986 resultados para Benign liver tumor


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The decrease in the number of cadaveric donors has proved a limiting factor in the number of liver transplants, leading to the death of many patients on the waiting list. The living donor liver transplantation is an option that allows, in selected cases, increase the number of donors. One of the most serious complications in liver transplantation is hepatic artery thrombosis, in the past considered potentially fatal without urgent re-transplantation. A white male patient, 48 years old, diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic liver failure caused by hepatitis B virus, underwent living donor liver transplantation (right lobe). Doppler echocardiography performed in the immediate postoperative period did not identify arterial flow in the right branch, having been confirmed thrombosis of the right hepatic artery in CT angiography. Urgent re-laparotomy was performed, which consisted of thrombectomy and re-anastomosis of the hepatic artery with segmental splenic artery allograft interposition. The patient started anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid. Serial evaluation with Doppler echocardiography showed hepatic artery patency. At present, the patient is asymptomatic. One of the most devastating complications in liver transplantation, and particularly in living liver donor, is thrombosis of the hepatic artery; thus, early diagnosis and treatment is vital. The rapid intervention for revascularization of the graft avoids irreversible ischemia of the bile ducts and hepatic parenchyma, thus avoiding the need for re-transplantation.


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In this study the authors evaluated the efficacy of prophylaxis with liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) in the incidence of fungal infections (FI) during the first 3 months after liver transplant (LT). The study was retrospective and accessed a 4-year period from 2008 to 2011. All patients who died in the first 48 hours after LT were excluded. Patients were divided by the risk groups for FI: Group 1, high-risk (at least 1 of the following conditions: urgent LT; serum creatinine >2 mg/dL; early acute kidney injury [AKI] after LT; retransplantation; surgical exploration early post-LT; transfused cellular blood components [>40 U]); and Group 2, low-risk patients. Group 1 patients were further separated into those who received antifungal prophylaxis with L-AmB and those who did not. Prophylaxis with L-AmB consisted of intravenous administration of L-AmB, 100 mg daily for 14 days. Four hundred ninety-two patients underwent LT; 31 died in the first 48 hours after LT. From the remaining 461 patients, 104 presented with high-risk factors for FI (Group 1); of these, 66 patients received antifungal prophylaxis and 38 did not. In this group 8 FI were observed, 5 in patients without antifungal prophylaxis (P = .011). Three more FI were identified in Group 2. By logistic regression analysis, the categorical variable high-risk group was independently related to the occurrence of invasive FI (P = .006). We conclude that prophylaxis with L-AmB after LT was effective in reducing the incidence of FI. No influence on mortality was detected.


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Fungal invasive infections are rare in general population but are an emergent cause of infection in the immunocompromized population, especially in the solid organ transplant recipients. Herein the authors report a clinical case of a liver transplanted patient suffering a cutaneous co-existent infection with A. alternata as well as A. infectoria. To our knowledge this is the first case of cutaneous concomitant infection due to those two species reported not only in Portugal but also worldwide. The patient was treated with surgical excision of the lesions and oral itraconazol without relapse.


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In a liver transplant (LT) center, treatments with Prometheus were evaluated. The main outcome considered was 1 and 6 months survival. Methods. During the study period, 74 patients underwent treatment with Prometheus; 64 were enrolled,with a mean age of 51 13 years; 47men underwent 212 treatments (mean, 3.02 per patient). The parameters evaluated were age, sex, laboratorial (liver enzymes, ammonia) and clinical (model for end-stage liver disease and Child-Turcotte-Pugh score) data. Results. Death was verified in 23 patients (35.9%) during the hospitalization period, 20 patients (31.3%) were submitted to liver transplantation, and 21 were discharged. LT was performed in 4 patients with acute liver failure (ALF, 23.7%), in 7 patients with acute on chronic liver failure (AoCLF, 43.7%), and in 6 patients with liver disease after LT (30%). Seven patients who underwent LT died (35%). In the multivariate analysis, older age (P ¼ .015), higher international normalized ratio (INR) (P ¼ .019), and acute liver failure (P ¼ .039) were independently associated with an adverse 1-month clinical outcome. On the other hand, older age (P ¼ .011) and acute kidney injury (P ¼ .031) at presentation were both related to worse 6-month outcome. For patients with ALF and AoCLF we did not observe the same differences. Conclusions. In this cohort, older age was the most important parameter defining 1- and 6-month survival, although higher INR and presence of ALF were important for 1-month survival and AKI for 6-month survival. No difference was observed between patients who underwent LT or did not have LT.


