1000 resultados para Aulas noturnas
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Mode of access: Internet.
Los t. IX-XI se publicaron con el tít. : "Cartas físico-matemáticas de Teodosio a Eugenio"
Researchers have analyzed how sport is being taught in the classroom as a regular subject and how it is accepted as a pedagogical action at school. This study aims to suggest some pedagogic proposal on the Physical Education subject to High School System which would be planned, formulated, and applied based on some critical approach on teaching, as well as analyzing and thinking over its impact on the students' learning, taking in consideration some conceptual, procedural and attitudinal dimensions to make possible for the students to become more critical so that they will understand how this subject works in contemporary time. .We had three specific blocs to develop our research: Historic, conceptual and cultural elements about sport; Public policies to sport; Individual, group and environmental characteristics. The method of this work was based on qualitative research through some research action. The study was made actually at IFRN (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte state), in the city of Pau dos Ferros. Students from the second year of the computing course in high school were the participants in the research, there were 37 students from eleven different cities near Pau dos Ferros. They answered some questionares and a Research Diary. From the pedagogical intervention we could prove the students have improved their knowledge about the concept on sport itself, leaving the old idea about sport only as a physical practice such as an activity with rules or as competition, we could prove they have sport as a social-cultural event, involving policies, ideologies as well as historical interferences. Another aspect they mentioned was that sport is the citizens' right and as such there must be public policies pro sports. Understanding that sport transpires on peoples' habits as well as their behavior allowed us to identify its influence on our students' quality of life back in their home towns. Therewith, it is clear the necessity of a pedagogical focus on the content of Physical Education at school to make this subject more meaningful, so that the students will become more critical and reflexive about life and will be able be real citizens
In recent years, the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) has come through an intense process of expansion, common for the Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES) - Higher Education Institutions – since the implantation of the Programa de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI), a program of restructuring and expansion of the federal universities. The incentives made at UFRN can be seen into the expansion of the fields of teaching, research and extension, besides hiring human resources and adaptation / expansion of physical spaces. The focus of the UFRN at the technological area through the project (REUNI) has reflected in a significant expansion of the physical structure of the Center of Technology, area where the section of classes IV remains being the main set of rooms that supports the demand of the courses in the technological area, in which highlights the lack of classrooms. In this sense, the work presented here, proposes an architectural blueprint for expanding the physical space of this sector, based in this main parameters: (i) the spatial flexibility that attends the varying numbers of students per class; (ii) the environmental comfort, using the parameters and guidelines constructive for the Bioclimatic Zone 8; (iii) the requirements contained in the rules of ABNT NBR 9050:2004, 9077:2001 and NBR NBR 15220-3:2003. The architectural proposal used the maximum template allowed by the UFRN Central Campus Master Plan, four floors, considering the existing building (area equal to 7413.95 m²) as the ground floor and the extension proposed distributed on three floors, with an area of around 2,535, 00 m² each, making up a total of 7602.65 m² of total area built
This study will present the results of an investigation of how the history of mathematics and theater can contribute to the construction of mathematical knowledge of students in the 9th year of elementary school, through the experience, preparation and execution of a play, beyond presentation of the script. This brings a historical approach, defining space and time of events, putting the reader and viewer to do the route in the biography of Thales of Miletus (624-546 a.C), creating situations that led to the study and discussion of the content related to the episode possible to measure the height of the pyramid Khufu and the Theorem of Thales. That said, the pedagogical proposal implemented in this work was based on theoretical and methodological assumptions of the History of Mathematics and Theatre, drawing upon authors such as Mendes (2006), Miguel (1993), Gutierre (2010), Desgrandes (2011), Cabral (2012). Regarding the methodological procedures used qualitative research because it responds to particular issues, analyzing and interpreting the data generated in the research field. As methodological tools we have used participant observation, the questionnaire given to the students, field diary and dissertativos texts produced by students. The processing and analysis of data collected through the questionnaires were organized, classified and quantified in tables and graphs for easy viewing, interpretation, understanding and analysis of data. Data analysis corroborated our hypothesis and contributed to improving the use and display of the play as a motivating activity in mathematics classrooms. Thus, we consider that the script developed, ie the educational product proposed will bring significant contributions to the teaching of Mathematics in Primary Education
The official documents that guide the teaching and learning process of a Foreign Language in Brazil, Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Língua Estrangeira, suggest a linguistic and intercultural communication as the main objective of teaching a foreign language inorderto contribute withareflexive formation of the students.Toachieve this goal, a Virtual Interchange was realized connecting distant places like Córdoba, in Argentina, and Natal in Brazil, between High School students through Moodle platform and Facebook. The Interchange is based in the Intercomprehension in Romance Languages(IC) guidelines, inthiscase between Portuguese and Spanish, according to which every student speaks their own language and makes an effort to comprehend the others througha collaborative process thatgo es beyond the limits of mere linguistic objectives and favors the students’ reality acceptance before the diversity. This qualitative study with thno graphic characteristic stries to know whe ther differentiate projects can increase students’ interest to learn the target language. It was also set as an aim of this study to develop the intercultural competence of our students and foster the respect for different cultures. In the case of Argentinian and Brazilian students, wetried to promote reflection about social representation trying to destroy stereotypes between both groups. As methodological resources, we used interviews, questionnaires and intercomprehension activities during the Project, as well as a participant observation of the interactions betweenthe students of both countries.Webe lieve tobe contributing towards the integral formation ofth student asacriticalcitizenthatthinksa bouttheir posture before the world, which is one of the formal education aims according to Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Our theoretical foundation is based on Intercomprehension in Romance Languages (IC) as a plurilingualism didactics, (JAMET AND SPIŢĂ 2010; ARAÚJO AND SÁ et al., 2003; CAPUCHO, 2010; ANDRADE etal.,2003), some the oriesaboutinter culturalisman didentity(Vallespir, 1999;DUARTE&SANCHES,2004; REVUZ,1998;SILVA,2000;CHAUÍ2006; SERRANI-INFANTE 1998), motivation and second language learning (DECI & RYAN, 1985; DÖRNYEI AND OTTÓ, 1998; DÖRNYEI, 2000, 2001; 2011) and Significant Learning Theory (AUSUBEL, 1968). The results show an increase of students’ motivation when in contact with the target language through dynamic activities in an IC context. Moreover, we noticed that a deeper thinking aboutthe Argentinian culture helped to deconstruct previous cultural representation.
