938 resultados para Auditory-evoked-potentials
The activation of presynaptic G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is widely reported to inhibit transmitter release; however, the lack of accessibility of many presynaptic terminals has limited direct analysis of signalling mediators. We studied GPCR-mediated inhibition of fast cholinergic transmission between superior cervical ganglion neurones (SCGNs) in culture. The adrenoceptor agonist noradrenaline (NA) caused a dose-related reduction in evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). NA-induced EPSP decrease was accompanied by effects on the presynaptic action potential (AP), reducing AP duration and amplitude of the after-hyperpolarization (AHP), without affecting the pre- and postsynaptic membrane potential. All effects of NA were blocked by yohimbine and synaptic transmission was reduced by clonidine, consistent with an action at presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptors. NA-induced inhibition of transmission was sensitive to pre-incubation of SCGNs with pertussis toxin (PTX), implicating the involvement of G alpha(i)/(o)beta y subunits. Expression of G alpha transducin, an agent which sequesters G protein beta gamma (G beta y) subunits, in the presynaptic neurone caused a time-dependent attenuation of NA-induced inhibition. Injection of purified G beta gamma subunits into the presynaptic neurone inhibited transmission, and also reduced the AHP amplitude. Furthermore, NA-induced inhibition was occluded by pre-injection of G beta gamma subunits. The Ca2+ channel blocker Cd2+ mimicked NA effects on transmitter release. Cd2+, NA and G beta gamma subunits also inhibited somatic Ca2+ current. In contrast to effects on AP-evoked transmitter release, NA had no clear action on AP-independent EPSPs induced by hypertonic solutions. These results demonstrate that G beta gamma subunits functionally mediate inhibition of transmitter release by alpha 2-adrenoceptors and represent important regulators of synaptic transmission at mammalian presynaptic terminals.
We report two studies of the distinct effects that a word's age of acquisition (AoA) and frequency have on the mental lexicon. In the first study, a purely statistical analysis, we show that AoA and frequency are related in different ways to the phonological form and imageability of different words. In the second study, three groups of participants (34 seven-year-olds, 30 ten-year-olds, and 17 adults) took part in an auditory lexical decision task, with stimuli varying in AoA, frequency, length, neighbourhood density, and imageability. The principal result is that the influence of these different variables changes as a function of AoA: Neighbourhood density effects are apparent for early and late AoA words, but not for intermediate AoA, whereas imageability effects are apparent for intermediate AoA words but not for early or late AoA. These results are discussed from the perspective that AoA affects a word's representation, but frequency affects processing biases.
We frequently encounter conflicting emotion cues. This study examined how the neural response to emotional prosody differed in the presence of congruent and incongruent lexico-semantic cues. Two hypotheses were assessed: (i) decoding emotional prosody with conflicting lexico-semantic cues would activate brain regions associated with cognitive conflict (anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) or (ii) the increased attentional load of incongruent cues would modulate the activity of regions that decode emotional prosody (right lateral temporal cortex). While the participants indicated the emotion conveyed by prosody, functional magnetic resonance imaging data were acquired on a 3T scanner using blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast. Using SPM5, the response to congruent cues was contrasted with that to emotional prosody alone, as was the response to incongruent lexico-semantic cues (for the 'cognitive conflict' hypothesis). The right lateral temporal lobe region of interest analyses examined modulation of activity in this brain region between these two contrasts (for the 'prosody cortex' hypothesis). Dorsolateral prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex activity was not observed, and neither was attentional modulation of activity in right lateral temporal cortex activity. However, decoding emotional prosody with incongruent lexico-semantic cues was strongly associated with left inferior frontal gyrus activity. This specialist form of conflict is therefore not processed by the brain using the same neural resources as non-affective cognitive conflict and neither can it be handled by associated sensory cortex alone. The recruitment of inferior frontal cortex may indicate increased semantic processing demands but other contributory functions of this region should be explored.
Event-related brain potentials (ERP) are important neural correlates of cognitive processes. In the domain of language processing, the N400 and P600 reflect lexical-semantic integration and syntactic processing problems, respectively. We suggest an interpretation of these markers in terms of dynamical system theory and present two nonlinear dynamical models for syntactic computations where different processing strategies correspond to functionally different regions in the system's phase space.
