851 resultados para Approaching methodology


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Road accidents are a very relevant issue in many countries and macroeconomic models are very frequently applied by academia and administrations to reduce their frequency and consequences. The selection of explanatory variables and response transformation parameter within the Bayesian framework for the selection of the set of explanatory variables a TIM and 3IM (two input and three input models) procedures are proposed. The procedure also uses the DIC and pseudo -R2 goodness of fit criteria. The model to which the methodology is applied is a dynamic regression model with Box-Cox transformation (BCT) for the explanatory variables and autorgressive (AR) structure for the response. The initial set of 22 explanatory variables are identified. The effects of these factors on the fatal accident frequency in Spain, during 2000-2012, are estimated. The dependent variable is constructed considering the stochastic trend component.


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Global demand for mobility is increasing and the environmental impact of transport has become an important issue in transportation network planning and decision-making, as well as in the operational management phase. Suitable methods are required to assess emissions and fuel consumption reduction strategies that seek to improve energy efficiency and furthering decarbonization. This study describes the development and application of an improved modeling framework – the HERA (Highway EneRgy Assessment) methodology – that enables to assess the energy and carbon footprint of different highways and traffic flow scenarios and their comparison. HERA incorporates an average speed consumption model adjusted with a correction factor which takes into account the road gradient. It provides a more comprehensive method for estimating the footprint of particular highway segments under specific traffic conditions. It includes the application of the methodology to the Spanish highway network to validate it. Finally, a case study shows the benefits from using this methodology and how to integrate the objective of carbon footprint reductions into highway design, operation and scenario comparison.


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Vernacular architecture has demonstrated its perfect environmental adaptation through its empirical development and improvement by generations of user-builders. Nowadays, the sustainability of vernacular architecture is the aim of some research projects in which the same method should be applied in order to be comparable. Hence, we propose a research method putting together various steps. Through the analysis of geographical, lithology, economic, cultural and social influence as well as materials and constructive systems, vernacular architecture is analyzed. But, all this information is put together with the natural landscape (topography and vegetation) and the climatic data (temperature, winds, rain and sun exposure). In addition, the use of bioclimatic charts, such as Olgyay or Givoni’s, revealed the necessities and strategies in urban and building design. They are satisfied in the vernacular architecture by the application of different energy conservation mechanisms, some of them are shown by different examples in this paper.


