970 resultados para CANNABIS SATIVA


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PURPOSE: To examine the associations between substance use and other health-risk behaviors and quality of life (QOL) among young men. METHODS: The analytical sample consisted of 5,306 young Swiss men who participated in the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors. Associations between seven distinct self-reported health-risk behaviors (risky single-occasion drinking; volume drinking; cigarette smoking; cannabis use; use of any other illicit drugs; sexual intercourse without a condom; low physical activity) were assessed via chi-square analysis. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to study the associations between each particular health-risk behavior and either physical or mental QOL (assessed with the SF-12v2) while adjusting for socio-demographic variables and the presence of all other health-risk behaviors. RESULTS: Most health-risk behaviors co-occurred. However, low physical activity was not or negatively related to other health-risk behaviors. Almost all health-risk behaviors were associated with a greater likelihood of compromised QOL. However, sexual intercourse without a condom (not associated with both physical and mental QOL) and frequent risky single-occasion drinking (not related to mental QOL after adjusting for the presence of other health-risk behaviors; positively associated with physical QOL) differed from this pattern. CONCLUSIONS: Health-risk behaviors are mostly associated with compromised QOL. However, sexual intercourse without a condom and frequent risky single-occasion drinking differ from this pattern and are therefore possibly particularly difficult to change relative to other health-risk behaviors.


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This year review emphasizes four aspects coming from addiction psychiatry: 1. Initiation and maintenance of cannabis use. 2. Methadone and heart toxicity. 3. Suicidal behaviour in gambling. 4. Treatment of addictive disorders via internet: present and future perspectives.


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The 2009 news in medicine regarding dependence confirm the bio-psycho-social field of addiction medicine and psychiatry. First a statement is made about the risk of cardiac arythmy in opioid substitution treatments. Then a review of the treatment of C hepatitis shows its importance in an addicted population. In the field of cognitive neuroscience, progress has been made in the knowledge of "craving" and of its endophenotypical components. Electronic medias related disorders are on the border of addiction: a case study is exploring this new domain. At last, recent datas are presented on the relationship between cannabis and psychosis. Les nouveautés en médecine 2009 concernant les dépendances confirment l'étendue du champ bio-psychosocial de la médecine et de la psychiatrie de l'addiction. Tout d'abord un point de situation est fait sur le risque d'arythmie cardiaque dans les traitements de substitution opiacée. Puis une revue de l'actualité du traitement de l'hépatite C dans la toxicodépendance en montre la pertinence. Sur le plan de la recherche plus fondamentale, les neurosciences cognitives progressent dans l'approche de la nature du craving et de ses composantes endophénotypiques. Les troubles liés aux médias électroniques illustrent les frontières de l'addiction : une étude de cas vient en explorer le contenu. Enfin, des données récentes sur les rapports entre cannabis et psychoses sont présentées.


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En l'àmbit judicial es constata una relació entre drogoaddicció i delicte. Els addictes a drogues han iniciat amb freqüència algun programa de desintoxicació o han sol·licitat suport mèdic o psicològic. L'estudi es proposa avaluar l'associació entre la conducta il·legal i l'abús de substàncies tòxiques, així com interpretar l'eficàcia dels tractaments terapèutics en la disminució d’aquesta associació, i les repercussions de les teràpies tant sobre els pacients com sobre el seu entorn. És un estudi observacional prospectiu d’una mostra de 100 subjectes que tenen relació amb el consum de drogues d'abús, al Jutjat de Guàrdia de Barcelona i en subjectes interns del Centre Penitenciari de Joves de Barcelona. Els resultats de l’estudi diuen que el sexe masculí hi està representat en un 94%, la mitjana d’edat és de 25,5 anys, amb baix nivell d’estudis i sense professió qualificada. Gairebé la meitat de la mostra són estrangers i solters. Els pacients estudiats són politoxicòmans amb un consum majoritari de cocaïna (92%), cannabis (87%), alcohol (71%) i el 54% d’heroïna. Destaca l’alta freqüència dels UDVP i de la positivitat als tres virus (VIH, VHC, VHB), tot i que es demostra el descens de l’ús de la via parenteral. El 73% dels subjectes comenten delictes contra la propietat. El 93% de la mostra han estat en tractament, però en períodes curts (70%). El 72,7% que estan en PMM consumeixen habitualment cocaïna. Els pacients tractats amb psicofàrmacs són detinguts menys vegades que la resta de pacients. Pocs pacients han fet tractaments combinats amb psicoteràpia o lliure de drogues. Entre la població de detinguts, els tractaments rebuts han resultat beneficiosos pel que fa a autoestima, autoagressivitat, heteroagressivitat, conflictivitat penal i violència en els fets delictius, però aquestes variables quasi no es modifiquen en el cas dels joves. Els tractaments produeixen un benefici als pacients toxicòmans i disminueixen la conflictivitat penal. Els tractaments s’han d’iniciar en els primers estadis del consum, així com potenciar l’adhesió i el seguiment. Els centres penitenciaris de justícia juvenil, les comissaries i els jutjats de guàrdia són els llocs idonis per a l’abordatge del tractament del drogodependent.


