Introduction: There are many important Finnish plays but, due to language barrier, Finnish drama is seldom exported, particularly to Hong Kong and China.. Objective: To find out differences in mentality between the Finnish and Chinese peoples by comparing the partially localized Chinese translation of Aleksis Kivi’s tragedy, Kullervo, with genuine Chinese martial arts literature. Methodology: 1. Chapman Chen has translated the Finnish classic, Kullervo, directly from Finnish into Chinese and published it in 2005. 2. In Chen’s Chinese translation, cultural markers are domesticated. On the other hand, values, characterization, plot, and rhythm remain unchanged. 3. According to Gideon Tory, the translator has to strike a golden mean between the norms of the source language and the target language. 4. Lau Tingci lists and explicates the essential components of martial arts drama. 5. According to Ehrnrooth’s “Mentality”, equality is the most important value in Finnish culture. Findings: i. Finland emphasizes independence while China emphasizes bilateral relationships. ii. The Finnish people loves freedom, but Gai Sizung argues that the Chinese people is slavish. iii. Finns are mature while many Chinese are, according to Sun Lung-kee (“The Deep Structure of Chinese Culture”; “The Deep Structure of Chinese Sexuality”), fixated at the oral and anal stages. iv. Finnish society highly values equality while Chinese interpersonal relationships are extremely complicated and hierachical. If Kullervo were a genuine Chinese kungfu story, the plot would be much more convoluted. Conclusion: The differences between Finnish and Chinese mentalities are so significant that partially localized or adapted Chinese translations of Finnish drama may still be able to introduce Finnish culture to the Chinese audience.
Objectivos - Identificar a existência de alterações na Grelha de Amsler (GA) em indivíduos com catarata, comparados com um grupo de controlo sem catarata. Investigar a utilidade do teste da GA na complementação de informação relativamente a opacidades dos meios transparentes. Metodologia - Amostra de 171 indivíduos: 82 portadores de catarata bilateral (Grupo 1), e 89 sem catarata para o grupo de controlo (Grupo 2). Avaliou-se a acuidade visual (AV) monocular para longe e binocular para perto, GA, reflexos pupilares, teste de reflexo vermelho e oftalmoscopia. Definiu-se como variável dependente a catarata e como variáveis independentes, as restantes variáveis referidas anteriormente. Estudo de caso controlo, descritivo e correlacional. Resultados - Idade média 72,16 ± 6,50 anos, com 46,8% do género masculino e 53,2% do género feminino. Utilizam correcção óptica, 84,15% no Grupo 1 e 85,39% no Grupo 2. A média de AV para longe foi superior no Grupo 2 (Grupo 1 foi de 0,50 ±0,25 e no Grupo 2 foi de 0,63 ±0,29. Relativamente ao fundo ocular (FO) no Grupo 1 foram detectados 20,73% de casos alterados, 13,41% normais e 65,85% dos casos foi impossível realizar o exame. No Grupo 2 os valores foram de 28,09%, 38,20% e 33,71% respectivamente. Na GA verificaram-se 45,12% (37) de casos alterados no Grupo 1 e 23,60% (21) alterados no Grupo 2. Destes 21 indivíduos, 61,90% (13) apresentavam alteração na grelha de Amsler e do FO, enquanto que, no Grupo 1, esta condição verificou-se em 13,51% (5). Discussão / Conclusão - No estudo realizado não foi possível verificar uma relação entre as variáveis em estudo mas sim uma associação entre os grupos de estudo. Sendo assim, afirma-se que existe uma associação entre alterações da Grelha de Amsler em indivíduos com suspeita de catarata. Observou-se nos resultados efectuados uma percentagem considerável de pacientes com suspeita de cataratas com alteração na Grelha de Amsler. De modo a ter resultados mais fidedignos, relacionou-se os resultados do teste de Grelha de Amsler com os da fundoscopia, onde foi demonstrado que existia alterações na Grelha de Amsler em indivíduos com suspeita de cataratas que apresentavam normalidade na fundoscopia. Uma das possíveis razões por não se encontrar relação entre as variáveis estudadas, pode ter sido devido à elevada percentagem de indivíduos onde foi impossível realizar o teste de fundoscopia, impedindo de verificar se o fundo ocular apresentava normalidade ou não nos grupos de estudo. Outra limitação do estudo, foi o facto do estudo ter sido realizado no âmbito de rastreio visual, sendo impossível o diagnóstico da suspeita de catarata observada no rastreio. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos, não se pode concluir que nesta amostra a suspeita de catarata leva a alterações na grelha de Amsler, contudo esta pode ter influência na presença de catarata, quando não existe alterações maculares. Este teste pode ser bastante eficiente na medida de rastreios visuais, em cuidados de saúde primários ou escassez de recursos, levando a uma indicação de alterações que podem estar presentes.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a soroprevalência de anticorpos por vírus herpes simples (HSV-1 e HSV-2) e analisar fatores associados no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado entre 1996 e 1997 em 1.090 indivíduos com idade entre um e 40 anos da população geral, em quatro diferentes regiões geográficas no Brasil. Foram analisadas amostras sangüíneas para detecção de anticorpos para HSV-1 e HSV-2 com teste tipo-específico Elisa. Foram descritas freqüências e proporções, comparadas entre grupos utilizando o teste de Fisher bilateral exato. Foi realizada análise de regressão logística para avaliar influência das variáveis sociodemográficas e histórico de DST, sobre a soroprevalência de HSV-1 e/ou HSV-2. RESULTADOS: As soroprevalências de anticorpos para HSV-1 e HSV-2, ajustadas por idade, foram 67,2% e 11,3% respectivamente, sem diferença quanto ao sexo e maiores na Região Norte. As soroprevalências aumentaram com a idade, e para HSV-2 o maior aumento ocorreu na adolescência e entre adultos jovens. Indivíduos soropositivos para HSV-1 apresentaram maior risco de serem positivos para HSV-2 (15,7%) quando comparados com os negativos para HSV-1 (4,7%). Na análise multivariada, o histórico de DST aumentou significativamente (OR=3,2) a probabilidade de soropositividade para HSV-2. CONCLUSÕES: As soroprevalências para HSV-1 e para HSV-2 variam com a idade e entre as regiões do Brasil. História pregressa de DST é importante fator de risco para aquisição de infecção por HSV-2.
Objective: To analyze the relation between contralesional and ipsilesional limbs in subjects with stroke during step-to-step transition of walking. Design: Observational, transversal, analytical study with a convenience sample. Setting: Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic. Participants: Subjects (nZ16) with poststroke hemiparesis with the ability to walk independently and healthy controls (nZ22). Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Bilateral lower limbs electromyographic activity of the soleus (SOL), gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, and vastus medialis (VM) muscles and the ground reaction force were analyzed during double-support and terminal stance phases of gait. Results: The propulsive impulse of the contralesional trailing limb was negatively correlated with the braking impulse of the leading limb during double support (rZ .639, PZ.01). A moderate functional relation was observed between thigh muscles (rZ .529, PZ.035), and a strong and moderate dysfunctional relation was found between the plantar flexors of the ipsilesional limb and the vastus medialis of the contralesional limb, respectively (SOL-VM, rZ .80, P<.001; gastrocnemius medialis-VM, rZ .655, PZ.002). Also, a functional moderate negative correlation was found between the SOL and rectus femoris muscles of the ipsilesional limb during terminal stance and between the SOL (rZ .506, PZ.046) and VM (rZ .518, PZ.04) muscles of the contralesional limb during loading response, respectively. The trailing limb relative impulse contribution of the contralesional limb was lower than the ipsilesional limb of subjects with stroke (PZ.02) and lower than the relative impulse contribution of the healthy limb (PZ.008) during double support. Conclusions: The findings obtained suggest that the lower performance of the contralesional limb in forward propulsion during gait is related not only to contralateral supraspinal damage but also to a dysfunctional influence of the ipsilesional limb.