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El autor ha trabajado como parte del equipo de investigación en mediciones de viento en el Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER), España, en cooperación con la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la Universidad Técnica de Dinamarca. El presente reporte recapitula el trabajo de investigación realizado durante los últimos 4.5 años en el estudio de las fuentes de error de los sistemas de medición remota de viento, basados en la tecnología lidar, enfocado al error causado por los efectos del terreno complejo. Este trabajo corresponde a una tarea del paquete de trabajo dedicado al estudio de sistemas remotos de medición de viento, perteneciente al proyecto de intestigación europeo del 7mo programa marco WAUDIT. Adicionalmente, los datos de viento reales han sido obtenidos durante las campañas de medición en terreno llano y terreno complejo, pertenecientes al también proyecto de intestigación europeo del 7mo programa marco SAFEWIND. El principal objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es determinar los efectos del terreno complejo en el error de medición de la velocidad del viento obtenida con los sistemas de medición remota lidar. Con este conocimiento, es posible proponer una metodología de corrección del error de las mediciones del lidar. Esta metodología está basada en la estimación de las variaciones del campo de viento no uniforme dentro del volumen de medición del lidar. Las variaciones promedio del campo de viento son predichas a partir de los resultados de las simulaciones computacionales de viento RANS, realizadas para el parque experimental de Alaiz. La metodología de corrección es verificada con los resultados de las simulaciones RANS y validadas con las mediciones reales adquiridas en la campaña de medición en terreno complejo. Al inicio de este reporte, el marco teórico describiendo el principio de medición de la tecnología lidar utilizada, es presentado con el fin de familiarizar al lector con los principales conceptos a utilizar a lo largo de este trabajo. Posteriormente, el estado del arte es presentado en donde se describe los avances realizados en el desarrollo de la la tecnología lidar aplicados al sector de la energía eólica. En la parte experimental de este trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado los datos adquiridos durante las dos campañas de medición realizadas. Estas campañas has sido realizadas en terreno llano y complejo, con el fin de complementar los conocimiento adquiridos en casa una de ellas y poder comparar los efectos del terreno en las mediciones de viento realizadas con sistemas remotos lidar. La primer campaña experimental se desarrollo en terreno llano, en el parque de ensayos de aerogeneradores H0vs0re, propiedad de DTU Wind Energy (anteriormente Ris0). La segunda campaña experimental se llevó a cabo en el parque de ensayos de aerogeneradores Alaiz, propiedad de CENER. Exactamente los mismos dos equipos lidar fueron utilizados en estas campañas, haciendo de estos experimentos altamente relevantes en el contexto de evaluación del recurso eólico. Un equipo lidar está basado en tecnología de onda continua, mientras que el otro está basado en tecnología de onda pulsada. La velocidad del viento fue medida, además de con los equipos lidar, con anemómetros de cazoletas, veletas y anemómetros verticales, instalados en mástiles meteorológicos. Los sensores del mástil meteorológico son considerados como las mediciones de referencia en el presente estudio. En primera instancia, se han analizado los promedios diez minútales de las medidas de viento. El objetivo es identificar las principales fuentes de error en las mediciones de los equipos lidar causadas por diferentes condiciones atmosféricas y por el flujo no uniforme de viento causado por el terreno complejo. El error del lidar ha sido estudiado como función de varias propiedades estadísticas del viento, como lo son el ángulo vertical de inclinación, la intensidad de turbulencia, la velocidad vertical, la estabilidad atmosférica y las características del terreno. El propósito es usar este conocimiento con el fin de definir criterios de filtrado de datos. Seguidamente, se propone una metodología para corregir el error del lidar causado por el campo de viento no uniforme, producido por la presencia de terreno complejo. Esta metodología está basada en el análisis matemático inicial sobre el proceso de cálculo de la velocidad de viento por los equipos lidar de onda continua. La metodología de corrección propuesta hace uso de las variaciones de viento calculadas a partir de las simulaciones RANS realizadas para el parque experimental de Alaiz. Una ventaja importante que presenta esta metodología es que las propiedades el campo de viento real, presentes en las mediciones instantáneas del lidar de onda continua, puede dar paso a análisis adicionales como parte del trabajo a futuro. Dentro del marco del proyecto, el trabajo diario se realizó en las instalaciones de CENER, con supervisión cercana de la UPM, incluyendo una estancia de 1.5 meses en la universidad. Durante esta estancia, se definió el análisis matemático de las mediciones de viento realizadas por el equipo lidar de onda continua. Adicionalmente, los efectos del campo de viento no uniforme sobre el error de medición del lidar fueron analíticamente definidos, después de asumir algunas simplificaciones. Adicionalmente, durante la etapa inicial de este proyecto se desarrollo una importante trabajo de cooperación con DTU Wind Energy. Gracias a esto, el autor realizó una estancia de 1.5 meses en Dinamarca. Durante esta estancia, el autor realizó una visita a la campaña de medición en terreno llano con el fin de aprender los aspectos básicos del diseño de campañas de medidas experimentales, el estudio del terreno y los alrededores y familiarizarse con la instrumentación del mástil meteorológico, el sistema de adquisición y almacenamiento de datos, así como de el estudio y reporte del análisis de mediciones. ABSTRACT The present report summarizes the research work performed during last 4.5 years of investigation on the sources of lidar bias due to complex terrain. This work corresponds to one task of the remote sensing work package, belonging to the FP7 WAUDIT project. Furthermore, the field data from the wind velocity measurement campaigns of the FP7 SafeWind project have been used in this report. The main objective of this research work is to determine the terrain effects on the lidar bias in the measured wind velocity. With this knowledge, it is possible to propose a lidar bias correction methodology. This methodology is based on an estimation of the wind field variations within the lidar scan volume. The wind field variations are calculated from RANS simulations performed from the Alaiz test site. The methodology is validated against real scale measurements recorded during an eight month measurement campaign at the Alaiz test site. Firstly, the mathematical framework of the lidar sensing principle is introduced and an overview of the state of the art is presented. The experimental part includes the study of two different, but complementary experiments. The first experiment was a measurement campaign performed in flat terrain, at DTU Wind Energy H0vs0re test site, while the second experiment was performed in complex terrain at CENER Alaiz test site. Exactly the same two lidar devices, based on continuous wave and pulsed wave systems, have been used in the two consecutive measurement campaigns, making this a relevant experiment in the context of wind resource assessment. The wind velocity was sensed by the lidars and standard cup anemometry and wind vanes (installed on a met mast). The met mast sensors are considered as the reference wind velocity measurements. The first analysis of the experimental data is dedicated to identify the main sources of lidar bias present in the 10 minute average values. The purpose is to identify the bias magnitude introduced by different atmospheric conditions and by the non-uniform wind flow resultant of the terrain irregularities. The lidar bias as function of several statistical properties of the wind flow like the tilt angle, turbulence intensity, vertical velocity, atmospheric stability and the terrain characteristics have been studied. The aim of this exercise is to use this knowledge in order to define useful lidar bias data filters. Then, a methodology to correct the lidar bias caused by non-uniform wind flow is proposed, based on the initial mathematical analysis of the lidar measurements. The proposed lidar bias correction methodology has been developed focusing on the the continuous wave lidar system. In a last step, the proposed lidar bias correction methodology is validated with the data of the complex terrain measurement campaign. The methodology makes use of the wind field variations obtained from the RANS analysis. The results are presented and discussed. The advantage of this methodology is that the wind field properties at the Alaiz test site can be studied with more detail, based on the instantaneous measurements of the CW lidar. Within the project framework, the daily basis work has been done at CENER, with close guidance and support from the UPM, including an exchange period of 1.5 months. During this exchange period, the mathematical analysis of the lidar sensing of the wind velocity was defined. Furthermore, the effects of non-uniform wind fields on the lidar bias were analytically defined, after making some assumptions for the sake of simplification. Moreover, there has been an important cooperation with DTU Wind Energy, where a secondment period of 1.5 months has been done as well. During the secondment period at DTU Wind Energy, an important introductory learning has taken place. The learned aspects include the design of an experimental measurement campaign in flat terrain, the site assessment study of obstacles and terrain conditions, the data acquisition and processing, as well as the study and reporting of the measurement analysis.


