998 resultados para CLOSED CHARACTERISTICS


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The present study was focused on the analysis of agronomical, nutritional, physicochemical, and antioxidant properties of six genetically different quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) genotypes cultivated in three distinctive geographical zones of Chile. Ancovinto and Cancosa genotypes from the northern Altiplano (19 ºS), Cáhuil and Faro from the central region (34 ºS), and Regalona and Villarica from the southern region (39 ºS) are representative of high genetic differentiation among the pooled samples, in particular between Altiplano and the central-southern groups. A Common-Garden Assay at 30 ºS showed significant differences among seed origins in all morphometric parameters and also in yields. Altiplano genotypes had larger panicule length but no seed production. A significant influence of the different quinoa genotypes on chemical composition and functional properties was also observed. Protein concentration ranged from 11.13 to 16.18 g.100 g-1 d.m., while total dietary fiber content ranged from 8.07-12.08 g.100 g-1 d.m., and both were the highest in Villarrica ecotype. An adequate balance of essential amino acids was also observed. Sucrose was the predominant sugar in all genotypes. Antioxidant activity was high in all genotypes, and it was highest in Faro genotype (79.58% inhibition).


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The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the addition of the enzyme xylanase (four concentrations: 0, 4, 8, and 12 g.100 kg-1 flour) on the characteristics of loaf bread made with white wheat flour or whole grain wheat flour. Breads made from white flour and added with xylanase had higher specific volumes than those of the control sample (no enzyme); however, the specific volume did not differ significantly (p < 0.05) among the breads with different enzyme concentrations. All formulations made from whole grain wheat flour and added with xylanase also had specific volumes significantly higher than those of the control sample, and the highest value was found for the 8 g xylanase.100 kg-1 flour formulation. With respect to moisture content, the formulations with different enzyme concentrations showed small significant differences when compared to the control samples. In general, breads made with the addition of 8 g enzyme.100 kg-1 flour had the lowest firmness values, thus presenting the best technological characteristics.


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The effect of inulin addition and starters (Kefir grains or commercial starter culture) on the microbial viability, texture, and chemical characteristics of Kefir beverages prepared with whole or skim milk was evaluated during refrigerated storage. The type of starter did not influence microbial viability during the storage of the beverages, but the chemical and textural changes (decreases in pH, lactose concentration, and inulin and increased acidity, firmness, and syneresis) were more pronounced in the formulations fermented with grains than those fermented with the starter culture. The addition of inulin did not influence acidity or viability of lactic acid bacteria, but in general, its effect on the survival of acetic acid bacteria, Lactococcus and yeasts, firmness, and syneresis depended on the type of milk and starter culture used. Generally, the yeast, acetic acid bacteria, and Leuconostoc counts increased or remained unchanged, while the total population of lactic acid bacteria and Lactococcus were either reduced by 1 to 2 logs or remained unchanged during storage.


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Due to the importance of studies on yacon related to health, its in natura pulp, in natura peel, pulp flour, and peel flour were chemically analyzed in terms of its centesimal composition, specific minerals, total dietary fiber and fractions, pH, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity, tannins, oxalic acid, and nitrate. The polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase enzymatic activities were evaluated for in natura pulp and peel only. Yacon pulp and peel flour presented average yield of 7.94% and 10.86%, respectively. The in natura pulp presented a higher moisture and carboydrate content and lower lipid, protein, total dietary fiber, and ash than those of the peel flour. The same pattern was observed for pulp flour when compared to peel flour. The highest tannin, nitrate, and oxalic acid levels were found in the peel flour, 15,304.5 mg.kg-1, 1,578.3 mg.kg-1, and 7,925.0 mg.kg-1 (wet weight), respectively. The polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase enzymes presented higher enzymatic activity in the yacon peel. Based on the results obtained, it can be said that the yacon and its derivatives are important dietary carbohydrate and mineral sources and contain antinutritional substance contents lower than those harmful to health.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the level of minimal processing and modified atmosphere on the quality of 'Champagne' orange stored under refrigeration. The fruits were subjected to the following processing: a) whole fruit without flavedo; b) whole fruit without flavedo and albedo; and c) segmented into wedges and packed as follows: uncoated packaging (control); polyethylene film; PVC film; gelatin-based edible films (3%); and polyesthyrene translucent plastic container with a lid. The minimally processed oranges were stored at 5 ± 1°C for 8 days and were subjected to physicochemical and microbiological analyses every two days. Greater weight loss occurred in fruits without flavedo and segmented, uncoated, and coated with the edible gelatin film During storage, there was a slight increase in Total Soluble Solids (TSS) for the treatments with greater weight loss and reduction in acidity and ascorbic acid, regardless of the packaging type. The microbial counts did not exceed the acceptable limits in the treatments; however, higher counts were observed at the end of storage. The minimally processed fruit packed in lidded polystyrene containers and polyethylene and PVC films kept their overall fresh visual appearance with a few physicochemical and microbiological changes up to the 8th day of storage.


