918 resultados para Border Plan of Prosperity


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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We describe one new enchytraeid species, Fridericia liangi sp. nov., from Mt. Changbaishan, Jilin Province, northeastern China. It was collected from soils at the foot of Changbaishan Mountain and is distinguished from all known congeners by the following combination of characters: 1) no lateral chaetae, only ventral chaetae throughout, 2) a maximum of four chaetae in ventral preclitellar bundles, 3) one chaeta in ventral postclitellar bundles, 4) dorsal pores from VII on, 5) esophageal appendages unbranched, 6) coelomocytes without refractile vesicles, 7) clitellum girdle shaped, well developed, 8) no subneural glands, and 9) spermathecae simple.


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Food consumption, number of movements and feeding hierarchy of juvenile transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio and their size-matched non-transgenic conspecifics were measured under conditions of limited food supply. Transgenic fish exhibited 73 center dot 3% more movements as well as a higher feeding order, and consumed 1 center dot 86 times as many food pellets as their non-transgenic counterparts. After the 10 day experiment, transgenic C. carpio had still not realized their higher growth potential, which may be partly explained by the higher frequency of movements of transgenics and the 'sneaky' feeding strategy used by the non-transgenics. The results indicate that these transgenic fish possess an elevated ability to compete for limited food resources, which could be advantageous after an escape into the wild. It may be that other factors in the natural environment (i.e. predation risk and food distribution), however, would offset this advantage. Thus, these results need to be assessed with caution.


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Critical swimming speeds (U-crit) and morphological characters were compared between the F-4 generation of GH-transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio and the non-transgenic controls. Transgenic fish displayed a mean absolute U-crit value 22.3% lower than the controls. Principal component analysis identified variations in body shape, with transgenic fish having significantly deeper head, longer caudal length of the dorsal region, longer standard length (L-S) and shallower body and caudal region, and shorter caudal length of the ventral region. Swimming speeds were related to the combination of deeper body and caudal region, longer caudal length of the ventral region, shallower head depth, shorter caudal length of dorsal region and L-S. These findings suggest that morphological variations which are poorly suited to produce maximum thrust and minimum drag in GH-transgenic C. carpio may be responsible for their lower swimming abilities in comparison with non-transgenic controls.


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Saprolegnia brachydanis is described from zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio) in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The species is illustrated and compared with other species of the genus. The distinctive characteristics of S. brachydanis are the production of glomerulate oogonia wrapped around by predominantly monoclinous antheridia which can be up to eight in one oogonium. The oogonial stalks are short, straight, or curved and the antheridia, twisted, can enwind one or more oogonia. The oospores cannot mature or easily abort. Morphological features of the oomycete and the ITS sequence of its rDNA as well as the comparison with related species are discussed in this article.


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Fridericia dianchiensis, a new enchytraeid species collected from Yunnan Province, is described here. It is characterized by a combination of the following characters: 1) lateral bundles containing maximum 3 chaetae; 2) esophageal appendages with 3-4 simple, terminal branches; 3) dorsal vessel originating in XX-XXIII; 4) sub-neural glands absent; 5) seminal vesicle large, occupying two segments; 6)clitellum girdle-shaped or gland cells absent between bursal slits and pre-middle ventrally; 7) coelomocytes without refractile vesicles, 8) spermatheca without diverticula and both ampullae broadly united; and 9) long spermathecal ectal duct without gland at the orifice.


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Atomic configurations and formation energies of native defects in an unsaturated GaN nanowire grown along the [001] direction and with (100) lateral facets are studied using large-scale ab initio calculation. Cation and anion vacancies, antisites, and interstitials in the neutral charge state are all considered. The configurations of these defects in the core region and outermost surface region of the nanowire are different. The atomic configurations of the defects in the core region are same as those in the bulk GaN, and the formation energy is large. The defects at the surface show different atomic configurations with low formation energy. Starting from a Ga vacancy at the edge of the side plane of the nanowire, a N-N split interstitial is formed after relaxation. As a N site is replaced by a Ga atom in the suboutermost layer, the Ga atom will be expelled out of the outermost layers and leaves a vacancy at the original N site. The Ga interstitial at the outmost surface will diffuse out by interstitialcy mechanism. For all the tested cases N-N split interstitials are easily formed with low formation energy in the nanowires, indicating N-2 molecular will appear in the GaN nanowire, which agrees well with experimental findings.


