960 resultados para Arch of hollow cathode


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A new cold-formed and resistance welded section known as the Hollow Flange Beam (HFB) has been developed recently in Australia. In contrast to the common lateral torsional buckling mode of I-beams, this unique section comprising two stiff triangular flanges and a slender web is susceptible to a lateral distortional buckling mode of failure involving lateral deflection, twist and cross-section change due to web distortion. This lateral distortional buckling behaviour has been shown to cause significant reduction of the available flexural strength of HFBs. An investigation using finite element analyses and large scale experiments was carried out into the use of transverse web plate stiffeners to improve the lateral buckling capacity of HFBs. This paper presents the details of the experimental investigation, the results, and the final stiffener arrangement whereas the details of the finite element analyses are presented in a companion paper at this conference.


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The hollow flange beam (HFB) is a new cold-formed and resistance-welded section developed in Australia. Due to its unique geometry comprising two stiff triangular flanges and a slender web, the HFB is susceptible to a lateral-distortional buckling mode of failure involving web distortion. Investigation using finite-element analyses showed that the use of transverse web plate stiffeners effectively eliminated lateral-distortional buckling of HFBs and thus any associated reduction in flexural capacity. A detailed experimental investigation was then carried out to validate the results from the finite-element analysis and to improve the stiffener configuration further. This led to the development of a special stiffener that is screw-fastened to the flanges on alternate sides of the web. This paper presents the details of the experimental investigations, the results, and the final stiffener arrangement whereas the details of the finite-element analyses are presented in a companion paper.


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Detailed procedure for second-order analysis has been coded in the newest Eurocode 3 and the Hong Kong steel code (2005). The effective length method has been noted to be inapplicable to analysis of shallow domes of imperfect members exhibiting snap-through buckling, to portals with leaning columns and others. On the other hand, the advanced analysis is not limited to buckling design of these structures. This paper demonstrates its application to the design of a simple plane sway portal and a three diminsional non-sway steel building. The results by the advanced analysis and the first-order linear analysis are compared and the technique for practical second-order analysis steel structures is described. It is observed that the use of a straight element by itself cannot model the buckling resistance of columns governed by different buckling curves for hot-rolled and cold-formed sections of various shapes like I, H, hollow etc. Also the curvature of the conventional cubic Hermite element is not varied by the external axial force and thus it cannot simulate the response of a buckling column. Thus its use for second-order analysis is basically unacceptable. A technique for additional checking of beams undergoing lateral-torsional buckling is also suggested making the advanced analysis a complete design tool for conventional steel frames.


