759 resultados para Cantor Manifold


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A densely built environment is a complex system of infrastructure, nature, and people closely interconnected and interacting. Vehicles, public transport, weather action, and sports activities constitute a manifold set of excitation and degradation sources for civil structures. In this context, operators should consider different factors in a holistic approach for assessing the structural health state. Vibration-based structural health monitoring (SHM) has demonstrated great potential as a decision-supporting tool to schedule maintenance interventions. However, most excitation sources are considered an issue for practical SHM applications since traditional methods are typically based on strict assumptions on input stationarity. Last-generation low-cost sensors present limitations related to a modest sensitivity and high noise floor compared to traditional instrumentation. If these devices are used for SHM in urban scenarios, short vibration recordings collected during high-intensity events and vehicle passage may be the only available datasets with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio. While researchers have spent efforts to mitigate the effects of short-term phenomena in vibration-based SHM, the ultimate goal of this thesis is to exploit them and obtain valuable information on the structural health state. First, this thesis proposes strategies and algorithms for smart sensors operating individually or in a distributed computing framework to identify damage-sensitive features based on instantaneous modal parameters and influence lines. Ordinary traffic and people activities become essential sources of excitation, while human-powered vehicles, instrumented with smartphones, take the role of roving sensors in crowdsourced monitoring strategies. The technical and computational apparatus is optimized using in-memory computing technologies. Moreover, identifying additional local features can be particularly useful to support the damage assessment of complex structures. Thereby, smart coatings are studied to enable the self-sensing properties of ordinary structural elements. In this context, a machine-learning-aided tomography method is proposed to interpret the data provided by a nanocomposite paint interrogated electrically.


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Image-to-image (i2i) translation networks can generate fake images beneficial for many applications in augmented reality, computer graphics, and robotics. However, they require large scale datasets and high contextual understanding to be trained correctly. In this thesis, we propose strategies for solving these problems, improving performances of i2i translation networks by using domain- or physics-related priors. The thesis is divided into two parts. In Part I, we exploit human abstraction capabilities to identify existing relationships in images, thus defining domains that can be leveraged to improve data usage efficiency. We use additional domain-related information to train networks on web-crawled data, hallucinate scenarios unseen during training, and perform few-shot learning. In Part II, we instead rely on physics priors. First, we combine realistic physics-based rendering with generative networks to boost outputs realism and controllability. Then, we exploit naive physical guidance to drive a manifold reorganization, which allowed generating continuous conditions such as timelapses.


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Given a transitive Anosov diffeomorphism on a closed manifold it is known that, for smooth enough observables, the system is mixing w.r.t. the measure of maximal entropy. Therefore, it makes sense to investigate the speed of decay of correlations and to look for the so-called Ruelle-Pollicott resonances, in order to determine a complete asymptotics for the decay of correlations. In this thesis we are able to find the first terms of that asymptotics and to prove an estimate for the speed of decaying of correlations. The proof is based on a surprising connection between the action of a transfer operator on suitable anisotropic Banach spaces of currents and the action induced by the Anosov map on the de Rham cohomology.


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Machine Learning makes computers capable of performing tasks typically requiring human intelligence. A domain where it is having a considerable impact is the life sciences, allowing to devise new biological analysis protocols, develop patients’ treatments efficiently and faster, and reduce healthcare costs. This Thesis work presents new Machine Learning methods and pipelines for the life sciences focusing on the unsupervised field. At a methodological level, two methods are presented. The first is an “Ab Initio Local Principal Path” and it is a revised and improved version of a pre-existing algorithm in the manifold learning realm. The second contribution is an improvement over the Import Vector Domain Description (one-class learning) through the Kullback-Leibler divergence. It hybridizes kernel methods to Deep Learning obtaining a scalable solution, an improved probabilistic model, and state-of-the-art performances. Both methods are tested through several experiments, with a central focus on their relevance in life sciences. Results show that they improve the performances achieved by their previous versions. At the applicative level, two pipelines are presented. The first one is for the analysis of RNA-Seq datasets, both transcriptomic and single-cell data, and is aimed at identifying genes that may be involved in biological processes (e.g., the transition of tissues from normal to cancer). In this project, an R package is released on CRAN to make the pipeline accessible to the bioinformatic Community through high-level APIs. The second pipeline is in the drug discovery domain and is useful for identifying druggable pockets, namely regions of a protein with a high probability of accepting a small molecule (a drug). Both these pipelines achieve remarkable results. Lastly, a detour application is developed to identify the strengths/limitations of the “Principal Path” algorithm by analyzing Convolutional Neural Networks induced vector spaces. This application is conducted in the music and visual arts domains.


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Long-term monitoring of acoustical environments is gaining popularity thanks to the relevant amount of scientific and engineering insights that it provides. The increasing interest is due to the constant growth of storage capacity and computational power to process large amounts of data. In this perspective, machine learning (ML) provides a broad family of data-driven statistical techniques to deal with large databases. Nowadays, the conventional praxis of sound level meter measurements limits the global description of a sound scene to an energetic point of view. The equivalent continuous level Leq represents the main metric to define an acoustic environment, indeed. Finer analyses involve the use of statistical levels. However, acoustic percentiles are based on temporal assumptions, which are not always reliable. A statistical approach, based on the study of the occurrences of sound pressure levels, would bring a different perspective to the analysis of long-term monitoring. Depicting a sound scene through the most probable sound pressure level, rather than portions of energy, brought more specific information about the activity carried out during the measurements. The statistical mode of the occurrences can capture typical behaviors of specific kinds of sound sources. The present work aims to propose an ML-based method to identify, separate and measure coexisting sound sources in real-world scenarios. It is based on long-term monitoring and is addressed to acousticians focused on the analysis of environmental noise in manifold contexts. The presented method is based on clustering analysis. Two algorithms, Gaussian Mixture Model and K-means clustering, represent the main core of a process to investigate different active spaces monitored through sound level meters. The procedure has been applied in two different contexts: university lecture halls and offices. The proposed method shows robust and reliable results in describing the acoustic scenario and it could represent an important analytical tool for acousticians.


