990 resultados para Aspergillus fumigatus Teses


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Das plantas txicas da Amaznia Palicourea longiflora e Strychnos cogens foram isolados 571 fungos endofticos e 74 bactrias endofticas. Palicourea longiflora (Rubiaceae) e outras espcies desse gnero esto relacionadas a 90% das mortes de gado na regio Amaznica. Strychnos cogens (Loganiaceae) e outras espcies de Strychnos so utilizadas pelos indgenas na confeco de "curares". Entre os endfitos isolados de P. longiflora foram identificados os fungos: Colletotrichum sp. e seu telemorfo Glomerella sp., Guignardia sp., Aspergillus niger, Phomopsis sp. e Xylaria sp., alm da bactria Burkholderia gladioli, pertencente a um grupo de fixadoras de nitrognio. Dos isolados de S. cogens foram identificados os fungos: Colletotrichum sp., Guignardia sp., Aspergillus niger e Trichoderma sp. Uma amostra de 79 isolados fngicos teve seus metablitos extracelulares bioensaiados contra microrganismos patognicos e fitopatognicos: 19 isolados inibiram um ou mais microrganismos-teste. Dos oito isolados com melhores resultados de inibio, as mleculas bioativas eram menores que 12.000 daltons, fato verificado pela dilise dos metablitos.


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Information available on the mycoflora associated to ripening Italian grana type cheese is very poor. Recently, ochratoxin A (OTA) was detected in samples of packed grated cheese [1]; therefore, the need of information to perform a risk management was highlighted. Moreover, sterigmatocystin (STC) has been reported in cheese and it is considered an emerging problem. Despite the fact that both of them are mycotoxins included in group 2B by IARC [2,3], no European regulation exists. So, the main goal of this work is to give for the first time a general overview about Penicillia and Aspergilli growing on the surface of ripening grana type cheese, with particular attention on mycotoxigenic species. To perform this, in 2013 and 2014 crust samples were scratched from ripening grana cheese wheels and also Potato Dextrose Agar plates were exposed to monitor ripening house air. Then, 140 fungal isolates were randomly chosen, purified and monosporic colonies were obtained for their identification at specie level. A polyphasic approach is followed, based on morphological characterisation, toxic extrolites profiling and gene sequencing. The identification is still in progress, but the first results based on the morphological approach showed the presence of mycotoxigenic Aspergilli (Aspergillus flavus and A. versicolor) and various Penicillium species; among them Penicillium chrysogenum, P. implicatum and P. solitum were identified. Only P. chrysogenum was reported to produce the mycotoxins cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and roquefortine-C (ROQ-C) [4]. These results will be presented and discussed. [1] A. Biancardi, R. Piro, G. Galaverna, C. DallAsta, "A simple and reliable liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry method for determination of ochratoxin A in hard cheese" International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 64 (5), 2013, 632 640. [2] International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans 31, 1983, 191 199. [3] International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of carcinogenic Risks to Humans, suppl. 7, 1987, 72. [4] J. I. Pitt, D. A. Hocking, Fungi and Food Spoilage 1997, 291.


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Endopleura uchi (Huber) Cuatrec. is an Amazon species traditionally used as treatment for inflammations and female disorders. Bergenin was isolated from ethyl acetate fraction of bark of E. uchi by using column chromatography over sephadex LH-20 and then silica gel 60 flash. Its structure was identified on the basis of its NMR spectra. The antimicrobial activity of bergenin and fractions of methanol extract of E. uchi were evaluated against ATCC microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, C. guilliermondii, Aspergillus flavus, A. nidulans). Clinically isolated strains of all of these microorganisms, along with C. tropicalis, A. niger, Shigella sonnei, Serratia marcenses and Klebsiella pneumoniae were also evaluated. The growth inhibition caused by bergenin, extracts and fractions of E. uchi against ATCC microorganisms were similar to the inhibition to microorganisms clinically isolated. The ethyl acetate fraction and the isolate bergenin inhibit the growth of the yeasts C. albicans, C. tropicalis, and C. guilliermondii, but present lower activity against filamentous fungi Aspergillus flavus, A. nidulans, A. niger, and did not inhibit the Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. The activity of the ethyl acetate fraction and bergenin are in agreement wit its high concentration found in bark extract of E. uchi. Moreover, the selective activity against three Candida species helps to understand its traditional use against infections that affect women.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a qualidade fisiolgica e sanitria de sementes de Senna multijuga(L. C. Rich.) Irwin & Barneby relacionada aos mtodos de superao de dormncia e interferncia na produo de mudas. As sementes foram submetidas aos seguintes mtodos: imerso em gua fervente, as sementes foram imersas em gua, com temperatura de 100C, at esfriar, por 24 horas; escarificao cida, onde as sementes foram imersas em cido sulfrico (H2SO4) a 90%, por 10 e 20 minutos, e testemunha (sem tratamento). Foram realizados os testes de sanidade, germinao, tetrazlio e avaliao da qualidade das mudas. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado. Para a avaliao da germinao foi utilizado um esquema fatorial (4 X 2), com quatro mtodos de superao de dormncia X dois fotoperodos, para os substratos rolo-de-papel e vermiculita. A escarificao cida constituiu-se no mtodo mais eficiente para a superao da dormncia das sementes de Senna multijuga. Penicillium sp. e Aspergillus sp. tiveram sua incidncia aumentada quando o tegumento foi danificado pela escarificao cida por 20 minutos. O controle de Fusarium spp. aumentou gradativamente com o aumento do tempo de exposio ao cido sulfrico.


