936 resultados para Biomedical and dental daterials


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Tradicionalmente, los ortodoncistas han realizado las mediciones dentales en los modelos de yeso, pero los avances tecnológicos permiten ahora a los ortodoncistas realizar esas mediciones en los modelos digitales. El propósito de este estudio fue comparar la fiabilidad y reproducibilidad de las medidas de los tamaños dentarios y las arcadas dentarias entre el método manual y los métodos digitales 3D obtenidos por un escáner intraoral CEREC Omnicam (Sirona Dental Systems) y dos escáneres extraorales: inEos X5 (Sirona Dental Systems) y Dental Scanner SMART (Open Technologies). Un modelo de yeso, un escaneado intraoral y dos modelos digitales con un escáner extraoral fueron realizadas para cada uno de los 20 sujetos. Las medidas de los tamaños dentarios, la distancia intercanina y la distancia intermolar de los modelos digitales se compararon con los correspondientes modelos de yeso (estándar de oro) Se utilizó el test de ANOVA para establecer la fiabilidad entre los cuatro métodos y el coeficiente de correlación intraclase fue calculado para determinar la reproducibilidad intra- e inter-examinador. Los resultados encontrados fueron que no existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las medidas hechas directamente en los modelos de yeso y los modelos digitales. Los coeficientes de correlación intraclase tanto intra- e inter-examinador fue alto y considerado bueno para los cuatro métodos de medición. CCI> 0.90. Se concluyó que las mediciones en los modelos digitales obtenidos con un escáner extraoral e intraoral son fiables y reproducibles


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Purpose: Osteophytes are osteo-cartilaginous metaplastic tissue outgrowths of bone capped by cartilage usually found in degenerative and inflammatory joint disease. The presence and degree of maturity of osteophytes, along with joint space narrowing, are the main radiographic criteria for diagnosis and grading osteoarthritis (OA). Although osteophytes are known for being anatomic signs of advanced OA, they can occur in non-symptomatic joints, in joints with no other observable alterations, and in early stage OA. It remains unclear if they develop from molecular, physiological and/or mechanical stimuli. We hypothesized that mechanical strains play a role in osteophyte development. The overall objective of this thesis was to find evidence that osteophytes are influenced by mechanical strains. Methods: The first project was to develop a mechanically-induced osteophyte animal model. One single impact load that was reported to induce moderate joint damage was applied to the periosteum of the rat knee. Animals were sacrificed at four time points to characterize the evolution of damaged tissue and the joint by histology. A second study using human mature hip osteophytes was conducted to evaluate if mature osteophyte presented histological signs of proliferating and developmental processes. The histological characterization of mature osteophyte was used to compare findings of the mechanically-induced osteophyte in the animal model to validate the use of this rodent model in studying some aspect of osteophyte development of human. Lastly, a detailed three-dimensional (3D) radiological morphometric analysis was performed on microscopic computed tomography (µCT) scanned femoral heads collected from total hip arthroplasty patients presenting mature hip osteophytes. Quantitative morphometric measures of osteophytes internal structure was compared to three regions of the femoral head of known quality of organisation and mechanical constraint. Results and Conclusion: Osteophyte can be mechanically induced by a single load impact to the joint periosteum, indicating that a moderate trauma to the periosteal layer of the joint may play a role in osteophyte development. Mature osteophytes have proliferation, developing and remodelling zones and have trabecular structures. Mechanically-induced osteophytes and mature osteophytes presented similar histological composition. Mature osteophytes have organized internal structure. These results provide evidence that mechanical strain can influence osteophyte development.


