815 resultados para Autogenous grinding.


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"Compiled and edited by": 1921-24, L.B. Mackenzie, H.S. Card; 1926-32, H.S. Card; 1938-41, "re-edited by" Stuart Plumley; 1943- "completely revised and re-edited by" T.B. Jefferson.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The development of a new process model of cement grinding in two-stage mills is discussed. The new model has been used to simulate cement grinding and predicting mill performance in open and closed circuit configuration. The new model considered the two-compartment mill as perfectly mixed slices in series. The breakage rate function uses the back calculation technique to determine offline using drop weight and abrasion tests.


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This paper summarises test results that were used to validate a model and scale-up procedure of the high pressure grinding roll (HPGR) which was developed at the JKMRC by Morrell et al. [Morrell, Lim, Tondo, David,1996. Modelling the high pressure grinding rolls. In: Mining Technology Conference, pp. 169-176.]. Verification of the model is based on results from four data sets that describe the performance of three industrial scale units fitted with both studded and smooth roll surfaces. The industrial units are currently in operation within the diamond mining industry and are represented by De Beers, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto. Ore samples from the De Beers and BHP Billiton operations were sent to the JKMRC for ore characterisation and HPGR laboratory-scale tests. Rio Tinto contributed an historical data set of tests completed during a previous research project. The results conclude that the modelling of the HPGR process has matured to a point where the model may be used to evaluate new and to optimise existing comminution circuits. The model prediction of product size distribution is good and has been found to be strongly dependent of the characteristics of the material being tested. The prediction of throughput and corresponding power draw (based on throughput) is sensitive to inconsistent gap/diameter ratios observed between laboratory-scale tests and full-scale operations. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Modelling and optimization of the power draw of large SAG/AG mills is important due to the large power draw which modern mills require (5-10 MW). The cost of grinding is the single biggest cost within the entire process of mineral extraction. Traditionally, modelling of the mill power draw has been done using empirical models. Although these models are reliable, they cannot model mills and operating conditions which are not within the model database boundaries. Also, due to its static nature, the impact of the changing conditions within the mill on the power draw cannot be determined using such models. Despite advances in computing power, discrete element method (DEM) modelling of large mills with many thousands of particles could be a time consuming task. The speed of computation is determined principally by two parameters: number of particles involved and material properties. The computational time step is determined by the size of the smallest particle present in the model and material properties (stiffness). In the case of small particles, the computational time step will be short, whilst in the case of large particles; the computation time step will be larger. Hence, from the point of view of time required for modelling (which usually corresponds to time required for 3-4 mill revolutions), it will be advantageous that the smallest particles in the model are not unnecessarily too small. The objective of this work is to compare the net power draw of the mill whose charge is characterised by different size distributions, while preserving the constant mass of the charge and mill speed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Extensive in-situ testings has shown that blast fragmentation influences the performance of downstream processes in a mine, and as a consequence, the profit of the whole operation can be greatly improved through optimised fragmentation. Other unit operations like excavation, crushing and grinding can all be assisted by altering the blast-induced fragmentation. Experimental studies have indicated that a change in blasting practice would not only influence fragmentation but fragment strength as well. The strength of the fragments produced in a blast is clearly important to the performance of the crushing and grinding circuit as it affects the energy required to break the feed to a target product size. In order to validate the effect of blasting on fragment strength several lumps of granite were blasted, under controlled conditions, using three very different explosive products. The resulting fragments were subjected to standard comminution ore characterisation tests. Obtained comminution parameters were then used to simulate the performance of a SAG mill. Modelling results indicate that changes in post blast residual rock fragment strength significantly influences the performance of the SAG mill, producing up to a 20% increase in throughput. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stirred Mills are becoming increasingly used for fine and ultra-fine grinding. This technology is still poorly understood when used in the mineral processing context. This makes process optimisation of such devices problematic. 3D DEM simulations of the flow of grinding media in pilot scale tower mills and pin mills are carried out in order to investigate the relative performance of these stirred mills. In the first part of this paper, media flow patterns and energy absorption rates and distributions were analysed to provide a good understanding of the media flow and the collisional environment in these mills. In this second part we analyse steady state coherent flow structures, liner stress and wear by impact and abrasion. We also examine mixing and transport efficiency. Together these provide a comprehensive understanding of all the key processes operating in these mills and a clear understanding of the relative performance issues. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stirred mills are becoming increasingly used for fine and ultra-fine grinding. This technology is still poorly understood when used in the mineral processing context. This makes process optimisation of such devices problematic. 3D DEM simulations of the flow of grinding media in pilot scale tower mills and pin mills are carried out in order to investigate the relative performance of these stirred mills. Media flow patterns and energy absorption rates and distributions are analysed here. In the second part of this paper, coherent flow structures, equipment wear and mixing and transport efficiency are analysed. (C) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The patterns of rock comminution within tumbling mills, as well as the nature of forces, are of significant practical importance. Discrete element modelling (DEM) has been used to analyse the pattern of specific energy applied to rock, in terms of spatial distribution within a pilot AG/SAG mill. We also analysed in some detail the nature of the forces, which may result in rock comminution. In order to examine the distribution of energy applied within the mill, the DEM models were compared with measured particle mass losses, in small scale AG and SAG mill experiments. The intensity of contact stresses was estimated using the Hertz theory of elastic contacts. The results indicate that in the case of the AG mill, the highest intensity stresses and strains are likely to occur deep within the charge, and close to the base. This effect is probably more pronounced for large AG mills. In the SAG mill case, the impacts of the steel balls on the surface of the charge are likely to be the most potent. In both cases, the spatial pattern of medium-to-high energy collisions is affected by the rotational speed of the mill. Based on an assumed damage threshold for rock, in terms of specific energy introduced per single collision, the spatial pattern of productive collisions within each charge was estimated and compared with rates of mass loss. We also investigated the nature of the comminution process within AG vs. SAG mill, in order to explain the observed differences in energy utilisation efficiency, between two types of milling. All experiments were performed using a laboratory scale mill of 1.19 m diameter and 0.31 m length, equipped with 14 square section lifters of height 40 mm. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Morphology, occlusal surface topography, macrowear, and microwear features of parrotfish pharyngeal teeth were investigated to relate microstructural characteristics to the function of the pharyngeal mill using scanning electron microscopy of whole and sectioned pharyngeal jaws and teeth. Pharyngeal tooth migration is anterior in the lower jaw (fifth ceratobranchial) and posterior in the upper jaw (paired third pharyngobranchials), making the interaction of occlusal surfaces and wear-generating forces complex. The extent of wear can be used to define three regions through which teeth migrate: a region containing newly erupted teeth showing little or no wear; a midregion in which the apical enameloid is swiftly worn; and a region containing teeth with only basal enameloid remaining, which shows low to moderate wear. The shape of the occlusal surface alters as the teeth progress along the pharyngeal jaw, generating conditions that appear suited to the reduction of coral particles. It is likely that the interaction between these particles and algal cells during the process of the rendering of the former is responsible for the rupture of the latter, with the consequent liberation of cell contents from which parrotfish obtain their nutrients.