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New technologies such as, the new Information and Communication Technology ICT, break new paths and redefines the way we understand business, the Cloud Computing is one of them. The on demand resource gathering and the per usage payment scheme are now commonplace, and allows companies to save on their ICT investments. Despite the importance of this issue, we still lack methodologies that help companies, to develop applications oriented for its exploitation in the Cloud. In this study we aim to fill this gap and propose a methodology for the development of ICT applications, which are directed towards a business model, and further outsourcing in the Cloud. In the former the Development of SOA applications, we take, as a baseline scenario, a business model from which to obtain a business process model. To this end, we use software engineering tools; and in the latter The Outsourcing we propose a guide that would facilitate uploading business models into the Cloud; to this end we describe a SOA governance model, which controls the SOA. Additionally we propose a Cloud government that integrates Service Level Agreements SLAs, plus SOA governance, and Cloud architecture. Finally we apply our methodology in an example illustrating our proposal. We believe that our proposal can be used as a guide/pattern for the development of business applications.


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Building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems are a relevant application of photovoltaics. In countries belonging to the International Energy Agency countries, 24% of total installed PV power corresponds to BIPV systems. Electricity losses caused by shadows over the PV generator have a significant impact on the performance of BIPV systems, being the major source of electricity losses. This paper presents a methodology to estimate electricity produced by BIPV systems which incorporates a model for shading losses. The proposed methodology has been validated on a one year study with real data from two similar PV systems placed on the south façade of a building belonging to the Technical University of Madrid. This study has covered all weather conditions: clear, partially overcast and fully overcast sky. Results of this study are shown at different time scales, resulting that the errors committed by the best performing model are below 1% and 3% in annual and daily electricity estimation. The use of models which account for the reduced performance at low irradiance levels also improves the estimation of generated electricity.


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Atmospheric emissions from road transport have increased all around the world during the last decades more rapidly than from other pollution sources. For instance, they contribute to more than 25% of total CO, CO2, NOx, and fine particle emissions in most of the European countries. This situation shows the importance of road transport when complying with emission ceilings and air quality standards applied to these pollutants. This paper presents a modelling system to perform atmospheric emission projections (simultaneously both air quality pollutants and greenhouse gases) from road transport including the development of a tailored software tool (EmiTRANS) as a planning tool. The methodology has been developed with two purposes: 1) to obtain outputs used as inputs to the COPERT4 software to calculate emission projections and 2) to summarize outputs for policy making evaluating the effect of emission abatement measures for a vehicle fleet. This methodology has been applied to the calculation of emission projections in Spain up to 2020 under several scenarios, including a sensitivity analysis useful for a better interpretation and confidence building on the results. This case study demonstrates the EmiTRANS applicability to a country, and points out the need for combining both technical and non-technical measures (such as behavioural changes or demand management) to reduce emissions, indirectly improving air quality and contributing to mitigate climate change.


