980 resultados para Cape Sable


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[ES] The olive ridley sea turtle Lepidochelys olivacea has been recorded in the Cape Verde Islands, but the most recent published data (1998-2000) are of stranded ndividuals and remains only. This article presents new data on olive ridleys recorded during the years 2001-2011 on Boavista and Sal islands. The presence of his species does not appear to be related to nesting activity. The possible geographical origin of these turtles is discussed. In addition, we propose some studies that could help to reinforce the conservation of sea turtles in West Africa.


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[ES] On 31 August 2003, at 11:40 local time, c. 5 nm southwest of São Nicolau 16º33.1N, 024º27.7W), Cape Verde Islands, GT and PLS observed c.20 Fraser’s Dolphins Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser, 1956 (Fig.1). The sighting was made under excellent weather conditions (sea state Beaufort 2 with sun) from the 39.6 m diesel engine powered oceanographic research vessel Taliarte during a two week cetacean survey conducted as part of the Hydrocarpo project. The animals were c. 2.5 m in length, with a short beak, robust ody, small dorsal and pectoral fins and showed the characteristic longitudinal striping (cf. efferson et al.1993, Carwardine 1995).


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[ES] To actively protect sea turtles on their nesting beaches, it is essential to obtain knowledge about trends in abundance. The way sea turtles live makes it extremely difficult to identify how many individuals there are in a population at any point in time. Due to practical problems, given their entirely marine life with limited visibility and great oceanic dispersal, counting males or juveniles is currently quite difficult and imprecise. Counting females and nests on beaches during the nesting season is the best feasible but still imperfect method, since only an unknown portion of adult females nest every season. It is impossible to know the real number of females in the population by merely counting females and nests in a given year.


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[EN] The sea is one of the major natural resources of the Cape Verde Islands, a small archipelago located 500 kilometers off the coast of Senegal (West Africa). This country consists of ten main islands and several islets, and possesses an Exclusive Economical Zone (EEZ) of about 734 square kilometers and a coastal perimeter of nearly 2000 kilometers. The marine shelf, whose limit is the 200 m isobath, is particularly extensive on the island of Boa Vista (Figure 1). lt is likely that most of the loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) that breed in this archipelago are concentrated on this island (López-Jurado et al., 1999).


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Background: K-ras mutation is found in up to 40% of LARC. Sor is a multitarget tyrosine kinase inhibitor including raf and VEGFR and has demonstrated radiosensitizing effects. Sor might improve outcome of standard preoperative radio-chemotherapy in patients with k-ras mutated LARC. Methods: Pts with k-ras mutated T3-4 and/or N+, M0 disease by MRI were included. Recommended doses from phase I part consisted of RT 1.8 Gy/day x25 with Cape 825mg/m2bid x 33 in combination with Sor 400mg/d. The primary endpoint for the phase II part was pathological complete response (pCR) prospectively defined as grade 3 (near complete regression) or 4 (complete regression) in the histological grading system according to Dworak (DC). A pCR rate of 8% or lower was considered uninteresting and of 22% or higher was promising. Secondary endpoints included sphincter preservation, R0 resection, downstaging and safety. Results: 54 pts were treated in 18 centers in Switzerland und Hungary, 40 pts were included into the single arm phase II part. Median dose intensity per day was 100.0% for RT, 98.6% for Cape and 100.0% for Sor respectively. pCR rate was 60.0% (95%CI: 43.3%, 75.1%) by central independent pathological review (15.0% DC grade 4; 45.0% DC grade 3). Sphincter preservation was achieved in 89.5%, R0 resection in 94.7% and downstaging in 81.6% of the pts. The most common grade 3 toxicities included diarrhea (15.0%), skin toxicity outside of the RT field (12.5%), pain (7.5%), skin toxicity in RT field, proctitis, fatigue and cardiac ischemia (each 5.0%). Laboratory AEs grade 3/4 were neutropenia (1 pt grade 4; 1 grade 3), creatinine elevation (1 pt grade 3). Conclusions: The combination of Sor to standard RCT with Cape in k-ras mutated LARC tumors is highly active with acceptable toxicity and deserves further investigation.


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Scale 1:253,440; 24 statute miles or 4 to 1 in.


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Shows points of interest along southern part of the N.J. Heritage Trail.


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"March 1985."


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Quantification of the marine radiocarbon reservoir effect (R) is essential in order to calibrate conventional 14C dates from marine shell samples with reliability. R also provides information concerning the intensity of coastal upwelling in marine regions influenced by this phenomenon. 14C ages of closely associated marine samples (mollusk shells) and terrestrial samples (goat bones) from São Vicente Island, Cape Verde Archipelago, permitted the first calculation of the marine 14C reservoir effect in this region. A R weighted mean value of 70 ± 70 14C yr was obtained. This value is in accordance with the previously published oceanographic conditions of the region indicating the existence of a seasonal active upwelling regime.


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The fisheries for mackerel scad, Decapterus macarellus, are particularly important in Cape Verde, constituting almost 40% of total catches at the peak of the fishery in 1997 and 1998 ( 3700 tonnes). Catches have been stable at a much lower level of about 2 100 tonnes in recent years. Given the importance of mackerel scad in terms of catch weight and local food security, there is an urgent need for updated assessment. Stock assessment was carried out using a Bayesian approach to biomass dynamic modelling. In order to tackle the problem of a non-informative CPUE series, the intrinsic rate of increase, r, was estimated separately, and the ratio B-0/X, initial biomass relative to carrying capacity, was assumed based on available information. The results indicated that the current level of fishing is sustainable. The probability of collapse is low, particularly in the short-term, and it is likely that biomass may increase further above B-msy, indicating a healthy stock level. It would appear that it is relatively safe to increase catches even up to 4000 tonnes. However, the marginal posterior of r was almost identical to the prior, indicating that there is relatively low information content in CPUE. This was also the case in relation to B-0/X There have been substantial increases in fishing efficiency, which have not been adequately captured by the measure used for effort (days or trips), implying that the results may be overly optimistic and should be considered preliminary. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.