757 resultados para Brucella canis


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Background: Indoor aeroallergens are the main cause of sensitization in children and represent a risk factor for the development of allergic diseases. Objective: Identify the major indoor aeroallergens most often sensitized to pediatric patients treated at the Allergy Service at the “Dr. José Eleuterio González” University Hospital of Monterrey Methods: We performed an observational and descriptive study where we reviewed reports of positive skin tests to the following common indoor aeroallergens: Dermatophagoides farinae (D. farinae), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (D. pteronyssinus), Canis familiaris (C. familiaris), Felis domesticus (F. domesticus), Blattella germanica (B. germanica) and Periplaneta americana (P. americana), found in patients under 16 years with symptoms of allergy, during the period of 2011-2012. Results: We performed 439 skin tests to aeroallergens in pediatric patients. Of these, 57.6% were male and 42.4% were female. Mean age was 6.3 years. The age groups were under 3 years: 17.8%, 3-5 years: 35%, 6-12 years: 36%, and 13-16 years: 11.2%. The main diagnoses were: allergic rhinitis (71.8%), asthma (16.6%), and atopic dermatitis (4.3%). In 57.9% of the cases, they had at least one positive skin test to any aeroallergen. The rate of sensitization to speciic aeroallergens was: D. Pteronyssinus 49.0%, D. farinae 44.6%, B. germanica 13.9%, P. Americana 10.9%, F. domesticus 10.7%, and C. familiaris 5.9%. Conclusion: Indoor aeroallergen sensitization can occur early in life, although it was more frequent in the preschooler and elementary school group. Dust house mites were the most commom cause of allergic sensitization.


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La presente investigación se planteó reemplazar el uso de insecticidas sintéticos, formulando un champú bioinsecticida de aplicación canina mediante la acción biocida del aceite esencial deAmbrosia arborescens Mill (Altamisa). La planta se recolectó en las laderas del rio Tomebamba, cercanas al Campus Balzay de la Universidad de Cuenca Parroquia San Joaquín. La recolección se realizó durante los meses de Enero a Marzo del 2016. El desarrollo y formulación del producto se realizó en el Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad de Cuenca. La obtención del aceite esencial de A. arborescens se realizó mediante hidrodestilación por el método Clevenger, con un rendimiento del 0,14%. La actividad biocida se estableció en un ensayo “in vitro” ante el nematodo Panagrellus redivirus, determinándose la dosis letal (DL50) de 250 uL/mL. Debido a la moderada DL50y bajo rendimiento, se planteó como estrategia, determinar el DL50 del extracto orgánico de A. arborescens, el cual se obtuvo mediante una extracción con metanol, consiguiendo un rendimiento del 2 % y DL50de 31,25 uL/mL. De acuerdo estos resultados se procedió a realizar pruebas en pulgas de perros(Ctenocephalides canis) con el extracto de A. arborescens, estableciendo una efectividad del 100 % a la concentración de 46,875 mg/mL en el periodo de tiempo más corto, siendo esta la dosis aplicada para la formulación del champú. El extracto metanólico de A. arborescens presentó elevada actividad biocida, comparado con el aceite esencial. Esta sustancia activa es promisoria en la formulación de bioinsecticidas para mascotas.


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Abstract. The diet of sympatric dingoes and feral cats was studied in the semiarid southern rangelands of Western Australia. A total of 163 scats were collected over a period of 19 months. Rabbit remains were the most common food item in cat scats, followed by reptiles, small mammals and birds. Macropod remains were the most common food item in dingo scats, followed by rabbits and birds. Dingo scats did not contain small mammal remains, and infrequently contained arthropod and reptile remains. Cat and dingo scats contained remains from 11 and six mammal species, respectively. Of the small mammals, cat scats contained rodent remains more frequently than those of dasyurids. Dietary diversity of cats was higher than for dingoes and dietary overlap between the two species was relatively low.


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As both companion animals and opportunistic predators, dogs (Canis lupus spp.) have had a long and complex relationship with humans. In Australia, the dingo (C. l. dingo) was introduced 4,000 years ago and, other than humans, is now the continent's top mammalian predator. Domestic dogs (C. l. familiaris) were introduced by Europeans more recently and they interbreed with dingoes. This hybridization has caused growing concern about the roles that domestic dogs and dingoes play in shaping ecosystem processes. There is also considerable debate about whether anthropogenic environmental changes can alter the ecological roles of dingoes. We used scat analysis to test whether the dingo, as the longer-established predator, occupies a different dietary niche from that of free-roaming domestic dogs, irrespective of human influence. Our results demonstrate considerable dietary overlap between dingoes and domestic dogs in areas where humans provide supplementary food, providing evidence against our hypothesis. However, the consumption by dingoes of a greater diversity of prey, in association with historical differences in the interactions between dingoes and humans, suggests a partial separation of their dietary niche from that of domestic dogs. We conclude that anthropogenic changes in resource availability could prevent dingoes from fulfilling their trophic regulatory or pre-European roles. Effective management of human-provided food is therefore required urgently to minimize the potential for subsidized populations of dingoes and domestic dogs to negatively affect co-occurring prey.


