994 resultados para BASAL-LIKE SUBTYPE
Enjeu et contexte de la recherche La dégénérescence lobaire fronto-temporale (DLFT) est une pathologie neurodégénérative aussi fréquente que la maladie d'Alzheimer parmi les adultes de moins de 65 ans. Elle recouvre une constellation de syndromes neuropsychiatriques et moteurs dont les caractéristiques cliniques et anatomo-pathologiques se recoupent partiellement. La plupart des cas de démence sémantique ne présentent pas de troubles moteurs et révèlent à l'autopsie des lésions ubiquitine-positives. Son association à un syndrome cortico-basal et à une tauopathie 4R est donc très inhabituelle. Le cas que nous présentons est le premier à disposer d'une description clinique complète, tant sur le plan cognitif que moteur, et d'une analyse génétique et histopathologique. Résumé de l'article Il s'agit d'un homme de 57 ans, sans antécédents familiaux, présentant une démence sémantique accompagnée de symptômes inhabituels dans ce contexte, tels qu'une dysfonction exécutive et en mémoire épisodique, une désorientation spatiale et une dyscalculie. Le déclin physique et cognitif fut rapidement progressif. Une année et demie plus tard, il développait en effet des symptômes moteurs compatibles initialement avec un syndrome de Richardson, puis avec un syndrome cortico-basal. Son décès survint à l'âge de 60 ans des suites d'une pneumonie sur broncho-aspiration. L'autopsie cérébrale mit en évidence une perte neuronale et de nombreuses lésions tau-4R-positives dans les lobes frontaux, pariétaux et temporaux, les ganglions de la base et le tronc cérébral. Aucune mutation pathologique n'a été décelée dans le gène MAPT (microtubule-associated protein tau). L'ensemble de ces éléments sont discutés dans le cadre des connaissances actuelles sur la DLFT. Conclusions et perspectives Ce cas illustre le recoupement important des différents syndromes de la DLFT, parfois appelée le « complexe de Pick ». De plus, la démence sémantique pourrait s'avérer cliniquement moins homogène que prévu. Les définitions actuelles de la démence sémantique omettent la description des symptômes cognitifs extra-sémantiques malgré l'accumulation de preuves de leur existence. La faible prévalence de la démence sémantique, ainsi que des différences dans les examens neuropsychologiques, peuvent expliquer en partie la raison de cette omission. La variabilité histopathologique de chaque phénotype de DLFT peut également induire des différences dans leur expression clinique. Dans un domaine aussi mouvant que la DLFT, la co- occurrence ou la succession de plusieurs syndromes cliniques est en outre probablement la règle plutôt que l'exception.
Intraspecific variability in social organization is common, yet the underlying causes are rarely known. In the fire ant Solenopsis invicta, the existence of two divergent forms of social organization is under the control of a single Mendelian genomic element marked by two variants of an odorant-binding protein gene. Here we characterize the genomic region responsible for this important social polymorphism, and show that it is part of a pair of heteromorphic chromosomes that have many of the key properties of sex chromosomes. The two variants, hereafter referred to as the social B and social b (SB and Sb) chromosomes, are characterized by a large region of approximately 13 megabases (55% of the chromosome) in which recombination is completely suppressed between SB and Sb. Recombination seems to occur normally between the SB chromosomes but not between Sb chromosomes because Sb/Sb individuals are non-viable. Genomic comparisons revealed limited differentiation between SB and Sb, and the vast majority of the 616 genes identified in the non-recombining region are present in the two variants. The lack of recombination over more than half of the two heteromorphic social chromosomes can be explained by at least one large inversion of around 9 megabases, and this absence of recombination has led to the accumulation of deleterious mutations, including repetitive elements in the non-recombining region of Sb compared with the homologous region of SB. Importantly, most of the genes with demonstrated expression differences between individuals of the two social forms reside in the non-recombining region. These findings highlight how genomic rearrangements can maintain divergent adaptive social phenotypes involving many genes acting together by locally limiting recombination.
