847 resultados para Biometria testicular


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Sperm cells need hexoses as a substrate for their function, for both the maintenance of membrane homeostasis and the movement of the tail. These cells have a peculiar metabolism that has not yet been fully understood, but it is clear that they obtain energy from hexoses through glycolisis and/or oxidative phosphorylation. Spermatozoa are in contact with different external environments, beginning from the testicular and epididymal fluid, passing to the seminal plasma and finally to the female genital tract fluids; in addition, with the spread of reproductive biotechnologies, sperm cells are diluted and stored in various media, containing different energetic substrates. To utilize these energetic sources, sperm cells, as other eukaryotic cells, have a well-constructed protein system, that is mainly represented by the GLUT family proteins. These transporters have a membrane-spanning α-helix structure and work as an enzymatic pump that permit a fast gradient dependent passage of sugar molecules through the lipidic bilayer of sperm membrane. Many GLUTs have been studied in man, bull and rat spermatozoa; the presence of some GLUTs has been also demonstrated in boar and dog spermatozoa. The aims of the present study were - to determine the presence of GLUTs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in boar, horse, dog and donkey spermatozoa and to describe their localization; - to study eventual changes in GLUTs location after capacitation and acrosome reaction in boar, stallion and dog spermatozoa; - to determine possible changes in GLUTs localization after capacitation induced by insulin and IGF stimulation in boar spermatozoa; - to evaluate changes in GLUTs localization after flow-cytometric sex sorting in boar sperm cells. GLUTs 1, 2, 3 and 5 presence and localization have been demonstrated in boar, stallion, dog and donkey spermatozoa by western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis; a relocation in GLUTs after capacitation has been observed only in dog sperm cells, while no changes have been observed in the other species examined. As for boar, the stimulation of the capacitation with insulin and IGF didn’t cause any change in GLUTs localization, as well as for the flow cytometric sorting procedure. In conclusion, this study confirms the presence of GLUTs 1, 2 ,3 and 5 in boar, dog, stallion and donkey spermatozoa, while GLUT 4 seems to be absent, as a confirmation of other studies. Only in dog sperm cells capacitating conditions induce a change in GLUTs distribution, even if the physiological role of these changes should be deepened.