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The objective of the research was to relate the physical and chemical characteristics of soymilk plain beverages to its sensory acceptance. Five commercial products and a new product formulated based on the less accepted sample were used. The overall acceptance was evaluated by 102 assessors using a 10-point hybrid hedonic scale. The hedonic scores ranged from 3.8 (sample E) to 7.0 (A). Most assessors (55%) preferred sample A, which was viscous (26.6 cp), dark (L* = 77.7), and slightly acidic (pH = 6.6). Sample C, which had lower solid content and higher acidity, was preferred by 29% of the assessors. These two beverages showed the greatest commercial potential of the products analyzed. The least-accepted sample (E), preferred by 8% of the assessors, had a lighter color (L* = 96.8), lower viscosity (13.5 cp), higher lipid content (2.2 g/100 g), and less protein (1.68 g/100 g) than the other products evaluated. A reformulation of the least preferred product (E) with the addition of maltodextrin and also vanilla and milk flavors increased its acceptance, yielding an average score of 7.2. Overall, it was observed that a soymilk plain beverage with higher viscosity, darker color, and higher protein content best meets consumer expectations.


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In this study, the effects of hot-air drying conditions on color, water holding capacity, and total phenolic content of dried apple were investigated using artificial neural network as an intelligent modeling system. After that, a genetic algorithm was used to optimize the drying conditions. Apples were dried at different temperatures (40, 60, and 80 °C) and at three air flow-rates (0.5, 1, and 1.5 m/s). Applying the leave-one-out cross validation methodology, simulated and experimental data were in good agreement presenting an error < 2.4 %. Quality index optimal values were found at 62.9 °C and 1.0 m/s using genetic algorithm.


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In this work, three freeze-dried (FD) egg products (whole egg (WE), egg yolk (EY) and egg white (EW)) were obtained and the acceptability of confections prepared with each was evaluated. Sensory analyses for confections were performed by hedonic testing with fifty panelists in each evaluation. The studied confections were: Condensed Milk Pudding (P), Quindim (Q) and Meringue (M). The results obtained for confections made with FD egg products were compared with the achieved through other formulations of the same desserts made with fresh (F) or spray-dried (SD) egg products. The sensory analysis results for confections made with FD egg products showed good acceptance by panelists. A principal component analysis of the sensory evaluation data was carried out to identify similarities between the different egg products. The PCA supported the conclusion that FD egg products can substitute their fresh and SD counterparts in dessert formulations with good acceptability while keeping the advantages conferred by the freeze-drying method.


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"La Niora" is a red pepper variety cultivated in Tadla Region (Morocco) which is used for manufacturing paprika after sun drying. The paprika quality (nutritional, chemical and microbiological) was evaluated immediately after milling, from September to December. Sampling time mainly affected paprika color and the total capsaicinoid and vitamin C contents. The commercial quality was acceptable and no aflatoxins were found, but the microbial load sometimes exceeded permitted levels.


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The purpose of this study was to introduce yam in the development of two new composite flours containing soy and cassava. Two composite flours were obtained after fermentation of yam, soybean, and cassava in respectively 60, 30, and 10% proportions. Two varieties of yam were used: Dioscorea alata (variety "Bete bete") and Dioscorea cayenensis (variety "Lokpa"). Proximate composition, mineral content, some anti-nutritional factors (oxalates, phenols), microbiological quality, and α-amylase digestibility were determined for the fermented and unfermented composite flours. The results indicated that for the composite flours made of D. alata and D. cayenensis, fermentation increased ash and titrable acidity. Carbohydrates, pH, and energy decreased. Crude fat content was not affected by the fermentation process. Anti-nutritional factors such as oxalates and phenols were found to decrease significantly after the fermentation of the composite flours. Fermentation increased the mineral content (Mg, K, Fe, and Ca) of the composite flours. A decrease in P and Na was observed after fermentation. The microbiological study showed that safety flours contain no potential pathogenic germs. The in vitro α-amylase digestibility of the composite flours was significantly improved after fermentation. The biochemical characteristics and good hygienic quality of the obtained flours suggest that these flours can be considered as a feeding alternative for children in poor areas where yam is produced.


