 +/- 0.02aEuro degrees) was seen in October, then delta C-13 started depleting and maximum depletion (-9.31 +/- 0.07aEuro degrees) was observed during dry summer months. Immediately after that an increasing trend in delta C-13 was monitored coincidental with the advancement of southwest monsoon months and maximum enrichment was seen again in October. Although a similar pattern in seasonal variation was observed for the three consecutive years, the dry summer months of 2011 captured distinctly lower amplitude in both the mixing ratio and delta C-13 of air CO2 compared to the dry summer months of 2009 and 2010. This was explained with reduced biomass burning and increased productivity associated with prominent La Nina condition. While compared with the observations from the nearest coastal and open ocean stations-Cabo de Rama (CRI) and Seychelles (SEY), BLR being located within an urban region captured higher amplitude of seasonal variation. The average delta C-13 value of the end member source CO2 was identified based on both diurnal and seasonal scale variation. The delta C-13 value of source CO2 (-24.9 +/- 3aEuro degrees) determined based on diurnal variation was found to differ drastically from the source value (-14.6 +/- 0.7aEuro degrees) identified based on seasonal scale variation. The source CO2 identified based on diurnal variation incorporated both early morning and late afternoon sample; whereas, the source CO2 identified based on seasonal variation included only afternoon samples. Thus, it is evident from the study that sampling timing is one of the important factors while characterizing the composition of end member source CO2 for a particular station. The difference in delta C-13 value of source CO2 obtained based on both diurnal and seasonal variation might be due to possible contribution from cement industry along with fossil fuel / biomass burning as predominant sources for the station along with differential meteorological conditions prevailed.


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4-(p-X-phenyl)thiosemicarbazone of napthaldehyde {where X = Cl (HL1) and X = Br (HL2)}, thiosemicarbazone of quinoline-2-carbaldehyde (HL3) and 4-(p-fluorophenyl) thiosemicarbazone of salicylaldehyde (H2L4) and their copper(I) {Cu(HL1)(PPh3)(2)Br]center dot CH3CN (1) and Cu(HL2)(PPh3)(2)Cl]center dot DMSO (2)} and copper(II) {((Cu2L2Cl)-Cl-3)(2)(mu-Cl)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O (3) and Cu(L-4)(Py)] (4)} complexes are reported herein. The synthesized ligands and their copper complexes were successfully characterized by elemental analysis, cyclic voltammetry, NMR, ESI-MS, IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Molecular structures of all the Cu(I) and Cu(II) complexes have been determined by X-ray crystallography. All the complexes (1-4) were tested for their ability to exhibit DNA-binding and - cleavage activity. The complexes effectively interact with CT-DNA possibly by groove binding mode, with binding constants ranging from 10(4) to 10(5) M-1. Among the complexes, 3 shows the highest chemical (60%) as well as photo-induced (80%) DNA cleavage activity against pUC19 DNA. Finally, the in vitro antiproliferative activity of all the complexes was assayed against the HeLa cell line. Some of the complexes have proved to be as active as the clinical referred drugs, and the greater potency of 3 may be correlated with its aqueous solubility and the presence of the quinonoidal group in the thiosemicarbazone ligand coordinated to the metal.


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The existence of three centered C=O...H(N)...X-C hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) involving organic fluorine and other halogens in diphenyloxamide derivatives has been explored by NMR spectroscopy and quantum theoretical studies. The three centered H-bond with the participation of a rotating CF3 group and the F...H-N intramolecular hydrogen bonds, a rare observation of its kind in organofluorine compounds, has been detected. It is also unambiguously established by a number of one and two dimensional NMR experiments, such as temperature perturbation, solvent titration, N-15-H-1 HSQC, and F-19-H-1 HOESY, and is also confirmed by theoretical calculations, such as quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM), natural bond orbital (NBO) and non-covalent interaction (NCI).


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We report a novel 1D J-edited pure shift NMR experiment (J-PSHIFT) that was constructed from a pseudo 2D experiment for the direct measurement of proton-proton scalar couplings. The experiment gives homonuclear broad-band H-1-decoupled H-1 NMR spectra, which provide a single peak for chemically distinct protons, and only retain the homonuclear-scalar-coupled doublet pattern at the chemical-shift positions of the protons in the coupled network of a specific proton. This permits the direct and unambiguous measurement of the magnitudes of the couplings. The incorporation of a 1D selective correlation spectroscopy (COSY)/ total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY) block in lieu of the initial selective pulse, results in the exclusive detection of the correlated spectrum of a specific proton.


