942 resultados para Asphalt in hydraulic engineering.
Curriculum innovation is challenging and, as several commentators have reported, moves to introduce communicative language teaching in many contexts internationally have resulted in mixed outcomes, or even failure. In an effort to shed some light on this complex problem, this article focuses on curriculum change through the introduction of new communicative textbooks in an engineering college (kosen) in Japan. First, three key factors that inhibit change are considered and then other factors that specifically hindered change in the kosen environment are identified. A study investigating the attitudes and classroom practices of four Japanese teachers of English highlighted a culture of pedagogical uncertainty and lack of professional support. Suggestions for supporting teachers to implement curriculum change more effectively, both in Japan and elsewhere, are drawn out.
Although the importance of translation for the development of tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and cell-based therapies is widely recognized, the process of translation is less well understood. This is particularly the case among some early career researchers who may not appreciate the intricacies of translational research or make decisions early in development which later hinders effective translation. Based on our own research and experiences as early career researchers involved in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine translation, we discuss common pitfalls associated with translational research, providing practical solutions and important considerations which will aid process and product development. Suggestions range from effective project management, consideration of key manufacturing, clinical and regulatory matters and means of exploiting research for successful commercialization.
Modern technologies have changed the way of presenting information in archives. This makes it possible to introduce new services, which was unimaginable a few years ago. Digitalization, security and virtual presentation of objects in the sphere of motoring by application of technologies, based on knowledge about how to create digital resources is the theme of this project. The aim of AutoKnow project is to carry out a research and create a multi- media digital archive AutoKnow and Experimental Virtual Motor Laboratory (EVML) with Motor Library (ML) from digital multi-media patterns from a selected group of objects in the sphere of automobile technology, presented by NMU. This makes it possible to widely apply multi-media collections in automobile engineering, teaching, research work in that sphere and serve the interests of a large number of auto-amateurs as well in Bulgaria. The research and development of АutoKnow is in the following mutually related fields: - Creation and annotation of collections of objects in the sphere of automobiles; - Creation, analysis and security of a digital archive AutoKnow; - Design and creation of Digital Motor Library; - Socially-oriented applications in education, scientific studies and Experimental Virtual Motor Laboratory; - Informational System for teaching and testing of knowledge in the sphere of automobiles MindCheck.
Optical-phase conjugation nonlinearity compensation (OPC-NLC) in optical networks is evaluated using a built-in tool including self-channel and crosstalk channel interference effects. Though significant improvements are observed, a further refined launch power policy is required to fully take advantage of OPC-NLC capability.
This positional paper proposes a conceptual framework and methodological approach for use in a PhD study investigating the longer term educational and social impact of 'active' engineering focused interventions for children age 8-10 in the UK. The study will critically analyse how a child's participation in an engineering education activity contributes to the Engineering Capital that the child possesses; focusing on how the child's awareness and perceptions about engineering are affected. To achieve this aim it is proposed that Grounded Theory methodology be used to enable an in-depth analysis of participation from the perspective of the child participant. The study proposed will be longitudinal, taking place over three formative years for the education and career aspirations of the child, from age 8-10 to 11-13. Although the research is in its infancy, this paper will provide the opportunity to develop theory in an underdeveloped area of engineering education research.
Engineering education in the United Kingdom is at the point of embarking upon an interesting journey into uncharted waters. At no point in the past have there been so many drivers for change and so many opportunities for the development of engineering pedagogy. This paper will look at how Engineering Education Research (EER) has developed within the UK and what differentiates it from the many small scale practitioner interventions, perhaps without a clear research question or with little evaluation, which are presented at numerous staff development sessions, workshops and conferences. From this position some examples of current projects will be described, outcomes of funding opportunities will be summarised and the benefits of collaboration with other disciplines illustrated. In this study, I will account for how the design of task structure according to variation theory, as well as the probe-ware technology, make the laws of force and motion visible and learnable and, especially, in the lab studied make Newton's third law visible and learnable. I will also, as a comparison, include data from a mechanics lab that use the same probe-ware technology and deal with the same topics in mechanics, but uses a differently designed task structure. I will argue that the lower achievements on the FMCE-test in this latter case can be attributed to these differences in task structure in the lab instructions. According to my analysis, the necessary pattern of variation is not included in the design. I will also present a microanalysis of 15 hours collected from engineering students' activities in a lab about impulse and collisions based on video recordings of student's activities in a lab about impulse and collisions. The important object of learning in this lab is the development of an understanding of Newton's third law. The approach analysing students interaction using video data is inspired by ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, i.e. I will focus on students practical, contingent and embodied inquiry in the setting of the lab. I argue that my result corroborates variation theory and show this theory can be used as a 'tool' for designing labs as well as for analysing labs and lab instructions. Thus my results have implications outside the domain of this study and have implications for understanding critical features for student learning in labs. Engineering higher education is well used to change. As technology develops the abilities expected by employers of graduates expand, yet our understanding of how to make informed decisions about learning and teaching strategies does not without a conscious effort to do so. With the numerous demands of academic life, we often fail to acknowledge our incomplete understanding of how our students learn within our discipline. The journey facing engineering education in the UK is being driven by two classes of driver. Firstly there are those which we have been working to expand our understanding of, such as retention and employability, and secondly the new challenges such as substantial changes to funding systems allied with an increase in student expectations. Only through continued research can priorities be identified, addressed and a coherent and strong voice for informed change be heard within the wider engineering education community. This new position makes it even more important that through EER we acquire the knowledge and understanding needed to make informed decisions regarding approaches to teaching, curriculum design and measures to promote effective student learning. This then raises the question 'how does EER function within a diverse academic community?' Within an existing community of academics interested in taking meaningful steps towards understanding the ongoing challenges of engineering education a Special Interest Group (SIG) has formed in the UK. The formation of this group has itself been part of the rapidly changing environment through its facilitation by the Higher Education Academy's Engineering Subject Centre, an entity which through the Academy's current restructuring will no longer exist as a discrete Centre dedicated to supporting engineering academics. The aims of this group, the activities it is currently undertaking and how it expects to network and collaborate with the global EER community will be reported in this paper. This will include explanation of how the group has identified barriers to the progress of EER and how it is seeking, through a series of activities, to facilitate recognition and growth of EER both within the UK and with our valued international colleagues.