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Electrical synapses are composed of gap junctions, made from paired hemi-channels that allow for the transfer of current from one neuron to another. Gap junctions mediate electrical transmission in neurons, where they synchronize spiking and promote rapid transmission, thereby influencing the coordination, pattern, and frequency of firing. In the marine snail, Aplysia calfornica, two clusters of neuroendocrine bag cell neurons use electrical synapses to synchronize a 30-min burst of action potentials, known as the afterdischarge, which releases egg-laying hormone and induces reproduction. In culture, paired bag cell neurons present a junctional conductance that is non-rectifying and largely voltage-independent. During the afterdischarge, PKC is activated, which is known to increase voltage-gated Ca2+ current; yet, little is understood as to how this pathway impacts electrical transmission. The transfer of presynaptic spike-like waveforms (generated in voltage-clamp) to the postsynaptic cell (measured in current-clamp) was monitored with or without PKC activation. It was found that pretreatment with the PKC activator, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), enhanced junctional conductance between bag cell neurons. Furthermore, in control, presynaptic action potential waveforms mainly evoked postsynaptic electrotonic potentials at both -60 and -40 mV. However, with PKC activation the presynaptic stimulus consistently elicited postsynaptic action potentials from resting potentials of -40 mV, and would occasionally result in firing from repetitive input at -60 mV. Moreover, to assess whether this enhanced electrical transmission genuinely reflects a greater junctional conductance or a change in postsynaptic responsiveness, a fast-phase junctional-like current was applied to single bag cell neurons. Neurons in PMA always fired action potentials in response to current injection as opposed to control, which were less likely to spike. This outcome did not change when the junctional-like current was artificially enhanced in control conditions. Also, in response to fast- and slow-phase electrotonic potential (ETP) waveforms, Ca2+ current was markedly larger in single PMA-treated neurons. These findings suggest that PKC activation may contribute to afterdischarge fidelity by recruiting postsynaptic Ca2+ current to promote synchronous network firing. Finally, Aplysia gap junction genes (innexins) were transfected into mouse N2A cells and characterized. This revealed a biophysical and pharmacological profile similar to native gap junctions.


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Salmonella are Gram-negative, intracellular food-borne pathogens that cause pregnancy complications. In pregnant mice, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S.Tm) infection results in placental bacterial replication, inflammation, necrosis, and fetal loss by unknown mechanisms. Necroptosis, or programmed necrosis mediated by RIPK3 (receptor-interacting protein kinase 3), an inflammatory cell death pathway, is implicated in the pathogenesis of S.Tm in non-pregnant mice. This goal of this thesis was to investigate the role of necroptosis in the pathogenesis of S.Tm infection during mouse pregnancy. I hypothesized that elimination of the key necroptotic cell death protein RIPK3 would decrease placental inflammation and trophoblast cell death, and increase conceptus survival compared to controls. Mice expressing a functional Slc11a1 (encodes the natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1, NRAMP1) gene with or without RIPK3 function (Ripk3-/-Slc11a1+/+ compared to Slc11a1+/+) were infected with 103 S.Tm by tail vein injection on gestational day (GD) 12. Mice were euthanized on GD 14 (48h post-infection) or GD 15 (72h post-infection) and implantation sites (IS) and maternal serum were harvested for analyses. In nearly all challenged mice (except one outlier), S.Tm were detected in most IS within a litter but there was limited immune cell infiltration, placental damage or cell death in Slc11a1 competent mice regardless of Ripk3 gene deletion. Maternal serum cytokine analyses confirmed lack of maternal immune responses to S.Tm infection. IS amongst the litter of a single dam (Ripk3-/-Slc11a1+/+ at 72h postinfection) displayed heavy but not universal placental S.Tm infection of decidual tissues and spongiotrophoblast, associated with elevated maternal serum pro-inflammatory cytokines. S.Tm infection of the fetal yolk sac (YS) was observed in 54.5% of IS from this dam. YS infection was confirmed in archival samples in mice expressing Ripk3 with intact Slc11a1 and in mice lacking functional Slc11a1. In Slc11a1 incompetent mice, S.Tm were detected in placental labyrinthine trophoblast. Based on the available data, this thesis suggests that Ripk3 and necroptosis have no significant roles in either promotion or prevention of progressive Salmonella infection during mouse pregnancy. It also provides pilot data that NRAMP1 controls placental localization and lethality due to YS infection.