Patients with the early-onset Alzheimer's disease P117L mutation in the presenilin-1 gene (PS-1) present pathological hallmarks in the hippocampus, the frontal cortex and the basal ganglia. In the present work we determined by immunohistochemistry which brain regions were injured in the transgenic PS-1 P117L mice, in comparison to their littermates, the B6D2 mice. Furthermore, as these regions are involved in novelty detection, we investigated the behavior of these mice in tests for object and place novelty recognition. Limited numbers of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles were detected in aged PS-1 P117L mice in the CA1 only, indicating that the disease is restrained to an initial neuropathological stage. Western blots showed a change in PSD-95 expression (p=0.03), not in NR2A subunit, NR2B subunit and synaptophysin expressions in the frontal cortex, suggesting specific synaptic alterations. The behavioral tests repeatedly revealed, despite a non-significant preference for object or place novelty, maladaptive exploratory behavior of the PS-1 P117L mice in novel environmental conditions, not due to locomotor problems. These mice, unlike the B6D2 mice, were less inhibited to visit the center of the cages (p=0.01) and they continued to move excessively in the presence of a displaced object (p=0.021). Overall, the PS-1 P117L mice appear to be in an initial Alzheimer's disease-like neuropathological stage, and they showed a lack of reaction toward novel environmental conditions.
RÉSUMÉ Les kinases activées par des mitogènes (MAPKs) constituent une importante famille d'enzymes conservée dans l'évolution. Elles forment un réseau de signalisation qui permet à la cellule de réguler spécifiquement divers processus impliqués dans la différenciation, la survie ou l'apoptose. Les kinases formant le module MAPK sont typiquement disposées en cascades de trois partenaires qui s'activent séquentiellement par phosphorylation. Le module minimum est constitué d'une MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), d'une MAPK kinase (MAPKK) et d'une MAPK. Une fois activée, la MAPK phosphoryle différents substrats tels que des facteurs de transcription ou d'autres protéines. Chez les mammifères, trois groupes principaux de MAPKs ont été identifiés. Il s'agit du groupe des kinases régulées par des signaux extracellulaires du type «mitogènes » (ERK), ainsi que des groupes p38 et cJun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), ou SAPK pour stress activated protein kinase, plutôt activées par des stimuli de type «stress ». De nombreuses études ont impliqué JNK dans la régulation de différents processus physiologiques et pathologiques, comme le diabète, les arthrites rhumatoïdes, l'athérosclérose, l'attaque cérébrale, les maladies de Parkinson et d'Alzheimer. JNK, en particulier joue un rôle dans la mort des cellules sécrétrices d'insuline induite par l'interleukine (IL)-1 β, lors du développement du diabète de type 1. IB1 est une protéine scaffold (échafaud) qui participe à l'organisation du module de JNK. IB1 est fortement exprimée dans les neurones et les cellules β du pancréas. Elle a été impliquée dans la survie des cellules, la régulation de l'expression du transporteur du glucose de type 2 (Glut-2) et dans le processus de sécrétion d'insuline glucose-dépendante. IBl est caractérisée par plusieurs domaines d'interaction protéine-protéine : un domaine de liaison à JNK (JBD), un domaine homologue au domaine 3 de Src (SH3) et un domaine d'interaction avec des tyrosines phosphorylées (PID). Des partenaires d'IB1, incluant les membres de la familles des kinases de lignée mélangée (MLKs), la MAPKK MKK7, la phosphatase 7 des MAPKs (MKP-7) ainsi que la chaîne légère de la kinésine, ont été isolés. Tous ces facteurs, sauf les MLKs et MKK7 interagissent avec le domaine PID ou l'extrême partie C-terminale d'IBl (la chaîne légère de la kinésine). Comme d'autres protéines scaffolds déjà décrites, IBl et un autre membre de la famille, IB2, sont capables d'homo- et d'hétérodimériser. L'interaction a lieu par l'intermédiaire de leur région C-terminale, contenant les domaines SH3 et PID. Mais ni le mécanisme moléculaire, ni la fonction de la dimérisation n'ont été caractérisés. Le domaine SH3 joue un rôle central lors de l'assemblage de complexes de macromolécules impliquées dans la signalisation intracellulaire. Il reconnaît de préférence des ligands contenant un motif riche en proline de type PxxP et s'y lie. Jusqu'à maintenant, tous les ligands isolés se liant à un domaine SH3 sont linéaires. Bien