996 resultados para Barton, Horace


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El tema de la inmortalidad en el aquende que el poeta obtiene con su poesía y la que confiere a los que canta, rehúye el ámbito estrecho de la musa pedestris y reclama un ritmo y una métrica distinta de la yámbica de los Epodos o del hexámetro coloquial y entrecortado de las Sátiras. Horacio encuentra en la métrica eolia, alcaica y sáfica, la conexión apropiada entre tópico y tipo de metro adecuada a sus Odas.


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Dentro del género lírico, Horacio trata de diferenciar de su propia lírica amatoria la especie erótica elegíaca de un Tibulo o un Propercio; lo hace con dos recursos de raigambre calimaquea empleados con profusión por otros poetas augusteos: la recusatio y la excusatio presentes en Odas I, 33; II, 9 y I, 38


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Este trabajo analiza el fenómeno intertextual de la ?cita? en Petronio, Sat. 118, donde el poeta de la obra, Eumolpo, expone su particular ?ars poetica?. En este discurso, Eumolpo cita los nombres de Homero, Virgilio y Horacio, al tiempo que cita el primer verso de la Oda 3.1 del Venusino, lo que evidencia que el poetastro tiene muy en cuenta la figura horaciana. El análisis de las citas en este pasaje se relaciona con que Petronio es un autor que alude constantemente, pero que cita muy rara vez, por lo que, cuando lo hace, se debe prestar mucha atención


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Examinamos la configuración de Mercurio en la poesía horaciana. Si bien es heredada en parte de la tradición homérica e hímnica griega, su presencia en el poeta de Venusa excede el arquetipo helénico, que es recepcionado depurándose de ciertos rasgos, atenuados y nobilizados ya desde las Sátiras, para culminar en las Odas, o bien adquiriendo algunos rasgos nuevos motivados por sus experiencias individuales, u otros de insospechada dimensión política en vinculación con Augusto (Oda I, 2)


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Este artículo busca indagar en los aspectos metaliterarios de la Oda II, 12 una clave de lectura de la propuesta poética horaciana. Observamos que el autor utiliza un artificio literario de raigambre helenística, ampliamente desarrollado en la literatura del período augusteo y romanizado, según D'Anna (1979), a partir de Virgilio en la Egloga VI: la recusatio-excusatio. Este recurso funciona en Horacio para distanciarse no sólo del genus grande sino también del género elegíaco y para proponer su propio genus tenue, cuyos rasgos característicos se concentran en la expresión dulcis cantus


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En este trabajo mostramos que, si hubo un culto solar en las Etiópicas de Heliodoro, no es el de Émesa del siglo III d.C. de los Severos, sino el de la antigua Heliópolis egipcia, que provee la base de la astronomía antigua. El gran sacerdote del templo del Sol (Ra) de Heliópolis se llamaba, en hebreo, "Putifar"; en griego, "Heliodoros": extraordinaria coincidencia, ya que el motivo de la mujer de Putifar de Génesis 39.7-20 ocupa un lugar destacado en la trama de la novela, pero ésta atiende estrictamente a sus modelos griegos clásicos. Proponemos, además, que la composición de la obra coincide con o surge del Carmen Sæculare de Horacio.


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Microscopic and electron probe examination of some manganese nodules show that they consist of segregations of manganese-iron oxides in an interstitial material almost free of manganese but rich in iron and silicates. The segregations are widely spaced in the volcanic cores of the nodules but become more abundant towards their outer crusts where they form the centres of linked polygons of interstitial materials. Most of the minor elements are concentrated in the segregations compared to the interstitial materials. It is suggested that the structures observed result partly from solution and reprecipitation of elements in the original volcanic cores of the nodules and partly from the replacement and coating of these cores by manganese-iron oxides precipitated from sea water.


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During the cruise of the" Mabahiss" from Zanzibar to Colombo at Station 133 (1° 25' 54" S. to 1° 19' 42" S. and 66° 34' 12" E. to 66° 35' 18" E.) several small rock fragments were brought up in the Monegasque net; and, since at this position there is no possibility of the material being transferred by floating Ice, these specimens are of some interest as samples of oceanic rock foundations. All the rocks have a black appearance, but in the majority this skin is of negligible thickness. Exceptionally, however, it may attain to 1/3 in. (St. 133, 8), and then the specimens are rounded. The coating is made of dark opaque manganese material. At Station 166 one or two similar specimens of angular basalt were found in the trawl consisting mainly of manganese nodules.


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This paper presents data on the chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules and associated sediments collected during the 35th voyage of the R/V "Vityaz" in 1962. The samples were made available to the author by Prof, P. L. Bezrukov. Data on the general distribution of manganese nodules at the bottom of the Indian Ocean were already given by P. L. Bezrukov (1962, 1963). Here the author analyzed the geochemistry of nodules samples from seven stations and four samples from the associated sediments. The analysis separates the outer layer of nodules from their apparent internal core.


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Seven manganese nodules, eight ferromanganiferous shales from the Cretaceous Wai Bua Formation of Timor, and a pelagic limestone with four ferromanganese enriched layers from the Middle Eocene of Timor have been analysed. The nodules are compared with modern deep-sea nodules, and the ferromanganiferous shales are contrasted with relatively shallow marine manganiferous shales. The conclusion is reached that these rocks from Timor were probably deposited in a bathypelagic environment. There is a total absence of any indication that volcanic material has contributed to these deposits. The chemical composition of the ferromanganiferous rocks are discussed and some indications of biogenic influences are noted. The Middle Eocene pelagic limestone is compared with a similar modern sediment described from the Easter Island Rise in the Pacific.


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Three manganese nodules from the Pacific Ocean have been analysed for 35 elements by using mainly spectrophotometric and spectrographic methods. Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, and Pb were found in amounts approaching 1 %, which far exceeds their average concentrations in igneous rocks. On the other hand, elements having readily hydrolysable ions, such as Ga, Sc, Zr, Y, La and Ti, are present only in amounts comparable with their concentrations in igneous rocks. Sb, Bit Be, and Cr were not detected. The hydrochloric acid-insoluble fraction of nodules is practically free of the heavy metals that are characteristic of the acid-soluble fraction; it consists principally of clay minerals, together with lesser amounts of quartz, apatite, biotite and sodium and potassium felspars.


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Concretions of manganese have been discovered by the geological expedition to the islands of the Timor group in 1910-1912 in triassic and jurassic deep-sea deposits, on the Island of Timor, and also well developed in similar jurassic deposits on the island of Rotti, and previously, in 1894, the author noticed them in abysmal deposits of the pre-cretaceous probably jurassic Danau formation, occurring in West and East Borneo. On the island of Rotti nodules of manganese were found in several localities in siliceous limestones, marls, siliceous and calcareous clayshales along with concretions and nodules of chert of jurassic age, full of tests of radiolaria.


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Sediments associated with freshwater ferromanganese concretions in Lake Charlotte, Nova Scotia, contained microscopic precipitates of manganese and iron. These precipitates were dispersed throughout the sediment and were as rich in nickel, cobalt, and copper as deep sea concretions. In addition, the development of the precipitates appeared to be associated with the microbial oxidation of manganese. Results from the deployment of poisoned and unpoisoned dialysis probes or peepers demonstrated that microbial manganese oxidation and nickel binding were closely associated, causing a fivefold enhancement of abiotic processes such as adsorption.


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Legacy product - no abstract available