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Metastasierender Krebs ist bei Erwachsenen in der Regel nicht heilbar. Eine Ausnahme stellen testikuläre Keimzelltumoren (TKZT) dar, da über 75 % der Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen metastasierenden TKZT mit einer auf Cisplatin basierenden Kombinations-Chemotherapie geheilt werden können. Zelllinien, die aus TKZT isoliert wurden, behalten diese Cisplatin-Sensitivität in vitro bei. Somit spiegeln Testistumorzelllinien die klinische Situation wider und sind deswegen ein gutes Modellsystem um zu untersuchen, welche Faktoren der Cisplatin-Sensitivität zugrunde liegen. Die Ursachen der Cisplatin-Sensitivität in Testistumoren sind nicht bekannt. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass Testistumorzellen eine geringe Kapazität für die Entfernung von Cisplatin-induzierten DNA-Platinierungen aufweisen. Dieser Defekt in der DNA-Reparatur könnte ein Faktor für die beobachtete Cisplatin-Sensitivität sein. Cisplatin induziert sowohl Intrastrang-Vernetzungen als auch Interstrang-Vernetzungen (ICLs). Die Bildung und Reparatur der Cisplatin-induzierten Intrastrang-Vernetzungen wurde mittels DNA-Slot-Blot, die Bildung und Entfernung von Interstrang-Vernetzungen wurde mithilfe des Comet-Assays untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die Reparatur von Intrastrang-Vernetzungen in Testis- und Blasentumorzelllinien vergleichbar ist. Somit sind Testistumorzellen in diesem Reparaturweg nicht beeinträchtigt. Im Unterschied dazu zeigte sich, dass Testistumorzellen die ICLs nicht oder nur mit einer reduzierten Kapazität entfernen können.Da die ICL-Reparatur über die Bildung von DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSB) mit anschließender DSB-Reparatur verläuft, wurde die Kinetik der DSB-Reparatur anhand der Immundetektion der Histon-Variante γH2AX, die zur Visualisierung von DSB verwendet wird, verfolgt. γH2AX Foci wurden nach Behandlung mit Cisplatin in Testistumorzellen und Blasentumorzellen gebildet. Anders als in Blasentumorzellen blieb der Prozentsatz an γH2AX-positiven Zellen in Testistumorzellen bestehen. Offensichtlich konnten die Testistumorzellen die Cisplatin-induzierten ICLs nicht korrekt prozessieren, was dazu führte, dass γH2AX Foci persistierten. Da unreparierte DNA-Läsionen eine DNA-schadensabhängige Antwort einleiten können, wurde die Aktivierung der Hauptfaktoren dieser Signalwege untersucht. In den Testistumorzellen zeigte sich eine Erhöhung der p53 Proteinmenge nach Cisplatin-Behandlung. Des Weiteren wurde die durch Cisplatin induzierte Aktivierung von ATM/ATR, Chk1/Chk2, Bax und Noxa in Testis- und Blasentumorzellen vergleichend untersucht. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass der Reparaturfaktor ERCC1-XPF in Testistumorzelllinien reduziert vorliegt. Um eine mögliche Rolle von ERCC1-XPF für die Reparatur-Defizienz der ICLs und Cisplatin-Sensitivität in Testistumorzellen zu analysieren, wurde ERCC1-XPF in der Testistumorenzelllinie 833K mithilfe eines Expressionsvektors überexprimiert, und der Einfluss von ERCC1-XPF auf ICL-Reparatur sowie Cisplatin-Sensitivität wurde ermittelt. Überexpression von ERCC1-XPF führte zur Reparatur der ICLs in 833K-Zellen und verminderte die Cisplatinsensitivität. Somit scheint die Cisplatinsensitivität der Testistumorzellen, zumindest zum Teil, auf einer verminderten ICL-Reparatur zu beruhen. Des Weiteren wurde in „proof of principle“ Experimenten ERCC1-XPF in der Cisplatin-resistenten Blasentumorzelllinie MGH-U1 mittels siRNA herunterreguliert, und die Auswirkung der Herunterregulation auf die ICL-Reparatur und die Cisplatinsensitivität wurde geprüft. RNA-Interferenz-vermittelte Herunterregulierung von ERCC1-XPF reduzierte die Prozessierung der Cisplatin-induzierten ICLs und verstärkte die Cisplatinsensitivität in MGH-U1 Zellen. Somit wurde in dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal gezeigt, dass die Testistumorzellen in Vergleich zu Blasentumorzellen in der Reparatur von ICLs defizient sind, wobei die verminderte ICL-Reparatur auf die geringe Expression von ERCC1-XPF zurückgeführt werden konnte. Diese ICL-Reparatur-Defizienz könnte, zumindest zu einem Teil, für die Sensitivität der Testistumoren gegenüber Cisplatin verantwortlich sein.


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Nel presente studio è stato affrontato il problema di effettuare l’acquisizione di impronte digitali mediante la fotocamera di uno Smartphone. Si tratta di un’applicazione potenzialmente molto interessante in quanto l’utilizzo di uno Smartphone renderebbe molto più semplice l’acquisizione delle impronte, non essendo necessari dispositivi specifici come, ad esempio, scanner d’impronte digitali. D’altra parte, l’utilizzo di una fotocamera per l’acquisizione delle impronte introduce diverse problematiche, fra cui individuare l’area del dito corrispondente all'impronta, valutare la qualità di un'immagine e determinare quali minuzie estratte corrispondano effettivamente a quelle di interesse. Questo studio conferma la fattibilità di un sistema del genere che risulta essere in grado di fornire buone prestazioni di riconoscimento biometrico.