que le domaine SH3 soit un domaine important de la transmission des signaux, aucun partenaire interagissant spécifiquement avec le domaine SH3 d'IB1 n'a été identifié. Nous avons démontré qu'IBl homodimérisait par un nouveau set unique d'interaction domaine SH3 - domaine SH3. Les études de cristallisation ont démontré que l'interface recouvrait une région généralement impliquée dans la reconnaissance classique d'un motif riche en proline de type PxxP, bien que le domaine SH3 d'IB1 ne contienne aucun motif PxxP. L'homodimère d'IB1 semble extrêmement stable. Il peut cependant être déstabilisé par trois mutations ponctuelles dirigées contre des résidus clés impliqués dans la dimérisation. Chaque mutation réduit l'activation basale de JNK dépendante d'IB 1 dans des cellules 293T. La déstabilisation de la dimérisation induite par la sur-expression du domaine SH3, provoque une diminution de la sécrétion d'insuline glucose dépendant. SUMMARY Mitogen activated kinases (MAPK) are an important and conserved enzyme family. They form a signaling network required to specifically regulate process involved in cell differentiation, proliferation or death. A MAPK module is typically organized in a threekinase cascade which are activated by sequential phosphorylation. The MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), the MAPK kinase (MAPKK) and the MAPK constitute the minimal module. Once activated, the MAPK phosphorylates its targets like transcription factors or other proteins. In mammals, three major groups of MAPKs have been identified : the group of extra-cellular regulated kinase (ERK) which is activated by mitogens and the group of p38 and cJun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) or SAPK for stress activated protein kinase, which are activated by stresses. Many studies implicated JNK in many physiological or pathological process regulations, like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, strokes or Parkinson and Alzheimer disease. In particular, JNK plays a crucial role in pancreatic β cell death induced by Interleukin (IL)-1 β in type 1 diabetes. Islet-brain 1 (IB 1) is a scaffold protein that interacts with components of the JNK signal-transduction pathway. IB 1 is expressed at high levels in neurons and in pancreatic β-cells, where it has been implicated in cell survival, in regulating expression of the glucose transporter type 2 (Glut-2) and in glucose-induced insulin secretion. It contains several protein-protein interaction domains, including a JNK-binding domain (JBD), a Src homology 3 domain (SH3) and a phosphotyrosine interaction domain (PID). Proteins that have been shown to associate with IB 1 include members of the Mixed lineage kinase family (MLKs), the MAPKK MKK7, the MAPK phosphatase-7 MKP7, as well as several other ligands including kinesin light chain, LDL receptor related family members and the amyloid precursor protein APP. All these factors, except MLK3 and MKK7 have been shown to interact with the PID domain or the extreme C-terminal part (Kinesin light chain) of IB 1. As some scaffold already described, IB 1 and another member of the family, IB2, have previously been shown to engage in oligomerization through their respective C-terminal regions that include the SH3 and PID domains. But neither the molecular mechanisms nor the function of dimerization have yet been characterized. SH3 domains are central in the assembly of macromolecular complexes involved in many intracellular signaling pathways. SH3 domains are usually characterized by their preferred recognition of and association with canonical PxxP motif. In all these cases, a single linear sequence is sufficient for binding to the SH3 domain. However, although SH3 domains are important elements of signal transduction, no protein that interacts specifically with the SH3 domain of IB 1 has been identified so far. Here, we show that IB 1 homodimerizes through a navel and unique set of SH3-SH3 interactions. X-ray crystallography studies indicate that the dieter interface covers a region usually engaged in PxxP-mediated ligand recognition, even though the IB 1 SH3 domain lacks this motif. The highly stable IB 1 homodimer can be significantly destabilized in vitro by individual point-mutations directed against key residues involved in dimerization. Each mutation reduces IB 1-dependent basal JNK activity in 293T cells. Impaired dimerization induced by over-expression of the SH3 domain also results in a significant reduction in glucose-dependent insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells.