Dissertação com vista na obtenção no grau de mestre em Atividade Física em Populações Especiais
Las inves gaciones que estudian la homofobia en el sistema educa vo son cada año más numerosas, en parte por el reconocimiento legal que las personas Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales han ido adquiriendo en los úl mos empos, fruto de años de luchas y reivindicaciones. En este ar culo se presenta un meta-análisis de las diferentes inves gaciones que han analizado la homofobia en las aulas universitarias. Para su elaboración, se llevó a cabo una revisión de las inves gaciones realizadas a este respecto, a nivel nacional e internacional, mediante una búsqueda bibliográ ca en bases de datos. Dada la escasez de inves gaciones publicadas en torno al tema, se consideró per nente usar únicamente como indicador la palabra “homophobia”, estableciendo como requisito que el mencionado indicador estuviera en el tulo o el resumen del ar culo. Igualmente fueron analizadas las referencias bibliográ cas citadas en cada uno de los ar culos encontrados. Los resultados permiten establecer una panorámica sobre los aspectos más estudiados en relación a la homofobia en las aulas universitarias. Se discute nalmente, en función de los datos encontrados, la per nencia de trabajar la diversidad afec vo-sexual y la prevención de la homofobia desde los centros universitarios, las diferentes maneras de hacerlo y la importancia que tiene el profesorado universitario en este aspecto relacionado con el sexismo, la atención a la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión educativa.
Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º ciclos do ensino básico
O presente trabalho tem como intuito trazer para o debate como as TICs, especificamente o ensino/aprendizagem videogame das aulas pode de estar inserido Educaçao no Física. processo O de videogame modernizou-se, e hoje possibilita uma maior interaçao entre o homem e a máquina através dos exergames. Nesse sentido, é importante salientar que é difícil encontrarmos no contexto das aulas Educaçao Física professores que sejam adeptos ao uso tecnologias. Talvez isso aconteça pelo fato da matéria sempre ter possuído um caráter mais prático, ou pela dificuldade dos professores com as tecnologias. Hoje, é imperativo o uso de TICs no nosso cotidiano, entao, a escola no contexto da Educaçao Física deve apropriar-se da mesma com a intençao de trazer elementos que possam propicias aprendizagens em aspectos sociais, cognitivos e motores
Este trabalho foi elaborado a partir de uma pesquisa realizada no âmbito das açoes do Subprojeto Interdisciplinar UFSM, durante o primeiro semestre de 2015, cujo objetivo é compreender os significados atribuídos às aulas de Educaçao Física Escolar por alunos dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de uma Escola Pública de Educaçao Básica. Utilizamos como fontes de informaçoes 32 alunos de uma turma do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental e 32 desenhos elaborados por esses mesmos alunos. Para a coleta com os alunos utilizamos uma técnica de grupos dialogais. As análises realizadas nos permitem perceber que muitos alunos conseguem expressar ou nao possuem uma representaçao de educaçao física; aqueles que conseguiram expressar atribuem um sentido restrito da Educaçao Física como esporte e jogos e/ou atividades lúdicas. Também fica evidente que os alunos fazem uma nítida separaçao entre a sala de aula e os componentes curriculares e a educaçao física. Estes resultados evidenciam o quanto as representaçoes vêm sendo equivocadamente elaboradas nos primeiros anos da educaçao, o que pode ser o germe dos problemas enfrentados em etapas mais avançadas, quando os alunos demonstram pouco interesse ou tendem a desvalorizar este componente por nao compreenderem-no com uma parte importante da escolarizaçao
O presente trabalho tem como intuito trazer para o debate como as TICs, especificamente o ensino/aprendizagem videogame das aulas pode de estar inserido Educaçao no Física. processo O de videogame modernizou-se, e hoje possibilita uma maior interaçao entre o homem e a máquina através dos exergames. Nesse sentido, é importante salientar que é difícil encontrarmos no contexto das aulas Educaçao Física professores que sejam adeptos ao uso tecnologias. Talvez isso aconteça pelo fato da matéria sempre ter possuído um caráter mais prático, ou pela dificuldade dos professores com as tecnologias. Hoje, é imperativo o uso de TICs no nosso cotidiano, entao, a escola no contexto da Educaçao Física deve apropriar-se da mesma com a intençao de trazer elementos que possam propicias aprendizagens em aspectos sociais, cognitivos e motores