En este artículo me enfoco en analizar el tratamiento que el Subcomité de Prevención de la Tortura de la Organización de Naciones Unidas ha dado en sus informes de visitas públicos a los riesgos específicos de sufrir malos tratos y tortura en el caso de mujeres privadas de la libertad. Este análisis se aborda desde aportes de metodologías feministas para el análisis de género del derecho. Para el efecto he estudiado las normas internacionales más pertinentes en relación con el mandato de visitas que cumple el Subcomité en contraste con los hallazgos y recomendaciones realizados por este órgano de tratado en la visita a once Estados parte de los cinco continentes. Finalmente he ubicado los límites y aportes encontrados con relación a la prevención de la tortura y los malos tratos en mujeres privadas de la libertad y he propuesto algunos elementos a tener en cuenta para la inclusión de un enfoque de género en la labor de visitas del Subcomité.
No hay equívoco al afirmar que la internet, así como el avance de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación han bridando a la humanidad significativos beneficios. Hoy imaginarse un mundo sin internet es impensable. Casi dos mil millones de habitantes del planeta están conectados a la red, y en todos los sectores de la sociedad se han utilizado estos medios para el desarrollo de las operaciones cotidianas. Existen varias dificultades a la hora de aplicar la ley en los casos de pornografía infantil y procesar a los autores de este delito a través de los métodos tradicionales de investigación, es por esto que a lo largo del presente trabajo analizaremos aquellos problemas y a modo de propuesta determinaremos si es posible aplicar nuevos métodos de investigación como el agente encubierto cibernético o el allanamiento virtual para dar una respuesta efectiva a esta clase de delitos. Con la entrada en vigencia del Código Orgánico Integral Penal se dio un avance significativo en la tipificación del delito de pornografía infantil, y se incluyeron novedosas vías de investigación; no obstante, la carencia de instrumentos tecnológicos, la falta de planes de investigación consensuados, escasez de capacitación especializada, dificultades en la cooperación internacional y fundamentalmente la resistencia a la innovación, son circunstancias que dificultan su aplicación. El avance legislativo que enfrentan los países desarrollados sobre la temática, ha permitido generar un instrumento guía para el manejo judicial de los delitos generados por las nuevas tecnologías; en particular, el Convenio de Ciberdelincuencia (Budapest), contempla preceptos sustantivos y procesales para un adecuado manejo del delito de pornografía infantil; si bien es cierto ha sido desarrollado en el margen de la Unión Europea, su contenido rebasa las instancias nacionales, propias de los delitos transnacionales, instrumento que puede ser tomado en cuenta para establecer regulaciones sobre la materia en nuestra región.
Las ONGs tienen diversidad de campos de acción en el ámbito social, están creados bajo el Código Civil; muchas de ellas son ejecutoras de Convenios Internacionales, los que mantienen una jerarquía legal superior, sin embargo los fondos que se manejan deben cumplir tanto los requisitos internacionales suscritos en el Convenio como los locales. En el ámbito tributario, no existe un documento que compile de forma clara el tratamiento tributario, las obligaciones que deben cumplir, así como los deberes formales a los que están sometidos para mantener las exenciones a las que tiene derecho de acuerdo a la normativa vigente El objetivo del presente trabajo es ofrecer una herramienta de consulta tributaria y contable sobre el tratamiento tributario, los deberes formales y las obligaciones tributarias adecuada a las características de los Organismos No Gubernamentales ONGs, de manera que permita cumplir a cabalidad la Ley Tributaria vigente, durante la ejecución de los proyectos o convenios internacionales, con el objeto de potenciar la eficiencia administrativa, contable y económica específicamente y de su relación con las operaciones del proyecto para incrementar su impacto social en el país. Con base en el régimen jurídico vigente, Ley de Régimen Tributario Interno y su Reglamento, Convenios Internacionales y Normativa internacional sobre pago de impuestos con fondos de asistencia, se trata: en el primer capítulo sobre las ONGs su creación y control así como sobre los convenios internacionales; en el segundo capítulo constan los deberes formales y obligaciones tributarias a cumplir, en cada impuesto se detallan sus generalidades, deberes formales, retenciones y comportamiento contable; en el tercer capítulo constan las obligaciones tributarias seccionales, los impuestos y su normativa de exención; finalmente en el cuarto capítulo a manera de conclusiones se presenta la realidad tributaria internacional comparada para organizaciones no gubernamentales.
