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Given the large potential impact that the construction industry has on the environment and the need to reduce environmental degradation , environmental certifications are important tools of environmental management. This work deals with the environmental certifications of sustainable buildings LEED and AQUA . This project employed the method of exploratory research to identify the requirements that impose the greatest difficulties in the implementation of LEED and AQUA , surveying the reasons for the choice of certification to be deployed and to analyzing the main benefits perceived by certified organizations. Concepts related to the topic were obtained from the literature, leading to the development of a questionnaire that was applied in organizations that have gone through the above certifications . From the analysis of questionnaires, it was possible to highlight that the main reasons for the adoption of an environmental certificate in the construction industry are linked to economic issues such as greater market recognition and appreciation of the project and what is still needed to invest in environmental awareness industry and the whole society
O progresso econômico-social e o desenvolvimento industrial aumentaram as quantidades de resíduos gerados pela humanidade; para se obter um equilíbrio ambiental é preciso que estes sejam reintroduzidos no ciclo de produção, sob a forma de matéria-prima. O meio ambiente vem nos dando sinais da sua incapacidade de armazenar todos os resíduos gerados e ainda as reservas de matéria-prima não são inesgotáveis. Desta forma as políticas de gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos tornam-se fundamentais para o melhoramento da qualidade de vida da população e promover o crescimento sustentável das cidades no Brasil e no mundo. O município de Ribeirão Pires localiza-se na região do Grande ABC, a sudoeste do Estado de São Paulo, tendo a totalidade do seu pequeno território – 99 km2 – em área de mananciais, apresentando uma população de 107.046 habitantes, segundo dados oficiais. O objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu em realizar um diagnóstico da geração, coleta e destinação final dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares no município de Ribeirão Pires, além de verificar quais são as políticas e projetos da Prefeitura para essa área de atuação, e avaliar o sistema atual de coleta seletiva e triagem da cidade. Inicialmente, realizou-se uma revisão de bibliografia específica, consulta a trabalhos de pesquisa realizados por órgãos federais, estaduais e municipais, levantamento de dados e informações junto aos órgãos responsáveis pela administração dos resíduos sólidos, aplicação de entrevistas e questionários à parte técnica dos órgãos públicos relacionados diretamente com as atividades de coleta, tratamento e destinação final de resíduos sólidos domiciliares, além da visita à cooperativa de reciclagem. Após estas atividades, o material e os dados coletados foram analisados e sistematizados para gerar informações e conhecimento que contribuem... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Dans ce texte on a étudié, afin de comprendre et d'analyser les contes réalistes de Guy de Maupassant, comment Erich Auerbach, dans Mimesis (2009), parcourt les sentiers de la littérature occidentale pour dresser un tableau des traits communs qui existent entre les grandes oeuvres réalistes de l'Occident. L'auteur a réalisé des recherches et des commentaires sur les caractéristiques les plus récurrentes du réalisme littéraire dans les oeuvres d'écrivains tels que Homero, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Flaubert, parmi d'autres. Notre recherche vise, dans sa première étape, à présenter, à expliquer ou à identifier dans les contes de Guy de Maupassant, écrivain de la fin du XIXe siècle, les tendances réalistes discutées par ce théoricien et par d'autres au fil du temps, comme, par exemple, Roland Barthes, dans Crítica e verdade (2007), Bersani, dans Le réalisme et la peur du désir (1975) et Philippe Hamon, dans Un discours contraint (1973, p. 411-445). À partir de ces chercheurs, on essaie d'expliciter et d'affirmer le caractère réaliste d'un des maîtres du récit court - sûrement un représentant du réalisme parmi les grands écrivains de cet art - car dans Mimesis (2009) Zola est considéré par Auerbach comme le dernier des grands réalistes français. En plus, pour la deuxième partie de ce travail, on a l'intention de traiter l'émergence de l'impressionnisme artistique en France, et de présenter les concepts et les thèmes qui ont influencé ce mouvement et se présentent dans la construction des récits de Maupassant. Pour le faire, O impressionismo (1962) de Balzi, O impressionismo (1965) de Serullaz, Impressionniste et symboliste devant la presse (1959) de Jacques Lethève, Impressionismo (2010) de Lobstein e autres, mentionnés dans la bibliographie de cette recherche, ont ouvert la voie aux analyses... (Completo abstract click electronic access below)
