994 resultados para Braff, Menalton 1938
Ângelo de Sousa (1938-2011) mereceu a denominação de “experimentador”, e é sob a lente da “experimentação” que olhámos para o seu percurso, e mais especificamente para o filme experimental Chão de Cimento (1) (1972), em Super 8, com cerca de 4’43’’ (cor e sem som). Este ensaio é marcado por dois objectivos principais. Em primeiro lugar, procura perceber o que é a experimentação no trabalho de Ângelo de Sousa, partindo da definição de experimentação de José Gil, e entender qual a relação desta com Chão de Cimento (1). E em segundo lugar, procura ainda analisar a relação da arte minimal com o filme em estudo e com a restante produção artística de Ângelo de Sousa. Neste contexto, cumpre destacar que, tal como desenvolvido no ensaio “Art and Objecthood” (1976) de Michael Fried, a experiência do observador-experimentador no trabalho de Ângelo de Sousa é fundamental. As características-chave de Chão de Cimento (1) vinculam-se com as características da arte minimal e da sua interpenetração com outras disciplinas artísticas: a relação entre a dança, a escultura e os filmes; o carácter simplificado da forma; a relação do observador-experimentador com o movimento e o espaço vazio; e a persistência da imagem, num entendimento de repetição de movimento.
Eighteen Pteridophyte taxa in 15 genera are reported as new for the Territory of Amapá, Brazil. The collections area a result of a recent Projeto Flora Amazônica/Programa Flora expedition to that region, and update previous lists of taxa for Amapá.In 1975, Tryon and Conant publised a checklist of the ferns of the Brazilian Amazônia reporting 84 taxa for the Territory of Amapá. The paucity of records for Amapá reflects, at least in part, the amount of botanical exploration. The most complete list of taxa occurring in the Territory is an unpublished list of collection compiled by J. M. Pires. This compilation reports 118 taxas for the Territory of Amapá. The following list is intended to update both the Pires compilation an the Tryon and Conant checklist for the Territor. These records are the result of a Projeto Flora Amazônica/Programa Flora expedition to the region in the latter part of 1979. Species were included in this list is not reportes in the compilation of colections for Amapá, or listed as specifically occurrin in Amapá in the monographs and revisions consulted for listed as specifically occurring in Amapá in the monograohs and revisions consulted for identification (Evans, 1969; Kramer, 1957, 1978; de la Sota, 1960; Lellinger, 1972; Maxon & Morton, 1938; Scamman, 1960, Smith, 1971; Tryon, 1941, 1964).This list reports 18 taxa in 15 genera, increasing the number of taxa in Amapá from the 118 listed by Pires to 136. Most of the taxa reported here might have been predicted to occur in Amapá on the basis of their distribution records for surrounding regions.Each species is followed by a collection number. The collection number is that of D. F. Austin, C. E. Nauman, R. S. Secco, C. Rosario, and M. R. Santos except for four collections in which R. S. Secco was absent and B. V. Rabelo was present, and these are indicated after the collection number. Specimens are deposited in the herbaria of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Brazil and the United States. The family system is essentially that used by Tyron and Conant.
Although some studies point to cognitive stimulation as a beneficial therapy for older adults with cognitive impairments, this area of research and practice is still lacking dissemination and is underrepresented in many countries. Moreover, the comparative effects of different intervention durations remain to be established and, besides cognitive effects, pragmatic parameters, such as cost-effectiveness and experiential relevance to participants, are seldom explored. In this work, we present a randomized con- trolled wait-list trial evaluating 2 different intervention durations (standard 1⁄4 17 vs brief 1⁄4 11 sessions) of a cognitive stimulation program developed for older adults with cognitive impairments with or without dementia. 20 participants were randomly assigned to the standard duration intervention program (17 sessions, 1.5 months) or to a wait-list group. At postintervention of the standard intervention group, the wait-list group crossed over to receive the brief intervention program (11 sessions, 1 month). Changes in neuropsychological, functionality, quality of life, and caregiver outcomes were evaluated. Experience during intervention and costs and feasibility were also evaluated. The current cognitive stimulation programs (ie, standard and brief) showed high values of experiential relevance for both intervention durations. High adherence, completion rates, and reasonable costs were found for both formats. Further studies are needed to definitively establish the potential efficacy, optimal duration, cost-effectiveness, and experiential relevance for participants of cognitive intervention approaches.
OBJETIVO: O Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria (JBP) é um periódico especializado em psiquiatria editado desde 1938 e que publica boa parte da produção científica brasileira nesta área. O objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma análise bibliométrica dos artigos publicados no JBP entre 1995 e 2004. MÉTODOS: Os artigos publicados no JBP neste período foram classificados quanto ao ano de publicação, à origem geográfica (de acordo com a afiliação do primeiro autor) e ao tipo de artigo (artigos de revisão, pesquisas originais, relatos de caso, metanálises e artigos opinativos). Foram analisados os números absolutos e proporcionais de artigos publicados por cada estado brasileiro e as contribuições internacionais e os tipos de artigos, considerando-se toda a década estudada e também cada qüinqüênio. RESULTADOS: Foram publicados 619 artigos no período estudado, sendo 91,4% destes de autores brasileiros. Os estados com maior número de publicações foram: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul e Pernambuco. Os artigos de pesquisa e de revisão predominaram no período estudado (37,3% e 35,9%, respectivamente). CONCLUSÃO: Houve uma mudança no perfil dos artigos publicados no JBP ao longo do período estudado, com maior diversidade de origem de artigos no segundo qüinqüênio. Isto pode refletir uma maior visibilidade do JBP.
OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the current conventional Pap smear with liquid-based cytology (LBC) preparations. STUDY DESIGN Women routinely undergoing their cytopathological and histopathological examinations at Fundação Oncocentro de São Paulo (FOSP) were recruited for LBC. Conventional smears were analyzed from women from other areas of the State of São Paulo with similar sociodemographic characteristics. RESULTS A total of 218,594 cases were analyzed, consisting of 206,999 conventional smears and 11,595 LBC. Among the conventional smears, 3.0% were of unsatisfactory preparation; conversely, unsatisfactory LBC preparations accounted for 0.3%. The ASC-H (atypical squamous cells - cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion) frequency did not demonstrate any differences between the two methods. In contrast, the incidence of ASC-US (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance) was almost twice as frequent between LBC and conventional smears, at 2.9 versus 1.6%, respectively. An equal percentage of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions were observed for the two methods, but not for low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, which were more significantly observed in LBC preparations than in conventional smears (2.2 vs. 0.7%). The index of positivity was importantly enhanced from 3.0% (conventional smears) to 5.7% (LBC). CONCLUSIONS LBC performed better than conventional smears, and we are truly confident that LBC can improve public health strategies aimed at reducing cervical lesions through prevention programs.
Objective: We aimed to critically evaluate the importance of quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) strategies in the routine work of uterine cervix cytology. Study Design: We revised all the main principles of QC and QA that are already being implemented worldwide and then discussed the positive aspects and limitations of these as well as proposing alternatives when pertinent. Results: A literature review was introduced after highlighting the main historical revisions, and then a critical evaluation of the principal innovations in screening programmes was conducted, with recommendations being postulated. Conclusions: Based on the analysed data, QC and QA are two essential arms that support the quality of a screening programme.
v.40 (1938)
v. 29, pt. 2 (1938)