Introduction: Hearing loss h sone raised impact in the development and academic progress of a child. In several developed countries, early detection is part of the national health plan through universal neonatal hearing screening (UNHS) and also with school hearing screening programs (SHSP), but only a few have published national data and revised protocols. Currently in Portugal, the UNHS is implemented in the main district hospitals but not the SHPS, as well we still do not make use of concrete data nor publication of studies on the national reality. Objectives: The incidence of the hearing loss and of otological problems was studied in school communities in the north of the country with 2550 participants between 3 and 17 years old. Methods: Statistical data collected within the schools with a standard auditory hearing screening protocol. All participants were evaluated with the same protocol, an audiological anamnesis, otoscopy and audiometric exam screening (500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz) were fulfilled. Results: Different otological problems were identified and the audiometric screening exam counted auditory thresholds that outpointed uni and bilateral hearing loss in about 5.7% of the cases. Conclusions: The study has demonstrated that auditory school screening should take place as early as possible and be part of the primary health care to identify and direct children to appropriate rehabilitation, education and attendance. Thus, reducing high costs with late treatment.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
The electricity industry throughout the world, which has long been dominated by vertically integrated utilities, has experienced major changes. Deregulation, unbundling, wholesale and retail wheeling, and real-time pricing were abstract concepts a few years ago. Today market forces drive the price of electricity and reduce the net cost through increased competition. As power markets continue to evolve, there is a growing need for advanced modeling approaches. This article addresses the challenge of maximizing the profit (or return) of power producers through the optimization of their share of customers. Power producers have fixed production marginal costs and decide the quantity of energy to sell in both day-ahead markets and a set of target clients, by negotiating bilateral contracts involving a three-rate tariff. Producers sell energy by considering the prices of a reference week and five different types of clients with specific load profiles. They analyze several tariffs and determine the best share of customers, i.e., the share that maximizes profit. © 2014 IEEE.
This paper proposes a stochastic mixed-integer linear approach to deal with a short-term unit commitment problem with uncertainty on a deregulated electricity market that includes day-ahead bidding and bilateral contracts. The proposed approach considers the typically operation constraints on the thermal units and a spinning reserve. The uncertainty is due to the electricity prices, which are modeled by a scenario set, allowing an acceptable computation. Moreover, emission allowances are considered in a manner to allow for the consideration of environmental constraints. A case study to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed approach is presented and an assessment of the cost for the spinning reserve is obtained by a comparison between the situation with and without spinning reserve.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the audiometric profile of civilian pilots according to the noise exposure level. METHODS This observational cross-sectional study evaluated 3,130 male civilian pilots aged between 17 and 59 years. These pilots were subjected to audiometric examinations for obtaining or revalidating the functional capacity certificate in 2011. The degree of hearing loss was classified as normal, suspected noise-induced hearing loss, and no suspected hearing loss with other associated complications. Pure-tone air-conduction audiometry was performed using supra-aural headphones and acoustic stimulus of the pure-tone type, containing tone thresholds of frequencies between 250 Hz and 6,000 Hz. The independent variables were professional categories, length of service, hours of flight, and right or left ear. The dependent variable was pilots with suspected noise-induced hearing loss. The noise exposure level was considered low/medium or high, and the latter involved periods > 5,000 flight hours and > 10 years of flight service. RESULTS A total of 29.3% pilots had suspected noise-induced hearing loss, which was bilateral in 12.8% and predominant in the left ear (23.7%). The number of pilots with suspected hearing loss increased as the noise exposure level increased. CONCLUSIONS Hearing loss in civilian pilots may be associated with noise exposure during the period of service and hours of flight.
The electricity industry throughout the world, which has long been dominated by vertically integrated utilities, has experienced major changes. Deregulation, unbundling, wholesale and retail wheeling, and real-time pricing were abstract concepts a few years ago. Today market forces drive the price of electricity and reduce the net cost through increased competition. As power markets continue to evolve, there is a growing need for advanced modeling approaches. This article addresses the challenge of maximizing the profit (or return) of power producers through the optimization of their share of customers. Power producers have fixed production marginal costs and decide the quantity of energy to sell in both day-ahead markets and a set of target clients, by negotiating bilateral contracts involving a three-rate tariff. Producers sell energy by considering the prices of a reference week and five different types of clients with specific load profiles. They analyze several tariffs and determine the best share of customers, i.e., the share that maximizes profit. © 2014 IEEE.