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The Brain Research Institute (BRI) uses various types of indirect measurements, including EEG and fMRI, to understand and assess brain activity and function. As well as the recovery of generic information about brain function, research also focuses on the utilisation of such data and understanding to study the initiation, dynamics, spread and suppression of epileptic seizures. To assist with the future focussing of this aspect of their research, the BRI asked the MISG 2010 participants to examine how the available EEG and fMRI data and current knowledge about epilepsy should be analysed and interpreted to yield an enhanced understanding about brain activity occurring before, at commencement of, during, and after a seizure. Though the deliberations of the study group were wide ranging in terms of the related matters considered and discussed, considerable progress was made with the following three aspects. (1) The science behind brain activity investigations depends crucially on the quality of the analysis and interpretation of, as well as the recovery of information from, EEG and fMRI measurements. A number of specific methodologies were discussed and formalised, including independent component analysis, principal component analysis, profile monitoring and change point analysis (hidden Markov modelling, time series analysis, discontinuity identification). (2) Even though EEG measurements accurately and very sensitively record the onset of an epileptic event or seizure, they are, from the perspective of understanding the internal initiation and localisation, of limited utility. They only record neuronal activity in the cortical (surface layer) neurons of the brain, which is a direct reflection of the type of electrical activity they have been designed to record. Because fMRI records, through the monitoring of blood flow activity, the location of localised brain activity within the brain, the possibility of combining fMRI measurements with EEG, as a joint inversion activity, was discussed and examined in detail. (3) A major goal for the BRI is to improve understanding about ``when'' (at what time) an epileptic seizure actually commenced before it is identified on an eeg recording, ``where'' the source of this initiation is located in the brain, and ``what'' is the initiator. Because of the general agreement in the literature that, in one way or another, epileptic events and seizures represent abnormal synchronisations of localised and/or global brain activity the modelling of synchronisations was examined in some detail. References C. M. Michel, G. Thut, S. Morand, A. Khateb, A. J. Pegna, R. Grave de Peralta, S. Gonzalez, M. Seeck and T. Landis, Electric source imaging of human brain functions, Brain Res. 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The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of placement of pelvic binders and to determine whether circumferential compression at the level of the greater trochanters is the best method of reducing a symphyseal diastasis. Patients were identified by a retrospective review of all pelvic radiographs performed at a military hospital over a period of 30 months. We analysed any pelvic radiograph on which the buckle of the pelvic binder was clearly visible. The patients were divided into groups according to the position of the buckle in relation to the greater trochanters: high, trochanteric or low. Reduction of the symphyseal diastasis was measured in a subgroup of patients with an open-book fracture, which consisted of an injury to the symphysis and disruption of the posterior pelvic arch (AO/OTA 61-B/C). We identified 172 radiographs with a visible pelvic binder. Five cases were excluded due to inadequate radiographs. In 83 (50%) the binder was positioned at the level of the greater trochanters. A high position was the most common site of inaccurate placement, occurring in 65 (39%). Seventeen patients were identified as a subgroup to assess the effect of the position of the binder on reduction of the diastasis. The mean gap was 2.8 times greater (mean difference 22 mm) in the high group compared with the trochanteric group (p < 0.01). Application of a pelvic binder above the level of the greater trochanters is common and is an inadequate method of reducing pelvic fractures and is likely to delay cardiovascular recovery in these seriously injured patients.


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We no longer have the luxury of time as the effects of climate change are being felt, according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, on every continent and in every ocean. More than 50% of the population of the United States and 85% of Australians live in coastal regions. The number of people living in the world’s coastal regions is expected to increase along with the need to improve capacity to mitigate hazards , and manage the multiple risks that have been identified by the scientific community. Under the auspices of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) design academics and practitioners from the Americas, Asia, and Australia met in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for the fourth Subtropical Cities international conference to share outcomes of research and new pedagogies to address the critical transformation of the physical environments and infrastructures of the world’s vulnerable coastal communities. The theme of Subtropical Cities, adopted by the ACSA for its Fall 2014 Conference, is not confined entirely to a latitudinal or climatic frame of reference. The paper and project presentations addressed a range of theoretical, practice-led, and education-oriented research topics in architecture and urban design related to the subtropics, with emphasis on urban and coastal regions. More than half the papers originate from universities and practices in coastal regions. Threads emerged from a tapestry of localized investigations to reveal a more global understanding about possible futures we are designing for current and future generations. The one hundred-plus conference delegates and presenters represented 33 universities and institutions from across the United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, the Middle East, Peru and China. Case studies from India, Morocco, Tahiti, Indonesia, Jordan, and Cambodia were also presented, expanding the global knowledge base. Co-authored submissions presented new directions for architecture and design, with a resounding theme of collaboration across diverse disciplines. The ability to deal with abstraction and complexity, and the capacity to develop synthesis and frameworks for defining problem boundaries can be considered key attributes of architectural thinking. Such a unique set of abilities can forge collaboration with different professional disciplines to achieve extraordinary outcomes. As the broad range of papers presented at this conference suggest, existing architectural and urban typologies and practices are increasingly considered part of the cause and not the solution to adapting to climate change and sea level rise. Design responses and the actions needed to generate new and unfamiliar forms of urbanism and infrastructure for defense, adaptation, and retreat in subtropical urban regions are being actively explored in academic design studios and research projects around the world. Many presentations propose provocative and experimental strategies as global climate moves beyond our “comfort zone”. The ideas presented at the Subtropical Cities conference are timely as options for low-energy passive climatic design are becoming increasingly limited in the context of changing climate. At the same time, ways of reducing or obsoleting energy intensive mechanical systems in densely populated urban centres present additional challenges for designers and communities as a whole. The conference was marked by a common theme of trans-disciplinary research, where design integration with emerging technologies resonate with a reaffirmation of the centrality of design thinking, expanding the scope of the traditional architecture studio pedagogy to integrate knowledge from other disciplines and the participation of diverse communities.