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O uso para fins ou meios festivos de lazer da droga ilícita MDMA, também chamado de Ecstasy ou Moly, tem vindo a aumentar drasticamente em Portugal e no Mundo. Esta situação desafia os profissionais de saúde para vários parâmetros na saúde oral e geral. O objetivo desta dissertação visa avaliar e descrever as lesões e patologias na cavidade oral que estão relacionadas com o consumo da substância ilícita MDMA. As consequências para a cavidade oral podem ser a xerostomia, o bruxismo, as cáries rampantes, a doença periodontal, o desgaste e a erosão dentária, e as lesões dos tecidos moles. Os indivíduos consumidores podem apresentar carências nutricionais e um estímulo aumentado à dor. A gestão do prognóstico e o tratamento realizado aos consumidores de MDMA, pois afeta vários órgãos e sistemas no corpo humano, requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar que inclui educação, prevenção e tratamento integrados. Esta revisão bibliográfica teve com base artigos publicados em revistas científicos e monografias disponíveis em vários motores de busca. As palavras-chave usadas foram: “ecstasy”, “MDMA”, “oral manifestations”, “oral health”, “substance abuse”, ”overdose treatment”, “xerostomia” e “methamenfetamine” e a sua conjugação. As situações orais, perante as mais prevalentes comorbidades patogénicas relacionadas com o MDMA e outras dependências ilícitas, necessitam de mais atenção e reforço em relação à prática clínica e aos serviços de saúde. Uma das dificuldades para o tratamento correto destes indivíduos é a falta de informação sobre o assunto referente à prática na clínica dentária. A omissão sobre o consumo por parte do paciente bem como de uma recaída no uso, apresentam dúvidas sobre o fator em causa ou até mesmo no diagnóstico. São, muitas vezes, os Médicos Dentistas os primeiros a terem a oportunidade de diagnosticar o aparecimento de possíveis alterações surgidas em virtude do consumo de MDMA.


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A estética dentária tem recebido bastante enfoque nos últimos anos, particularmente devido à importância a que a população atribui à aparência estética do sorriso. É, assim, desejado um sorriso o mais branco possível e que de preferência seja fácil de obter, eficaz, rápido, económico e que seja o menos invasivo possível. No entanto, muitos pacientes apresentam frequentemente dentes com cor alterada, comprometendo desta forma a estética do sorriso. O branqueamento dentário é uma técnica não invasiva, conservadora que não altera a forma natural do dente, e que permite alterações estéticas consideráveis. A procura de uma melhoria estética a todos os níveis, leva a que o Branqueamento dentário se apresente hoje como método de eleição para a remoção da pigmentação dentária. Recorre-se assim a substâncias oxidantes, que na maioria dos casos têm origem no Peróxido de Hidrogénio (H2O2). Um dos efeitos secundários ao Branqueamento, prende-se com a sensibilidade dentária, sendo que esta pode originar algum desconforto ou mesmo ser condicionante para a não realização ou término do tratamento. Para se atingir sucesso num tratamento branqueador é da maior importância o diagnóstico preciso da etiologia da alteração de cor, por isso uma anamnese detalhada e um exame clínico e dentário são da maior importância para se poder aconselhar o paciente pelo melhor tratamento a adotar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a informação científica disponível sobre as técnicas disponíveis para realizar branqueamento dentário, vantagens e desvantagens de cada técnica, agentes branqueadores utilizados, mecanismos de ação e os seus efeitos adversos. Para tal foi efetuada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados PubMed e B-On de artigos publicados entre 2006-2016 com as seguintes palavras-chave: dental bleaching, teeth whitening, peroxides, branqueamento dentário, clareamento dentário. O branqueamento dentário, apresenta algumas limitações e contra-indicações, assim como vários efeitos adversos, que devem ser do conhecimento do Médico para este poder intervir devidamente. Foi percetível que um tratamento branqueador depende de inúmeros fatores e que a forma de atuação do profissional é tão importante para o sucesso do tratamento como o tipo de agente branqueador utilizado.