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Il seguente lavoro si propone come analisi degli operatori convoluzionali che caratterizzano le graph neural networks. ln particolare, la trattazione si divide in due parti, una teorica e una sperimentale. Nella parte teorica vengono innanzitutto introdotte le nozioni preliminari di mesh e convoluzione su mesh. In seguito vengono riportati i concetti base del geometric deep learning, quali le definizioni degli operatori convoluzionali e di pooling e unpooling. Un'attenzione particolare è stata data all'architettura Graph U-Net. La parte sperimentare riguarda l'applicazione delle reti neurali e l'analisi degli operatori convoluzionali applicati al denoising di superfici perturbate a causa di misurazioni imperfette effettuate da scanner 3D.


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In this thesis, we aim to discuss a simple mathematical model for the edge detection mechanism and the boundary completion problem in the human brain in a differential geometry framework. We describe the columnar structure of the primary visual cortex as the fiber bundle R2 × S1, the orientation bundle, and by introducing a first vector field on it, explain the edge detection process. Edges are detected through a lift from the domain in R2 into the manifold R2 × S1 and are horizontal to a completely non-integrable distribution. Therefore, we can construct a subriemannian structure on the manifold R2 × S1, through which we retrieve perceived smooth contours as subriemannian geodesics, solutions to Hamilton’s equations. To do so, in the first chapter, we illustrate the functioning of the most fundamental structures of the early visual system in the brain, from the retina to the primary visual cortex. We proceed with introducing the necessary concepts of differential and subriemannian geometry in chapters two and three. We finally implement our model in chapter four, where we conclude, comparing our results with the experimental findings of Heyes, Fields, and Hess on the existence of an association field.


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In questa tesi si vuole trattare il concetto di dimensione a partire dalla teoria della misura e lo si vuole applicare per definire e studiare gli insiemi frattali, in particolare, autosimili. Nel primo capitolo si tratta la dimensione di Hausdorff a partire dalla teoria della misura di Hausdorff, di cui si osservano alcune delle proprietà grazie a cui la prima si può definire. Nel secondo capitolo si danno altre definizioni di dimensione, come ad esempio quella di auto-similarità e la box-counting, per mostrare che tale concetto non è univoco. Si analizzano quindi le principali differenze tra le diverse dimensioni citate e si forniscono esempi di insiemi per cui esse coincidono e altri, invece, per cui esse differiscono. Nel terzo capitolo si introduce poi il vero e proprio concetto di insieme frattale. In particolare, definendo i sistemi di funzioni iterate e studiandone le principali proprietà, si definisce una particolare classe di insiemi frattali detti autosimili. In questo capitolo sono enunciati e dimostrati teoremi fondamentali che legano gli attrattori di sistemi di funzioni iterate a insiemi frattali autosimili e forniscono, per alcuni specifici casi, una formula per calcolarne la dimensione di Hausdorff. Si danno, inoltre, esempi di calcolo di tale dimensione per alcuni insiemi frattali autosimili molto noti. Nel quarto capitolo si dà infine un esempio di funzione che abbia grafico frattale, la Funzione di Weierstrass, per mostrare un caso pratico in cui è utilizzata la teoria studiata nei capitoli precedenti.


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Privacy issues and data scarcity in PET field call for efficient methods to expand datasets via synthetic generation of new data that cannot be traced back to real patients and that are also realistic. In this thesis, machine learning techniques were applied to 1001 amyloid-beta PET images, which had undergone a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: the evaluations were 540 positive, 457 negative and 4 unknown. Isomap algorithm was used as a manifold learning method to reduce the dimensions of the PET dataset; a numerical scale-free interpolation method was applied to invert the dimensionality reduction map. The interpolant was tested on the PET images via LOOCV, where the removed images were compared with the reconstructed ones with the mean SSIM index (MSSIM = 0.76 ± 0.06). The effectiveness of this measure is questioned, since it indicated slightly higher performance for a method of comparison using PCA (MSSIM = 0.79 ± 0.06), which gave clearly poor quality reconstructed images with respect to those recovered by the numerical inverse mapping. Ten synthetic PET images were generated and, after having been mixed with ten originals, were sent to a team of clinicians for the visual assessment of their realism; no significant agreements were found either between clinicians and the true image labels or among the clinicians, meaning that original and synthetic images were indistinguishable. The future perspective of this thesis points to the improvement of the amyloid-beta PET research field by increasing available data, overcoming the constraints of data acquisition and privacy issues. Potential improvements can be achieved via refinements of the manifold learning and the inverse mapping stages during the PET image analysis, by exploring different combinations in the choice of algorithm parameters and by applying other non-linear dimensionality reduction algorithms. A final prospect of this work is the search for new methods to assess image reconstruction quality.