913 resultados para Artificial immune system
BACKGROUND Oxidized lipoproteins and antioxidized low-density lipoprotein (anti-oxLDL) antibodies (Abs) have been detected in plasma in response to blood pressure (BP) elevation, suggesting the participation of the adaptive immune system. Therefore, treatment of hypertension may act on the immune response by decreasing oxidation stimuli. However, this issue has not been addressed. Thus, we have here analyzed anti-oxLDL Abs in untreated (naive) hypertensive patients shortly after initiation of anti hypertensive therapeutic regimens. METHODS Titers of anti-oxLDL Abs were measured in subjects with recently diagnosed hypertension on stage 1 (n = 94), in primary prevention of coronary disease, with no other risk factors, and naive of anti hypertensive medication at entry. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive perindopril, hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), or indapamide (INDA) for 12 weeks, with additional perindopril if necessary to achieve BP control. Abs against copper-oxidized LDL were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS Twelve-week antihypertensive treatment reduced both office-based and 24-h ambulatory BP measurements (P < 0.0005). The decrease in BP was accompanied by reduction in thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) (P < 0.05), increase in anti-oxLDL Ab titers (P < 0.005), and improvement in flow-mediated dilation (FMD) (P < 0.0005), independently of treatment. Although BP was reduced, we observed favorable changes in anti-oxLDL titers and FMD. CONCLUSIONS We observed that anti-oxLDL Ab titers increase after antihypertensive therapy in primary prevention when achieving BP targets. Our results are in agreement with the concept that propensity to oxidation is increased by essential hypertension and anti-oxLDL Abs may be protective and potential biomarkers for the follow-up of hypertension treatment.
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are essential for the innate immune system of eukaryotes, imparting protection against pathogens and their proliferation in host organisms. The recent interest in AMPs as active materials in bionanostructures is due to the properties shown by these biological molecules, such as the presence of an alpha-helix structure and distribution of positive charges along the chain. In this study the antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin 01 (DS 01), from the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis frogs was immobilized in nanostructured layered films in conjunction with nickel tetrasulfonated phthalocyanines. The leishmanicidal activity of DS 01 was confirmed using kinetic essays, in which DS 01 promoted death of all metacyclic promastigote cells in 45 minutes. Surprisingly, the immobilized DS 01 molecules displayed electroactivity, as revealed by electrochemical experiments, in which an oxidation peak at about 0.61 V was observed for a DS 01 monolayer deposited on top of a conductive electrode. Such electroactivity was used to investigate the sensing abilities of the nanostructured films toward Leishmania. We observed an increase in the oxidation current as a function of number of Leishmania cells in the electrolytic solution at concentrations down to 10(3) cells/mL. The latter is indicative that the use of AMPs immobilized in electroactive nanostructured films may be of interest for applications in the pharmaceutical industry and diagnosis.