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Objective. To access the incidence of infectious problems after liver transplantation (LT). Design. A retrospective, single-center study. Materials and Methods. Patients undergoing LT from January 2008 to December 2011 were considered. Exclusion criterion was death occurring in the first 48 hours after LT. We determined the site of infection and the bacterial isolates and collected and compared recipient’s variables, graft variables, surgical data, post-LT clinical data. Results. Of the 492 patients who underwent LT and the 463 considered for this study, 190 (Group 1, 41%) developed at least 1 infection, with 298 infections detected. Of these, 189 microorganisms were isolated, 81 (51%) gram-positive bacteria (most frequently Staphylococcus spp). Biliary infections were more frequent (mean time of 160.4 167.7 days after LT); from 3 months after LT, gram-negative bacteria were observed (57%). Patients with infections after LT presented lower aminotransferase levels, but higher requirements in blood transfusions, intraoperative vasopressors, hemodialysis, and hospital stay. Operative and cold ischemia times were similar. Conclusion. We found a 41% incidence of all infections in a 2-year follow-up after LT. Gram-positive bacteria were more frequent isolated; however, negative bacteria were commonly isolated later. Clinical data after LT were more relevant for the development of infections. Donors’ variables should be considered in future analyses.


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A doença de Bowen é um carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) in situ que pode evoluir para carcinoma espinocelular invasivo. Mulher, 61 anos, referia placa rosada, anular, bem delimitada, não descamativa, na região pré-auricular direita com 2 anos de evolução. Desde 2 meses antes da consulta, surgiu no seu centro um nódulo translúcido, com telangiectasias. A biopsia excisional do nódulo mostrou carcinoma espinocelular com doença de Bowen na periferia. A placa remanescente foi tratada com laser de CO2 seguida de terapêutica fotodinâmica com desaparecimento completo da lesão. Salienta-se este caso pela curiosidade da sua apresentação clínica e pelos bons resultados terapêutico e estético.


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate if the shading sign is an exclusive MRI feature of endometriomas or endometrioid tumors, and to analyze its different patterns. METHODS: Three hundred and fourty six women with adnexal masses who underwent 1.5/3-T MRI were included in this retrospective, board-approved study. The shading sign was found in 56 patients, but five cases were excluded due to lack of imaging follow-up or histological correlation. The final sample included 51 women. The type of tumor and the pattern of shading were recorded for each case. RESULTS: Thirty endometriomas and five endometrioid carcinomas were found. The remaining 16 cases corresponded to other benign and malignant tumors. The overall sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 73%, 93%, 59%, and 96%, respectively. Restricting the analysis to cystic lesions without solid or fat component, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 73%, 96%, 94%, and 80%. Five shading patterns were identified: layering (15.7%), liquid-liquid level (11.8%), homogenous (45.1%), heterogeneous (11.8%), and focal/multifocal shading within a complex mass (19.6%). No significant correlation was found between these patterns and the type of tumor. CONCLUSIONS: The shading sign is not exclusive of endometriomas or endometrioid tumors. Homogenous shading was the most prevalent pattern in endometriomas and half of the cases with focal/multifocal shading within a complex mass were endometrioid carcinomas.


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22 patients with a history of syphilitic contact, skin lesions and positive serology were evaluated by physical examination, tiver function tests and líver biopsy for evidence of hepatic lesions secondary to treponema infection. Only minimal evidences of hepatic damage were revealed by clinical examination and liver function tests. On biopsy 21 cases of NSRH were noted with one case of gramioma formation. No spirochaetes were found, so these findings could not be attributed to a direct action of the treponema.