The disordered occupation in several cities in Brazil, is very common, especially during the rainy season, there are numerous cases of gravitational mass movements, with deads of human and builds destruction. The main objective of this work was to identify and map areas to mass movements, through the geo, the municipality of Várzea Paulista, the state of Sao Paulo. For the purpose, were prepared thematic maps of slope, geology, pedology, geomorphology and land use and occupation, which were overlaid using ArcGIS GIS Multicriteria Analysis. Each subject received a weight of influence to the outbreak of such processes and the final result was obtained map of susceptibility to mass movements of the city of Várzea Paulista. This survey found that there are many occupied areas within the city that require monitoring of the Government, especially in the rainy months, because they are in very fragile in terms of geological and geomorphological features. Considering that the data on the physical and natural aspects are scarce in the literature for this region, the results obtained in this study as well as the gathering of information of the physical and cartographic products developed, will greatly contribute to the administration of the municipality, subsidies they provide for the proper use planning and land tenure, pointing out the weak areas of the city geotechnical point of view
The present study aims to investigate the interrelationship between the Relationship Marketing and Public Relations areas, high lighting its strategic value. The main goal is to discuss how the public relations professional can manage the customer loyalty by improving the after-sales services provided, applying it to a specific market such as business a viation. To establish the foundation to support the hypotheses, a revision of the subject literature was made, seeking to break down the barriers between marketing-mainly of relationship and public relations knowledge fields. A consult of the relevant literature was a continuous activity throughout the work. Divided into three chapters, the two first ones of fundamentals concepts, presents an after-sales services scenario, emphasizing the importance of the relationship and the definition of audiences in this area, in addition to a detailed description of the luxury market, a business aviation reality. The third chapter ends the discussion with a relationship proposal for Embraer Executive Jets, through actions based on the studied concepts. By gathering ideas and reflecting about the subject, using them to develop the proposal, a conclusion was resulted: the public relations professional is prepared and essential to build an effective after-sales relationship, since it's concerned about the communication excellence and knows the audiences significance in this process
Este trabalho é de natureza qualitativa e consiste em um estudo bibliográfico referente à interação entre jovens, educação musical e novas tecnologias. A partir da análise dos textos levantados, procura-se compreender como educadores musicais posicionam-se frente às tecnologias em suas aulas; e o quão significativas elas podem ser quando utilizadas. Inicialmente, o procedimento metodológico se deu através da definição de TICs e de uma contextualização sobre a presença das tecnologias na escuta, na educação e nas práticas musicais. Em seguida, utilizou-se quatro artigos publicados na Associação Brasileira de Educação Musical (ABEM), os quais foram analisados e discutidos de acordo com o pensamento vigente na bibliografia estudada, procurando verificar o estado da produção e aplicação de conhecimentos sobre o tema nesta área. Por fim, constata-se que a presença das tecnologias no ensino musical implica em mudanças no papel do professor e na matriz curricular dos cursos de Licenciatura em Música.
The study of mathematical modeling assists in evaluation of the capacity of production and measurement of generation time of biogas in landfills, enabling the implantation of projects of energy generation from methane. Thus, the work aims, by simulating scenarios of potential methane generation in the landfill in Rio Claro, the use of field data from methane flow and waste grounded parameters as references for selecting values of k e L0 used to estimate methane generation model in LandGEM. As a result it was found that compared the characteristics adopted in the four scenarios recommended by the USEPA literature with those found in the landfill of Rio Claro (high amount of organic matter in the waste landed and daily practice of leachate recirculation), the scenario that apparently better represent the rate of methane generation is the scenario 01, with k = 0.7 and L0 = 96. Now, the adjustment of parameters in relation to the data field of methane flow, the value of L0 which best fits the methane generation from the landfill in Rio Claro is 150, while for k the line behavior that best represents the reality are values between 0.7 and 0.3. Regarding the parameters of the waste grounded, between the suggested values of k, 0,3 is most consistent with the intermediate level of biological degradation of the residue grounded, while L0 due to the biodegradability of the waste, a new value between 120 and 150 may be more appropriate for the study
We work with the storybook, As Palavras Secretas, written by carioca Rubens Figueiredo. We treat, then, the Brazilian contemporary tale. For we study the writer’s fiction, first we met a critical bibliography about the narrative and a set of diverse texts: reports, articles, press releases, interviews and essays about the author’s work. We discourse characteristics and the compositional elements of each story and noticed that they are full of symbolism and various elements that they are recurrent. Some of these narratives deal with fragmentation of the man who, indeed, is a very striking feature in the actual Brazilian tale. We meet, then, with characters who feel the need to simulate an identity and that, therefore, coexist with a strong inner conflict. Three of the tales include the unlikelihood of that work, and present, therefore, elements that escape from reality. Finally, Rubens Figueiredo, in As Palavras Secretas, presented us narratives rather elongated, unlike what was ordinary in the category of the tale, which it usually consists of a short extension narrative