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A family of soybean oil (SO) based biodegradable cross-linked copolyesters sourced from renewable resources was developed for use as resorbable biomaterials. The polyesters were prepared by a melt condensation of epoxidized soybean oil polyol and sebacic acid with citric acid (CA) as a cross-linker. D-Mannitol (M) was added as an additional reactant to improve mechanical properties. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed that the polyester synthesized using only CA as the cross-linker was semicrystalline and elastomeric at physiological temperature. The polymers were hydrophobic in nature. The water wettability, elongation at break and the degradation rate of the polyesters decreased with increase in M content or curing time. Modeling of release kinetics of dyes showed a diffusion controlled mechanism underlies the observed sustained release from these polymers. The polyesters supported attachment and proliferation of human stem cells and were thus cytocompatible. Porous scaffolds induced osteogenic differentiation of the stern cells suggesting that these polymers are well suited for bone tissue engineering. Thus, this family of polyesters offers a low cost and green alternative as biocompatible, bioresobable polymers for potential use as resorbable biomaterials for tissue engineering and controlled release.


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The high species richness of tropical forests has long been recognized, yet there remains substantial uncertainty regarding the actual number of tropical tree species. Using a pantropical tree inventory database from closed canopy forests, consisting of 657,630 trees belonging to 11,371 species, we use a fitted value of Fisher's alpha and an approximate pantropical stem total to estimate the minimum number of tropical forest tree species to fall between similar to 40,000 and similar to 53,000, i.e., at the high end of previous estimates. Contrary to common assumption, the Indo-Pacific region was found to be as species-rich as the Neotropics, with both regions having a minimum of similar to 19,000-25,000 tree species. Continental Africa is relatively depauperate with a minimum of similar to 4,500-6,000 tree species. Very few species are shared among the African, American, and the Indo-Pacific regions. We provide a methodological framework for estimating species richness in trees that may help refine species richness estimates of tree-dependent taxa.


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We solve the two-dimensional, planar Navier-Stokes equations to simulate a laminar, standing hydraulic jump using a Volume-of-Fluid method. The geometry downstream of the jump has been designed to be similar to experimental conditions by including a pit at the edge of the platform over which liquid film flows. We obtain jumps with and without separation. Increasing the inlet Froude number pushes the jump downstream and makes the slope of the jump weaker, consistent with experimental observations of circular jumps, and decreasing the Reynolds number brings the jump upstream while making it steeper. We study the effect of the length of the domain and that of a downstream obstacle on the structure and location of the jump. The transient flow which leads to a final steady jump is described for the first time to our knowledge. In the moderate Reynolds number regime, we obtain steady undular jumps with a separated bubble underneath the first few undulations. Interestingly, surface tension leads to shortening of wavelength of these undulations. We show that the undulations can be explained using the inviscid theory of Benjamin and Lighthill (Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 1954). We hope this new finding will motivate experimental verification.


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The transient changes in resistances of Cr0.8Fe0.2NbO4 thick film sensors towards specified concentrations of H-2, NH3, acetonitrile, acetone, alcohol, cyclohexane and petroleum gas at different operating temperatures were recorded. The analyte-specific characteristics such as slopes of the response and retrace curves, area under the curve and sensitivity deduced from the transient curve of the respective analyte gas have been used to construct a data matrix. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to this data and the score plot was obtained. Distinguishing one reducing gas from the other is demonstrated based on this approach, which otherwise is not possible by measuring relative changes in conductivity. This methodology is extended for three Cr0.8Fe0.2NbO4 thick film sensor array operated at different temperatures. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bi1-xCaxFe1-xCoxO3 nanoparticles with x=0.0, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15 were successfully synthesized by cost effective tartaric acid based sol gel route. The alkali earth metal Ca2+ ions and transition metal Co3+ ions codoping at A and B-sites of BiFeO3 results in structural distortion and phase transformation. Rietveld refinement of XRD patterns suggested the coexistence of rhombohedral and orthorhombic phases in codoped BiFeO3 samples. Both XRD and Raman scattering studies showed the compressive lattice distortion in the samples induced by codoping of Ca2+ and Co3+ ions. Two-phonon Raman spectra exhibited the improvement of magnetization in these samples. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) showed the dominancy of Fe3+ and Co3+ oxidation states along with the shifting of the binding energy of Bi 4f orbital which confirms the substitution Ca2+ at Bi-site. The magnetic study showed the enhancement in room temperature ferromagnetic behavior with co-substitution consistent with Rama analysis. The gradual change in line shape of electron spin resonance spectra indicated the local distortion induced by codoping. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.


