994 resultados para BP-102
v.1. Macaulay, on the life and writings of Addison. [Prefaces, etc., to earlier editions] Translations. Poems on several occasions. The campaign. Miscellaneous poems. Dramas: Rosamund; The drummer; Cato. Poemata.--v.2. Dialogues on medals. Travels. Essay on Virgil's Georgics. Discourse on ancient and modern learning. Of the Christian religion. Letters. Political writings.--v.3. The Freeholder. Swift's notes on the Free-holder. The Plebian, by Sir Richard Steele, with The Old whig, by Mr. Addison. The Lover.--v.4. The Tatler. The Guardian.--v.5-6. The Spectator.
La edición núm. 102 de Notas de Población llega a los lectores con un diverso catálogo de temas de suma importancia en el campo de los estudios demográficos y de la población de América Latina y el Caribe. Estos temas, que se analizan a lo largo de los 12 artículos que conforman este volumen, abarcan resumidamente los censos y las proyecciones de población, el análisis de la fecundidad en relación con las características de las uniones, el derecho a la salud de las personas de edad, el envejecimiento demográfico en el Brasil, las formas de convivencia de los latinoamericanos en España, la migración uruguaya de retorno desde aquel país europeo, el proceso de urbanización en el Brasil, la segregación espacial en ciudades mineras de Chile, la movilidad laboral femenina en México, el impacto de la explotación minero-energética en Colombia, los rostros diversificados del envejecimiento en el Brasil y las interrelaciones entre escolaridad, estrato social y formación de la unión en México.
We have made AMS measurements on a series of 10-ring samples from a subfossil Huon pine log found in western Tasmania (42degreesS, 145degreesE). The results show a pronounced rise in Delta(14)C over the first 200 years, and a decrease over the following 160 years. Tree-ring width measurements indicate that this log (catalogue SRT-447) can be cross-dated with another subfossil log (SRT-416) for which a series of high-precision radiometric C-14 measurements have previously been made. When the two tree-ring series are thus aligned, SRT-447 is the older of the two logs, and there is a 139-year overlap. We then have a Huon pine floating chronology spanning 680 years, with C-14 measurements attached. The C-14 data sets agree well within the period of overlap indicated by the tree-rings. The C-14 variations from Huon pine show excellent agreement with those from German oak and pine for the period 10,350-9670 cal BP. Aligning the Huon pine C-14 Series with that from German oak and pine allows us to examine the inter-hemispheric offset in C-14 dates in the early Holocene. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The degree to which palaeoclimatic changes in the Southern Hemisphere co-varied with events in the high latitude Northern Hemisphere during the Last Termination is a contentious issue, with conflicting evidence for the degree of 'teleconnection' between different regions of the Southern Hemisphere. The available hypotheses are difficult to test robustly, however, because there are few detailed palaeoclimatic records in the Southern Hemisphere. Here we present climatic reconstructions from the southwestern Pacific, a key region in the Southern Hemisphere because of the potentially important role it plays in global climate change. The reconstructions for the period 20-10 kyr BP were obtained from five sites along a transect from southern New Zealand, through Australia to Indonesia, supported by 125 calibrated C-14 ages. Two periods of significant climatic change can be identified across the region at around 17 and 14.2 cal kyr BP, most probably associated with the onset of warming in the West Pacific Warm Pool and the collapse of Antarctic ice during Meltwater Pulse-1A, respectively. The severe geochronological constraints that inherently afflict age models based on radiocarbon dating and the lack of quantified climatic parameters make more detailed interpretations problematic, however. There is an urgent need to address the geochronological limitations, and to develop more precise and quantified estimates of the pronounced climate variations that clearly affected this region during the Last Termination. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Management of type 2 diabetes with metformin often does not provide adequate glycemic control, thereby necessitating add-on treatment. In a 24-week clinical trial, dapagliflozin, an investigational sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor, improved glycemic control in patients inadequately controlled with metformin. The present study is an extension that was undertaken to evaluate dapagliflozin as long-term therapy in this population.Methods: This was a long-term extension (total 102 weeks) of a 24-week phase 3, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel-group trial. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1:1:1) to blinded daily treatment (placebo, or dapagliflozin 2.5 to 5, or 10 mg) plus open-label metformin (=1,500 mg). The previously published primary endpoint was change from baseline in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) at 24 weeks. This paper reports the follow-up to week 102, with analysis of covariance model performed at 24 weeks with last observation carried forward; a repeated measures analysis was utilized to evaluate changes from baseline in HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and weight.Results: A total of 546 patients were randomized to 1 of the 4 treatments. The completion rate for the 78-week double-blind extension period was lower for the placebo group (63.5%) than for the dapagliflozin groups (68.3% to 79.8%). At week 102, mean changes from baseline HbA1c (8.06%) were +0.02% for placebo compared with -0.48% (P = 0.0008), -0.58% (P
This research explores how news media reports construct representations of a business crisis through language. In an innovative approach to dealing with the vast pool of potentially relevant texts, media texts concerning the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill are gathered from three different time points: immediately after the explosion in 2010, one year later in 2011 and again in 2012. The three sets of 'BP texts' are investigated using discourse analysis and semi-quantitative methods within a semiotic framework that gives an account of language at the semiotic levels of sign, code, mythical meaning and ideology. The research finds in the texts three discourses of representation concerning the crisis that show a movement from the ostensibly representational to the symbolic and conventional: a discourse of 'objective factuality', a discourse of 'positioning' and a discourse of 'redeployment'. This progression can be shown to have useful parallels with Peirce's sign classes of Icon, Index and Symbol, with their implied movement from a clear motivation by the Object (in this case the disaster events), to an arbitrary, socially-agreed connection. However, the naturalisation of signs, whereby ideologies are encoded in ways of speaking and writing that present them as 'taken for granted' is at its most complete when it is least discernible. The findings suggest that media coverage is likely to move on from symbolic representation to a new kind of iconicity, through a fourth discourse of 'naturalisation'. Here the representation turns back towards ostensible factuality or iconicity, to become the 'naturalised icon'. This work adds to the study of media representation a heuristic for understanding how the meaning-making of a news story progresses. It offers a detailed account of what the stages of this progression 'look like' linguistically, and suggests scope for future research into both language characteristics of phases and different news-reported phenomena.
Aims: To assess initial pharmacotherapy of Type 2 diabetes with the sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor dapagliflozin. Methods: This double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, randomly allocated people with Type 2 diabetes aged 18-77 years and inadequate glycaemic control on diet and exercise [HbA1c 53-86 mmol/mol (7.0-10.0%)] to receive placebo (n = 75) or dapagliflozin monotherapy 2.5 mg (n = 65), 5 mg (n = 64) or 10 mg (n = 70) once daily in the morning. After 24 weeks, low-dose double-blind metformin 500 mg/day was added to the placebo group regimen (placebo+low-dose metformin group). Changes in HbA1c level, fasting plasma glucose and body weight, as well as adverse events, were assessed over 102 weeks. Results: Of the 274 participants randomized, 167 completed the study (60.9%). At 102 weeks, significant differences vs placebo+low-dose metformin with dapagliflozin 5 and 10 mg were observed for HbA1c (-5.8 mmol/mol [-0.53%], P = 0.018; and -4.8 mmol/mol [-0.44%], P = 0.048), respectively); and for FPG (-0.69 mmol/L, P = 0.044; and -1.12 mmol/l, P = 0.001, respectively). For body weight, the difference between the dapagliflozin 10-mg group and the placebo+low-dose metformin group was significant (-2.60 kg; P = 0.016). Hypoglycaemic events were uncommon, with rates of 5.3% for placebo+low-dose metformin group and 0-4.6% for the dapagliflozin groups. Genital infections and urinary tract infections were more common in the dapagliflozin groups than in the placebo+low-dose metformin group. Conclusions: Dapagliflozin as monotherapy in treatment-naïve people with early Type 2 diabetes improved glycaemic control and reduced weight without increasing hypoglycaemia over 102 weeks. Dapagliflozin may provide an alternative initial pharmacotherapy in such people.