Strategies for the development of new vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae infections try to overcome problems such as serotype coverage and high costs, present in currently available vaccines. Formulations based on protein candidates that can induce protection in animal models have been pointed as good alternatives. Among them, the Pneumococcal Surface Protein A (PspA) plays an important role during systemic infection at least in part through the inhibition of complement deposition on the pneumococcal surface, a mechanism of evasion from the immune system. Antigen delivery systems based on live recombinant lactic acid bacteria (LAB) represents a promising strategy for mucosal vaccination, since they are generally regarded as safe bacteria able to elicit both systemic and mucosal immune responses. In this work, the N-terminal region of clade I PspA was constitutively expressed in Lactobacillus casei and the recombinant bacteria was tested as a mucosal vaccine in mice. Nasal immunization with L. casei-PspA 1 induced anti-PspA antibodies that were able to bind to pneumococcal strains carrying both clade 1 and clade 2 PspAs and to induce complement deposition on the surface of the bacteria. In addition, an increase in survival of immunized mice after a systemic challenge with a virulent pneumococcal strain was observed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The innate immune reaction to tissue injury is a natural process, which can have detrimental effects in the absence of negative feedbacks by glucocorticoids (GCs). Although acute lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge is relatively harmless to the brain parenchyma of adult animals, the endotoxin is highly neurotoxic in animals that are treated with the GC receptor antagonist RU486. This study investigated the role of cytokines of the gp130-related family in these effects, because they are essential components of the inflammatory process that provide survival signals to neurons. Intracerebral LPS injection stimulated expression of several members of this family of cytokines, but oncostatin M (Osm) was the unique ligand to be completely inhibited by the RU486 treatment. OSM receptor (Osmr) is expressed mainly in astrocytes and endothelial cells following LPS administration and GCs are directly responsible for its transcriptional activation in the presence of the endotoxin. In a mouse model of demyelination, exogenous OSM significantly modulated the expression of genes involved in the mobilization of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), differentiation of oligodendrocyte, and production of myelin. In conclusion, the activation of OSM signaling is a mechanism activated by TLR4 in the presence of negative feedback by GCs on the innate immune system of the brain. OSM absence is associated with detrimental effects of LPS, whereas exogenous OSM favors repair response to demyelinated regions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introdução: Imunidade inata é a primeira linha de defesa do hospedeiro contra microorganismos invasores, a qual é mediada por moléculas específicas que reconhecem patógenos, chamadas receptores toll-símile (TLRs). Os TLRs são também capazes de reconhecer ligantes endógenos, tais como conteúdos de células necróticas e proteínas de choque térmico (HSP), resultando na produção de citocinas e ativação do sistema imune adquirido. A função exata dos TLRs ainda é pouco entendida em transplante de órgãos. No entanto, tem sido sugerido que eles podem estar envolvidos na rejeição aguda ou crônica e atuar na resposta do enxerto a lesão por isquemia e reperfusão. Objetivo: Examinar as alterações na expressão gênica dos TLRs durante a fase inicial do transplante pulmonar em humanos e sua relação com citocinas potencialmente envolvidas na lesão por isquemia e reperfusão em transplante de órgãos. Métodos: Foram analisadas biópsias pulmonares de 14 pacientes submetidos a transplante pulmonar (LTx). Estas amostras foram coletadas no final do período de isquemia fria (TIF, n=14), no final do período de isquemia quente (TIQ, n=13),1 hora (n=12) e 2 horas (n=8) após a reperfusão do enxerto. RNA total foi isolado a partir de tecido pulmonar e os níveis de RNA mensageiro (mRNA) dos TLRs (1-10) bem como citocinas (IL-8, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ, IL-1β) e proteína de choque térmico 70 (HSP70) foram medidos por reação em cadeia pela polimerase em tempo real. Resultados: Foi detectada a expressão de mRNA de todos TLRs em tecido pulmonar. Nas amostras no TIF, os níveis de mRNA dos TLRs apresentaram-se com diferentes expressões gênicas. Os níveis de expressão dos TLRs, com exceção para o TLR3, estavam altamente correlacionados entre si no TIF e com os níveis de mRNA de IFN-γ, IL-10 e IL-1β e menos significativamente com os níveis de IL-6 e IL-8. Houve diminuição dos níveis de mRNA na grande maioria dos TLRs após reperfusão, o que foi diferente para a maioria das citocinas e HSP70, que apresentaram tendência a aumentar após transplante. A expressão gênica de TLR4 apresentou-se correlacionada com os níveis de IL-8 e IL-1β antes e após transplante (P<0.05). Pulmões de doadores que foram intubados por períodos acima de 72 horas (n=5) apresentaram níveis mais elevados de TLR2 e TLR10 (P<0.05). Conclusão: Pela primeira vez, foi demonstrado que a expressão dos TLRs altera-se durante o período de isquemia e reperfusão em transplante pulmonar em humanos. O tempo de intubação dos doadores pulmonares pode influenciar a expressão de receptores Toll-símile específicos. A correlação entre TLR4 e IL-8/IL-1β sugere que os TLRs pulmonares podem ter alguma função na resposta precoce do enxerto.