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Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi that occur naturally in agricultural commodities worldwide. Aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, patulin, fumonisins, zearalenone, trichothecenes and ergot alkaloids are presently the most important for food and feed safety. These compounds are produced by several species that belong to the Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium and Claviceps genera and can be carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, cytotoxic, neurotoxic, nephrotoxic, estrogenic and immunosuppressant. Human and animal exposure to mycotoxins is generally assessed by taking into account data on the occurrence of mycotoxins in food and feed as well as data on the consumption patterns of the concerned population. This evaluation is crucial to support measures to reduce consumer exposure to mycotoxins. This work reviews the occurrence and levels of mycotoxins in Portuguese food and feed to provide a global overview of this issue in Portugal. With the information collected, the exposure of the Portuguese population to those mycotoxins is assessed, and the estimated dietary intakes are presented.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de castanhas-do-brasil beneficiadas e comercializadas em Rio Branco, Acre. Foram analisadas amostras das trs marcas de castanha encontradas no mercado local quanto s variveis: atividade de gua, teor de umidade, contagem total de fungos filamentosos, quantificao de Aspergillus flavus e de A. parasiticus, bem como quantificao de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2. As castanhas do comrcio se encontravam com um teor de umidade e atividade de gua adequados, o que pode ter sido responsvel pela baixa contaminao por fungos e por aflatoxinas. Quanto a estas micotoxinas, as amostras esto de acordo com o recomendado pela Anvisa, podendo ser esta uma consequncia da grande divulgao no Estado do uso de Boas Prticas no manejo da castanha.


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(Excerto) Estas questes tm despertado um interesse crescente nos campos acadmicos da comunicao e dos estudos culturais em Portugal, ilustrado, por exemplo, pelo aumento do nmero de teses de doutoramento centradas nas representaes e prticas de gnero. Representao e Prticas de Gnero um livro da coleo de ebooks do Centro de Estudos de Comunicao e Sociedade (CECS). A presena do gnero na agenda de investigao do Centro remonta aos seus primeiros anos de existncia. Mas talvez possamos considerar que o ano de 2011 representou um momento particularmente relevante para o fortalecimento da rea. Nesse ano, foram defendidas as duas primeiras teses de doutoramento na rea (Lobo, 2011; Mota-Ribeiro, 2011) e aprovado pela Fundao para a Cincia e Tecnologia o primeiro projeto coletivo do CECS dedicado ao gnero (Gnero em Foco, 2011).


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Enzymatic polymerization of aniline was first performed in lignosulfonate (LGS) template system. High-redox-potential catalyst laccase, isolated from Aspergillus, was used as a biocatalyst in the synthesis of conducting polyaniline/lignosulfonate (PANI-ES-LGS) complex using atmospheric oxygen as the oxidizing agent. The linear templates (LGS), also serving as the dopants, could facilitate the directional alignment of the monomer and improve the solubility of the conducting polymer. The process of the polymerization was monitored using UV-Vis spectroscopy, by which the conditions for laccase-catalyzed synthesis of PANI-ES-LGS complex were also optimized. The structure characterizations and solubility of the complex were carried out using corresponding characterization techniques respectively. The PANI-ES-LGS suspensions obtained was used as coating for cotton with a conventional padder to explore the applications of the complex. The variable optoelectronic properties of the coated cotton were confirmed by cyclic voltammetry and color strength test. The molecular weight changes of LGS treated by laccase were also studied to discuss the mechanism of laccase catalyzed aniline polymerization in LGS template system.