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Bulk heterojunction organic solar cells based on poly[4,7-bis(3- dodecylthiophene-2-yl) benzothiadiazole-co-benzothiadiazole] and [6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester are investigated. A prominent kink is observed in the fourth quadrant of the current density-voltage (J-V) response. Annealing the active layer prior to cathode deposition eliminates the kink. The kink is attributed to an extraction barrier. The J-V response in these devices is well described by a power law. This behavior is attributed to an imbalance in charge carrier mobility. An expected photocurrent for the device displaying a kink in the J-V response is determined by fitting to a power law. The difference between the expected and measured photocurrent allows for the determination of a voltage drop within the device. Under simulated 1 sun irradiance, the peak voltage drop and contact resistance at short circuit are 0.14 V and 90 Ω, respectively. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Objective: To investigate limb loading and dynamic stability during squatting in the early functional recovery of total hip arthroplasty (THA) patients. Design: Cohort study Setting: Inpatient rehabilitation clinic. Participants: A random sample of 61 THA patients (34♂/27♀; 62±9 yrs, 77±14 kg, 174±9 cm) was assessed twice, 13.2±3.8 days (PRE) and 26.6±3.3 days post-surgery (POST), and compared with a healthy reference group (REF) (22♂/16♀; 47±12yrs; 78±20kg; 175±10cm). Interventions: THA patients received two weeks of standard in-patient rehabilitation. Main Outcome Measure(s): Inter-limb vertical force distribution and dynamic stability during the squat maneuver, as defined by the root mean square (RMS) of the center of pressure in antero-posterior and medio-lateral directions, of operated (OP) and non-operated (NON)limbs. Self-reported function was assessed via FFb-H-OA 2.0 questionnaire. Results: At PRE, unloading of the OP limb was 15.8% greater (P<.001, d=1.070) and antero-posterior and medio-lateral center of pressure RMS were 30-34% higher in THA than REF P<.05). Unloading was reduced by 12.8% towards a more equal distribution from PRE to POST (P<.001, d=0.874). Although medio-lateral stability improved between PRE and POST (OP: 14.8%, P=.024, d=0.397; NON: 13.1%, P=.015, d=0.321), antero-posterior stability was not significantly different. Self-reported physical function improved by 15.8% (P<.001, d=0.965). Conclusion(s): THA patients unload the OP limb and are dynamically more unstable during squatting in the early rehabilitation phase following total hip replacement than healthy adults. Although loading symmetry and medio-lateral stability improved to the level of healthy adults with rehabilitation, antero-posterior stability remained impaired. Measures of dynamic stability and load symmetry during squatting provide quantitative information that can be used to clinically monitor early functional recovery from THA.


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Closed WS2 nanoboxes were formed by topotactic sulfidization of a WO3/WO3 center dot 1/3H(2)O intergrowth precursor. Automated diffraction tomography was used to elucidate the growth mechanism of these unconventional hollow structures. By partial conversion and structural analysis of the products, each of them representing a snapshot of the reaction at a given point in time, the overall reaction can be broken down into a cascade of individual steps and each of them identified with a basic mechanism. During the initial step of sulfidization WO3 center dot 1/3H(2)O transforms into hexagonal WO3 whose surface allows for the epitaxial induction of WS2. The initially formed platelets of WS2 exhibit a preferred orientation with respect to the nanorod surface. In the final step individual layers of WS2 coalesce to form closed shells. In essence, a cascade of several topotactic reactions leads to epitactic induction and formation of closed rectangular hollow boxes made up from hexagonal layers.