Hipertrofia ventricular esquerda é um importante fator de risco em doença cardiovascular e pode ser responsável por parte do elevado risco cardiovascular associado a diabetes. Apesar de que o estresse hemodinâmico seja classicamente indicado como causa da injúria miocárdica que leva ao remodelamento, a injúria associada aos fatores neuro-humorais e a sinalização celular através da ativação imuno-inflamatória também desempenham um papel, acompanhando os mecanismos recentemente descritos na síndrome metabólica, particularmente na obesidade, onde a ativação do sistema imune inato leva a uma resposta inadequada crônica mediada por citocinas em diversos sistemas corpóreos. A ecocardiografia tem sido usada para identificar anormalidades da estrutura cardíaca, porém, variações metodológicas e os diversos ajustes para os determinantes da massa ventricular como idade, sexo, tamanho corporal e outros correlatos clínicos são motivo de debate, assim como a definição dos estados de anormalidade, tanto para hipertrofia ventricular esquerda, como para outras medidas da estrutura ventricular. Em uma amostra populacional de 1479 Afro- Americanos do Estudo ARIC, investigamos de forma estratificada e multivariada as associações independentes entre diabetes e as alterações estruturais do ventrículo esquerdo, definidas por hipertrofia ventricular, aumento da espessura relativa e padrões geométricos anormais. Encontramos prevalências elevadas dea alterações estruturais nos indivíduos com diabetes. Diabetes associou-se com hipertrofia ventricular em ambos os sexos e com espessura parietal aumentada e padrões geométricos anormais nas mulheres. Na maior parte dos modelos, as associações com diabetes foram minimizadas com os ajustes para obesidade, sugerindo que o impacto da obesidade sobre as alterações estruturais vistas em diabetes pode ser mediado por fatores outros do que a hiperglicemia. Essas novas evidências estão em sintonia com o conhecimento contemporâneo descrito.
Several pharmacological properties have been attributed to isolated compounds from mushroom. Recently, have these compounds, especially the polysaccharides derived from mushrooms, modulate the immune system, and its antitumor, antiviral, antibiotic and antiinflammatory activities. This study assesses the possible pharmacological properties of the polysaccharides from Scleroderma nitidum mushroom. The centesimal composition of the tissue showed that this fungus is composed mainly of fibers (35.61%), ash (33.69%) and carbohydrates (25.31%). The chemical analysis of the polysaccharide fraction showed high levels of carbohydrates (94.71%) and low content of protein (5.29%). These polysaccharides are composed of glucose, galactose, mannose and fucose in the following molar ratios 0.156, 0.044, 0.025, 0.066 and the infrared analysis showed a possible polysaccharide-protein complex. The polysaccharides from Scleroderma nitidum showed antioxidant potential with concentration-dependent antioxidant activity compared to ascorbic acid. The analysis scavenging of superoxide radical and inhibition of lipid peroxidation showed that the polysaccharides from S. nitidum have an IC50 of 12.70 mg/ml and EC50 10.4 μg/ml, respectively. The antioxidant activity was confirmed by the presence of reducing potential of these polysaccharides. The effect of these polymers on the inflammatory process was tested using the carrageenan or histamine-induced paw edema model and the sodium thioglycolate or zymosan-induced model. The polysaccharides were effective in reducing edema (73% at 50 mg/kg) and cell infiltrate (37% at 10 mg/kg) in both inflammation models tested. Nitric oxide, a mediator in the inflammatory process, showed a reduction of around 26% at 10 mg/kg of body weight. Analysis of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines showed that in the groups treated with polysaccharides from S. nitidum there was an increase in cytokines such as IL-1ra, IL-10, and MIP-1β concomitant with the decrease in INF-γ (75%) and IL-2 (22%). We observed the influence of polysaccharides on the modulation of the expression of nuclear factor κB. Thus, polysaccharides from S. nitidum reduced the expression of NF-κB by up to 64%. The results obtained suggest that NF-κB modulation is one of the possible mechanisms that explain the anti-inflammatory effect of polysaccharides from the fungus S. nitidum.