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Der Wilms-Tumor ist eine embryonale Tumorerkrankung der Niere, als deren Ursprung Nierenvorläuferzellen des metanephrischen Mesenchyms gelten, deren Differenzierung während der frühen Nephrogenese ausbleibt und aus denen nachfolgend durch eine maligne Transformation Wilms-Tumore entstehen. Zwei Gene, die an der Wilms-Tumorgenese beteiligt zu sein scheinen, sind WT1 (Wilms-Tumorgen 1) und CTNNB1 (Catenin, cadherin-associated protein, beta 1). Während WT1 u.a. die Differenzierung des metanephrischen Mesenchyms steuert, begünstigen aktivierende Mutationen von CTNNB1 und eine dadurch bedingte Akkumulation seines Proteins β-Catenin die Tumorgenese vieler Organe. So verwundert es nicht, dass eine alleinige heterozygote Keimbahnmutation von WT1, die einen dominant-negativen Effekt auf funktionsfähiges WT1 ausübt, häufig zur Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren in Patienten mit Denys-Drash-Syndrom (DDS) führt, sowie in etwa 15 % aller sporadischen Wilms-Tumore WT1 und CTNNB1 mutiert sind.rnDer Mechanismus der Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren ist weitgehend unbekannt, was u.a. daran liegt, dass homozygote Wt1-Mutationen in der Maus embryonal (~ Tag 13,5 d.p.c.) letal sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten daher mit Hilfe einer Wt1 k.o.-Effektormaus (WE2) vier murine konditional reversible Wilms-Tumor-Modelle auf Basis des Tet off-Systems hergestellt werden. Dadurch lag in den zu generierenden Tieren Wt1 durch die Integration des WE2-Transgens zwar nur heterozygot mutiert vor, doch durch den endogenen Wt1-Promotor des Transgens sollte es zur zeitlichen und räumlichen Wt1-analogen Expression eines tetrazyklinabhängigen Transaktivators (tTA) kommen, der ohne die Gabe von Doxycyclin Tet-regulierbare Transgene in Wt1-exprimierenden Zellen aktivieren kann, die einen positiven Einfluss auf die Wilms-Tumorgenese haben könnten. So sollte durch das WE2 DDS-Modell ein DDS simuliert werden und es in Tieren der Modelle WE2 TC bCat∆Ex3, WE2 LC bCat∆Ex3 und WE2 Wnt1 zur Akkumulation von β-Catenin in Wt1-exprimierenden Nierenvorläuferzellen kommen, so dass deren Differenzierung ausbleibt und es durch eine maligne Transformation zur Entstehung eines Wilms-Tumors kommt.rnrnMit Hilfe von histologischen Analysen an entsprechenden Responder-Linien konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass die embryonale und adulte Expressionsdomäne des WE2-Effektors mit der von endogenen Wt1 übereinstimmt. Gleichzeitig wurden aber auch neue Expressionsorte von Wt1 nachgewiesen. So konnte die Expression des WE2-Effektors z.B. im Endothel der dorsalen Aorta detektiert werden, der als Entstehungsort von hämatopoetischen Stammzellen gilt. Anschließende hier vorgestellte Experimente zeigten, dass Wt1 direkt an diesem Prozess beteiligt ist und belegten eine noch nicht beschriebene Funktion von Wt1 in der frühen Hämatopoese.rnEs war jedoch mit keinem System möglich, eine Wilms-Tumorerkrankung zu simulieren. Während Tiere des WE2 DDS-Modells trotz nachweisbarer Induktion keinen Phänotyp aufwiesen, war wohl in den anderen Modellen eine konstitutive β-Catenin-Aktivierung in der Frühschwangerschaft nicht mit dem embryonalen Überleben vereinbar. Dabei schienen alle tripeltransgenen bzw. doppeltransgenen Embryonen, in denen durch einen frühen Doxycyclinentzug die Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren möglich gewesen wäre, intrauterin zu sterben. Wurde dagegen Doxycyclin erst in der dritten Lebenswoche entzogen, so entwickelten die Tiere durch eine Wt1-vermittelte β-Catenin-Aktivierung Granulosazelltumore, polyzystische Nieren und Veränderungen der Hoden. Da alle diese organischen Veränderungen während der prä- bis frühen postnatalen Phase induziert wurden, schien die Doxycyclinmenge nicht auszureichen, um eine β-Catenin-Aktivierung zu verhindern. Es hätte also auch zur Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren kommen können, so dass diese Ergebnisse darauf hinweisen, dass eine β-Catenin-Aktivierung wahrscheinlich nicht der physiologisch entscheidende Schritt bei der Entstehung eines Wilms-Tumors ist.rnrnDie Charakterisierung der WE2-Effektormaus und die Herstellung und Analysen der Systeme geben damit Einblick in die WT1- bzw. WT1/CTNNB1-assoziierte Wilms-Tumorgenese und ermöglichen die weitere Erforschung von Granulosazelltumoren, polyzystsischen Nieren, Veränderungen von Hoden und der Rolle von WT1 in der frühen Hämatopoese.rn