This paper presents a development of decision support systems for solving scheduling problems. It consists of two parts — the first describing the production processes which can be handled by the system and the second describing how the system works.
The anisotropy of the Biscayne Aquifer which serves as the source of potable water for Miami-Dade County was investigated by applying geophysical methods. Electrical resistivity imaging, self potential and ground penetration radar techniques were employed in both regional and site specific studies. In the regional study, electrical anisotropy and resistivity variation with depth were investigated with azimuthal square array measurements at 13 sites. The observed coefficient of electrical anisotropy ranged from 1.01 to 1.36. The general direction of measured anisotropy is uniform for most sites and trends W-E or SE-NW irrespective of depth. Measured electrical properties were used to estimate anisotropic component of the secondary porosity and hydraulic anisotropy which ranged from 1 to 11% and 1.18 to 2.83 respectively. 1-D sounding analysis was used to models the variation of formation resistivity with depth. Resistivities decreased from NW (close to the margins of the everglades) to SE on the shores of Biscayne Bay. Porosity calculated from Archie's law, ranged from 18 to 61% with higher values found along the ridge. Higher anisotropy, porosities and hydraulic conductivities were on the Atlantic Coastal Ridge and lower values at low lying areas west of the ridge. The cause of higher anisotropy and porosity is attributed to higher dissolution rates of the oolitic facies of the Miami Formation composing the ridge. The direction of minimum resistivity from this study is similar to the predevelopment groundwater flow direction indicated in published modeling studies. Detailed investigations were carried out to evaluate higher anisotropy at West Perrine Park located on the ridge and Snapper Creek Municipal well field where the anisotropy trend changes with depth. The higher anisotropy is attributed to the presence of solution cavities oriented in the E-SE direction on the ridge. Similarly, the change in hydraulic anisotropy at the well field might be related to solution cavities, the surface canal and groundwater extraction wells.^
In this study wave propagation, dispersion relations, and energy relations for linear elastic periodic systems are analyzed. In particular, the dispersion relations for monoatomic chain of infinite dimension are obtained analytically by writing the Block-type wave equation for a unit cell in order to capture the dynamic behavior for chains under prescribed vibration. By comparing the discretized model (mass-spring chain) with the solid bar system, the nonlinearity of the dispersion relation for chain indicates that the periodic lattice is dispersive in contrast to the continuous rod, which is non dispersive. Further investigations have been performed considering one-dimensional diatomic linear elastic mass-spring chain. The dispersion relations, energy velocity, and group velocity have been derived. At certain range of frequencies harmonic plane waves do not propagate in contrast with monoatomic chain. Also, since the diatomic chain considered is a linear elastic chain, both of the energy velocity and the group velocity are identical. As long as the linear elastic condition is considered the results show zero flux condition without residual energy. In addition, this paper shows that the diatomic chain dispersion relations are independent on the unit cell scheme. Finally, an extension for the study covers the dispersion and energy relations for 2D- grid system. The 2x2 grid system show a periodicity of the dispersion surface in the wavenumber domain. In addition, the symmetry of the surface can be exploited to identify an Irreducible Brillouin Zone (IBZ). Compact representations of the dispersion properties of multidimensional periodic systems are obtained by plotting frequency as the wave vector’s components vary along the boundary of the IBZ, which leads to a widely accepted and effective visualization of bandgaps and overall dispersion properties.