Nutritional status is an important determinant to the response against Leishmania infection, although few studies have characterized the molecular basis for the association found between malnutrition and the disease. Vitamin A supplementation has long been used in developing countries to prevent mortality by diarrheal and respiratory diseases, but there are no studies on the role of vitamin A in Leishmania infection, although we and others have found vitamin A deficiency in visceral Leishmaniasis (VL). Regulatory T cells are induced in vitro by vitamin A metabolites and are considered important cells implicated T CD4+ cell suppression in human VL. This work aimed to examine the correlation of nutritional status and the effect of vitamin A in the response against Leishmania infantum infection. A total of 179 children were studied: 31 had active VL, 33 VL history, 44 were DTH+ and 71 were DTH- and had negative antibody to Leishmania (DTH-/Ac-). Peripheral blood monuclear cells were isolated in a subgroup of 10 active VL and 16 DTH-/Ac- children and cultivated for 20h under 5 different conditions: 1) Medium, 2) Soluble promastigote L. infantum antigens (SLA), 3) All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), 4) SLA + ATRA and 5) Concanavalin A. T CD4+CD25highFoxp3+, T CD4+CD25-Foxp3- and CD14+ monocytes were stained and studied by flow cytometry for IL-10, TGF-β and IL-17 production. Nutritional status was compromised in VL children, which presented lower BMI/Age and retinol concentrations when compared to healthy controls. We found a negative correlation between nutritional status (measured by BMI/Age and serum retinol) and anti-Leishmania antibodies and acute phase proteins. There was no correlation between nutritional status and parasite load. ATRA presented a dual effect in Treg cells and monocytes: In healthy children (DTH-/Ac-), it induced a regulatory response, increasing IL-10 and TGF-β production; in VL children it modulated the immune response, preventing increased IL-10 production after SLA stimulation. Furthermore, we found a positive correlation between BMI/Age and IL-17 production and negative correlation between serum retinol and IL-10 and TGF-β production in T CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ cells after SLA stimulus. Our results show a potential dual role of vitamin A in the immune system: improvement of regulatory profile during homeostasis and down modulation of IL-10 in Treg cells and monocytes during symptomatic VL. Therefore, the use of vitamin A concomitant to VL therapy might improve recovery from disease status in Leishmania infantum infection
Proteinases are enzymes distributed widely founded in several organisms and perform many different functions, from maintaining homeostasis to the worsening of some diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases and infections. The proteins responsible of controlling the action of these enzymes are the inhibitors, that are classified based on their target proteases and are founded since simple organisms, such as bacteria, to higher organisms, such as larger plants and mammals. Plant proteinase inhibitors act by reducing or inactivating the activity of target proteases, thus, these proteins have been studied as potential tools in the treatment of diseases related to protease activities. In this context, an inhibitor of chymotrypsin from Erythrina velutina, called EvCI was previously purified and it was observed that this protein plays in vitro anticoagulant activity and anti-inflammatory activity in in vivo model. Aiming to reduce the environmental impact caused by the purification EvCI in high amounts and to facilitate the process of obtaining this protein, the recombinant chymotrypsin inhibitor from Eryhrina velutina was produced after cloning and expression in Escherichia coli. The bacteria were grown in LB medium and after induction of the expression this material was subjected to procedures for cell lysis and the product was applied on Nickel-affinity column. The proteins adsorbed were digested by thrombin and applied on Chymotrypsin-Sepharose affinity column, obtaining the purified inhibitor, named recEvCI. After electrophoresis, the recombinant inhibitor showed an approximately molecular mass of 17 kDa, and reduced the chymotrypsin and elastase activities in vitro. The recombinant inhibitor was sequenced and was found similar amino acids residues when compared to other inhibitors deposited in the database, with some modifications. recEvCI showed high stability under pH variations and reducing conditions, maintaining its activity around 80%. This protein increased the blood coagulation time in vitro by acting on the intrinsic pathway and did not show cytotoxicity against strains of mouse 3T3 fibroblasts and RAW 264.7 macrophages. recEvCI showed microbicide activity related to release of nitric oxide and consequently the activation of macrophages, futhermore having proinflammatory effects assessed by increased release of TNF-α. These results indicate that recEvCI can be biotechnologically used as a new tool in the control of coagulation-related diseases as well as can be an activating agent of the immune system in immunosuppressed individuals