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Increased preference for healthy and functional foods could be an opportunity to increase the consumption of clarified cashew apple juice. Given its level of fructose, glucose, and vitamin C, it can be used as a base in blends. However, its characteristic odor can interfere with the acceptance of these formulations, especially by consumers who are not familiar with cashew aroma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of treatment with macroporous resins (FPA54, FPX66, XAD761, and XAD4) on the volatile profile and physicochemical characteristics of clarified cashew apple juice. After the treatment with the resins, the volatile profile was evaluated using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The physicochemical analyses performed were: pH, soluble solids (ºBrix), total titrable acidity, reducing sugars, and vitamin C. Gas chromatography analyses showed that XAD4 and FPX66 led to a reduction of the initial amount of volatile compounds to 14.05% and 15.72%, respectively. These two resins also did not affect the physicochemical characteristics of the clarified cashew apple juice.


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The aim of this study was to determine the colorimetric and sensory characteristics of a fermented cured sausage containing ostrich meat (Struthio camelus) and pork meat. Four treatments were performed: one with no ostrich meat (TC) and the others containing 19.08 (T1), 38.34 (T2), and 57.60% (T3) of ostrich meat and pork meat. Colorimetric analyses were measuring L*, a*, b*, C*, and hº. Sensory analysis was conducted assessing color, aroma, flavor, and texture at the end of the sausages' processing. The sausages containing ostrich meat were statistically different from the control in the instrumental colorimetric analysis. In the sensory analysis, no significant differences were observed between the treatments for aroma, flavor, and texture. However, significant differences were found in the color of the sausages due to the high myoglobin content present in the ostrich meat, which resulted in a very dark color in the treatment with the highest percentage of this type of meat.


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The effect of Brea Gum (BG) addition on a basic bread formulation is described. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of BG on the characteristics of wheat bread in terms of changes in moisture, texture, retrogradation of amylopectin, and microstructure. Bread quality was assessed by the physical parameters (volume, specific volume index, width/height ratio, crumb moisture, color, and hardness) and crumb grain structure (total cell number, total cell area, average size of cells, and number of cells per unit area). The effect of BG on the characteristics of the crumb during 24, 48, and 72 hours of storage was determined according to changes in moisture, hardness, and amylopectin retrogradation. Furthermore, the microstructure of the crumb was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show the ability of BG to retain moisture in the bread crumb, which was expressed by the lower hardness of the bread crumbs with the addition of the hydrocolloid at 48 and 72 hours of storage. This effect was also evident in the microstructure.


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This study aimed at verifying the influence of the seasonality and landscape of the place of apiaries in the production and physicochemical quality of propolis produced in Cáceres-MT. Within August/2006 and July/2007 twenty-three propolis samples were collected monthly. The physicochemical quality of propolis was determined by the characteristic: loss by drying, wax, mechanical mass, oxidation activity, dry extract, flavonoids and total phenolics. The production of propolis was analyzed through correlation with seasonality (dry and wet). The same statistic model was used to correlate the production with the landscape (highland and flood plain). For each physicochemical characteristic were used statistic model of correlation described for the production of propolis. The seasonality did not influence on propolis production and on physicochemical quality. The landscape did not influence on propolis production and physicochemical quality loss by drying and mechanical mass, however, it determined the physicochemical quality for wax (x=22.44%), oxidation activity (x=9.73''), dry extract (x=22.31%), flavonoids (x=1.94%) and total phenolics (x=0.02%) in the highland of the Pantanal of Cáceres. This way it concludes that the production and physicochemical quality of propolis were not influenced by seasonality. The landscape influenced positively on physicochemical quality of propolis in the highland of the Pantanal of Cáceres.