Rat pancreatic alpha- and beta-cells are critically dependent on hormonal signals generating cyclic AMP (cAMP) as a synergistic messenger for nutrient-induced hormone release. Several peptides of the glucagon-secretin family have been proposed as physiological ligands for cAMP production in beta-cells, but their relative importance for islet function is still unknown. The present study shows expression at the RNA level in beta-cells of receptors for glucagon, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), and glucagon-like peptide I(7-36) amide (GLP-I), while RNA from islet alpha-cells hybridized only with GIP receptor cDNA. Western blots confirmed that GLP-I receptors were expressed in beta-cells and not in alpha-cells. Receptor activity, measured as cellular cAMP production after exposing islet beta-cells for 15 min to a range of peptide concentrations, was already detected using 10 pmol/l GLP-I and 50 pmol/l GIP but required 1 nmol/l glucagon. EC50 values of GLP-I- and GIP-induced cAMP formation were comparable (0.2 nmol/l) and 45-fold lower than the EC50 of glucagon (9 nmol/l). Maximal stimulation of cAMP production was comparable for the three peptides. In purified alpha-cells, 1 nmol/l GLP-I failed to increase cAMP levels, while 10 pmol/l to 10 nmol/l GIP exerted similar stimulatory effects as in beta-cells. In conclusion, these data show that stimulation of glucagon, GLP-I, and GIP receptors in rat beta-cells causes cAMP production required for insulin release, while adenylate cyclase in alpha-cells is positively regulated by GIP.
Rotavirus is the major cause of diarrhea among young infants in both humans and animals. Immune protection of newborns by vaccination is difficult to achieve since there is not enough time to mount an immune response before exposure to the virus. We have designed a vaccination strategy mediating transfer of neutralizing antibodies from the mother to the offspring during pregnancy and/or lactation. Adult female mice were nasally immunized with virus-like particles (VLPs) made of viral proteins VP2 and 6 (VLP2/6) or VP 2, 6, and 7 (VLP2/6/7) derived from the RF rotavirus strain in the presence or absence of cholera toxin. Both vaccines elicited serum and milk antibodies against the respective VPs. Four days after parturition, suckling pups were challenged orally with RF rotavirus. Pups from mothers immunized with VLP2/6/7 but not VLP2/6 were protected against rotavirus diarrhea, indicating that VP7 plays a key role in protection. Protection was mediated by milk rather than serum antibodies, and mucosal adjuvants were not required. In conclusion, VLPs containing VP7 administered nasally to mothers represent a promising vaccine candidate for the protection of suckling newborns against rotavirus-induced diarrhea, even in the absence of a mucosal adjuvant.
Conjugates of a dicarba analogue of octreotide, a potent somatostatin agonist whose receptors are overexpressed on tumor cells, with [PtCl2(dap)] (dap = 1-(carboxylic acid)-1,2-diaminoethane) (3), [(η6-bip)Os(4-CO2-pico)Cl] (bip = biphenyl, pico = picolinate) (4), [(η6-p-cym)RuCl(dap)]+ (p-cym = p-cymene) (5), and [(η6-p-cym)RuCl(imidazole-CO2H)(PPh3)]+ (6), were synthesized by using a solid-phase approach. Conjugates 35 readily underwent hydrolysis and DNA binding, whereas conjugate 6 was inert to ligand substitution. NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics calculations showed that conjugate formation does not perturb the overall peptide structure. Only 6 exhibited antiproliferative activity in human tumor cells (IC50 = 63 ± 2 μM in MCF-7 cells and IC50 = 26 ± 3 μM in DU-145 cells) with active participation of somatostatin receptors in cellular uptake. Similar cytotoxic activity was found in a normal cell line (IC50 = 45 ± 2.6 μM in CHO cells), which can be attributed to a similar level of expression of somatostatin subtype-2 receptor. These studies provide new insights into the effect of receptor-binding peptide conjugation on the activity of metal-based anticancer drugs, and demonstrate the potential of such hybrid compounds to target tumor cells specifically.
A hormone-controlled in vitro transcription system derived from Xenopus liver nuclear extracts was exploited to identify novel cis-acting elements within the vitellogenin gene B1 promoter region. In addition to the already well-documented estrogen-responsive element (ERE), two elements were found within the 140 base pairs upstream of the transcription initiation site. One of them, a negative regulatory element, is responsible for the lack of promoter activity in the absence of the hormone and, as demonstrated by DNA-binding assays, interacts with a liver-specific transcription factor. The second is required in association with the estrogen-responsive element to mediate hormonal induction and is recognized by the Xenopus liver homolog of nuclear factor I.
Few cases of severe postnatally acquired cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection are reported in premature infants. We report on an extremely low birthweight (ELBW) preterm infant who presented with a sepsis-like syndrome and multiple organ involvement, notably pneumonitis and colitis. The course of infection was assessed by repeated analysis of urine, tracheal aspirates and blood. The patient was given intravenous ganciclovir. The clinical course was rapidly favorable. Development of neutropenia led to the discontinuation of the antiviral treatment after 28 days. Follow-up showed moderate white matter anomalies on cerebral MRI, a transient hypoacusis and a mild developmental delay at 18 months of corrected age. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first description of a severe combination of pneumonitis and colitis in postnatal CMV infection. Many issues remain controversial and are discussed. We propose that antiviral treatment should be considered in severe postnatal CMV infection in ELBW patients.