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Particle breakage is an essential part of mineral processing. The aim is to reduce run of mine mineral ore to an optimal size for liberating target minerals and for subsequent recovery by separation processes such as flotation. This size reduction is typically accomplished in a series of stages in a grinding circuit tailored to the properties of the particular mine ore. Commonly this involves two or more classes of equipment starting with crushers, followed by SAG mills and then sometimes ball mills. Occasionally, high pressure grinding rolls or other novel devices are substituted. Broadly, energy consumption increases and energy efficiency decreases with the fineness of the material produced by each piece of equipment.


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The main objective of the work presented in this thesis is to investigate the two sides of the flute, the face and the heel of a twist drill. The flute face was designed to yield straight diametral lips which could be extended to eliminate the chisel edge, and consequently a single cutting edge will be obtained. Since drill rigidity and space for chip conveyance have to be a compromise a theoretical expression is deduced which enables optimum chip disposal capacity to be described in terms of drill parameters. This expression is used to describe the flute heel side. Another main objective is to study the effect on drill performance of changing the conventional drill flute. Drills were manufactured according to the new flute design. Tests were run in order to compare the performance of a conventional flute drill and non conventional design put forward. The results showed that 50% reduction in thrust force and approximately 18% reduction in torque were attained for the new design. The flank wear was measured at the outer corner and found to be less for the new design drill than for the conventional one in the majority of cases. Hole quality, roundness, size and roughness were also considered as a further aspect of drill performance. Improvement in hole quality is shown to arise under certain cutting conditions. Accordingly it might be possible to use a hole which is produced in one pass of the new drill which previously would have required a drilled and reamed hole. A subsidiary objective is to design the form milling cutter that should be employed for milling the foregoing special flute from drill blank allowing for the interference effect. A mathematical analysis in conjunction with computing technique and computers is used. To control the grinding parameter, a prototype drill grinder was designed and built upon the framework of an existing cincinnati cutter grinder. The design and build of the new grinder is based on a computer aided drill point geometry analysis. In addition to the conical grinding concept, the new grinder is also used to produce spherical point utilizing a computer aided drill point geometry analysis.


