943 resultados para Balneario de Caldas de Reyes (Pontevedra)
15 fotografías, diez a color.
35 fotografías a color.
18 fotografías a color.
9 fotografías a color.
31 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
30 hojas : ilustraciones
28 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
17 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color.
The advent of virtualization and cloud computing technologies necessitates the development of effective mechanisms for the estimation and reservation of resources needed by content providers to deliver large numbers of video-on-demand (VOD) streams through the cloud. Unfortunately, capacity planning for the QoS-constrained delivery of a large number of VOD streams is inherently difficult as VBR encoding schemes exhibit significant bandwidth variability. In this paper, we present a novel resource management scheme to make such allocation decisions using a mixture of per-stream reservations and an aggregate reservation, shared across all streams to accommodate peak demands. The shared reservation provides capacity slack that enables statistical multiplexing of peak rates, while assuring analytically bounded frame-drop probabilities, which can be adjusted by trading off buffer space (and consequently delay) and bandwidth. Our two-tiered bandwidth allocation scheme enables the delivery of any set of streams with less bandwidth (or equivalently with higher link utilization) than state-of-the-art deterministic smoothing approaches. The algorithm underlying our proposed frame-work uses three per-stream parameters and is linear in the number of servers, making it particularly well suited for use in an on-line setting. We present results from extensive trace-driven simulations, which confirm the efficiency of our scheme especially for small buffer sizes and delay bounds, and which underscore the significant realizable bandwidth savings, typically yielding losses that are an order of magnitude or more below our analytically derived bounds.
We introduce Collocation Games as the basis of a general framework for modeling, analyzing, and facilitating the interactions between the various stakeholders in distributed systems in general, and in cloud computing environments in particular. Cloud computing enables fixed-capacity (processing, communication, and storage) resources to be offered by infrastructure providers as commodities for sale at a fixed cost in an open marketplace to independent, rational parties (players) interested in setting up their own applications over the Internet. Virtualization technologies enable the partitioning of such fixed-capacity resources so as to allow each player to dynamically acquire appropriate fractions of the resources for unencumbered use. In such a paradigm, the resource management problem reduces to that of partitioning the entire set of applications (players) into subsets, each of which is assigned to fixed-capacity cloud resources. If the infrastructure and the various applications are under a single administrative domain, this partitioning reduces to an optimization problem whose objective is to minimize the overall deployment cost. In a marketplace, in which the infrastructure provider is interested in maximizing its own profit, and in which each player is interested in minimizing its own cost, it should be evident that a global optimization is precisely the wrong framework. Rather, in this paper we use a game-theoretic framework in which the assignment of players to fixed-capacity resources is the outcome of a strategic "Collocation Game". Although we show that determining the existence of an equilibrium for collocation games in general is NP-hard, we present a number of simplified, practically-motivated variants of the collocation game for which we establish convergence to a Nash Equilibrium, and for which we derive convergence and price of anarchy bounds. In addition to these analytical results, we present an experimental evaluation of implementations of some of these variants for cloud infrastructures consisting of a collection of multidimensional resources of homogeneous or heterogeneous capacities. Experimental results using trace-driven simulations and synthetically generated datasets corroborate our analytical results and also illustrate how collocation games offer a feasible distributed resource management alternative for autonomic/self-organizing systems, in which the adoption of a global optimization approach (centralized or distributed) would be neither practical nor justifiable.
We propose Trade & Cap (T&C), an economics-inspired mechanism that incentivizes users to voluntarily coordinate their consumption of the bandwidth of a shared resource (e.g., a DSLAM link) so as to converge on what they perceive to be an equitable allocation, while ensuring efficient resource utilization. Under T&C, rather than acting as an arbiter, an Internet Service Provider (ISP) acts as an enforcer of what the community of rational users sharing the resource decides is a fair allocation of that resource. Our T&C mechanism proceeds in two phases. In the first, software agents acting on behalf of users engage in a strategic trading game in which each user agent selfishly chooses bandwidth slots to reserve in support of primary, interactive network usage activities. In the second phase, each user is allowed to acquire additional bandwidth slots in support of presumed open-ended need for fluid bandwidth, catering to secondary applications. The acquisition of this fluid bandwidth is subject to the remaining "buying power" of each user and by prevalent "market prices" – both of which are determined by the results of the trading phase and a desirable aggregate cap on link utilization. We present analytical results that establish the underpinnings of our T&C mechanism, including game-theoretic results pertaining to the trading phase, and pricing of fluid bandwidth allocation pertaining to the capping phase. Using real network traces, we present extensive experimental results that demonstrate the benefits of our scheme, which we also show to be practical by highlighting the salient features of an efficient implementation architecture.
E-cadherin is involved in the formation of cell-junctions and the maintenance of epithelial integrity. Direct evidence of E-cadherin mutations triggering tumorigenesis has come from the finding of inactivating germline mutations of the gene (CDH1) in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC). We screened a series of 66 young gastric cancer probands for germline CDH1 mutations, and two novel missense alterations together with an intronic variant were identified. We then analysed the functional significance of the exonic missense variants found here as well as a third germline missense variant that we previously identified in a HGDC family. cDNAs encoding either the wild-type protein or mutant forms of E-cadherin were stably transfected into CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) E-cadherin-negative cells. Transfected cell-lines were characterized in terms of aggregation, motility and invasion. We show that a proportion of apparently sporadic early-onset diffuse gastric carcinomas are associated with germline alterations of the E-cadherin gene. We also demonstrate that a proportion of missense variants are associated with significant functional consequences, suggesting that our cell model can be used as an adjunct in deciding on the potential pathogenic role of identified E-cadherin germline alterations.
En este artículo, se presentan las ideas del profesor Alan Bishop sobre la Etnomatemática, sus objetivos, su metodología, la relación entre Etnomatemática y Educación Matemática y la enseñanza de las matemáticas en aulas multiculturales. Esta entrevista fue realizada el miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2006 en el Seminario de formación avanzada: tres fases básicas en un estudio de investigación doctoral en educación. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Bogotá, Colombia.
Este estudio se centra en el diseño e implementación de tareas que permitan a los futuros profesores identificar el talento matemático de los alumnos, al mismo tiempo que potencian en ellos su desarrollo. El trabajo fue realizado con estudiantes de entre 7 y 11 años, que participaron en cursos extraordinarios de matemática. La tarea se basó en la teoría de situaciones de Brosseau, con algunos conceptos de combinatoria y con movimientos en el espacio. En su desarrollo se utilizó material concreto como medio facilitador hacia la abstracción. Los futuros profesores debían observar la actividad de los alumnos y registrar todos los acontencimientos que, bajo su perspectiva, intervenían el la resolución de la tarea. En los resultados mostramos la potencialidad del trabajo desarrollado, cuáles fueron las características más destacadas que se potenciaron en los alumnos y cuáles fueron las identificadas por los futuros profesores.
Se presenta una experiencia desde la práctica intensiva que se llevó a cabo en el colegio Francisco José de Caldas en los grados segundo y tercero de primaria, en la cual se retoma en conjunto los diferentes énfasis y teorías abordadas en el proceso de formación docente, como son: planeación de actividades, recursos didácticos, gestión docente y evaluación, basados en referentes teóricos como el Grupo DECA, la Teoría de las situaciones didácticas de Brousseau y el trabajo colaborativo. Se reconoce cómo el aporte de cada uno de éstos, proporciona avances y logros en diferentes ámbitos; además, se da a conocer el modelo propio de actividad matemática implementado en el aula por las practicantes, para ello se presenta la organización de los momentos de la clase y los aportes del mismo.