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Introdução: O presente trabalho aborda as diferentes utilizações da tecnologia de Ultrassons na área da Endodontia. Atualmente, a utilização de ultrassons nesta área, ocupa um lugar de destaque, tendo-se tornado num equipamento indispensável nas varias áreas de abordagem, no âmbito do tratamento endodôntico. As aplicações clínicas, em que a utilização da tecnologia ultrassónica assume um papel de destaque, são: o refinamento de cavidades de acesso, localização de canais radiculares, preparação de istmos, remoção de espigões e instrumentos fraturados, ativação de soluções de irrigação, desobturação de canais radiculares, condensação de MTA e preparação apical para retrobturação em cirurgia apical. Objetivos: Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal explorar, através de uma revisão de literatura, a importância e papel do Ultrassons em Endodontia. Procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica, analisando a literatura que versa o tema, de modo a investigar o Ultrassom em Endodontia, nas suas diferentes dimensões: a evolução da técnica, o protocolo em toda a sua extensão, a sua utilidade e aplicabilidade na prática clínica. Material e Métodos: Pesquisa bibliográfica através de motores de pesquisa on-line como: b-On, Pubmed, Scielo, Science Direct, ResearchGate e Google Académico. De seguida, foram selecionados os artigos definidos com limites temporais e critérios de inclusão entre 2000 e 2016. Na aplicando dos critérios de exclusão foram rejeitados artigos dos quais o teor não teria relevância para a concretização do trabalho, artigos com idiomas estrageiros (com exceção de Inglês, Espanhol e Italiano), artigos fora dos limites temporais e estudos em animais. A pesquisa resultou total de 356 artigos dos quais foram utilizados 113. Conclusões: A introdução do ultrassom levou a cirurgia Endodôntica a um outro nível de precisão, esta tecnologia desempenha cada vez mais um papel essencial tanto na Medicina Dentária como na Endodontia, sendo estes capazes de apresentar melhoria e desenvolvimentos significativos na manutenção e tratamento dentário. O uso de Ultrassons em Endodontia é um meio auxiliar de tratamento útil, no o refinamento de cavidades de acesso, localização de canais radiculares, preparação de istmos, remoção de espigões e instrumentos fraturados, ativação de soluções de irrigação, desobturação de canais radiculares, condensação de MTA e preparação apical para retrobturação em cirurgia apical.


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Com o presente trabalho, pretende-se perceber qual a relação do estilo de vida, hábitos alimentares e doenças sistémicas dos adolescentes com a erosão dentária, e quais são as melhores formas de prevenção e tratamento. É na fase da adolescência que começa a haver uma maior preocupação com o corpo e que começam a surgir alguns extremos de consumo alimentar, que podem caracterizar-se em desordens alimentares afetando diretamente a saúde oral, podendo causar erosão dentária. É também na adolescência que a prática de atividade desportiva aumenta, podendo também ter impacto no desenvolvimento desta patologia. A erosão dentária começa com a desmineralização das camadas superficiais do esmalte, podendo evoluir para perda significativa da estrutura dentária. Os ácidos responsáveis pela erosão dentária podem ter origem extrínseca ou intrínseca. Enquanto os fatores extrínsecos estão relacionados com hábitos alimentares e estilo de vida, os fatores intrínsecos podem ser provocados por doenças sistémicas. O fator fundamental da prevenção da erosão dentária é a diminuição da frequência e da severidade do ataque ácido. No entanto, pela sua etiologia multifatorial, muitas vezes este controlo torna-se difícil. Em relação ao tratamento, existem diferentes opções dependendo do grau da lesão, mas um diagnóstico precoce é o fator chave neste processo. É importante referir que a monitorização e o controlo periódico do paciente deverão ser realizados com o objetivo de promover a sua saúde e prevenir o aparecimento de novas lesões.