NHA2 is a sodium/hydrogen exchanger with unknown physiological function. Here we show that NHA2 is present in rodent and human β-cells, as well as β-cell lines. In vivo, two different strains of NHA2-deficient mice displayed a pathological glucose tolerance with impaired insulin secretion but normal peripheral insulin sensitivity. In vitro, islets of NHA2-deficient and heterozygous mice, NHA2-depleted Min6 cells, or islets treated with an NHA2 inhibitor exhibited reduced sulfonylurea- and secretagogue-induced insulin secretion. The secretory deficit could be rescued by overexpression of a wild-type, but not a functionally dead, NHA2 transporter. NHA2 deficiency did not affect insulin synthesis or maturation and had no impact on basal or glucose-induced intracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis in islets. Subcellular fractionation and imaging studies demonstrated that NHA2 resides in transferrin-positive endosomes and synaptic-like microvesicles but not in insulin-containing large dense core vesicles in β-cells. Loss of NHA2 inhibited clathrin-dependent, but not clathrin-independent, endocytosis in Min6 and primary β-cells, suggesting defective endo-exocytosis coupling as the underlying mechanism for the secretory deficit. Collectively, our in vitro and in vivo studies reveal the sodium/proton exchanger NHA2 as a critical player for insulin secretion in the β-cell. In addition, our study sheds light on the biological function of a member of this recently cloned family of transporters.
The oligomeric state of BAFF (B cell activing factor), a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family cytokine that plays a critical role in B cell development and survival, has been the subject of recent debate. Myc-tagged BAFF starting at residue Gln136 was previously reported to crystallize as trimers at pH 4.5, whereas a histidine-tagged construct of BAFF, starting at residue Ala134, formed a virus-like cluster containing 60 monomers when crystallized at pH 9.0. The formation of the BAFF 60-mer was pH dependent, requiring pH >or= 7.0. More recently, 60-mer formation was suggested to be artificially induced by the histidine tag, and it was proposed that BAFF, like all other TNF family members, is trimeric. We report here that a construct of BAFF with no amino-terminal tag (Ala134-BAFF) can form a 60-mer in solution. Using size exclusion chromatography and static light scattering to monitor trimer to 60-mer ratios in BAFF preparations, we find that 60-mer formation is pH-dependent and requires histidine 218 within the DE loop of BAFF. Biacore measurements established that the affinity of Ala134-BAFF for the BAFF receptor BAFFR/BR3 is similar to that of myc-Gln136-BAFF, which is exclusively trimeric in solution. However, Ala134-BAFF is more efficacious than myc-Gln136-BAFF in inducing B cell proliferation in vitro. We additionally show that BAFF that is processed and secreted by 293T cells transfected with full-length BAFF, or by a histiocytic lymphoma cell line (U937) that expresses BAFF endogenously, forms a pH-dependent 60-mer in solution. Our results indicate that the formation of the 60-mer in solution by the BAFF extracellular domain is an intrinsic property of the protein, and therefore that this more active form of BAFF may be physiologically relevant.
Glial cells are increasingly recognized as active players that profoundly influence neuronal synaptic transmission by specialized signaling pathways. In particular, astrocytes have been shown recently to release small molecules, such as the amino acids l-glutamate and d-serine as "gliotransmitters," which directly control the efficacy of adjacent synapses. However, it is still controversial whether gliotransmitters are released from a cytosolic pool or by Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis from secretory vesicles, i.e., by a mechanism similar to the release of synaptic vesicles in synapses. Here we report that rat cortical astrocytes contain storage vesicles that display morphological and biochemical features similar to neuronal synaptic vesicles. These vesicles share some, but not all, membrane proteins with synaptic vesicles, including the SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) synaptobrevin 2, and contain both l-glutamate and d-serine. Furthermore, they show uptake of l-glutamate and d-serine that is driven by a proton electrochemical gradient. d-Serine uptake is associated with vesicle acidification and is dependent on chloride. Whereas l-serine is not transported, serine racemase, the synthesizing enzyme for d-serine, is anchored to the membrane of the vesicles, allowing local generation of d-serine. Finally, we reveal a previously unexpected mutual vesicular synergy between d-serine and l-glutamate filling in glia vesicles. We conclude that astrocytes contain vesicles capable of storing and releasing d-serine, l-glutamate, and most likely other neuromodulators in an activity-dependent manner.