Purpose: To investigate the relationship between retinal microvascular reactivity, circulatory markers for CVD risk and systemic antioxidative defence capacity in healthy middle-aged individuals with low to moderate risk of CVD. Methods: Retinal vascular reactivity to flickering light was assessed in 102 healthy participants (46-60 years) by means of dynamic retinal vessel analysis (DVA). Other vascular assessments included carotid intima-media thickness (C-IMT) and blood pressure (BP) measurements. Total cholesterol (CHOL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides (TG) and blood glutathione levels in its reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) forms were also determined for each participant, along with Framingham risk scores (FRS). Results: Retinal arterial baseline diameter fluctuation (BDF) was independently, significantly and negatively influenced by LDL-C levels (β = -0.53, p = 0.027). Moreover, the arterial dilation slope (SlopeAD) was independently, significantly and positively associated with redox index (GSH: GSSG ratio, β = 0.28, p = 0.016), while the arterial constriction slope (SlopeAC) was significantly and negatively influenced by blood GSH levels (β = -0.20, p = 0.042), and positively associated with FRS (β = 0.25, p = 0.009). Venous BDF and dilation amplitude (DA) were also negatively influenced by plasma LDL-C levels (β = -0.83, p = 0.013; and β = -0.22, p = 0.028, respectively). Conclusions: In otherwise healthy individuals with low to moderate cardiovascular risk, retinal microvascular dilation and constriction responses to stress levels are influenced by systemic antioxidant capacity, and circulating markers for cardiovascular risk.
The Last Interglacial (LIG, 129-116 thousand of years BP, ka) represents a test bed for climate model feedbacks in warmer-than-present high latitude regions. However, mainly because aligning different palaeoclimatic archives and from different parts of the world is not trivial, a spatio-temporal picture of LIG temperature changes is difficult to obtain. Here, we have selected 47 polar ice core and sub-polar marine sediment records and developed a strategy to align them onto the recent AICC2012 ice core chronology. We provide the first compilation of high-latitude temperature changes across the LIG associated with a coherent temporal framework built between ice core and marine sediment records. Our new data synthesis highlights non-synchronous maximum temperature changes between the two hemispheres with the Southern Ocean and Antarctica records showing an early warming compared to North Atlantic records. We also observe warmer than present-day conditions that occur for a longer time period in southern high latitudes than in northern high latitudes. Finally, the amplitude of temperature changes at high northern latitudes is larger compared to high southern latitude temperature changes recorded at the onset and the demise of the LIG. We have also compiled four data-based time slices with temperature anomalies (compared to present-day conditions) at 115 ka, 120 ka, 125 ka and 130 ka and quantitatively estimated temperature uncertainties that include relative dating errors. This provides an improved benchmark for performing more robust model-data comparison. The surface temperature simulated by two General Circulation Models (CCSM3 and HadCM3) for 130 ka and 125 ka is compared to the corresponding time slice data synthesis. This comparison shows that the models predict warmer than present conditions earlier than documented in the North Atlantic, while neither model is able to produce the reconstructed early Southern Ocean and Antarctic warming. Our results highlight the importance of producing a sequence of time slices rather than one single time slice averaging the LIG climate conditions.
This dataset contains the collection of available published paired Uk'37 and Tex86 records spanning multi-millennial to multi-million year time scales, as well as a collection of Mg/Ca-derived temperatures measured in parallel on surface and subsurface dwelling foraminifera, both used in the analyses of Ho and Laepple, Nature Geoscience 2016. As the signal-to-noise ratios of proxy-derived Holocene temperatures are relatively low, we selected records that contain at least the last deglaciation (oldest sample >18kyr BP).
This study examines the forcing mechanisms driving long-term carbonate accumulation and preservation in lacustrine sediments in Lake Iznik (northwestern Turkey) since the last glacial. Currently, carbonates precipitate during summer from the alkaline water column, and the sediments preserve aragonite and calcite. Based on X-ray diffraction data, carbonate accumulation has changed significantly and striking reversals in the abundance of the two carbonate polymorphs have occurred on a decadal time scale, during the last 31 ka cal BP. Different lines of evidence, such as grain size, organic matter and redox sensitive elements, indicate that reversals in carbonate polymorph abundance arise due to physical changes in the lacustrine setting, for example, water column depth and lake mixing. The aragonite concentrations are remarkably sensitive to climate, and exhibit millennial-scale oscillations. Extending observations from modern lakes, the Iznik record shows that the aerobic decomposition of organic matter and sulphate reduction are also substantial factors in carbonate preservation over long time periods. Lower lake levels favour aragonite precipitation from supersaturated waters. Prolonged periods of stratification and consequently enhanced sulphate reduction favour aragonite preservation. In contrast, prolonged or repeated exposure of the sediment-water interface to oxygen results in in situ aerobic organic matter decomposition, eventually leading to carbonate dissolution. Notably, the Iznik sediment profile raises the hypothesis that different states of lacustrine mixing lead to selective preservation of different carbonate polymorphs. Thus, a change in the entire lake water chemistry is not strictly necessary to favour the preservation of one polymorph over another.