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Advances in healthcare over the last 100 years has resulted in an ever increasing elderly population. This presents greater challenges for adequate systemic and oral healthcare delivery. With increasing age there is a natural decline in oral health, leading to the loss of teeth and ultimately for some having to wear denture prosthesis. It is currently estimated that approximately one fifth of the UK and US populations have some form of removable prosthesis. The microbiology of denture induced mucosal inflammation is a pivotal factor to consider in denture care management, similar to many other oral diseases of microbial influence, such as caries, gingivitis and periodontitis. Dentures support the growth of microbial biofilms, structures commonly known as denture plaque. Microbiologically, denture stomatitis (DS) is a disease primarily considered to be of yeast aetiology, with the literature disproportionately focussed on Candida spp. However, the denture surface is capable of carrying up to 1011 microbes per milligram, the majority of which are bacteria. Thus it is apparent that denture plaque is more diverse than we assume. There is a fundamental gap in our understanding of the bacterial composition of denture plaque and the role that they may play in denture related disease such as DS. This is categorised as inflammation of the oral mucosa, a disease affecting around half of all denture wearers. It has been proposed that bacteria and fungi interact on the denture surface and that these polymicrobial interactions lead to synergism and increased DS pathogenesis. Therefore, understanding the denture microbiome composition is the key step to beginning to understand disease pathogenesis, and ultimately help improve treatments and identify novel targets for therapeutic and preventative strategies. A group of 131 patients were included within this study in which they provided samples from their dentures, palatal mucosa, saliva and dental plaque. Microbes residing on the denture surface were quantified using standard Miles and Misra culture technique which investigated the presence of Candida, aerobes and anaerobes. These clinical samples also underwent next generation sequencing using the Miseq Illumina platform to give a more global representation of the microbes present at each of these sites in the oral cavity of these denture wearers. This data was then used to compare the composition and diversity of denture, mucosal and dental plaque between one another, as well as between healthy and diseased individuals. Additional comparisons included denture type and the presence or absence of natural teeth. Furthermore, microbiome data was used to assess differences between patients with varying levels of oral hygiene. The host response to the denture microbiome was investigated by screening the patients saliva for the presence and quantification of a range of antimicrobial peptides that are associated with the oral cavity. Based on the microbiome data an in vitro biofilm model was developed that reflected the composition of denture plaque. These biofilms were then used to assess quantitative and compositional changes over time and in response to denture cleansing treatments. Finally, the systemic implications of denture plaque were assessed by screening denture plaque samples for the presence of nine well known respiratory pathogens using quantitative PCR. The results from this study have shown that the bacterial microbiome composition of denture wearers is not consistent throughout the mouth and varies depending on sample site. Moreover, the presence of natural dentition has a significant impact on the microbiome composition. As for healthy and diseased patients the data suggests that compositional changes responsible for disease progression are occurring at the mucosa, and that dentures may in fact be a reservoir for these microbes. In terms of denture hygiene practices, sleeping with a denture in situ was found to be a common occurrence. Furthermore, significant shifts in denture microbiome composition were found in these individuals when compared to the denture microbiome of those that removed their denture at night. As for the host response, some antimicrobial peptides were found to be significantly reduced in the absence of natural dentition, indicating that the oral immune response is gradually impaired with the loss of teeth. This study also identified potentially serious systemic implications in terms of respiratory infection, as 64.6% of patients carried respiratory pathogens on their denture. In conclusion, this is the first study to provide a detailed understanding of the oral microbiome of denture wearers, and has provided evidence that DS development is more complex than simply a candidal infection. Both fungal and bacterial kingdoms clearly play a role in defining the progression of DS. The biofilm model created in this study demonstrated its potential as a platform to test novel actives. Future use of this model will aid in greater understanding of host: biofilm interactions. Such findings are applicable to oral health and beyond, and may help to identify novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of DS and other biofilm associated diseases.