La consideración de bienes intangibles como generadores de regalías es un tema importante dentro de la fiscalidad internacional, mas aún si estamos en una realidad en la que el surgimiento de transacciones sobre tecnología, comercio electrónico, software, intercambio de bienes y servicios, y otros son considerados fundamentales dentro del comercio internacional y la correspondiente aplicación de normativa tributaria. Sin embargo este tipo de rentas conlleva en esencia la característica de ser muy compleja y de complicado tratamiento, abarcando una gran variedad de bienes y servicios como son los derechos de propiedad intelectual, propiedad industrial y know-how. Estos problemas se presentan al ser erróneamente categorizadas con otros tipos de renta siendo esto un cuello de botella para la pertinente calificación impositiva que recae sobre ellas. Con esta investigación se expone cual es el tratamiento que reciben estas rentas, bajo un enfoque dogmático conformado por las distintas posiciones doctrinarias, la consideración que merecen en el ámbito internacional y supranacional, los diferentes instrumentos que conforman el ámbito donde se desarrollan como los modelos de convenio, convenios para evitar la doble imposición, y posteriormente ver cual es el tratamiento normativo que brindan los estados miembros de la CAN con sus legislaciones internas. Culminada la presente investigación el resultado mostrará si es o no coincidente la regulación interna de los países miembros con lo señalado por la doctrina y la práctica internacional.
Physical exercise and statins, which are recommended for the treatment of dyslipidemia, are independently associated to the occurrence of muscle injury. The objective is analyze the effect of aerobic exercise associated to the use of simvastatin on the morphology of the gastrocnemius muscle. Thirty Wistar rats were divided into six groups, two of which received a standard diet (1 sedentary and 1 exercised) and four (1 sedentary with medication, 1 sedentary without medication, 1 exercised with medication, 1 exercised without medication) received a hypercholesterolemic diet (standard diet with the addition of cholesterol and coconut oil). Simvastatin (20 mg/Kg) was administered five days a week for eight weeks, together with aerobic training on a treadmill (9.75 m/min) for 60 minutes a day. The gastrocnemius muscle was removed, sliced, stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and submitted to a histochemical reaction to determine mitochondrial activity. The data were analyzed using a paired t-test, analysis of variance and Scheffe's post hoc test (p<0.05). Greater histological alterations were found in the medicated and exercised animals, with a greater frequency of occurrence as well. The histochemical analysis revealed that the medicated groups had fibers with more intensive mitochondrial activity alongside fibers with an absence of reaction. The morphometric analysis revealed no significant differences between groups. It is suggested that simvastatin is a medication that leads to the occurrence of muscle injury and its administration in association with physical activity may exacerbate these injuries. This finding may be related to cellular respiration.
Slow sand filtration is an efficient water treatment technique used for treating surface water with relatively low levels of contamination. Despite the slow sand filtration at pathogen, algae and cyanobacteria removal efficiency, it has some restrictions in relation to the required area for slow filters, and the cleaning activities for the filters and the stone pre-filters when used in the treatment. This research evaluated during 120 days the use of non woven & sand pre-filtration columns as part of a slow filtration process for the apparent color, turbidity, algae, cyanobacteria, phytoflagellates and diatomaceous. The columns shown an efficient removal of the monitored parameters and demonstrated as a vantage their faster and easier cleaning process and less awkward than the required to the stone pre-filters. The turbidity removal efficiency increased progressively during the experiment, especially after the first 35 days of the start; the apparent color removal by the pre-filtration columns was of 85%, and working together with the polishing of activated carbon columns was up to 95; the diatomaceous, phytoflagellates, algae and cyanobacteria removal by the columns achieve a weekly average of 95%, its recommended to use filtration rates lower to 1,5m(3)/m(2)/d.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Descrever as principais causas de rouquidão após intubação traqueal. CONTEÚDO: A rouquidão após intubação traqueal é um dos sintomas mais freqüentes no pós-operatório, podendo apresentar durações variáveis, dependendo dos fatores causais e da gravidade do comprometimento das estruturas da laringe. Foi realizada uma breve revisão das estruturas anatômicas da laringe, em que foram descritas as principais lesões traumáticas desse órgão, decorrentes da intubação traqueal e salientou-se a importância dos seus cuidados, bem como do diagnóstico e tratamento precoces. CONCLUSÕES: As lesões traumáticas das estruturas da laringe durante a intubação são causas freqüentes de rouquidão, sendo importante o diagnóstico precoce e a adoção de medidas preventivas.
Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) thin films with 1/1 stoichiometry were prepared by a spin-coating from polymeric precursor method. The films deposited on silicon (100) substrates, were thermally treated from 400° to 600°C for 3 hours in order to study the influence of thermal treatment on the crystallinity, microstructure, grain size and roughness. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that LiNbO3 phase crystallizes at low temperature (400°C). It was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) that it is possible to obtain dense thin films at temperatures around 500°C. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) results showed that the grain size and roughness are strongly influenced by the annealing temperature.
Radipherpus protheses are a means of treatment for malignant tumor-carrying patients. These protheses are used in cases of brachytherapy or external actinotherapy by contact and allow treating them with high radiation doses that are quickly released from the areas next to tumor, so that the radiations be restricted to the affected region, without the emissions damaging or destroying the soft tissues. Based on these considerations, the present paper was aimed at making literature review on the use of radipherous protheses for the treatment of head and neck neoplasias. © 2006 1995, Editorial Ciencias médicas.
Professional-patient relationship and its importance for a good performance and success of the dental treatment must be reflected upon by means of their bioethical aspects. Our study aimed at evaluating dentist-surgeons' knowledge (n=163) in conducting specialization courses at São Paulo State University-UNESP, on these aspects. Out of the people surveyed, 88.1% mentioned that a decision for the treatment should be made by mutual agreement between professionals and patients, however, 26.4% report that patients' or their legal representative's participation in decision-making can cause negative interference. Professionals' acting when patients choose a less suitable treatment, 95.6% try to convince patients that it is not the best choice and persuade them for a better one by keeping the paternalistic model. It was noticed that 20.3% did not know how to relate the importance of professional-patient interaction as regards the dental treatment. It was therefore concluded that many dentist-surgeons are not taking these bioethical aspects into account in clinical practice.
Introduction. Dementia is a chronic and neurodegenerative disease responsible for a progressive decline of cognition and physical capacity. Objective: To verify the effectiviness of three months of physiotherapy intervention on cognitive functions and balance of institutionilized elderly people with dementia. Patients and methods. This study has comprised thirty subjects, divided in two groups: EG (experimental group) and CG (control group). EG was composed by 15 participants with mean age of 71,6 ± 8,5 years and scholarity of 4,7 ± 4,2 years. CG was formed by 15 subjects with mean age of 78,5 ± 7,6 years and scholarity of 2,2 ± 1,8 years. The sample was evaluated by means of the following instruments: Mini-Mental State Examination, Semantic Verbal Fluency test, Clock Drawing test, Berg Balance Scale and Timed Get Up and Go test. The statistical procedures were done by means of Multivariate Analisis of Variance (MANOVA), with significance of 5 % (p < 0,05). Results. The results has shown a heterogeneity of both groups related to age (F = 0,2, p < 0,05) and scholarity (F = 2,6, p < 0,05). MANOVA pointed beneficts of physiotherapy on balance (F = 7,3, p < 0,01) but not on cognitive functions (F = 0,3, p > 0,05). Conclusions. Three months of physiotherapy were effective to improuve physical capacity of institucionilized elderly people with dementia. Neverthless, it was not able to minimize cognitive decline commonly seen on dementia. The question if a prolonged intervention could propitiate cognitive beneficts remains, specially in a more homogeneous groups.
The objective of this study was to evaluate: the profile of the surgeon-dentist that undergoes a course in specialization at the Odontology Faculty of Aracatuba/UNESP, Brazil; if they requested informed consent from the patient and/or their legal representative before the realization of procedures, and if the treatment was decided upon with the patient. It was elaborated, validated and applied in questionnaire form, and the data obtained was analyzed by the program EPI-INFO 3.3 The conclusion was, given that surgeon-dentists still do not obtain any type of document before beginning treatment, a large percentage of them are totally vulnerable if submitted to ethical or legal prosecution and that it is necessary to be aware of this aspect.
The biological nitritation/denitritation process in the removal of organic matter and nitrogen in a landfill leachate was studied, using an activated sludge sequencing batch reactor. Treatment cycles were formed by an anoxic and an aerobic phases, in which the conditions for oxidation of the influent N load and the prevalence of nitrite concentration at the end of aerobic treatment cycles were determined, as well as the use of organic matter present in the leachate as a carbon source for denitrifying organisms in the anoxic stage. The removal efficiencies of N-NO 2-at the end of the anoxic process (48h) ranged between 14 and 30%, indicating low availability of biodegradable organic matter in the leachate. As for the accumulation of N-NO 2-at the end of the aerobic phase (48h) of treatment cycles, imbalances were not observed, while 100% removal efficiencies of N and specific nitritation rates from 0.095 to 0.158kgN-NH 3/kgSSV per day were recorded, demonstrating the applicability of simplified nitrification in the treatment of effluents with low C/N ratios.
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