We present the symbolic resonance analysis (SRA) as a viable method for addressing the problem of enhancing a weakly dominant mode in a mixture of impulse responses obtained from a nonlinear dynamical system. We demonstrate this using results from a numerical simulation with Duffing oscillators in different domains of their parameter space, and by analyzing event-related brain potentials (ERPs) from a language processing experiment in German as a representative application. In this paradigm, the averaged ERPs exhibit an N400 followed by a sentence final negativity. Contemporary sentence processing models predict a late positivity (P600) as well. We show that the SRA is able to unveil the P600 evoked by the critical stimuli as a weakly dominant mode from the covering sentence final negativity. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Two experiments examine the effect on an immediate recall test of simulating a reverberant auditory environment in which auditory distracters in the form of speech are played to the participants (the 'irrelevant sound effect'). An echo-intensive environment simulated by the addition of reverberation to the speech reduced the extent of 'changes in state' in the irrelevant speech stream by smoothing the profile of the waveform. In both experiments, the reverberant auditory environment produced significantly smaller irrelevant sound distraction effects than an echo-free environment. Results are interpreted in terms of changing-state hypothesis, which states that acoustic content of irrelevant sound, rather than phonology or semantics, determines the extent of the irrelevant sound effect (ISE). Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The 'irrelevant sound effect' in short-term memory is commonly believed to entail a number of direct consequences for cognitive performance in the office and other workplaces (e.g. S. P. Banbury, S. Tremblay, W. J. Macken, & D. M. Jones, 2001). It may also help to identify what types of sound are most suitable as auditory warning signals. However, the conclusions drawn are based primarily upon evidence from a single task (serial recall) and a single population (young adults). This evidence is reconsidered from the standpoint of different worker populations confronted with common workplace tasks and auditory environments. Recommendations are put forward for factors to be considered when assessing the impact of auditory distraction in the workplace. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We investigated whether it is possible to control the temporal window of attention used to rapidly integrate visual information. To study the underlying neural mechanisms, we recorded ERPs in an attentional blink task, known to elicit Lag-1 sparing. Lag-1 sparing fosters joint integration of the two targets, evidenced by increased order errors. Short versus long integration windows were induced by showing participants mostly fast or slow stimuli. Participants expecting slow speed used a longer integration window, increasing joint integration. Difference waves showed an early (200 ms post-T2) negative and a late positive modulation (390 ms) in the fast group, but not in the slow group. The modulations suggest the creation of a separate event for T2, which is not needed in the slow group, where targets were often jointly integrated. This suggests that attention can be guided by global expectations of presentation speed within tens of milliseconds.
The study of motor unit action potential (MUAP) activity from electrornyographic signals is an important stage on neurological investigations that aim to understand the state of the neuromuscular system. In this context, the identification and clustering of MUAPs that exhibit common characteristics, and the assessment of which data features are most relevant for the definition of such cluster structure are central issues. In this paper, we propose the application of an unsupervised Feature Relevance Determination (FRD) method to the analysis of experimental MUAPs obtained from healthy human subjects. In contrast to approaches that require the knowledge of a priori information from the data, this FRD method is embedded on a constrained mixture model, known as Generative Topographic Mapping, which simultaneously performs clustering and visualization of MUAPs. The experimental results of the analysis of a data set consisting of MUAPs measured from the surface of the First Dorsal Interosseous, a hand muscle, indicate that the MUAP features corresponding to the hyperpolarization period in the physisiological process of generation of muscle fibre action potentials are consistently estimated as the most relevant and, therefore, as those that should be paid preferential attention for the interpretation of the MUAP groupings.
This paper addresses the crucial problem of wayfinding assistance in the Virtual Environments (VEs). A number of navigation aids such as maps, agents, trails and acoustic landmarks are available to support the user for navigation in VEs, however it is evident that most of the aids are visually dominated. This work-in-progress describes a sound based approach that intends to assist the task of 'route decision' during navigation in a VE using music. Furthermore, with use of musical sounds it aims to reduce the cognitive load associated with other visually as well as physically dominated tasks. To achieve these goals, the approach exploits the benefits provided by music to ease and enhance the task of wayfinding, whilst making the user experience in the VE smooth and enjoyable.
The identification and visualization of clusters formed by motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) is an essential step in investigations seeking to explain the control of the neuromuscular system. This work introduces the generative topographic mapping (GTM), a novel machine learning tool, for clustering of MUAPs, and also it extends the GTM technique to provide a way of visualizing MUAPs. The performance of GTM was compared to that of three other clustering methods: the self-organizing map (SOM), a Gaussian mixture model (GMM), and the neural-gas network (NGN). The results, based on the study of experimental MUAPs, showed that the rate of success of both GTM and SOM outperformed that of GMM and NGN, and also that GTM may in practice be used as a principled alternative to the SOM in the study of MUAPs. A visualization tool, which we called GTM grid, was devised for visualization of MUAPs lying in a high-dimensional space. The visualization provided by the GTM grid was compared to that obtained from principal component analysis (PCA). (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.