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L’estudi de la saliva com a matriu d’anàlisis de drogues d’abús en conductors es fa des dels anys 80. Els investigadors trobaven dificultats però el major inconvenient va ser l’existència de tècniques analítiques no prou sensibles per a la detecció de les drogues. A finals de les anys 90 la saliva es va considerar un fluid molt adequat i es van anar publicant treballs que investigaven aquesta temàtica. No obstant això encara no n ’hi ha molts treballs, especialment al nostre país. A Catalunya no s’han fet estudis encara que s’ha contribuït en alguns projectes realitats fora de la nostra comunitat. Objectius: Obtenir dades del consum de drogues d’abús en una mostra de conductors de vehicles a motor. Obtenir dades dels tòxics més freqüents trobats en les mostres analitzades. Relacionar el consum de tòxics amb alteracions en la conducta o conduccions temeràries en la població que es sotmet a l’estudi. Metodologia: Estudi d’una mostra de subjectes que són aturats per la Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona, Girona ,Tarragona i policia local de el Prat de Llobregat conduint vehicles a motor. Obtenció d’una mostra de saliva als subjectes que es consideren que poden trobar-se sota la influència de les drogues. Anàlisis de les mostres per immunoassaig mitjançant el kit Cozart DDS com a test de camp i confirmació dels resultats per cromatografia de gasos i espectrometria de masses. Resultats: Es descriuen en els resultats obtinguts, les freqüències de consum, les principals drogues d’abús trobades i es valoren els símptomes clínics que presentaven els subjectes. Conclusions: Les drogues d’abús estan presents en conductors de vehicles a motor. El kit utilitzat per la determinació de drogues a peu de carretera és una bona eina atès que es confirmen els resultats especialment per a la cocaïna i opiacis.


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El consum de drogues no institucionalitzades té una important dimensió epidemiològica. En l'actualitat augmenta el consum de cocaïna i de cànnabis i s'estabilitza o disminueix el de opiacis. En la majoria dels països hi ha una relació entre la drogoaddicció i el delicte. Objectius: 1) Obtenir dades sociodemogràfiques en una població detinguda en els jutjats de guàrdia que passen a disposició judicial; 2) Obtenir dades sanitàries referents a infecció per VIH, VHC I VHB; 3) Obtenir dades de consums de cocaïna, haxis, heroïna, benzodiazepines i drogues de síntesis; 4) Conèixer la correlació o concordança clínico-analítica i, 5) Valorar la relació de l'addicció a drogues amb la delictologia. Subjectes i Mètodes: Estudi realitzat en una població de 151 subjectes consumidors de drogues il·legals detinguts a disposició judicial al Jutjat de guàrdia de la ciutat de Barcelona. Temps de l'estudi: 1,5 anys. Mètodes: Administració d'un qüestionari amb dades sociodemogràfiques, sanitàries i de consums de tòxics. Obtenció d'una mostra d'orina que es va analitzar per immunoassaig en l'analitzador AsXym (*Abbot). Els resultats es van interpretar com positius o negatius segons el punt de tall establert per al mètode. Resultats: El perfil de la mostra és un home solter, edat mitjana de 31.4 anys, amb estudis primaris i sense professió qualificada. La droga il·legal més consumida és la cocaïna, 77,5%, seguida dels opiacis 62,9%, del cànnabis 60,3% i benzodiazepines 61.6% (auto-medicades 40,9%). La prevalença de HIV va ser del 16,7%, VHC 37,9% i VHB 19,1%. La via intravenosa és utilitzada pel 46% dels cocainòmans i pel 53.8% del heroinòmans. Un 45.5% tenen signes compatibles amb UDVP. Només un 14.2% presentava signes de deteriorament físic i un 23.1% una clara síndrome d’abstinència. Existeix un 74.3% de correlació o concordança clínico-analítica. El delicte més relacionat amb el consum de drogues va ser els delictes contra la propietat. Conclusions i Discusió: Es detecta un alt consum de cocaïna i disminució de l'heroïna. El consum de cànnabis i benzodiazepines és elevat. Els delictes contra la propietat estan associats al consum de drogues il·legals. Propostes: L'estudi té aplicabilitat en medicina forense. El screening rutinari d'orina en població detinguda és una mesura d'utilitat. Permet obtenir dades objectives quan se sol·liciten informes de drogoaddicció als perits. Els detinguts poden beneficiar-se de circumstàncies modificadores de la responsabilitat criminal en cas de ser consumidors de tòxics, d’acord amb la legislació actual. Els lletrats i l'autoritat judicial tindran una prova objectiva en les seves actuacions per poder resoldre amb més coneixement els procediments on es troben implicats els consumidors de drogues d'abús.