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di analizzare i casi in cui un particolare algoritmo di estrazione delle minuzie da immagini di impronte digitali compie notevoli errori, e di migliorarne le prestazioni.


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The factors that influence Leydig cell activity currently include peptides such as neuropeptide Y (NPY). In this work we investigated the ability of this compound, injected directly into the testes of adult male rats, to alter testosterone (T) release into the general circulation. At a 5μg/kg dose administered 1h prior to challenge with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, 1.0 U/kg, iv), NPY significantly (P<0.01) blunted the T response to this gonadotropin. The inhibitory effect of NPY was observed in animals pretreated with an antagonist to gonadotropin-releasing hormone or not, indicating that the decrease in plasma T found was most likely independent of pituitary luteinizing hormone. However, testicular levels of steroidogenic acute regulatory (STAR) protein or translocator protein (TSPO) in the Leydig cells did not exhibit consistent changes, which suggested that other mechanisms mediated the blunted T response to hCG. We therefore used autoradiography and immunohistochemistry methodologies to identify NPY receptors in the testes, and found them primarily located on blood vessels. Competition studies further identified these receptors as being Y(1), a subtype previously reported to modulate the vasoconstrictor effect of NPY. The absence of significant changes in STAR and TSPO levels, as well as the absence of Y(1) receptors on Leydig cells, suggest that NPY-induced decreases in T release is unlikely to represent a direct effect of NPY on these cells. Rather, the very high expression levels of Y(1) found in testicular vessels supports the concept that NPY may alter gonadal activity, at least in part, through local vascular impairment of gonadotropin delivery to, and/or blunted T secretion from, Leydig cells.


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NPY receptors represent novel molecular therapeutic targets in cancer and obesity. However, the extent of NPY receptor expression in normal human tissues is poorly investigated. Based on the role of NPY in reproductive functions, the NPY receptor expression was studied in 25 normal human testes and, additionally, 24 testicular tumors using NPY receptor autoradiography. In the normal testis, Leydig cells strongly expressed NPY receptor subtype Y2, and small arterial blood vessels Y1. Y2 receptors were found to be functional with agonist-stimulated [(35)S]GTPγS binding autoradiography. Full functional integrity of the NPY system was further suggested by the immunohistochemical detection of NPY peptide in nerve fibers directly adjacent to Leydig cells and arteries. Germ cell tumors expressed Y1 and Y2 on tumor cells in 33% and Y1 on intratumoral blood vessels in 50%. Based on its strong NPY receptor expression in Leydig cells and blood vessels, the normal human testis represents a potentially important physiological and pharmalogical NPY target.


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Cystic lesions in the testis of children are rare and in most cases benign tumors. However, a preoperative diagnostic work-up could contribute to planning the surgical procedure: orchiectomy in the case of potential malignancy or otherwise a testis-sparing approach. In this study we reviewed our recent cases of benign cystic testicular tumors and the corresponding literature. The different entities are presented with details of the diagnostic work-up, pathology and treatment of these lesions. In all presented cases, organ-preserving treatment was performed. This practice is to be recommended in the case of all prepubertal cystic testicular lesions.