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The electronic structure of rutile TiO2 quantum dots (QDs) are investigated via the first-principles band structure method. We first propose a model to passivate the rutile TiO2 surfaces for the local density approximation calculations. In this model pseudohydrogen atoms are used to passivate the surface dangling bonds, which remove the localized in-cap surface states in the TiO2 QDs. As the size of the QD decreases, the band gap evolves as E-g(dot) = E-g(bulk) + 73.70/d(1.93), where E-g(dot) and d are the band gap and diameter of the QD, and E-g(bulk) is the band gap of the bulk rutile TiO2. The valence band maximum and the conduction band minimum states of the QDs are distributed mostly in the interior of the QDs, and they well inherit the atomic characteristics of those states of the bulk rutile TiO2.


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Using first-principles molecular dynamics simulations, the displacement threshold energy and defect configurations are determined in SiC nanotubes. The simulation results reveal that a rich variety of defect structures (vacancies, Stone-Wales defects and antisite defects) are formed with threshold energies from 11 to 64 eV. The threshold energy shows an anisotropic behavior and exhibits a dramatic decrease with decreasing tube diameter. The electronic structure can be altered by the defects formed by irradiation, which suggests that the electron irradiation may be a way to use defect engineering to tailor electronic properties of SiC nanotubes.


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The alloy formation enthalpy and band structure of InGaN nanowires were studied by a combined approach of the valence-force field model, Monte Carlo simulation, and density-functional theory (DFT). For both random and ground-state structures of the coherent InGaN alloy, the nanowire configuration was found to be more favorable for the strain relaxation than the bulk alloy. We proposed an analytical formula for computing the band gap of any InGaN nanowires based on the results from the screened exchange hybrid DFT calculations, which in turn reveals a better band-gap tunability in ternary InGaN nanowires than the bulk alloy.


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Co-doped In2O3 nanocrystals showing room-temperature ferromagnetism have been successfully prepared by a simple sol-gel synthesis route. The sample displays it clear ferromagnetism behavior above 300 K. Phase and structure analyses reveal that the nanocrystals are crystallized with Co ions substituted for In ions in the In2O3 matrix, and no trace of secondary phases or clusters is detected. The experimental results are explained theoretically by first-principles calculations based on density functional theory, which indicate that the native ferromagnetic behavior of Co-doped In2O3 could be mainly ascribed to the strong d-d coupling of the magnetic ions.


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The electronic properties of wurtzite/zinc-blende (WZ/ZB) heterojunction GaN are investigated using first-principles methods. A small component of ZB stacking formed along the growth direction in the WZ GaN nanowires does not show a significant effect on the electronic property, whereas a charge separation of electrons and holes occurs along the directions perpendicular to the growth direction in the ZB stacking. The later case provides an efficient way to separate the charge through controlling crystal structure. These results have significant implications for most state of the art excitonic solar cells and the tuning region in tunable laser diodes.


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Basic research related to heavy-ion cancer therapy has been done at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1995. Now a plan of clinical trial with heavy ions has been launched at IMP. First, superficially placed tumor treatment with heavy ions is expected in the therapy terminal at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), where carbon ion beams with energy up to 100 MeV/u can be supplied. The shallow-seated tumor therapy terminal at HIRFL is equipped with a passive beam delivery system including two orthogonal dipole magnets, which continuously scan pencil beams laterally and generate a broad and uniform irradiation field, a motor-driven energy degrader and a multi-leaf collimator. Two different types of range modulator, ripple filter and ridge filter with which Guassian-shaped physical dose and uniform biological effective dose Bragg peaks can be shaped for therapeutic ion beams respectively, have been designed and manufactured. Therefore, two-dimensional and three-dimensional conformal irradiations to tumors can be performed with the passive beam delivery system at the earlier therapy terminal. Both the conformal irradiation methods have been verified experimentally and carbon-ion conformal irradiations to patients with superficially placed tumors have been carried out at HIRFL since November 2006.


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简介了黄土高原山川秀美的由来 ,论述了山川秀美的基本内涵和黄土高原山川秀美建设的基本思路。在此基础上 ,对陕西省生态环境建设规划进行了简要述评 ,指出了其优缺点 ,并提出了黄土高原山川秀美建设的进一步设想


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山坡道路连接农田、果园 ,对山区经济发展有重要作用。黄土高原山坡道路存在严重的水土流失 ,侵蚀方式主要有沟蚀、泻溜、崩塌、陷穴、悬沟侵蚀与滑坡等。山坡道路网应按照小流域综合治理规划合理布置 ,其主要防护措施 :①修筑梯田 ,防止坡面径流冲刷道路 ;②将路面整修成拱形以分散径流 ;③在道路内侧修蓄水窑窖 ,拦蓄径流 ;④路面及边坡栽植草灌 ,防止雨水冲刷