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In April 2000, the Cabinet Committee on Social Inclusion requested that a review of the current national drugs strategy be undertaken. The overall objective of the review was to identify any gaps or deficiencies in the existing strategy and to develop revised strategies and, if necessary, new arrangements through which to deliver them. A sub-group of the Inter-Departmental Group on Drugs and the National Drugs Strategy Team â?" known as the Review Group â?" managed and oversaw the process. As part of the review, a study of the latest available data on the extent andnature of drug misuse in Ireland was undertaken. This revealed that the most commonly used drug in Ireland is cannabis, followed by ecstasy. However, in terms of harm to the individual and the community, heroin has the greatest impact. Download the Report here


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To produce agronomically competitive rice with nutritionally superior, environmentally safe phytic acid (PA) levels, hairpin RNA (hpRNA)- and artificial microRNA (amiRNA)-mediated gene silencing approaches were explored to reduce both myo-inositol kinase gene (OsMIK) expression and PA accumulation in rice seeds. hpRNA and amiRNA sequences targeted to OsMIK (hpMIK and amiMIK), under the control of a rice Ole18 promoter, were transformed into the rice cultivar Nippon-bare. Fourteen and 21 independent transgenic events were identified containing the hpMIK and amiMIK constructs, respectively, from which five stable homozygous transgenic lines of each were developed together with their null siblings. Southern blotting demonstrated transgene integration into the genome and quantitative real-time PCR showed that gene silencing was restricted to seeds. OsMIK transcripts were significantly reduced in both transgenic amiMIK and hpMIK seeds, which had PA levels reduced by 14.9-50.2 and 38.1-50.7 %, respectively, compared with their respective null siblings. There were no systematic significant differences in agronomic traits between the transgenic lines and their non-transgenic siblings, and no correlation between seed PA contents and decreased rates of seed germination and seedling emergence. The results of the present study suggest that Ole 18-driven OsMIK silencing via hpRNA and amiRNA could be an effective way to develop agronomically competitive low phytic acid rice.


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The HBSC is a cross-sectional study conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. It runs every 4 years and in 2010 there were 43 participating countries and regions collecting data on the health behaviours, health outcomes and contexts of childrenâ?Ts lives. The Irish survey has been carried out by the Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway since 1998 and brings together all the data (relating to almost 40,000 Irish children) collected over this period to examine the key trends and patterns between 1998 and 2010. In terms of risky behaviour, the survey reports that in 2010 12% of Irish children said they were smoking compared to 21% in 1998. 28% reported that they had been drunk compared to 29% in 1998. 8% reported that they had used cannabis compared to 10% in 1998. In terms of positive behaviour, seat-belt wearing rates have doubled (82%) amongst children since 1998 and 33% reported that their health was excellent compared to 28% in 1998. High rates of life satisfaction (76%) and reported happiness (91%) continue. Click here to download The HBSC Ireland Trends Report 1998 – 2010 PDF 958KB


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This booklet provides information about the appearance, street names and effects of various drugs including: cannabis, LSD, magic mushrooms, Ecstasy, solvents, poppers, speed, cocaine, crack, heroin, alcohol and tobacco.