Advanced therapies combating acute and chronic skin wounds are likely to be brought about using our knowledge of regenerative medicine coupled with appropriately tissue engineered skin substitutes. At the present time, there are no models of an artificial skin that completely replicate normal uninjured skin and they are usually accompanied by fibrotic reactions that result in the production of a scar. Natural biopolymers such as collagen have been a lot investigated as potential source of biomaterial for skin replacement in Tissue Engineering. Collagens are the most abundant high molecular weight proteins in both invertebrate and vertebrate organisms, including mammals, and possess mainly a structural role in connective tissues. From this, they have been elected as one of the key biological materials in tissue regeneration approaches, as skin tissue engineering. In addition, industry is constantly searching for new natural sources of collagen and upgraded methodologies for their production. The most common sources are skin and bone from bovine and porcine origin. However, these last carry high risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy or transmissible spongiform encephalopathy and immunogenic responses. On the other hand, the increase of jellyfish has led us to consider this marine organism as potential collagen source for tissue engineering applications. In the present study, novel form of acid and pepsin soluble collagen were extracted from dried Rhopilema hispidum jellyfish species in an effort to obtain an alternative and safer collagen. We studied different methods of collagen purification (tissues and experimental procedures). The best collagen yield was obtained using pepsin extraction method (34.16 mg collagen/g of tissue). The isolated collagen was characterized by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and circular dichroism spectroscopy.
Lo studio è orientato alla determinazione dei rischi tossici posti dalle nanoparticelle di diossido di titanio rilasciate in ambiente marino. L’organismo modello utilizzato per questo studio è la diatomea Thalassiosira pseudonana, la quale è stata scelta per la sua semplicità biologica unita alla fondamentale rilevanza nella catena alimentare e nell’ecosistema marino. Oltre alle nanoparticelle prodotte industrialmente, questo studio ha lo scopo di determinare e confrontare la tossicità delle nanoparticelle utilizzate in alcuni prodotti di cura personale (in particolare crema solare e dentifricio), estraendole direttamente da essi. I nostri risultati mostrano una notevole ridondanza nel legame tra la natura (il tipo) delle nanoparticelle e l’inibizione della normale crescita delle diatomee, che supera la correlazione con tutti gli altri parametri monitorati (concentrazione di nanoparticelle, tempo di esposizione, pH, carica superficiale e dimensione delle particelle stesse), sebbene gli altri parametri risultino direttamente legati agli effetti inibitori. Tali risultati suggeriscono un’intensificazione della ricerca nell’ambito delle nanotecnologie, orientata allo sviluppo di nanomateriali “sostenibili”, ovvero dei quali sono note le potenzialità di impiego, ma anche gli aspetti negativi, che possono di conseguenza essere monitorati con maggiore consapevolezza.
In global engineering enterprises, information and knowledge sharing are critical factors that can determine a project’s success. This statement is widely acknowledged in published literature. However, according to some academics, tacit knowledge is derived from a person’s lifetime of experience, practice, perception and learning, which makes it hard to capture and document in order to be shared. This project investigates if social media tools can be used to improve and enable tacit knowledge sharing within a global engineering enterprise. This paper first provides a brief background of the subject area, followed by an explanation of the industrial investigation, from which the proposed knowledge framework to improve tacit knowledge sharing is presented. This project’s main focus is on the improvement of collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst product development engineers in order to improve the whole product development cycle.
Thermal and fatigue cracking are the two of the major pavement distress phenomena that contribute significantly towards increased premature pavement failures in Ontario. This in turn puts a massive burden on the provincial budgets as the government spends huge sums of money on the repair and rehabilitation of roads every year. Governments therefore need to rethink and re-evaluate their current measures in order to prevent it in future. The main objectives of this study include: the investigation of fatigue distress of 11 contract samples at 10oC, 15oC, 20oC and 25oC and the use of crack-tip-opening-displacement (CTOD) requirements at temperatures other than 15oC; investigation of thermal and fatigue distress of the comparative analysis of 8 Ministry of Transportation (MTO) recovered and straight asphalt samples through double-edge-notched-tension test (DENT) and extended bending beam rheometry (EBBR); chemical testing of all samples though X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Fourier transform infrared analysis (FTIR); Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) higher and intermediate temperature grading; and the case study of a local Kingston road. Majority of 11 contract samples showed satisfactory performance at all temperatures except one sample. Study of CTOD at various temperatures found a strong correlation between the two variables. All recovered samples showed poor performance in terms of their ability to resist thermal and fatigue distress relative to their corresponding straight asphalt as evident in DENT test and EBBR results. XRF and FTIR testing of all samples showed the addition of waste engine oil (WEO) to be the root cause of pavement failures. DSR high temperature grading showed superior performance of recovered binders relative to straight asphalt. The local Kingston road showed extensive signs of damage due to thermal and fatigue distress as evident from DENT test, EBBR results and pictures taken in the field. In the light of these facts, the use of waste engine oil and recycled asphalt in pavements should be avoided as these have been shown to cause premature failure in pavements. The DENT test existing CTOD requirements should be implemented at other temperatures in order to prevent the occurrences of premature pavement failures in future.