This paper proposes a stochastic mixed-integer linear approach to deal with a short-term unit commitment problem with uncertainty on a deregulated electricity market that includes day-ahead bidding and bilateral contracts. The proposed approach considers the typically operation constraints on the thermal units and a spinning reserve. The uncertainty is due to the electricity prices, which are modeled by a scenario set, allowing an acceptable computation. Moreover, emission allowances are considered in a manner to allow for the consideration of environmental constraints. A case study to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed approach is presented and an assessment of the cost for the spinning reserve is obtained by a comparison between the situation with and without spinning reserve.
A agenesia do ligamento cruzado anterior é uma condição extremamente rara. Dada a importância desta estrutura na função muscular, cinética e cinemática do joelho, especula-se que muitas serão as alterações decorrentes desta patologia . Perante o caso de uma atleta com agenesia do ligamento cruzado anterior, este trabalho pretendeu estudar os possíveis défices resultantes desta condição e, perceber se as alterações encontradas no membro com agenesia constituem uma estratégia de compensação eficaz, para um joelho com ausência do ligamento cruzado anterior. Desta forma , foi realizada uma avaliação da força dos músculos quadricípite e isquiotib iais , num dinamómet ro isocinético, a 60°/s e 180°/s. Fo i também recolhido o sinal electromiográfico do vasto medial, bicípite femural e gastrocnémio medial, durante a realização do salto vertical e horizontal. Os dados foram comparados bilateralmente. Os resultados evidenciaram um défice de força dos extensores do joelho com agenesia do LCA. No entanto, para os isqu iotibiais esse défice não foi evidente. A electromiografia não revelou uma estratégia de compensação consistente. Contudo, os resultados realçaram a importância dos flexores do joelho e plantares na estabilização dinâmica de um joelho com ausência do ligamento cruzado anterior. Concluiu-se que as alterações encontradas não formam uma adaptação eficiente .
As it is well known, competitive electricity markets require new computing tools for power companies that operate in retail markets in order to enhance the management of its energy resources. During the last years there has been an increase of the renewable penetration into the micro-generation which begins to co-exist with the other existing power generation, giving rise to a new type of consumers. This paper develops a methodology to be applied to the management of the all the aggregators. The aggregator establishes bilateral contracts with its clients where the energy purchased and selling conditions are negotiated not only in terms of prices but also for other conditions that allow more flexibility in the way generation and consumption is addressed. The aggregator agent needs a tool to support the decision making in order to compose and select its customers' portfolio in an optimal way, for a given level of profitability and risk.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado como requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação
Nine cases of tuberculosis (TB) were diagnosed among 800 uremic patients, followed-up during 11 years, a prevalence of 1125%, 2.5 times higher than that in the general population. Six patients (66.7%) had lymph node involvement (4 cervical and 2 mediastinal). Three patients (33.3%) had pulmonary involvement (2 pleuro-pulmonary and 1 bilateral apical pulmonary). Eight patients were undergoing dialysis and 1 was pre-dialytic. The duration of dialysis ranged from 1 to 60 months. Three patients had previously received immunosuppressive drugs for unsuccessful renal transplantation. Daily fever was present in all but one patient; he was asymptomatic and TB was suspected after routine chest radiography. Biopsy was the diagnostic procedure in 7 patients (77.8%), four by direct cervical lymph node biopsy, 2 by mediastinal, performed by mediastinoscopy and 1 by pleural biopsy. In 2 other patients TB was confirmed by the presence of tubercle bacilli; in sputum (1 patient) and in a bronchial flushing specimen (the other patient). Triple therapy was used in all patients (isoniazid and ethambutol in all), plus rifampicin in 8 and streptomycin in 1. One patient had jaundice and another had optical neuritis. Five patients were cured. The other four died during treatment of causes unrelated to TB or its treatment.