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Civil buildings are not specifically designed to support blast loads, but it is important to take into account these potential scenarios because of their catastrophic effects, on persons and structures. A practical way to consider explosions on reinforced concrete structures is necessary. With this objective we propose a methodology to evaluate blast loads on large concrete buildings, using LS-DYNA code for calculation, with Lagrangian finite elements and explicit time integration. The methodology has three steps. First, individual structural elements of the building like columns and slabs are studied, using continuum 3D elements models subjected to blast loads. In these models reinforced concrete is represented with high precision, using advanced material models such as CSCM_CONCRETE model, and segregated rebars constrained within the continuum mesh. Regrettably this approach cannot be used for large structures because of its excessive computational cost. Second, models based on structural elements are developed, using shells and beam elements. In these models concrete is represented using CONCRETE_EC2 model and segregated rebars with offset formulation, being calibrated with continuum elements models from step one to obtain the same structural response: displacement, velocity, acceleration, damage and erosion. Third, models basedon structural elements are used to develop large models of complete buildings. They are used to study the global response of buildings subjected to blast loads and progressive collapse. This article carries out different techniques needed to calibrate properly the models based on structural elements, using shells and beam elements, in order to provide results of sufficient accuracy that can be used with moderate computational cost.


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In order to minimize car-based trips, transport planners have been particularly interested in understanding the factors that explain modal choices. Transport modelling literature has been increasingly aware that socioeconomic attributes and quantitative variables are not sufficient to characterize travelers and forecast their travel behavior. Recent studies have also recognized that users’ social interactions and land use patterns influence travel behavior, especially when changes to transport systems are introduced; but links between international and Spanish perspectives are rarely dealt with. The overall objective of the thesis is to develop a stepped methodology that integrate diverse perspectives to evaluate the willingness to change patterns of urban mobility in Madrid, based on four steps: (1st) analysis of causal relationships between both objective and subjective personal variables, and travel behavior to capture pro-car and pro-public transport intentions; (2nd) exploring the potential influence of individual trip characteristics and social influence variables on transport mode choice; (3rd) identifying built environment dimensions on travel behavior; and (4th) exploring the potential influence on transport mode choice of extrinsic characteristics of individual trip using panel data, land use variables using spatial characteristics and social influence variables. The data used for this thesis have been collected from a two panel smartphone-based survey (n=255 and 190 respondents, respectively) carried out in Madrid. Although the steps above are mainly methodological, the application to the area of Madrid allows deriving important results that can be directly used to forecast travel demand and to evaluate the benefits of specific policies that might be implemented in the area. The results demonstrated, respectively: (1st) transport policy actions are more likely to be effective when pro-car intention has been disrupted first; (2nd) the consideration of “helped” and “voluntary” users as tested here could have a positive and negative impact, respectively, on the use of public transport; (3rd) the importance of density, design, diversity and accessibility underlying dimensions responsible for land use variables; and (4th) there are clearly different types of combinations of social interactions, land use and time frame on travel behavior studies. Finally, with the objective to study the impact of demand measures to change urban mobility behavior, those previous results have been considered in a unique way, a hybrid discrete choice model has been used on a 5th step. Then it can be concluded that urban mobility behavior is not only ruled by the maximum utility criterion, but also by a strong psychological-environment concept, developed without the mediation of cognitive processes during choice, i.e., many people using public transport on their way to work do not do it for utilitarian reasons, but because no other choice is available. Regarding built environment dimensions, the more diversity place of residence, the more difficult the use of public transport or walking.


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Descripción y análisis critic de una metodología de taller de posgrado a realizar entre dos universidades en idioma ingles y con el apoyo de las nuevas tecnologías


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In the European context of upgrading the housing stock energy performance, multiple barriers hinder the wide uptake of sustainable retrofitting practices. Moreover, some of these may imply negative effects often disregarded. Policy makers need to identify how to increase and improve retrofitting practices from the comprehensive point of view of sustainability. None of the existing assessment tools addresses all the issues relevant for sustainable development in a local situation from a life cycle perspective. Life cycle sustainability assessment methodology, or LCSA, analyzes environmental and socioeconomic impacts. The environmental part is quite developed, but the socioeconomic aspect is still challenging. This work proposes socioeconomic criteria to be included in a LCSA to assess retrofitting works in the specific context of Brussels-Capital Region. LCSA feasibility and challenging methodology aspects are discussed.