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PURPOSE: Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) youth are youth disengaged from major social institutions and constitute a worrying concern. However, little is known about this subgroup of vulnerable youth. This study aimed to examine if NEET youth differ from other contemporaries in terms of personality, mental health, and substance use and to provide longitudinal examination of NEET status, testing its stability and prospective pathways with mental health and substance use. METHODS: As part of the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors, 4,758 young Swiss men in their early 20s answered questions concerning their current professional and educational status, personality, substance use, and symptomatology related to mental health. Descriptive statistics, generalized linear models for cross-sectional comparisons, and cross-lagged panel models for longitudinal associations were computed. RESULTS: NEET youth were 6.1% at baseline and 7.4% at follow-up with 1.4% being NEET at both time points. Comparisons between NEET and non-NEET youth showed significant differences in substance use and depressive symptoms only. Longitudinal associations showed that previous mental health, cannabis use, and daily smoking increased the likelihood of being NEET. Reverse causal paths were nonsignificant. CONCLUSIONS: NEET status seemed to be unlikely and transient among young Swiss men, associated with differences in mental health and substance use but not in personality. Causal paths presented NEET status as a consequence of mental health and substance use rather than a cause. Additionally, this study confirmed that cannabis use and daily smoking are public health problems. Prevention programs need to focus on these vulnerable youth to avoid them being disengaged.


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The increasing number of bomb attacks involving improvised explosive devices, as well as the nature of the explosives, give rise to concern among safety and law enforcement agencies. The substances used in explosive charges are often everyday products diverted from their primary licit applications. Thus, reducing or limiting their accessibility for prevention purposes is difficult. Ammonium nitrate, employed in agriculture as a fertiliser, is used worldwide in small and large homemade bombs. Black powder, dedicated to hunting and shooting sports, is used illegally as a filling in pipe bombs causing extensive damage. If the main developments of instrumental techniques in explosive analysis have been constantly pushing the limits of detection, their actual contribution to the investigation of explosives in terms of source discrimination is limited. Forensic science has seen the emergence of a new technology, isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), that shows promising results. Its very first application in forensic science dates back to 1979. Liu et al. analysed cannabis plants coming from different countries [Liu et al. 1979]. This preliminary study highlighted its potential to discriminate specimens coming from different sources. Thirty years later, the keen interest in this new technology has given rise to a flourishing number of publications in forensic science. The countless applications of IRMS to a wide range of materials and substances attest to its success and suggest that the technique is ready to be used in forensic science. However, many studies are characterised by a lack of methodology and fundamental data. They have been undertaken in a top-down approach, applying this technique in an exploratory manner on a restricted sampling. This manner of procedure often does not allow the researcher to answer a number of questions, such as: do the specimens come from the same source, what do we mean by source or what is the inherent variability of a substance? The production of positive results has prevailed at the expense of forensic fundamentals. This research focused on the evaluation of the contribution of the information provided by isotopic analysis to the investigation of explosives. More specifically, this evaluation was based on a sampling of black powders and ammonium nitrate fertilisers coming from known sources. Not only has the methodology developed in this work enabled us to highlight crucial elements inherent to the methods themselves, but also to evaluate both the longitudinal and transversal variabilities of the information. First, the study of the variability of the profile over time was undertaken. Secondly, the variability of black powders and ammonium nitrate fertilisers within the same source and between different sources was evaluated. The contribution of this information to the investigation of explosives was then evaluated and discussed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Le nombre croissant d'attentats à la bombe impliquant des engins explosifs artisanaux, ainsi que la nature des charges explosives, constituent une préoccupation majeure pour les autorités d'application de la loi et les organismes de sécurité. Les substances utilisées dans les charges explosives sont souvent des produits du quotidien, détournés de leurs applications licites. Par conséquent, réduire ou limiter l'accessibilité de ces produits dans un but de prévention est difficile. Le nitrate d'ammonium, employé dans l'agriculture comme engrais, est utilisé dans des petits et grands engins explosifs artisanaux. La poudre noire, initialement dédiée à la chasse et au tir sportif, est fréquemment utilisée comme charge explosive dans les pipe bombs, qui causent des dommages importants. Si les développements des techniques d'analyse des explosifs n'ont cessé de repousser les limites de détection, leur contribution réelle à l'investigation des explosifs est limitée en termes de discrimination de sources. Une nouvelle technologie qui donne des résultats prometteurs a fait son apparition en science forensique: la spectrométrie de masse à rapport isotopique (IRMS). Sa première application en science forensique remonte à 1979. Liu et al. ont analysé des plants de cannabis provenant de différents pays [Liu et al. 1979]. Cette étude préliminaire, basée sur quelques analyses, a mis en évidence le potentiel de l'IRMS à discriminer des spécimens provenant de sources différentes. Trente ans plus tard, l'intérêt marqué pour cette nouvelle technologie en science forensique se traduit par un nombre florissant de publications. Les innombrables applications de l'IRMS à une large gamme de matériaux et de substances attestent de son succès et suggèrent que la technique est prête à être utilisée en science forensique. Cependant, de nombreuses études sont caractérisées par un manque de méthodologie et de données fondamentales. Elles ont été menées sans définir les hypothèses de recherche et en appliquant cette technique de façon exploratoire sur un échantillonnage restreint. Cette manière de procéder ne permet souvent pas au chercheur de répondre à un certain nombre de questions, tels que: est-ce que deux spécimens proviennent de la même source, qu'entend-on par source ou encore quelle est l'intravariabilité d'une substance? La production de résultats positifs a prévalu au détriment des fondamentaux de science forensique. Cette recherche s'est attachée à évaluer la contribution réelle de l'information isotopique dans les investigations en matière d'explosifs. Plus particulièrement, cette évaluation s'est basée sur un échantillonnage constitué de poudres noires et d'engrais à base de nitrate d'ammonium provenant de sources connues. La méthodologie développée dans ce travail a permis non seulement de mettre en évidence des éléments cruciaux relatifs à la méthode d'analyse elle-même, mais également d'évaluer la variabilité de l'information isotopique d'un point de vue longitudinal et transversal. Dans un premier temps, l'évolution du profil en fonction du temps a été étudiée. Dans un second temps, la variabilité du profil des poudres noires et des engrais à base de nitrate d'ammonium au sein d'une même source et entre différentes sources a été évaluée. La contribution de cette information dans le cadre des investigations d'explosifs a ensuite été discutée et évaluée.