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La buona riuscita delle analisi archeozoologiche e antropologiche è molto condizionata dallo stato di conservazione in cui si trova il reperto da analizzare. Soprattutto nei siti paleolitici, l’alto tasso di frammentazione dei resti può ostacolare l’ottenimento delle informazioni, compromettendo la comprensione del contesto preso in esame. Il presente studio ha avuto come scopo quello di sperimentare e proporre un protocollo metodologico che supportasse l’approccio morfologico tradizionale combinandolo con quello proteomico. Diverse sono le problematiche affrontate: la penuria di informazioni tassonomiche ricavabili da contesti paleolitici con ossa particolarmente frammentate, l’impossibilità di ottenere dati sulla stima del sesso in individui non adulti e la limitata attendibilità nell’ottenimento della determinazione del sesso negli individui privi dei distretti scheletrici sessualmente dimorfici. Nel primo caso, lo studio morfologico di resti provenienti da contesti di transizione tra Paleolitico medio e superiore è stato combinato alla ZooMS (Zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry) una tecnica di peptide mass fingerprinting che permette di identificare la specie di un frammento osseo tramite l’analisi della proteina più abbondante all’interno delle ossa, il collagene I. L’analisi dell’amelogenina, una proteina contenuta all’interno dello smalto dentale, è stata proposta come metodo alternativo per la stima del sesso, applicata a diversi casi studio per avvalorare la sua affidabilità. Il metodo qui proposto ha permesso di rendere informativi dei frammenti ossei e dentari indeterminati che normalmente non avrebbero contribuito, se non marginalmente, alle analisi archeozoologiche e antropologiche.


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This project aims at deepening the understanding of the molecular basis of the phenotypic heterogeneity of prion diseases. Prion diseases represent the first and clearest example of “protein misfolding diseases”, that are all the neurodegenerative diseases caused by the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the central nervous system. In the field of protein misfolding diseases, the term “strain” describes the heterogeneity observed among the same disease in the clinical and pathologic progression, biochemical features of the aggregated protein, conformational memory and pattern of lesions. In this work, the two most common strains of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), named MM1 and VV2, were analyzed. This thesis investigates the strain paradigm with the production of new multi omic data, and, on such data, appropriate computational analysis combining bioinformatics, data science and statistical approaches was performed. In this work, genomic and transcriptomic profiling allowed an improved characterization of the molecular features of the two most common strains of CJD, identifying multiple possible genetic contributors to the disease and finding several shared impaired pathways between the VV2 strain and Parkinson Disease. On the epigenomic level, the tridimensional chromatin folding in peripheral immune cells of CJD patients at onset and of healthy controls was investigated with Hi-C. While being the first application of this very advanced technology in prion diseases and one of the first in general in neurobiology, this work found a significant and diffuse loss of genomic interactions in immune cells of CJD patients at disease onset, particularly in the PRNP locus, suggesting a possible impairment of chromatin conformation in the disease. The results of this project represent a novelty in the state of the art in this field, both from a biomedical and technological point of view.


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INTRODUCTION: Open access publishing is becoming increasingly popular within the biomedical sciences. SciELO, the Scientific Electronic Library Online, is a digital library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals many of which provide open access to full-text articles.This library includes a number of dental journals some of which may include reports of clinical trials in English, Portuguese and/or Spanish. Thus, SciELO could play an important role as a source of evidence for dental healthcare interventions especially if it yields a sizeable number of high quality reports. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify reports of clinical trials by handsearching of dental journals that are accessible through SciELO, and to assess the overall quality of these reports. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Electronic versions of six Brazilian dental Journals indexed in SciELO were handsearched at www.scielo.br in September 2008. Reports of clinical trials were identified and classified as controlled clinical trials (CCTs - prospective, experimental studies comparing 2 or more healthcare interventions in human beings) or randomized controlled trials (RCTs - a random allocation method is clearly reported), according to Cochrane eligibility criteria. CRITERIA TO ASSESS METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY INCLUDED: method of randomization, concealment of treatment allocation, blinded outcome assessment, handling of withdrawals and losses and whether an intention-to-treat analysis had been carried out. RESULTS: The search retrieved 33 CCTs and 43 RCTs. A majority of the reports provided no description of either the method of randomization (75.3%) or concealment of the allocation sequence (84.2%). Participants and outcome assessors were reported as blinded in only 31.2% of the reports. Withdrawals and losses were only clearly described in 6.5% of the reports and none mentioned an intention-to-treat analysis or any similar procedure. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that a substantial number of reports of trials and systematic reviews are available in the dental journals listed in SciELO, and that these could provide valuable evidence for clinical decision making. However, it is clear that the quality of a number of these reports is of some concern and that improvement in the conduct and reporting of these trials could be achieved if authors adhered to internationally accepted guidelines, e.g. the CONSORT statement.