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In traditional medicine of Cameroon, Nymphaea lotus Linn. (Nympheaceae) is used for treatment of male sexual disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the N. lotus flowers aqueous extracts on general mating behavior, fertility and some androgenic parameters of normoglycemic and diabetic adult male rats. Mating behavior assessment was carried out with primiparous and with oestrus female rats. Male rats were divided into 5 groups and subjected once in a day to the following treatment: distilled water (10 mL/kg), Sildenafil citrate (5mg/kg), Testosterone enanthate (5mg/kg) and plant extract (75 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg). Treatment lasted for 8 and 55 days before sacrifice. Organ weight, epididymal sperm counts, motility, viability, histomorphometric analysis, muscular strength, seminal fructose, cholesterol level, epididymal and serum proteins testicular were determined. Results showed a dose- dependant influence of the treatment in sperm count and motility which significantly increases compared to the distilled water-administered control. An increase in some sexual performance parameters (mount and intromission frequencies) was observed in both diabetic and normal rats compared to respective controls. The latencies of mount and intromission were significantly reduced. Computed frequencies of penile licking, index of libido and sexual motivation were higher in normal and diabetic extract-treated animals; which suggest an enhancement of motivational parameters. The treatment also caused significant increases in the weight of the testis, prostate, epididymis, in serum cholesterol and epididymal protein level in normal rats compared to the distilled water-administered control. These results indicate an androgenic pro-sexual potential of N. lotus in male rats and justify the empirical use of N. lotus in the management of erectile dysfunction and fertility disorders in males. Key-words: Nymphaea lotus, prosexual, androgenic, fertility, diabetic, male rat. //Selon les tradipraticiens de l’Ouest-Cameroun, Nymphaea lotus Linn. (N. lotus), de la famille des Nymphéacées, est utilisé pour le traitement des dysfonctionnements sexuels chez les hommes. Dans cette étude, l’effet de l’extrait aqueux des fleurs de N. lotus sur la fonction de reproduction des rats mâles adultes normaux et diabétiques a été évalué. Dans le but d’évaluer les effets de l’extrait aqueux des fleurs de N. lotus sur les paramètres généraux de copulation, d’androgénicité et de fertilité, les rats normoglycémiques et diabétiques ont été divisé en 3 groupes contrôle [Groupe I- recevant de l’eau distillée, Groupe II et III recevant respectivement du citrate de sildénafil (5 mg/kg) et l’énanthate de testostérone (5 mg/kg)] et deux groupes expérimentaux traités à l’extrait aux doses 75 mg/kg (Groupe IV) et 150 mg/kg (Groupe V). L’eau distillée, l’extrait et la substance de référence était administré per os une fois par jour. Pour analyser le comportement sexuel et la fertilité, des femelles primipares et en oestrus étaient utilisées. Le traitement a duré 8 et 55 jours avant le sacrifice. Le poids relatif des organes, le nombre de spermatozoïde, la motilité, les analyses morphométriques, la force musculaire, le taux de cholestérol, le taux de protéines sériques et épididymaires étaient déterminé. Le temps de latence de monte et d’intromission a diminué significativement alors que la fréquence d’éjaculation a augmenté. L’index de libido, la fréquence de monte, d’intromission, d’éjaculation, d’orientation des mâles vis-à-vis d’eux même et l’index de motivation sexuelle a augmenté chez les animaux traités l’extrait comparés à ceux ayant reçu de l’eau distillée aussi bien chez les normaux que chez le diabétiques qui n’enregistrent d’ailleurs aucune éjaculation. Le traitement a augmenté significativement (P < 0,01) le poids des testicules, de la prostate et de l’épididyme. Il est observé une augmentation dose-dépendante du nombre et de la motilité des spermatozoïdes (P < 0,05), ainsi qu’une augmentation significative (P < 0,001) temps-dépendant du taux de cholestérol sérique et de protéines épididymaires. Ces résultats indiquent un potentiel androgénique pro-érectile de N. lotus chez les rats mâles et justifient l’utilisation empirique des fleurs de N. lotus dans le traitement des dysfonctions érectiles et des problèmes de fertilité chez les hommes. Mots-clés: Nymphaea lotus, pro-érectile, androgénique, fertilité, diabétiques, rat male


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Following development of the fetal bipotential gonad into a testis, male genital differentiation requires testicular androgens. Fetal Leydig cells produce testosterone that is converted to dihydrotestosterone in genital skin, resulting in labio-scrotal fusion. An alternative 'backdoor' pathway of dihydrotestosterone synthesis that bypasses testosterone has been described in marsupials, but its relevance to human biology has been uncertain. The classic and backdoor pathways share many enzymes, but a 3α-reductase, AKR1C2, is unique to the backdoor pathway. Human AKR1C2 mutations cause disordered sexual differentiation, lending weight to the idea that both pathways are required for normal human male genital development. These observations indicate that fetal dihydrotestosterone acts both as a hormone and as a paracrine factor, substantially revising the classic paradigm for fetal male sexual development.