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This report aims to determine the levels and patterns of drug use, including tobacco and alcohol, among young people in the Kilbarrack area. Questionnaires were sent to students from all primary and secondary schools in the target area, and were also sent to young people in the area who had already left school. The survey showed that 24% of respondents had smoked tobacco at some stage in their lives, with 25% listed as current smokers. Older students reported higher tobacco use, with over 40% of 16-18 year olds currently smoking. Alcohol was the drug most widely used by respondents, with 76% of all students having taken it at some stage in their lives. Prevalence of current alcohol use was higher in older children, with 84% of 16-18 year olds currently drinking as opposed to 61% of 13-15 year olds and 17% for 10 to 12 year olds. Cannabis was the most widely used illicit drug, with 37% of respondents using the drug at some stage. The next most widely used drug was inhalants, with 16% having used them at some stage, with 6% having used cocaine at some stage in their lives; the same proportion had used it within the last 12 months. There little or no significant evidence of heroin use. The report recommends prevention programmes that ensure that young people have other things in their lives other than alcohol/ drugs, such as a comprehensive range of properly resourced sporting and youth work in the community.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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In light of the recent publication of the safety, Health & Welfare at Work Bill 2004, which is set to target the construction industry in particular, the number of Irish employers implementing drug testing programmes in the workplace is set to increase. Little is known, however, about attitudes of Irish workers towards various aspects of drug testing. In order to address this matter, the author presents the findings of a cross-sectional survey of 148 construction trade apprentices in relation to their attitudes towards aspects of workplace drug testing. The extent to which their attitudes varied according to their levels of illegal drug use and alcohol use was also investigated. The results indicate that under some circumstances, testing is approved of. However, attitudes towards most aspects of drug testing are characterised by extreme variability. For example, nearly items were rejected by some respondents and accepted by others. It can be concluded that even if an employer designed a drug testing programme based on elements viewed more favourably, a substantial proportion of employees would still be likely to hold negative views towards some aspects of the programme. Furthermore, self-reported frequency of alcohol and drug use, particularly cannabis use, was associated to more negative reactions towards drug testing. Implications for implementing drug testing programmes in the workplace are discussed. The results of this study are intended to give employers an increased understanding of workers' attitudes towards drug testing programmes and to aid the development of effective substance-abuse prevention services.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The objective of this study is to determine the extent of the problem of poly-drug (multiple-drug) use among patients receiving methadone. The study investigated levels and patterns of cocaine and cannabis use in opiate dependent patients receiving methadone treatment. This research also examines risks associated with injecting cocaine. A total number of 851 methadone patients receiving treatment for opiate related problems participated in the survey from a total number of 1082 patients receiving treatment in these clinics. This figure accounts for 80.1%. Participants reported the frequency and intensity of cocaine and cannabis use. Data collected showed that 42% of the methadone patients are using cannabis on a daily basis and that 77.47% had a history of cocaine use. The figure of cocaine use is an important indicator of the level and extent of cocaine use. It is valuable from a public health perspective to assess needs, and to plan and evaluate services. The survey concluded that cocaine abuse is emerging as a problem in the Irish drug sceneThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.