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High speed twist drills are probably the most common of all metal cutting tools and also the least efficient. In this study, detailed research was undertaken into aspects of drill performance and ways in which drilling could be improved in short hole depths of up to two diameters. The work included an evaluation of twist drill geometry and grinding parameters. It was established that errors in point grinding lead to increased hole oversize and reduced drill life. A fundamental analysis was made to establish predictive equations for the drill torque and thrust using modified orthogonal cutting equations and empirical data. A good correlation was obtained between actual and predicted results. Two new techniques for extending twist drill life by the use of coolant feeding holes and also the application of titanium nitride coatings were evaluated. Both methods were found to have potential for improving drill performance. A completely new design of carbide tipped drill was designed and developed. The new design was tested and it compared favourably with two commercially available carbide tipped drills. In further work an entirely different type of drill point geometry was developed for the drill screw. A new design was produced which enabled the drilling time to be minimised for the low thrust forces that were likely to be used with hand held power tools.


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This thesis examines the growth and awareness of health and safety at work between 1780 and 1900. In this period the hazards at work were increased by the intensification of production brought about by the Industrial Revolution, and new risks to health arose from the wider range of toxic substances in use by manufacturing industry. There is discussion in the thesis of the extent to which the problems were identified in an age of short life expectancy and limited medical knowledge. The sources studied have been largely medical, governmental, trade and press reports. The emphasis is on the first effects seen and recommendations made, and where possible, the extent of the problem and the effectiveness of any preventative measures adopted and examined. There is discussion of the growing involvement of the Government in industrial health and safety. The subject is viewed in the light of modern thinking on industrial health but uses a classification appropriate to historical resources. Psychological and minor afflictions, neglected in the 19th century, are not considered. The available literature is reviewed in each section. Three detailed case studies conclude the thesis, two on the notoriously dangerous occupations of metal grinding and pottery, and one on occupational eye injuries. Each study is based on a different type of source material. The thesis overall shows that there was extensive concern for health and safety at work, but no systematic approach and only ad hoc implementation of preventative measures; and that the rate at which conditions improved varied between different industries and different categories of workers . However, some modern principles of health and safety at work can be seen emerging, and the period laid the necessary medical, technical and legal foundations for developments in the present century.


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Modern electron optical techniques together with X-ray and mineralogical examination have been used to study the occurrence and form of phosphorus bearing minerals in iron ores. Three ores have been studied - Bahariya and Aswan from Egypt and Frodingham ironstone from U.K. The iron in the Bahariya iron ore is mainly as hematite and goethite. The gangue minerals are halite, gypsum, barytes, quartz and calcite. Iron content is between 49.8 to 63.2% and phosphorus 0.14 to 0.34%. The phosphorus occurs as very fine particles of apatite which are distributed throughout the ore. Removal of the phosphorus would require very fine grinding followed by acid leaching. Aswan iron ore is an oolitic iron ore; the iron content between 41-57% and phosphorus content 0.1 to 2.9%. It is mainly hematitic with variable quantities of quartz, apatite and small amount of clay minerals. In the oolitic iron ore beds, apatite occurs in the hematite matrix; filling in the pores of the oolithic surfaces, or as matrix cementing the ooliths with the hematite grains. In sandstone claybeds the distribution of the apatite is mainly in the matrix. It is suggested that the liberation size for the apatite would be -80 m and flotation concentration could be applied for the removal of apatite from Aswan ore. Frodingham ironstone occurs in the lower Jurassic bed of the South Humberside area. The average iron content is 25% and the phosphorus is 0.32%. Seven mineral phases were identified by X-ray; calcite, quartz, chamosite, hematite, siderite, apatite, and chlorite. Apatite occurs as very fine grains in the hematite and chamosite ooliths; as matrix of fine grains intergrown with chamosite and calcite grains; and as anhedral and sub rounded grains in the ooliths (8-28 m). It is suggested that two processes are possible for the dephosphorisation; the Flox process or a reduction roast followed by fine grinding, magnetic separation, and acid leaching.