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Andrographis lineata is an herbal medicinal plant used in traditional medicine as a substitute for Andrographis paniculata. Here, using mature leaf explants of A. lineata we demonstrate for the first time the callus induction established on MS medium containing 1.0 mg l(-1) IAA. Dried callus was subjected to solvent extraction with acetone. Further the acetone residue was separated by silica gel column chromatography, crystallized and characterized on the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (proton and c13) and liquid chromatographic mass spectroscopy. This analysis revealed the occurrence of two known flavones namely, 7-O-methylwogonin (MW) and Echioidinin (ED). Furthermore, these compounds were tested for their cytotoxicity against leukemic cell line, CEM. We identify that ED and MW induced cytotoxicity in a time-and concentration-dependent manner. Further increase in the LDH release upon treatment with ED and MW further confirmed our cytotoxicity results against leukemic cell line. Strikingly, MW was more potent than ED when compared by trypan blue and MTT assays. Our results recapitulate the utility of callus cultures for the production of plant specific bioactive secondary metabolites instead of using wild plants. Together, our in vitro studies provide new insights of A. lineata callus cultures serving as a source for cancer chemotherapeutic agents.


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The structure and mechanical properties of crystalline materials of three boron difluoride dibenzoylmethane (BF(2)dbm) derivatives were investigated to examine the correlation, if any, among mechanochromic luminescence (ML) behaviour, solid-state structure, and the mechanical behaviour of single crystals. Qualitative mechanical deformation tests show that the crystals of BF(2)dbm(Bu-t)(2) can be bent permanently, whereas those of BF(2)dbm(OMe)(2) exhibit an inhomogeneous shearing mode of deformation, and finally BF(2)dbmOMe crystals are brittle. Quantitative mechanical analysis by nanoindentation on the major facets of the crystals shows that BF(2)dbm(Bu-t)(2) is soft and compliant with low values of elastic modulus, E, and hardness, H, confirming its superior suceptibility for plastic deformation, which is attributed to the presence of a multitude of slip systems in the crystal structure. In contrast, both BF(2)dbm(OMe)(2) and BF(2)dbmOMe are considerably stiffer and harder with comparable E and H, which are rationalized through analysis of the structural attributes such as the intermolecular interactions, slip systems and their relative orientation with respect to the indentation direction. As expected from the qualitative mechanical behaviour, prominent ML was observed in BF(2)dbm(Bu-t)(2), whereas BF(2)dbm(OMe)(2) exhibits only a moderate ML and BF(2)dbmOMe shows no detectable ML, all examined under identical conditions. These results confirm that the extent of ML in crystalline organic solid-state fluorophore materials can be correlated positively with the extent of plasticity (low recovery). In turn, they offer opportunities to design new and improved efficient ML materials using crystal engineering principles.


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The lack of an efficient and safe carrier is a major impediment in the field of gene therapy. Although gelatin (GT), a naturally derived polymer, is widely used in drug delivery applications, it is unable to bind DNA efficiently. In this study, a novel polycationic gene carrier was prepared by conjugation of low molecular weight polyethyleneimine (LPEI) with GT through 4-bromonaphthaleic anhydride as a coupling agent to avoid self crosslinking. Self-assembly of LPEI conjugated GT (GT-LPEI) with plasmid DNA (pDNA) yielded nanoparticles with high gene complexation ability to form similar to 250 nm cylindrical nanoparticles with a zeta potential of similar to 27 mV. GT-LPEI showed exceptionally high transfection efficiency (> 90%) in various mammalian cells including primary stem cells with minimal cytotoxicity. The transfection efficiency of GT-LPEI significantly surpassed that of many commercial reagents. The high gene transfection expression was confirmed in vivo. Thus, GT-LPEI is shown to be a promising nonviral carrier for potential use in gene therapy.


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Investigations on chromium niobate (CrNbO4) have shown that the material responds to a wide hydrogen concentration range of 0.01%-0.40% at 613 K. The conductivity of CrNbO4 is independent of oxygen partial pressure and offers to be a promising candidate for monitoring H-2 in radioactive spent fuel storage facilities. Reduction of metal ions to lower valence states during hydrogen sensing was evidenced by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies.


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En el presente trabajo, se estudió la situación existente con respecto a la prevalencia de abscesos en animales sacrificados en la Empresa Agrícola Centroamericana S.A. Matadero Amerrisque. Ubicada en el km.l28 carretera al Rama, Juigalpa, Chontales. Para esto se analizaron los datos de la inspección post-morten de los años 1984, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993; para los cuales las variables consideradas fueron: el órgano más afectado, la categoría animal más afectada, el departamento y el año con más prevalencia y las pérdidas económicas. Los análisis estadísticos, fueron conducidos usando el programa SAS 1987 en su rutina PROD CATMOD controlada por el modelo aditivo lineal. Se determinó que la prevalencia de abscesos total es de 2.92%, además el órgano del cual llevan registro únicamente fue de hígados, la categoría animal más afectada fue la categoría vaca, el departamento con mayor prevalencia de abscesos fue Chontales y el año con más prevalencia fue 1990. Las pérdidas económicas resultaron de USD $ 51,929.63 por lo que el país deja de captar divisas de unos USD $ 122,350 por disminuir las exportaciones de carne.