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Grey wolves Canis lupus have been studied extensively, but there has been no detailed review of the species' feeding ecology, despite growing debate about how to conserve wolf populations while limiting their impacts on wild or domestic ungulates. Here, we assess the extent to which the grey wolf diet varies among and within North America, Europe, and Asia. We derived dietary data from searches of published literature. We grouped studies based on their bioregional location. We compared grey wolf diet among locations using non-metric multidimensional scaling and analysis of similarity. We assessed whether increased human impacts are associated with decreased grey wolf dietary diversity. Finally, using studies from southern Europe, we assessed whether the importance of wild ungulates in grey wolf diet has increased over time, coincident with a decline in domestic species in grey wolf diet over time. We compiled dietary data from 177 studies incorporating 94607 scat and stomach samples. Grey wolf diet was dominated by large (240-650 kg) and medium-sized (23-130 kg) wild ungulates, but variation in the percentages of wild ungulates consumed, along with variation in the percentages of domestic and smaller prey species consumed, contributed to the dietary differences found among and within continents. We found no evidence that grey wolf dietary diversity varies globally, although the results from southern Europe suggest that grey wolves may switch their diets away from domestic species if more wild ungulates are available. The diversity of prey consumed by grey wolves shows that the species is capable of surviving dramatic anthropogenic upheaval. However, there is an urgent need to increase our understanding of grey wolf foraging ecology in human-dominated landscapes, in order to determine whether restoration of depleted prey populations, coupled with effective damage-prevention measures, will reduce human-wolf conflicts.


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L’objectif premier de cet essai est de prioriser des stratégies visant la pérennité des populations de loups au Québec. Ces stratégies visent à diminuer les pressions actuelles que subissent les loups. Les loups sont peu charismatiques. Il est donc difficile d’aller chercher l’appui du public. Si les loups du Québec parvenaient à gagner le cœur des Québécois, ils pourraient alors servir de levier afin que les dirigeants mettent en place un plan de conservation pour préserver ces espèces ou sous-espèces. C’est pourquoi d’ailleurs des stratégies sont proposées afin de rallier la population à cette cause. D’abord, un portrait des différentes espèces ou sous-espèces de loups et de coyotes est effectué pour bien comprendre dans quel contexte les loups évoluent actuellement. Ensuite, les menaces planant sur les populations sont identifiées, il s’agit de : l’hybridation avec le coyote ainsi que la compétition pour les ressources alimentaires, la fragmentation du territoire, les activités humaines, tels la chasse et le braconnage, les routes, ainsi que les activités touristiques. Les impacts économiques, sociaux et environnementaux reliés au déclin potentiel des loups sont ensuite énumérés. Cette partie démontre à quel point la situation est complexe et souligne toutes les répercussions potentielles que peut avoir la disparition du loup sur le Québec. Le rôle de l’appui du public dans le rétablissement d’espèces à statut précaire est ensuite discuté. Par la suite, une liste exhaustive des stratégies est mise en place. En tout, 43 stratégies ont été trouvées. Ces stratégies, visant l’atténuation des menaces sur le loup ou essayant de rallier l’appui du public, ont été classées dans 4 grandes orientations pour ensuite être priorisées selon leur performance. Par parcimonie, seules les 3 meilleures stratégies de chaque orientation seront présentées. Les 3 meilleures stratégies de l’orientation #1 sont de réduire le taux de mortalité des meutes de loups québécois, de ne pas clôturer les dépotoirs forestiers et de mettre au point un programme de suivi. Les 3 stratégies les plus performantes de l’orientation #2 sont de protéger les tanières, d’optimiser l’aménagement agricole et routier. Les 3 meilleures stratégies de l’orientation #3 sont d’utiliser la méthode de Fladry, de gérer les sorties guidées d’écoute nocturne et d’ajouter le loup de l’Est à la liste des espèces menacées du Québec. Les trois stratégies les plus performantes de l’orientation #4 sont d’informer la population de sa capacité à participer et à aider à conserver les loups, d’encourager les parcs et les réserves à inclure le loup dans leurs indicateurs de l’intégrité écologique des écosystèmes et d’informer la population sur les avantages découlant de la conservation des loups. Dans le cadre des recommandations, il faut aussi combiner diverses stratégies de différentes orientations, utiliser le marketing social sur la majorité des stratégies prioritaires, mener une campagne d’éducation populaire à propos du loup et inclure l’ensemble des parties prenantes pouvant avoir un impact sur les différentes stratégies. Pour terminer, l’intérêt d’introduire le loup sur l’île d’Anticosti est évoqué, car cette avenue pourrait être une solution intéressante afin de remédier aux problématiques qu’entraînent les fortes densités de cerfs de Virginie sur cette île.


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To identify DNA of the main tick-borne pathogens in dogs from Recife (Brazil), polymerase chain reactions were carried out on blood samples of dogs treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco from March 2007 to June 2008. The detection of DNA was performed using specific primers. Amplicons were analyzed through electrophoresis and sequencing. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the UPGMA method, revealing that the sequences were closely related to those of strains from other geographic regions. Among the 205 blood samples analyzed, 48.78% was positive for Anaplasma platys; 38.04% was positive for Ehrlichia canis; 7.31% was positive for Babesia canis vogeli; and 0.49% was positive for Hepatozoon canis and Mycoplasma haemocanis. Coinfection of two or three pathogens was found in 23.9% (49/205) of the dogs. The subspecies B. canis vogeli was identified. Infection by H. canis and M. haemocanis is reported for the first time in dogs in the state of Pernambuco (Brazil). The data indicate that the main tick-borne pathogens in dogs in this region are E. canis and/or A. platys, followed by B. canis vogeli.