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This study quantified the release of monomers from polymerized specimens of four commercially available resin composites and one glass ionomer cement immersed in water:ethanol solutions. Individual standard curves were prepared from five monomers: (1) triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), (2) 2-hydroxy-ethyl methacrylate (HEMA), (3) urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA), (4) bisphenol A glycidyl dimethacrylate (BISGMA), and (5) bisphenol A. The concentration of the monomers was determined at Days 1, 7, 30, and 90 with the use of electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry. Data were expressed in mean mumol per mm(2) surface area of specimen and analyzed with Scheffe's test (P < 0.05). The following monomers were found in water: monomers (1) and (2) from Delton sealant, monomer (5) from ScotchBond Multipurpose Adhesive and Delton sealant, monomer (3) from Definite and monomer (4) from Fuji II LC, ScotchBond Multipurpose Adhesive, Synergy and Definite. All these monomers increased in concentration over time, with the exception of monomer (1) from Delton sealant. Monomers (3) and (5) were found in extracts of materials despite their absence from the manufacturer's published composition. All monomers were released in significantly higher concentrations in water:ethanol solutions than in water. The greatest release of monomers occurred in the first day. The effect of the measured concentrations of monomers (1-5) on human genes, cells, or tissues needs to be considered with the use of a biological model. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Provision of an inert gas atmosphere with high-purity argon gas is recommended for preventing titanium castings from contamination although the effects of the level of argon purity on the mechanical properties and the clinical performance of Ti castings have not yet been investigated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of argon purity on the mechanical properties and microstructure of commercially pure (cp) Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloys. The castings were made using either high-purity and/or industrial argon gas. The ultimate tensile strength (UTS), proportional limit (PL), elongation (EL) and microhardness (VHN) at different depths were evaluated. The microstructure of the alloys was also revealed and the fracture mode was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The data from the mechanical tests and hardness were subjected to a two-and three-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). The mean values of mechanical properties were not affected by the argon gas purity. Higher UTS, PL and VHN, and lower EL were observed for Ti-6Al-4V. The microhardness was not influenced by the argon gas purity. The industrial argon gas can be used to cast cp Ti and Ti-6Al-4V.


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The objective was to compare fracture toughness (K(Ic)), stress corrosion susceptibility coefficient (n), and stress intensity factor threshold for crack propagation (K(I0)) of two porcelains [VM7/Vita (V) and d.Sign/Ivoclar (D)], two glass-ceramics [Empress/Ivolcar (E1) and Empress2/Ivlocar (E2)] and a glass-infiltrated alumina composite [In-Ceram Alumina/Vita (IC)]. Disks were constructed according to each manufacturer`s processing method, and polished before induction of cracks by a Vickers indenter. Crack lengths were measured under optical microscopy at times between 0.1 and 100 h. Specimens were stored in artificial saliva at 37A degrees C during the whole experiment. K(Ic) and n were determined using indentation fracture method. K(I0) was determined by plotting log crack velocity versus log K(I). Microstructure characterization was carried out under SEM, EDS, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. IC and E2 presented higher K(Ic) and K(I0) compared to E1, V, and D. IC presented the highest n value, followed by E2, D, E1, and V in a decreasing order. V and D presented similar K(Ic), but porcelain V showed higher K(I0) and lower n compared to D. Microstructure features (volume fraction, size, aspect ratio of crystalline phases and chemical composition of glassy matrix) determined K(Ic). The increase of K(Ic) value favored the increases of n and K(I0).