Control of human visceral leishmaniasis in endemic regions is hampered in part by the lack of knowledge with respect of the role reservoirs and vector. In addition, there is not yet an understanding of how non-symptomatic subclinical infection might influence the maintenance of infection in a particular locality. Of worrisome is the limited accessibility to medical care in places with emerging drug resistance. There is still no available protective vaccine either for humans or other reservoirs. Leishmania species are protozoa that express multiple antigens which are recognized by the vertebrate immune system. Since there is not one immunodominant epitope recognized by most hosts, strategies must be developed to optimize selection of antigens for prevention and immunodiagnosis. For this reason, we generated a cDNA library from the intracellular amastigote form of Leishmania chagasi, the causative agent of South American visceral leishmaniasis. We employed a two-step expression screen of the library to systematically identify T and T-dependent B cell antigens. The first step was aimed at identifying the largest possible number of clones producing an epitope-containing polypeptide with a pool of sera from Brazilians with documented visceral leishmaniasis. After removal of clones encoding heat shock proteins, positive clones underwent a second step screen for their ability to cause proliferation and IFN-γ responses of T cells from immune mice. Six unique clones were selected from the second screen for further analysis. The clones encoded part of the coding sequence of glutamine synthetase, transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase, elongation factor 1γ, kinesin K-39, repetitive protein A2, and a hypothetical conserved protein. Humans naturally infected with L. chagasi mounted both cellular and antibody responses to these protein Preparations containing multiple antigens may be optimal for immunodiagnosis and protective vaccines against Leishmania
Chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (DLPC) are lymphoid system diseases characterized by the abnormal proliferation of mature lymphocytes that affect B cells, T lymphocytes and NK cells. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the relevance of immunophenotyping by flow cytometry in patients with prolonged lymphocytosis and / or cytomorphological changes compatible with lymphoproliferative diseases. In this study 460 patients (244 men and 216 women) with DLPC were evaluated. Were analyzed by flow cytometry with a panel of monoclonal antibodies consisting of CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD10, CD19, CD22, CD23, CD25, CD38, CD45, CD16/CD56, and HLADR heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins. It also examines information regarding age, gender of patients and laboratory data as leucocytes, cytomorphological analysis, platelet count and hemoglobin determination. The results showed 398 cases of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders and 62 of DLPC B cell lymphoproliferative diseases T. B showed the following distribution : 253 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 42 cases of multiple myeloma ( MM ), 37 cases of lymphoma non - Hodgkin lymphoma in leukemic phase (NHL) , 17 cases of pro- B lymphocytic leukemia ( B -PLL), 15 cases of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL ), 12 cases of plasma cell leukemia ( PCL), 9 cases of lymphoma Burkitt (Linf B), 8 cases of leukemia villous cells ( LCV), 3 cases of splenic lymphoma with villous cells (LECV), a case of follicular lymphoma (LF) and a Waldenströn macroglobulinemia ( MW). The diseases source NK / T were 23 cases of peripheral T cell lymphoma (LCTP), 14 cases of T prolymphocytic leukemia (T -PLL), 10 cases of leukemia T of large granular lymphocytes (LGL -T) 9 cases of leukemia cells of adult T (LCTA), 5 cases of Sezary syndrome (SS) and a case of large granular NK leukemia (LGL -NK) lymphocytes. In conclusion, the combined use of the monoclonal antibody panel careful cytomorphological analysis was shown to be essential in immune diagnosis and classification of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders. This study was approved by the IRB - HUOL under number 356 / 09