The present study aimed to develop microsatellite markers (SSR) for Copernicia prunifera; and characterize the demographic pattern and the spatial genetic structure (SGS) in different development stages of C. prunifera in a natural population of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) by using ISSR molecular markers. 17 SSR primers pairs were developed, which were tested by using DNA from samples of different populations. The demographic and genetic spatial structure was assessed in a plot with an area of 0.55 ha, where all individuals were georeferenced. The molecular analyses with the use of microsatellite markers pointed out that all built primers pairs, when submitted to PCR, had amplification. They showed sizes of base pairs ranging between 113 and 250 bp. The demographic analyses showed a clustered standard of spatial distribution in the first distance classes, random between 40 and 50 m and segregated in higher distances. Eight ISSR primers were used, thereby producing a total of 102 loci, with 100 of them being polymorphic. Among the three stages, the young showed the highest Nei’s genetic diversity index (He = 0.37); whilst the lowest index was found in the reproductive adults (He = 0.34). The AMOVA results showed a greater genetic differentiation within the development stages (98.61%) in comparison to the interval among the stages (1.39%). The total population (n = 161) showed a positive and significant relationship of kinship in the first distance class (12.3 m). The young showed a significant kinship up to 10.5 m and negative in the fifth distance class (37.6 m). The non-reproductive adults had a positive relationship of kinship in the first distance class (11.0 m) and random distribution of genotypes in the remaining classes. The reproductive adults showed genotypes spatially distributed in a random way. The values for the genetic bottleneck tests proved that the number of loci with excess observed heterozygosity was greater than expected. The SGS results reflect the restricted dispersion of the species, and the bottleneck tests reflect the reduction genotypes provoked by the anthropization of natural environments of C. prunifera.
Five long piston cores collected from different subbasins of the Aegean Sea constitute the primary source of data for this PhD thesis. This study is the first to document a continuous paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic record of the Aegean Sea since the last interglacial. The chronostratigraphic reconstructions of the cored sediments based on organic carbon contents, stratigraphic position of known ash layers and oxygen isotopic curve matching collectively demonstrate the presence of sapropel S1 and MISS sapropels S3, S4 and S5 in the Aegean Sea subbasins. Generally, the organic carbon (TOC wt%) contents in sapropels range between 0.8% and 2% with highest concentrations of 9-13% in sapropels S4 and S5. Average sedimentation rates range between 4.7 and 11.8 cmlka with highest rates being observed in Euboea and North Ikaria basins (9.8 and 11.8 cm lka, respectively). The timing of the onset of sapropels S4 and S5 mostly predate those in the eastern Mediterranean with ages ranging from 106.4-105.6 and 128.6-128.4 ka BP, respectively. On the other hand, the initiation of the onset of sapropel S3 (i.e., 83.2-80.4 ka BP) seems to agree with its Mediterranean counterparts, which highlights the heterogeneity of the Aegean Sea subbasins in terms of rapid vs. lagged response to changing climatic conditions. The sapropel initiations appear to be synchronous across the Aegean Sea; whereas, the terminations display a wider temporal variability implying that the cessation of sapropels is controlled both by the amplitude of paleoclimatic changes and the physiography/location ofthe subbasins. Quantitative variations in the planktonic faunal assemblages exhibit a sequence of bioevents during the last -130,000 years which allow identification of four major biozones. The distributional patterns of the most significant taxa demonstrate similar trends among all core localities suggesting that the major changes in the planktonic foraminifera assemblages have taken place rather synchronously in the Aegean Sea. Sapropels S3, S4 and S5 were deposited under similar hydrographic conditions during which a distinct deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) layer was established. This situation points to a stratified water column and increased export productivity during times of sapropel formation. On the other hand, the faunal contrast between Sl and older sapropels indicates that the former was developed in the absence of a DCM layer, lacking a deep phytoplankton assemblage. Under such conditions, oxygen advection via intermediate water flow must have been significantly reduced which implies significant stagnation. Sapropels are interpreted to have been deposited under normal marine conditions with temporary establishment of semi-euxinic bottom water conditions. Both marine and terrestrial organic matter contributed equally to MISS sapropels. In addition, organic carbon isotopic values across sapropels are more depleted than those in the eastern Mediterranean which, in tum, suggests enhanced riverine input during their deposition. Primary productivity calculations show that, particularly for sapropels with very high TOC values, both preservation and increased productivity are imperative in order to deposit sapropels with very high organic carbon contents (i.e., up to 13%).