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Advanced composite materials are increasingly used in the strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The use of externally bonded strips made of fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) as strengthening method has gained widespread acceptance in recent years since it has many advantages over the traditional techniques. However, unfortunately, this strengthening method is often associated with a brittle and sudden failure caused by some form of FRP bond failure, originated at the termination of the FRP material or at intermediate areas in the vicinity of flexural cracks in the RC beam. Up to date, little effort in the early prediction of the debonding in its initial instants even though this effect is not noticeable by simple visual observation. An early detection of this phenomenon might help in taking actions to prevent future catastrophes. Fibre-optic Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are able to measure strains locally with high resolution and accuracy. Furthermore, as their physical size is extremely small compared with other strain measuring components, it enables to be embedded at the concrete-FRP interface for determining the strain distribution without influencing the mechanical properties of the host materials. This paper shows the development of a debonding identification methodology based on strains experimentally measured. For, it a simplified model is implemented to simulate the behaviour of FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete beams. This model is taken as a basis to. develop an model updating procedure able to detect minor debonding at the concrete-FRP interface from experimental strains obtained by using FBG sensors embedded at the interface


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This paper develops a model to analyze the upside potential of profitability of the SAREB (“Asset Management Company for Assets Arising from Bank Restructuring”), the Spanish “Bad Bank”. The model is based in the Real Options methodology, that is especially adequate due to the convergence of two elements, (i) depreciated assets with a high upside potential, and (ii) a highly volatile market as it has shown to be the real estate Spanish market. Our results suggest that the SAREB has a higher than expected profitability potentialthat would be dedicated to increase the return to its shareholders, mainly private banks. Consequently we also show that after the financial crisis are emerging two types of banks in Spain, in one hand the losers who are transferring their real estate assets at a deep discount, and in the other hand the winners, capturing the upside potential of those assets as shareholders of SAREB, and consequently consolidating their strength in the Spanish Real Estate Industry. It is worth to mention that Governments should make an effort in properly redistribute the wealth generated by the real Estate industry.


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Urban mobility in Europe is always a responsibility of the municipalities which propose measures to reduce CO2 emissions in terms of mobility aimed at reducing individual private transport (car). The European Commission's Action Plan on Urban Mobility calls for an increase in the take-up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Europe. SUMPs aim to create a sustainable urban transport system. Europe has got some long term initiatives and has been using some evaluation procedures, many of them through European projects. Nevertheless, the weak point with the SUMPs in Spain, has been the lack of concern about the evaluation and the effectiveness of the measures implemented in a SUMP. For this reason, it is difficult to know exactly whether or not the SUMPs have positively influenced in the modal split of the cities, and its contribution to reduce CO2 levels. The case of the City of Burgos is a very illustrative example as it developed a CiViTAS project during the years 2005-2009, with a total investment of 6M?. The results have been considered as ?very successful? even at European level. The modal split has changed considerably for better, The cost-effectiveness ratio of the SUMP in the city can be measured with the CO2 ton saved, specifically 36 ? per CO2 ton saved, which is fully satisfactory and in line with calculations from other European researchers. Additionally, the authors propose a single formula to measure the effectiveness of the activities developed under the umbrella of a SUMP.


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The main problem to study vertical drainage from the moisture distribution, on a vertisol profile, is searching for suitable methods using these procedures. Our aim was to design a digital image processing methodology and its analysis to characterize the moisture content distribution of a vertisol profile. In this research, twelve soil pits were excavated on a ba re Mazic Pellic Vertisols ix of them in May 13/2011 and the rest in May 19 /2011 after a moderate rainfall event. Digital RGB images were taken from each vertisol pit using a Kodak? camera selecting a size of 1600x945 pixels. Each soil image was processed to homogenized brightness and then a spatial filter with several window sizes was applied to select the optimum one. The RGB image obtained were divided in each matrix color selecting the best thresholds for each one, maximum and minimum, to be applied and get a digital binary pattern. This one was analyzed by estimating two fractal scaling exponents box counting dimension D BC) and interface fractal dimension (D) In addition, three pre-fractal scaling coefficients were determinate at maximum resolution: total number of boxes intercepting the foreground pattern (A), fractal lacunarity (?1) and Shannon entropy S1). For all the images processed the spatial filter 9x9 was the optimum based on entropy, cluster and histogram criteria. Thresholds for each color were selected based on bimodal histograms.