This study evaluated the effect of extract of Aloe vera in the transport water of matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) fish on stress response and leukocyte respiratory activity. Fish was transported for 4 h in water containing Aloe at levels 0; 0.02; 0.2 and 2 mg/L, and sampled before transport 2, 4, 24 and 96 h after for determination of plasma glucose and respiratory activity of leukocytes. An additional in vitro assay was conducted with another fish species, pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), to test the respiratory burst of leukocytes exposed to Aloe extract (0.0, phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) only) at 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 mg/L). Plasma glucose increased after 2 and 4 h of transport and returned to control levels within 24 h, but the addition of Aloe in the transport water did not affect the level of blood glucose. However, at 2 h of transport, Aloe enhanced the respiratory activity of leukocytes in a dose-dependent way. The highest value of respiratory burst activity of leukocytes was observed in the fish transported in water containing Aloe at 2 mg/L. The enhancing effect of the plant extract on the production of oxygen radicals was confirmed in vitro in leukocytes of pacu incubated in Aloe at concentrations 0.1 and 0.2 mg/L. The results suggest that Aloe vera is a modulator of the immune system in fish improving the innate immune response tested.
The frequency of disseminated candidiasis caused by yeast has enhancing in intensive care unit. Despite the availability of new antifungal drugs, C. albicans sepsis mortality causes can be as high as 30-40%. So, it has been needed to looking for a new therapeutic medicament that helps in treatment and prevention of this infection. Previous data that demonstrated that particulated β-glucan stimulates the immune system and experiments of this work were conducted to investigating if β-glucan extracted from Saccharomices cerevisiae, could modified the evolution of mouse model C. albicans systemic infection. Balb/c mice with sepsis and β-1,3 glucan treated or not were analyzed the influence of β-1,3 glucan in survival of the animals, in the fungal burdens in kidney, in the production of urea and TNF even in the histopathology of kidney. The experiments shown that the infected animals a nd glucan treated had great survival (p<0,05), less unit form colony in kidney and normal levels of urea. In the kidney histopathology of not glucan treated animals it has seen more lesions when compared with treated animals. So we conclude that β-1,3 glucan could stimulate the immune system against disseminated C. albicans
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The method of artificial lift of progressing cavity pump is very efficient in the production of oils with high viscosity and oils that carry a great amount of sand. This characteristic converted this lift method into the second most useful one in oil fields production. As it grows the number of its applications it also increases the necessity to dominate its work in a way to define it the best operational set point. To contribute to the knowledge of the operational method of artificial lift of progressing cavity pump, this work intends to develop a computational simulator for oil wells equipped with an artificial lift system. The computational simulator of the system will be able to represent its dynamic behavior when submitted to the various operational conditions. The system was divided into five subsystems: induction motor, multiphase flows into production tubing, rod string, progressing cavity pump and annular tubing-casing. The modeling and simulation of each subsystem permitted to evaluate the dynamic characteristics that defined the criteria connections. With the connections of the subsystems it was possible to obtain the dynamic characteristics of the most important arrays belonging to the system, such as: pressure discharge, pressure intake, pumping rate, rod string rotation and torque applied to polish string. The shown results added to a friendly graphical interface converted the PCP simulator in a great potential tool with a didactic characteristic in serving the technical capability for the system operators and also permitting the production engineering to achieve a more detail analysis of the dynamic operational oil wells equipped with the progressing cavity pump