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Eight patients with leptospirosis were studied with colloidal gold 1 9 8 Au. The radiocolloidal hepatic distribution was altered, presenting a non-homogeneous tiver concentration in seven cases, and a minute to moderate splenic visualization in five. Two patients presented doubtful splenic image, and one seemed to be normal. Liver scanning with colloidal gold 1 9 8 Au is demonstra ted to be a good liver function test.


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Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia is a rare vascular proliferation characterized by single or multiple purplish, brownish papules and subcutaneous nodules, sometimes associated with pain or pruritus. This rare benign process occurs with a female predominance. Approximately 85% of the lesions occur in the skin of the head and neck; most of them are around the ear or on the forehead or scalp. Whether angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia represents a benign neoplasm or an unusual reaction to varied stimuli, including trauma, the etiology remains unclear. Histopathologically, the lesions consist of a proliferation of blood vessels of variable size lined by large epithelioid endothelial cells and a variable inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and eosinophils, sometimes with lymphoid follicle formation. The lesion is benign but may be persistent and is difficult to eradicate. We report on a case of a 58-year-old Caucasian man who presented a purplish pink dome-shaped tumor of size up to 8 cm in diameter located on the chest. We emphasize this case considering the unusual dimensions of the lesion (8 cm diameter) and the atypical location on the chest.


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The diagnosis of parathyroid carcinomas is often difficult. HRPT2 mutations have been identified in familial [hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor (HPT-JT) syndrome] and sporadic parathyroid carcinomas, supporting that HRPT2 mutations may confer a malignant potential to parathyroid tumors. In this study, we report the clinical, histopathological, and genetic investigation of two unrelated cases, whom had apparently sporadic malignant parathyroid tumors, initially diagnosed as adenomas. In one case, the differential diagnosis was complicated by cervical seeding of parathyroid tumor cells. Genetic studies identified de novo HRPT2 germline mutations in cases 1 (c.518_521delTGTC [p.Ser174LysfsX27]) and 2 (c.226 C > T [p.Arg76X]), unveiling the hereditary HPT-JT syndrome in both patients. Furthermore, the identification of somatic mutations in the patients‟ parathyroid tumors provided evidence for complete inactivation of the HRPT2 gene, which was consistent with the tumor malignant features. The sensitivity of parafibromin immunostaining to detect HRPT2 mutations was limited. The present data suggests that patients with apparently sporadic parathyroid carcinomas, or parathyroid tumors with atypical histological features, should undergo molecular genetic testing, as it may detect germline HRPT2 mutations. Establishing the diagnosis of hereditary HPT-JT syndrome is relevant for clinical counseling and management of the carriers and their relatives.


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Mice infected with 60 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni were more resistant to the sarcoma 180 ascites tumor. Tumor inoculation was performed 50 days after schistosoma infection and the animals were observed and weighed at 48 hours intervals for development and progression of malignancy. In infected mice the weight gain (ascites formation) started later and was shorter than in uninfected Controls. Also, the number of tumor cells into the peritoneal cavity 72h after tumor implantation was shorter in infected group than incontrols. This in creased resistance against a transplantable tumor probably is related to the effect of endotoxin on tumoricidal activity of macrophages activated by the infection. The immunodepression induced by Schistosoma mansoni infection enhances the proliferation of endogenous bacteria increasing the amount of endotoxin absorbed from the gut.


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Body, liver and spleen weights; histopathology of the liver, spleen and intestines; hepatic and serum soluble proteins changes were the parameters studied in undernourished Swiss albino mice experimentally infected with S. mansoni. Non-infected deficient animab had lower liver/body weight and spleen/body weight ratios as compared to the controls (22.60% casein group). Infected mice showed higher values regardless the type of diet. Undernourished infected subgroup showed a persistent exudative periovular reaction in the liver. Soluble hepatic proteins content and serum protein fractions appeared to be lower in the deficient infected mice. A significant difference was detected in the gammaglobulin fraction between infected and non-infected animals fed the control diet with higher values for the former. Our data suggest that the effects of malnutrition, per se, are sometimes more detrimental to the host than those due to Manson 's schistosomiasis.