BACKGROUND: The genome of Protochlamydia amoebophila UWE25, a Parachlamydia-related endosymbiont of free-living amoebae, was recently published, providing the opportunity to search for genomic islands (GIs). RESULTS: On the residual cumulative G+C content curve, a G+C-rich 19-kb region was observed. This sequence is part of a 100-kb chromosome region, containing 100 highly co-oriented ORFs, flanked by two 17-bp direct repeats. Two identical gly-tRNA genes in tandem are present at the proximal end of this genetic element. Several mobility genes encoding transposases and bacteriophage-related proteins are located within this chromosome region. Thus, this region largely fulfills the criteria of GIs. The G+C content analysis shows that several modules compose this GI. Surprisingly, one of them encodes all genes essential for F-like conjugative DNA transfer (traF, traG, traH, traN, traU, traW, and trbC), involved in sex pilus retraction and mating pair stabilization, strongly suggesting that, similarly to the other F-like operons, the parachlamydial tra unit is devoted to DNA transfer. A close relatedness of this tra unit to F-like tra operons involved in conjugative transfer is confirmed by phylogenetic analyses performed on concatenated genes and gene order conservation. These analyses and that of gly-tRNA distribution in 140 GIs suggest a proteobacterial origin of the parachlamydial tra unit. CONCLUSIONS: A GI of the UWE25 chromosome encodes a potentially functional F-like DNA conjugative system. This is the first hint of a putative conjugative system in chlamydiae. Conjugation most probably occurs within free-living amoebae, that may contain hundreds of Parachlamydia bacteria tightly packed in vacuoles. Such a conjugative system might be involved in DNA transfer between internalized bacteria. Since this system is absent from the sequenced genomes of Chlamydiaceae, we hypothesize that it was acquired after the divergence between Parachlamydiaceae and Chlamydiaceae, when the Parachlamydia-related symbiont was an intracellular bacteria. It suggests that this heterologous DNA was acquired from a phylogenetically-distant bacteria sharing an amoebal vacuole. Since Parachlamydiaceae are emerging agents of pneumonia, this GI might be involved in pathogenicity. In future, conjugative systems might be developed as genetic tools for Chlamydiales.
Enhanced brain apoptosis (neurons and glia) may be involved in major depression (MD) and schizophrenia (SZ), mainly through the activation of the intrinsic (mitochondrial) apoptotic pathway. In the extrinsic death pathway, pro-apoptotic Fas-associated death domain (FADD) adaptor and its non-apoptotic p-Ser194 FADD form have critical roles interacting with other death regulators such as phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes of 15kDa (PEA-15) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). The basal status of FADD (protein and messenger RNA (mRNA)) and the effects of psychotropic drugs (detected in blood/urine samples) were first assessed in postmortem prefrontal cortex of MD and SZ subjects (including a non-MD/SZ suicide group). In MD, p-FADD, but not total FADD (and mRNA), was increased (26%, n=24; all MD subjects) as well as p-FADD/FADD ratio (a pro-survival marker) in antidepressant-free MD subjects (50%, n=10). In contrast, cortical FADD (and mRNA), p-FADD, and p-FADD/FADD were not altered in SZ brains (n=21) regardless of antipsychotic medications (except enhanced mRNA in treated subjects). Similar negative results were quantified in the non-MD/SZ suicide group. In MD, the regulation of multifunctional PEA-15 (i.e., p-Ser116 PEA-15 blocks pro-apoptotic FADD and PEA-15 prevents pro-survival ERK action) and the modulation of p-ERK1/2 were also investigated. Cortical p-PEA-15 was not changed whereas PEA-15 was increased mainly in antidepressant-treated subjects (16-20%). Interestingly, cortical p-ERK1/2/ERK1/2 ratio was reduced (33%) in antidepressant-free when compared to antidepressant-treated MD subjects. The neurochemical adaptations of brain FADD (increased p-FADD and pro-survival p-FADD/FADD ratio), as well as its interaction with PEA-15, could play a major role to counteract the known activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in MD.