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(Excerto) , sobretudo, atravs do olhar e do ouvido que acedemos quilo que a televiso transmite, mas igualmente no imaginrio de cada um que os sentidos e os significados da imagem e do discurso televisivos acontecem. Isto implica que no pode haver nestes dois actos uma contraposio, mas uma continuidade. Concebendo o corpo como o meio que nos situa no mundo, uma espcie de axis mundi, a fenomenologia j havia neutralizado oposies como corpo/alma, fsico/psquico, sensvel/inteligvel. Concordando com estas teses, a proposta de encarar a pele como o limiar entre o que est fora e o que est dentro, mas tambm como o lugar que permite o contacto a partir do qual a comunicao se torna possvel, rene, na nossa perspectiva, traos pertinentes para pensar a informao desportiva veiculada pela TV.


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ISBN 978-972-8932-91-6


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[Excerpt] Citric acid, an important and versatile organic acid extensively used in several industries, is originally produced by Aspergillus niger in submerged fermentation from molasses [1]. However, Yarrowia lipolytica have been studied and demonstrate a great potential as citric acid producer from several carbon sources [15] including crude glycerol, a low cost byproduct from the biodiesel industry [6]. The simultaneous production of the isomer isocitric acid is the major problem in using this yeast in the citric acid production. (...)


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[Excerpt] Mycotoxins are secondary toxic metabolites of filamentous fungi. Aflatoxins (AFs) are produced to Aspergillus species such as A. flavus and A. parasiticus. These fungi are ubiquitous in nature and usually found on agricultural commodities. Therefore, AFs are encountered in many important foodstuff, including wheat, rice, maize, peanuts, sorghum, pearl millet, spices, oilseeds, tree nuts and milk. Due to the high toxicity of AFs, many methods have been studied to reduce or eliminate these mycotoxins from food and feed. Gamma irradiation is one technology that has been investigated with promising results. The aims of this study were (I) to study the effect of gamma radiation on aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin B2, aflatoxin G1 and aflatoxin G2 (II) to evaluate the effect of the presence of water on AFs degradation during the irradiation process; and (IV) to evaluate the cytotoxicity of radiolytic products formed. (...)


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Dissertao de mestrado em Cincias da Educao (rea de especializao em Desenvolvimento Curricular e Inovao Educativa)


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Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi that are toxic for humans and animals in small amounts and that are found worldwide in a large number of agricultural commodities. They are usually ingested involuntarily, when contaminated plant products are consumed, and represent a great risk for public health. Therefore, governments throughout the world have imposed strict legal limits for their levels in food and feed products in order to reduce potential health risks for consumers. Despite of its ubiquity, the mycotoxin problem is mainly dependent on regional factors, such as the mycotoxigenic characteristics of the local mycoflora, the local climate conditions, and the local agricultural practices. For this reason, a constant vigilance from local governmental food safety agencies and from the local researcher community is needed. This communication will review the current situation on the occurrence of mycotoxigenic fungi in some Portuguese cultures, such as wine grapes, corn and dried fruits. Particular attention will be given to the incidence of mycotoxigenic Aspergillus strains in those cultures and to the levels of ochratoxin A, aflatoxins, cyclopiazonic acid and fumonisin B2 produced. Data will be discussed taking into account the geographical origin of the isolates and the particular climate conditions of each sampling region. An updated review on the levels of the main mycotoxins found in local products and in imported commodities will also be presented.


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A simple procedure for the simultaneous detection of cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and aflatoxin B1 from fungal extracts is presented, using a methanol and water mobile phase and fluorescence detection. This methodology has been tested with standard solutions of both mycotoxins CPA and Aflatoxin B1 and with methanolic extracts of Aspergillus section Flavi strains, previously characterized for their mycotoxin production profile. Previously available methodology required the use of two different chromatographic runs for these mycotoxins, with distinct columns and detectors (fluorescence detection with a post-column photochemical derivatization (PHRED) for aflatoxin B1 and UV detection for CPA). The proposed method detects both mycotoxins in a single run. Data from these assays will be presented and discussed.