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Kaolinite naturally occurs in the plate form for the interlayer hydrogen bond and the distortion and adaption of tetrahedron and octahedron. But kaolinite sheets can be exfoliated to nanoscrolls artificially in laboratory through multiple-step displacement intercalation. The driving force for kaolinite sheet to be curled nanoscroll originates from the size discrepancy of Si–O tetrahedron and Al–O octahedron. The displacement intercalation promoted the platy kaolinite sheets spontaneously to be scrolled by eliminating the interlayer hydrogen bond and atomic interaction. Kaolinite nanoscrolls are hollow tubes with outer face of tetrahedral sheet and inner face of octahedral sheet. Based on the theoretical calculation it is firstly reported that the minimum interior diameter for a single kaolinite sheet to be scrolled is about 9.08 nm, and the optimal 24.30 nm, the maximum 100 nm, which is verified by the observation of scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. The different adaption types and discrepancy degree between tetrahedron and octahedron generate various curling forces in different directions. The nanoscroll axes prefer the directions as [100], [1 �10], [110], [3 �10], and the relative curling force are as follows, [3 �10] > [100] = [1�10] > [110].


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Steel hollow sections used in structures such as bridges, buildings and space structures involve different strengthening techniques according to their structural purpose and shape of the structural member. One such technique is external bonding of CFRP sheets to steel tubes. The performance of CFRP strengthening for steel structures has been proven under static loading while limited studies have been conducted on their behaviour under impact loading. In this study, a comprehensive numerical investigation is carried out to evaluate the response of CFRP strengthened steel tubes under dynamic axial impact loading. Impact force, axial deformation impact velocities are studied. The results of the numerical investigations are validated by experimental results. Based on the developed finite element (FE) model several output parameters are discussed. The results show that CFRP wrapping is an effective strengthening technique to increase the axial dynamic load bearing capacity by increasing the stiffness of the steel tube.


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Fire safety design of buildings is essential to safeguard lives and minimize the loss of damage to properties. Light-weight cold-formed steel channel sections along with fire resistive plasterboards are used to construct light gauge steel frame floor systems to provide the required fire resistance rating. However, simply adding more plasterboard layers is not an efficient method to increase FRR. Hence this research focuses on using joists with improved joist section profiles such as hollow flange sections to increase the structural capacity of floor systems under fire conditions and thus their FRR. In this research, the structural and thermal behaviour of LSF floor systems made of LiteSteel Beams with different plasterboard and insulation configurations was investigated using four full scale tests under standard fires. Based on the ultimate failure load of the floor joist at ambient temperature, transient state fire tests were conducted for different Load Ratios. These fire tests showed that the new LSF floor system has improved the FRR well above that of those made of lipped channel sections. The joist failure was predominantly due to local buckling of LSB compression flanges near mid-span with severe yielding of tension flanges. Fire tests have provided valuable structural and thermal performance data of tested floor systems that included time-temperature profiles, and failure times and temperatures. Average failure temperatures of LSB joists and reduced yield strengths were used to predict their ultimate moment capacities, which were compared with corresponding test capacities. This allowed an assessment in relation to the accuracy of current design rules for steel joists at elevated temperatures. This paper presents the details of full scale fire tests of LSF floor systems made of LSB joists with different plasterboard and insulation configurations and their results along with some important findings.


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Underground transport tunnels are vulnerable to blast events. This paper develops and applies a fully coupled technique involving the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics and Finite Element techniques to investigate the blast response of segmented bored tunnels. Findings indicate that several bolts failed in the longitudinal direction due to redistribution of blast loading to adjacent tunnel rings. The tunnel segments respond as arch mechanisms in the transverse direction and suffered damage mainly due to high bending stresses. The novel information from the present study will enable safer designs of buried tunnels and provide a benchmark reference for future developments in this area.


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While numerous full scale experimental programs have been conducted around the world over the past 50 years to investigate the behaviour of steel portal frame buildings, none have comprehensively investigated the behaviour of such buildings under wind uplift. Wind uplift loads often govern designs in the Australian environment and this became the subject of a recent research project at Queensland University of Technology (OUT). This paper describes the full scale experiments on a steel portal frame building subject to wind uplift, racking and gravity loads. The portal rafter and column members utilised hollow flange beam (HFB) sections [5-8] though the paper's findings on the theoretical and experimental building responses relate to conventional types of steel portal frame buildings.