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BACKGROUND: Testicular tumours are relatively uncommon in infants and children, accounting for only 1-2% of all paediatric solid tumours. Of these approximately 1.5% are Leydig-cell tumours. Further, activating mutations of the luteinizing hormone receptor gene (LHR), as well as of the G protein genes, such as Gsalpha (gsp) and Gialpha (gip2) subunits, and cyclin-dependent kinase gene 4(CDK4) have been associated with the development of several endocrine neoplasms. AIMS/METHODS: In this report, the clinical variability of Leydig-cell tumours in four children is described. The LHR-, gsp-, gip2- and CDK4 genes were investigated to establish the possible molecular pathogenesis of the variable phenotype of the Leydig-cell tumours. RESULTS: No activating mutations in these genes were found in the four Leydig-cell tumours studied. Therefore, the absence of activating mutations in LHR, as well as in both the 'hot spot' regions for activating mutations within the G-alpha subunits and in the regulatory 'hot spot' on the CDK4 genes in these tumours indicates molecular heterogeneity among Leydig-cell tumours. CONCLUSION: Four children with a variable phenotype caused by Leydig-cell tumours are described. A molecular analysis of all the 'activating' genes and mutational regions known so far was performed, but no abnormalities were found. The lessons learnt from these clinically variable cases are: perform ultrasound early and most importantly, consider discrepancies between testicular swelling, tumour size and androgen production.


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Cytochrome P450c17 catalyzes both 17alpha-hydroxylation and 17,20-lyase conversion of 21-carbon steroids to 19-carbon precursors of sex steroids. P450c17 can mediate testosterone biosynthesis via the conversion of pregnenolone to dehydroepiandrosterone (the delta(5) pathway) or via conversion of progesterone to androstenedione (the delta(4) pathway). In many species, the 17, 20-lyase activity of P450c17 for one pathway dominates, reflecting the preferred steroidogenic pathway of that species. All studies of recombinant human P450c17 and of human adrenal microsomes have found high 17, 20-lyase activity only in the delta(5) pathway. Because the 17, 20-lyase activities in both the delta(4) and delta(5) pathways for testicular P450c17 have not been directly compared, however, it is not known if the delta(5) pathway dominates in the human testis. To resolve this issue, we assayed the conversion of 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone to dehydroepiandrosterone (delta(5) 17, 20-lyase activity) and of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone to androstenedione (delta(4) 17, 20-lyase activity) by human fetal testicular microsomes. We obtained apparent Michaelis constant (K(m)) and maximum velocity (V(max)) values of 1.0 microM and 0.73 pmol.min(-1). microg(-1) for delta(5) 17, 20-lyase activity and of 3.5 microM and 0.23 pmol.min(-1). microg(-1) for delta(4) 17, 20-lyase activity. Catalytic efficiencies, expressed as the ratio V(max)/K(m), were 0.73 and 0.066 for the delta(5) and delta(4) reactions, respectively, indicating 11-fold higher preference for the delta(5) pathway. We conclude that the majority of testosterone biosynthesis in the human testis proceeds through the conversion of pregnenolone to dehydroepiandrosterone via the delta(5) pathway.