As questões dessa pesquisa se delinearam a partir de uma outra, sobre a construção do Projeto Pedagógico (Dias e Tuppy, 2010), cujo levantamento preliminar aponta para os temas acima apontados, quais sejam: trabalho coletivo, relações de poder e mecanismos de valorização profissional no âmbito da instituição escolar, a que chamaremos de categorias de análise. O trabalho coletivo é o mecanismo vital para o êxito da vida escolar, e vê-se a necessidade de olhar quais os mecanismos dessa prática. As relações de poder na escola podem ser vistas de diversos ângulos, e será outro componente da pesquisa. A desvalorização e valorização docente que se vincula a ideologias, a visões da sociedade, e até as questões de gênero. No trabalho preliminar realizado no âmbito daquela pesquisa, por 10 pesquisadores, em 53 escolas de uma Rede Municipal de Ensino, tais categorias aparecem de forma recorrente nas discussões realizadas com os profissionais das diferentes escolas, apontando para o fato de que tais temas tem prevalência no cotidiano escolar, implicando a necessidade de um estudo mais acurado sobre eles. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa, buscará elementos que forneçam aporte teórico à parte das discussões que serão encaminhadas por aquele estudo. Recorreremos, assim, ao levantamento de trabalhos, cuja temática estabeleça relação com as categorias de análise aqui definidas. Com os objetivos de buscar aporte teórico para discussão do cotidiano escolar, levantar trabalhos científicos que tratem das seguintes temáticas: trabalho coletivo, relações de poder e mecanismos de valorização profissional no âmbito da instituição. Para elaboração deste trabalho será realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, através de levantamento e análise bibliográfica, a fim de mapear e analisar a produção científica sobre os temas propostos. Tendo já delimitado o tema, faz-se necessário a busca por bibliografia
This monograph has as objectives introduce digital terrestrial television, describing the process of installation of this in Spain, their technical qualities and possibilities of change and innovation that this creates. The exposure of the different chapters of this monograph has a objective presenting and discussing what are the characteristics of this new technology, your birth, what is its importance in communication and how this is inserted inside the Spanish reality. The introduction of digital terrestrial television in Spain is cited as an example of a pioneer in the development and installation of this new technology, but also appears as a nation that has come a way with some economic failures, reaching one of the largest cases of delayed installation of digital television in Western Europe. Making use of the European system for digital terrestrial television (DVB-T - Digital Video Broadcasting) it was possible some advances as the quality of communication and strengthening national public television system, but many vices of analog system were transferred this new system, as the concentration of channels to a foreign group and interactivity opportunities were wasted. Digital terrestrial television can provides better picture quality and sound, possibility of interactivity, mobility, hypermedia and multiprogramming, while the latter tool may lead to the democratization of media, opening it to other social agents. Going much further than just a technological advancement, digital television is strongly connected with the politics and the economy of the nation in which it operates
In regards to the context of the schooling for less the most favored, the school did not appear as intellectual instrument, and yes as prerequisite to take care of to the new requirements of the work market that if modernized the great social changes together with. The school, in turn, if puts in charge them to know scientific, and, for times, them norms of effective behavior in the society and the familiar group, them feelings and moral values, in a transposition of the “cultural capital” and it “capital stock” that passed by generations. This work, therefore, had as objective to study the expectations of schooling of the child in pertaining to school age, in the universes of the family and the school, from the speech of the agents of this process (parents, responsible, professors and the children) and of some practical educative referring to the schooling of the child, leaving of estimated of that the school is a democratic space, with equality of rights and the duties. Mediated for cultural a historical boarding, one searched to interpret the pertaining to school and familiar context of the participants, by means of a counterpoint with the studied bibliography, being this presented throughout the work. The research was of qualitative character, the data had been collected by means of comment in two classrooms, one of the third and one of the room year. Half-structuralized interviews had been made, that had been recorded e, later, transcribing. The environment of the research was a public school of the basic education of a city of the interior of the State of São Paulo, that received children proceeding from families of the urban popular classrooms. The results of the analysis of the data point that the professors present a vision of ideal model of family and pupil that does not correspond to the reality of the context of these and of the new nomenclatures of the familiar order... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The intense urbanization in coastal environments can cause environmental changes due to the susceptibility of these areas. It is therefore of utmost importance to understand the environmental quality of coastal area and the geomorphological features are essential to make it possible, as well as the geomorphological maps that are used as an instrument to analyze the relief. However, there is no standardization among the geomorphological mapping techniques, since the proposals vary according to the taxonomy of the relief, the adopted scale and the objective of the researcher. This paper aims to carry out geomorphological mappings of sectors of the city of Mongaguá, in São Paulo state, according to the conceptions of Verstappen and Zuidam (1975) and Gustavsson, Kolstrup and Seijmonsbergen (2006), seeking to verify the possibilities and constraints that each one can provide for environmental management. Verstappen and Zuidam’s design (1975) is a classical international bibliography proposal indicating the symbols and colors that will be used to represent the relief according to the origin shape of the geomorphological features; Gustavsson, Kolstrup and Seijmonsbergen's conception (2006) is a latest international proposal which also uses symbols and colors that can be combined to represent various forms of relief, coming from different origins. The mappings in this research are although not presented as a mainstream map, but as a cartographic representation in which the symbols are superimposed on the digital ortophoto map to provide the reader an association between symbolism and the relief represented. The result is a comparative analysis among the symbols that were used in each mapping, in which is discussed what design is the most appropriate, considering the adopted scale and the geomorphological features of the mapped area
The aim of this study is to investigate the significance of educational practices aimed at children in non formal education, in this case, specifically, the hospital context. The chosen methodology is part of an investigation conducted in two phases. In the first phase was carried out a theoretical stage, scientifically based studies guided by an historical-cultural and Sociology of Childhood, enabling placement on the particularities of children, the playfulness and the positioning of Pedagogy in the hospital. After this theoretical study was performed the second phase, with the completion of an empirical study with a research and intervention in a hospital playroom, in a public hospital considered a regional center in the northwestern city of São Paulo. The methodological procedures adopted for this empirical study were participant observation, interviews, action research and a questionnaire. Participant observation and action research are conducted within the brinquetodeca in five meetings with about 15 children, interviews were conducted with three family members and the questionnaire was applied to a healthcare professional. Among the results we can mention the following findings: a confirmation of the necessity of work in the hospital directing playful adaptations for the preservation and development of children's learning, and recent publications are scarce about the Hospital Education and underscore the need for the professional practice of education in non-school, the educational activities carried out reveals the possibilities of offering the child the continuation of their educational activities involving the playful and educational, the international and national literature on educational practices in the hospital allow to check ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The porcine activity is characterized by its great pollution capacity, generally produce loads of waste that usually are released in superficial water or soil without concern for the consequences to the environment. With this in mind, this study aimed to adjust the porcine production to the protection of water resources, in particular, Ribeirão dos Pinheirinhos in the town of Torrinha (SP), through inventory and diagnosis of the environmental impacts already present and environmental hazards linked to the activity in question. To achieve the proposed objectives, the productions of porcine on the studied area were raised and georeferenced, viewed and analyzed according to the technical and scientific literature. The production visited showed to be at odds with the protection of water resources due to lack of technical criteria in the development of treatment systems and waste handling, indiscriminate use of effluent and waste in the fertilization of crops and the lack of knowledge of producers on the influence of porcine waste into the environment. Based on these results, were set guidelines for action in the environmental awareness of farmers, to stimulate voluntary and conscious initiatives of environmental conservation in the direction of settlement of the activity.
The Mesozoic acid volcanism of the Paraná-Etendeka Province can be considered as one of the biggest events of its kind in the Earth's surface, and its study have attracted special interest in characterizing the end of magmatism that preceded the rupture process and the formation of continental Africa and South America Although significant, the acid volcanism featuring Members Chapecó Palmas and Serra Geral Formation represents only 2.5% of the total generated by the magmatic rocks and perhaps therefore the existing literature on these rocks is well less significant than that on the basalts. However, there are still aspects still unclear about the origin and evolution of these rocks in relation to the associated basalts. Thus, two profiles were selected, called RA and TA, which be a systematic collection of samples from the base where the Botucatu Formation sandstones occur at the top, where they observe Palmas acid rock type. These samples should be analyzed for major, minor and trace elements and treated in specific diagrams to define the vertical variation lithochemistry and their possible relationships with the associated basalts