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Previously reported androgen receptor concentrations in rat testis and testicular cell types have varied widely. In the studies reported here a nuclear exchange assay was established in rat testis in which exchange after 86 hours at 4$\sp\circ$C was greater than 85% complete and receptor was stable. Receptor concentration per DNA measured by exchange declined between 15 and 25 days of age in the rat testis, then increased 4-fold during sexual maturation. Proliferation of germ cells which had low receptor concentration appeared to account for the early decline in testicular receptor concentration, whereas increase in receptor number per Sertoli cell between 25 and 35 days of age contributed to the later increase. Increase in Leydig cell number during maturation appeared to account for the remainder of the increase due to the high receptor concentration in these cells. Detailed studies showed that other possible explanations for changes in receptor number (e.g. shifts in receptor concentration between the cytosol and nuclear subcellular compartments or changes in the affinity of the receptor for its ligands) were not likely.^ Androgen receptor dynamics in testicular cells showed rapid, specific uptake of ($\sp3$H) -testosterone that was easily blocked by unlabeled testosterone (RA of 7 nM in both cell types), and medroxyprogesterone acetate (RA of 28 and 16 nM in Sertoli and peritubular cells, respectively), but not as well by the anti-androgens cyproterone acetate (RA of 116 and 68 nM) and hydroxyflutamide (RA of 300 and 180 nM). The affinity of the receptor for the ligand dimethylnortestosterone was similar in the two cell types (K$\rm\sb{d}$ values of 0.78 and 0.71 nM for Sertoli and peritubular cells) and was virtually identical with the affinity of the whole testis receptor (0.89 nM). Medroxyprogesterone acetate and testosterone significantly increased nuclear androgen receptor concentration relative to untreated controls in Sertoli and peritubular cells, whereas hydroxyflutamide and cyproterone acetate did not. Despite the different embryological origins of peritubular and Sertoli cells, their responses to both androgens and anti-androgens were similar. In addition, these studies suggest that peritubular cells are as likely as Sertoli cells to be primary androgen targets. ^


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The technique of premature chromosome condensation (PCC) has been used primarily to study interphase chromosomes of somatic cells. In this study, mitotic cells were fused to cells from the mouse testes to examine the chromosomes of germ cells. The testes contain various types of cells, both germinal and nongerminal. In these initial studies, four types of PCC morphologies were observed. Chromosome morphology of the PCC and labeling experiments demonstrated the mouse cell origin of various PCC. Attempts were next made to determine the cell types producing the PCC. Spermatogonia, diplotene spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes and round spermatids are proposed to be the origin of the PCC morphologies. Some PCC could be banded by G and C banding techniques and the mouse chromosomes identified.^ Studies were subsequently undertaken to evaluate this technique as a method of evaluating damage to germ cells. Testicular cells from irradiated mice were fused to mitotic cells and the PCC examined. Both round spermatids and secondary spermatocytes exhibited chromosome damage in the form of chromatid breaks. A linear correlation was found between the dose of irradiation and the number of breaks per cell. This technique may develop into a useful method for evaluating the clastogenic effect of agents on the germ cells. ^


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BACKGROUND Fertility is impaired in many survivors of childhood cancer following treatment. Preservation of fertility after cancer has become a central survivorship concern. Nevertheless, several doctors, patients, and families do not discuss fertility and recommendations for fertility preservation in pediatrics are still lacking. Recommendations based on scientific evidence are needed and before their development we wanted to assess the practice patterns of fertility preservation in Europe. PROCEDURES On behalf of the PanCare network, we sent a questionnaire to pediatric onco-hematology institutions across Europe. The survey consisted of 21 questions assessing their usual practices around fertility preservation. RESULTS One hundred ninety-eight institutional representatives across Europe received the survey and 68 (response rate 34.3%) responded. Pre-treatment fertility counseling was offered by 64 institutions. Counseling was done by a pediatric onco-hematologist in 52% (33/64) and in 32% (20/64) by a team. The majority of institutions (53%) lacked recommendations for fertility preservation. All 64 centers offered sperm banking; eight offered testicular tissue cryopreservation for pre-pubertal males. For females, the possibility of preserving ovarian tissue was offered by 40 institutions. CONCLUSIONS There is a high level of interest in fertility preservation among European centers responding to our survey. However, while most recommended sperm cryopreservation, many also recommended technologies whose efficacy has not been shown. There is an urgent need for evidence-based European recommendations for fertility preservation to help survivors deal with the stressful topic of fertility. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2014;9999:1-5. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.